def OnPrivateMessage(self, user, message): message = message.lower() sender = user.nickname.lower() if not nickname_in_game(sender): return if message == 'help': send_and_notice(self._bot, sender, '/msg ' + self._bot.nickname + ' (A)pprove or (R)eject to approve or reject the mission.') return if message == 'retract': self.playervotes.pop(sender) return if message == 'approve' or message == 'a': if sender in self.playervotes: self.playervotes.pop(sender) self.playervotes[sender] = 1 elif message == 'reject' or message == 'r': if sender in self.playervotes: self.playervotes.pop(sender) self.playervotes[sender] = 0 numplayers = len(players) if len(self.playervotes) == numplayers: vote = sum(self.playervotes.values()) >= (numplayers / 2.0) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Here is the vote:')) for player in self.playervotes.iterkeys(): playername = get_proper_capitalized_player(player) votetext = 'Yes' if self.playervotes[player] else 'No' self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(playername + ': ' + votetext)) if vote: self._bot.go_to_state('Mission') else: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('The team was rejected!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def on_join(self, event): message = '{0}: {1} [{2}]'.format(format.color(format.bold('Uploaded patch diff'), format.GREEN), format.color(format.bold(self.patch), format.DARK_GRAY), self.address + self.patch.replace(' ', '_') + '#Files_changed' ) self.send_message(, message) self.quit()
def OnEnterState(self): self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('The roles were:')) for player in players: if player in spies: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(player + ' => Spy')) else: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(player + ' => Resistance')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle')
def OnEnterState(self): self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('The roles were:')) for player in players: if player in spies: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(player + ' => Spy')) else: self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold(player + ' => Resistance')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle')
def OnEnterState(self): self.leader = leaderlist[0] team[:] = [] numplayers = len(players) self.teamsize = lookup_team_size(numplayers, roundnum) sabotagesize = lookup_sabotage_size(numplayers, roundnum) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold( 'Round ' + str(roundnum) + '/5. Resistance: ' + str(roundnum-1-failedmissions) + ', Spies: ' + str(failedmissions) + '. Rejected teams this round: ' + str(leaderattempts) + '. Team size: ' + str(self.teamsize) + '. Fails required: ' + str(sabotagesize) + '.')) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold( 'The current leader is ' + get_proper_capitalized_player(self.leader) + '. The order of leaders will be ' + collate_players(leaderlist))) self.send_syntax_to_leader()
def OnPrivateMessage(self, user, message): message = message.lower() global roundnum if user.nickname.lower() not in team: return if message == 'help': send_and_notice( self._bot, user.nickname, '/message (S)uccess or (F)ailure to succeed or fail the mission.' ) return if message == 'retract': self.playervotes.pop(user.nickname.lower()) if message == 'success' or message == 's': self.playervotes[user.nickname.lower()] = 0 elif message == 'failure' or message == 'f': if user.nickname.lower() not in spies: self._bot.send_message( user.nickname, 'Loyal Resistance members should always vote SUCCESS, please vote again.' ) return self.playervotes[user.nickname.lower()] = 1 if len(self.playervotes) == len(team): numfails = sum(self.playervotes.values()) vote = numfails >= lookup_sabotage_size(len(players), roundnum) if vote: global failedmissions failedmissions += 1 resulttext = 'failure' if vote else 'success' votetext = ' vote' if numfails == 1 else ' votes' self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('There were ' + str(numfails) + votetext + ' to sabotage. The mission was a ' + resulttext + '!')) if failedmissions == 3: self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('The game is over. Spies win!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Endgame') elif (roundnum - failedmissions) == 3: self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('The game is over, The Resistance wins!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Endgame') else: roundnum += 1 time.sleep(random.randint(2, 6)) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def cmd_help( self, command, params, event, received="channel" ): """ {0}!X!- Help for commands {0}!X!- List commands {0} <COMMAND>!X!- Help for <COMMAND>""" if len( params ) < 1: self.send_message( event.source, "List of commands:" ) for cmd in self.commands: self.send_message( event.source, format.color( "## ", format.LIME_GREEN ) + '{:<20} {}'.format( *self.commands[ cmd ][1].__doc__.format( format.bold( format_command( cmd, received ) ) ).splitlines()[0].strip().split( "!X!", 1 ) ) ) # split and justify return if params[0].lower() in self.commands: self.send_message( event.source, "Usage info for command {0}:".format( format.bold( params[0] ) ) ) for line in self.commands[ params[0].lower() ][1].__doc__.format( *[ format.bold( format_command( c, received ) ) for c in params ] ).splitlines(): self.send_message( event.source, format.color( "## ", format.LIME_GREEN ) + '{:<35} {}'.format( *line.strip().split( "!X!", 1 ) ) ) # split and justify else: self.send_message( event.source, "Unkown Command {0}.".format( format.bold( params[0] ) ) )
def replace_user(olduser, newuser, bot): # This is a little ugly; we can't replace the underlying user object with the right info # Since there's no way to get hostmask on demand if not nickname_in_game(olduser.nickname) or nickname_in_game(newuser.nickname): return bot.devoice_nick(olduser.nickname, gamechannel) bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Replacing ' + olduser.nickname + ' with ' + newuser.nickname + '.')) players.pop(olduser.nickname.lower()) players[newuser.nickname.lower()] = newuser if olduser.nickname in leaderlist: leaderlist[leaderlist.index(olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() if olduser.nickname in team: team[team.index(olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() if olduser.nickname in spies: spies[spies.index(olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() send_and_notice(bot, newuser.nickname, 'You are an IMPERIAL SPY! The spies are ' + collate_players(spies)) elif != 'Forming': send_and_notice(bot, newuser.nickname, 'You are a loyal member of The Resistance.') if voiced: bot.voice_nick(newuser.nickname, gamechannel)
def respond(bot, event): matches = [] for (ident, (regex, template)) in bot.commands_cache.iteritems(): match = if match: params = match.groupdict() params['nick'] = event.source heappush( matches, (match.start(0), template.safe_substitute(params)) ) if not matches: if event.message.find("http") != -1: br = Browser() try: br.set_handle_robots(False) bot.send_channel_action(bot.config.messages.urltitle, title = format.bold('\"' + br.title() + '\"')) except: return False return True else: return False bot.send_channel_action(matches[0][1]) return True
def cmd_banner( self, command, params, event, received="channel" ): """{0}!X!- Print an ASCII Banner {0} <BANNER>!X!- Print <BANNER> {0} <BANNER> <CHANNEL>!X!- Print <BANNER> in <CHANNEL>""" rec = if received == "private": rec = event.source if len( params ) > 1: rec = params[1] banner = None if params[0] == "text": banner = (format.BLUE, requests.get( "", params={"text": " ".join(params[2:])}).text.splitlines()) elif params[0] == "graffiti": banner = (format.BLUE, requests.get( "", params={"text": " ".join(params[2:]), "font": "graffiti"}).text.splitlines() ) elif params[0] in banners: banner = banners[params[0]] else: self.send_message( rec, format.color( "ERROR:", format.RED ) + " Banner not found" ) return for line in banner[1]: self.send_message( rec, format.color( format.bold( line ), banner[0], format.BLACK ) ) time.sleep( 0.5 )
def cmd_exec( self, command, params, event, received="channel" ): """ {0}!X!- Execute an IRC command {0} <COMMAND> <[PARAMS]>!X!- Execute the IRC command <COMMAND> with parameters <PARAMS>""" self.execute( params[0].upper(), ' '.join( params[1:] ).strip() ) if received == "private": self.send_message( event.source, "Executed" + format.bold( params[0].upper() + ' '.join( params[1:] ) ) )
def replace_user(olduser, newuser, bot): # This is a little ugly; we can't replace the underlying user object with the right info # Since there's no way to get hostmask on demand if not nickname_in_game(olduser.nickname) or nickname_in_game( newuser.nickname): return bot.devoice_nick(olduser.nickname, gamechannel) bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('Replacing ' + olduser.nickname + ' with ' + newuser.nickname + '.')) players.pop(olduser.nickname.lower()) players[newuser.nickname.lower()] = newuser if olduser.nickname in leaderlist: leaderlist[leaderlist.index( olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() if olduser.nickname in team: team[team.index(olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() if olduser.nickname in spies: spies[spies.index(olduser.nickname)] = newuser.nickname.lower() send_and_notice( bot, newuser.nickname, 'You are an IMPERIAL SPY! The spies are ' + collate_players(spies)) elif != 'Forming': send_and_notice(bot, newuser.nickname, 'You are a loyal member of The Resistance.') if voiced: bot.voice_nick(newuser.nickname, gamechannel)
def on_join( self, event ): if event.source != self.nickname: # don't welcome yourself self.send_message(, "Welcome to " + format.color( format.bold( ' LTFU :' ), format.BLACK, format.LIGHT_GRAY ) + format.color( ': hangout ', format.WHITE, format.GREEN ) + ", " + format.bold( event.source ) ) if event.source in self.tell and self.tell[event.source] != False: for m in self.tell[event.source]: self.send_message( m[1], "[{}] {}".format(time.strftime("%H:%M", (m[0])), m[2]) ) self.tell[event.source] = False # False = online but known
def OnEnterState(self): global leaderattempts leaderattempts = 0 self.playervotes = dict() sabotagesize = lookup_sabotage_size(len(players), roundnum) votetext = 'vote is' if sabotagesize == 1 else 'votes are' self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold( 'The team was accepted! Team is ' + collate_players(team) + '. ' + str(sabotagesize) + ' ' + votetext + ' required to fail this mission.')) for player in team: send_and_notice(self._bot, player, '/message (S)uccess or (F)ailure to succeed or fail the mission.')
def OnEnterState(self): self.leader = leaderlist[0] leaderlist.append(leaderlist.pop(0)) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold( get_proper_capitalized_player(self.leader) + ' picked this team: ' + collate_players(team) + '. This is attempt ' + str(leaderattempts) + '. The mission is automatically accepted after 5 attempts.')) if leaderattempts == 5: self._bot.go_to_state('Mission') return for player in players.iterkeys(): send_and_notice(self._bot, player, '/msg ' + self._bot.nickname + ' either (A)pprove or (R)eject to indicate your support or rejection of this mission. Majority rules, ties ruled in favor of the mission.') self.playervotes = dict()
def OnEnterState(self): global voiced voiced = True global leaderattempts leaderattempts = 0 global failedmissions failedmissions = 0 players.clear() send_and_notice(self._bot, gamechannel, textformat.bold('New game forming, type !join to join.'))
def OnPrivateMessage(self, user, message): message = message.lower() global roundnum if user.nickname.lower() not in team: return if message == 'help': send_and_notice(self._bot, user.nickname, '/message (S)uccess or (F)ailure to succeed or fail the mission.') return if message == 'retract': self.playervotes.pop(user.nickname.lower()) if message == 'success' or message == 's': self.playervotes[user.nickname.lower()] = 0 elif message == 'failure' or message == 'f': if user.nickname.lower() not in spies: self._bot.send_message(user.nickname, 'Loyal Resistance members should always vote SUCCESS, please vote again.') return self.playervotes[user.nickname.lower()] = 1 if len(self.playervotes) == len(team): numfails = sum(self.playervotes.values()) vote = numfails >= lookup_sabotage_size(len(players), roundnum) if vote: global failedmissions failedmissions += 1 resulttext = 'failure' if vote else 'success' votetext = ' vote' if numfails == 1 else ' votes' self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('There were ' + str(numfails) + votetext + ' to sabotage. The mission was a ' + resulttext + '!')) if failedmissions == 3: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('The game is over. Spies win!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Endgame') elif (roundnum - failedmissions) == 3: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('The game is over, The Resistance wins!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Endgame') else: roundnum += 1 time.sleep(random.randint(2, 6)) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def OnEnterState(self): global voiced voiced = True global leaderattempts leaderattempts = 0 global failedmissions failedmissions = 0 players.clear() send_and_notice( self._bot, gamechannel, textformat.bold('New game forming, type !join to join.'))
def OnEnterState(self): self.leader = leaderlist[0] team[:] = [] numplayers = len(players) self.teamsize = lookup_team_size(numplayers, roundnum) sabotagesize = lookup_sabotage_size(numplayers, roundnum) self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('Round ' + str(roundnum) + '/5. Resistance: ' + str(roundnum - 1 - failedmissions) + ', Spies: ' + str(failedmissions) + '. Rejected teams this round: ' + str(leaderattempts) + '. Team size: ' + str(self.teamsize) + '. Fails required: ' + str(sabotagesize) + '.')) self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('The current leader is ' + get_proper_capitalized_player(self.leader) + '. The order of leaders will be ' + collate_players(leaderlist))) self.send_syntax_to_leader()
def announce(self, submission, channel): msg = self.MSG_FORMAT.format( url=submission.url, permalink=submission.permalink, shortlink=format.color(submission.short_link[7:], format.RED), subreddit=format.color(text_type(submission.subreddit), format.GREEN), author=format.color(text_type(, format.GREEN), title=submission.title, ).encode("utf-8") msg = format.color(re.sub("\s+", " ", msg).strip(), format.GREEN) if debug: print(msg) msg = format.bold(msg) self.send_action(channel, msg)
def OnPrivateMessage(self, user, message): message = message.lower() sender = user.nickname.lower() if not nickname_in_game(sender): return if message == 'help': send_and_notice( self._bot, sender, '/msg ' + self._bot.nickname + ' (A)pprove or (R)eject to approve or reject the mission.') return if message == 'retract': self.playervotes.pop(sender) return if message == 'approve' or message == 'a': if sender in self.playervotes: self.playervotes.pop(sender) self.playervotes[sender] = 1 elif message == 'reject' or message == 'r': if sender in self.playervotes: self.playervotes.pop(sender) self.playervotes[sender] = 0 numplayers = len(players) if len(self.playervotes) == numplayers: vote = sum(self.playervotes.values()) >= (numplayers / 2.0) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Here is the vote:')) for player in self.playervotes.iterkeys(): playername = get_proper_capitalized_player(player) votetext = 'Yes' if self.playervotes[player] else 'No' self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold(playername + ': ' + votetext)) if vote: self._bot.go_to_state('Mission') else: self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('The team was rejected!')) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def OnChannelMessage(self, user, channel, message): message = message.lower() playing = nickname_in_game(user.nickname) if message == '!cancel': self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game cancelled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle') return elif message == '!join': if not playing: players[user.nickname.lower()] = user self._bot.voice_nick(user.nickname, gamechannel) return elif message == "!leave": if playing: players.pop(user.nickname.lower()) self._bot.devoice_nick(user.nickname, gamechannel) if len(players) == 0: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game cancelled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle') return elif message == '!formed': if len(players) < minplayers or len(players) > maxplayers: playertext = 'is 1 player' if len(players) == 1 else 'are ' + str(len(players)) + ' players' self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('There ' + playertext + ' in the game. Need between ' + str(minplayers) + ' and ' + str(maxplayers) + ' to start.')) return else: global roundnum roundnum = 1 self._bot.moderate_channel(gamechannel) numplayers = len(players) numspies = lookup_num_spies(numplayers) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game formed with ' + str(numspies) + ' spies and ' + str(numplayers - numspies) + ' + Resistance members.')) leaderlist[:] = [] for player in players.iterkeys(): leaderlist.append(player) random.shuffle(leaderlist) spies[:] = leaderlist[:numspies] for player in spies: send_and_notice(self._bot, player, 'You are an IMPERIAL SPY! The spies are ' + collate_players(spies)) for player in leaderlist[numspies:]: send_and_notice(self._bot, player, 'You are a loyal member of The Resistance.') random.shuffle(leaderlist) text = "Team size by round: " + ', '.join(get_team_grid(numplayers)) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(text)) text = "Number of fails needed by round: " + ', '.join(get_sabotage_grid(numplayers)) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(text)) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def OnEnterState(self): global leaderattempts leaderattempts = 0 self.playervotes = dict() sabotagesize = lookup_sabotage_size(len(players), roundnum) votetext = 'vote is' if sabotagesize == 1 else 'votes are' self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('The team was accepted! Team is ' + collate_players(team) + '. ' + str(sabotagesize) + ' ' + votetext + ' required to fail this mission.')) for player in team: send_and_notice( self._bot, player, '/message (S)uccess or (F)ailure to succeed or fail the mission.' )
def OnEnterState(self): self.leader = leaderlist[0] leaderlist.append(leaderlist.pop(0)) self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold( get_proper_capitalized_player(self.leader) + ' picked this team: ' + collate_players(team) + '. This is attempt ' + str(leaderattempts) + '. The mission is automatically accepted after 5 attempts.')) if leaderattempts == 5: self._bot.go_to_state('Mission') return for player in players.iterkeys(): send_and_notice( self._bot, player, '/msg ' + self._bot.nickname + ' either (A)pprove or (R)eject to indicate your support or rejection of this mission. Majority rules, ties ruled in favor of the mission.' ) self.playervotes = dict()
def on_private_message( self, event ): message = event.message.split() command = message[0].upper() params = message[1:] if command.lower() in self.commands: ( level, func ) = self.commands[ command.lower() ] for name in self.channelusers[next(iter(self.channels))]: # FIXME: random channel if protocol.strip_name_symbol( name ) == event.source: break # name is now's name ulevel = 0 if name[0] in self.access: # do not handle 'empty' users ulevel = self.access[ name[0] ] if ulevel < self.access[ level ]: self.send_message( event.source, format.color( "ERROR:", format.RED ) + " You are not allowed to use the " + format.bold( command ) + " Command" ) return func( self, command, params, event, received="private" ) # tell the function this was a private message and call it
def on_channel_message( self, event ): message = event.message.split() command = message[0] params = message[1:] if len( command ) == 1: # skip single !'s and stuff return if command[0] == "!": # only handle commands directed to us... command = command[1:].lower() if command in self.commands: # ... that exist ( level, func ) = self.commands[ command ] for name in self.channelusers[ ]: if protocol.strip_name_symbol( name ) == event.source: break # name is now's name ulevel = 0 if name[0] in self.access: # do not handle 'empty' users ulevel = self.access[ name[0] ] if ulevel < self.access[ level ]: self.send_message(, format.color( "ERROR:", format.RED ) + " You are not allowed to use the " + format.bold( command ) + " Command" ) return func( self, command, params, event )
def on_join( self, event ): if event.source != self.nickname: # don't welcome yourself self.send_message(, "Welcome to " + format.color( format.bold( ' LTFU :' ), format.BLACK, format.LIGHT_GRAY ) + format.color( ': hangout ', format.WHITE, format.GREEN ) + ", " + format.bold( event.source ) )
def OnChannelMessage(self, user, channel, message): message = message.lower() playing = nickname_in_game(user.nickname) if message == '!cancel': self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game cancelled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle') return elif message == '!join': if not playing: players[user.nickname.lower()] = user self._bot.voice_nick(user.nickname, gamechannel) return elif message == "!leave": if playing: players.pop(user.nickname.lower()) self._bot.devoice_nick(user.nickname, gamechannel) if len(players) == 0: self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game cancelled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle') return elif message == '!formed': if len(players) < minplayers or len(players) > maxplayers: playertext = 'is 1 player' if len( players) == 1 else 'are ' + str(len(players)) + ' players' self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('There ' + playertext + ' in the game. Need between ' + str(minplayers) + ' and ' + str(maxplayers) + ' to start.')) return else: global roundnum roundnum = 1 self._bot.moderate_channel(gamechannel) numplayers = len(players) numspies = lookup_num_spies(numplayers) self._bot.send_message( gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game formed with ' + str(numspies) + ' spies and ' + str(numplayers - numspies) + ' + Resistance members.')) leaderlist[:] = [] for player in players.iterkeys(): leaderlist.append(player) random.shuffle(leaderlist) spies[:] = leaderlist[:numspies] for player in spies: send_and_notice( self._bot, player, 'You are an IMPERIAL SPY! The spies are ' + collate_players(spies)) for player in leaderlist[numspies:]: send_and_notice( self._bot, player, 'You are a loyal member of The Resistance.') random.shuffle(leaderlist) text = "Team size by round: " + ', '.join( get_team_grid(numplayers)) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(text)) text = "Number of fails needed by round: " + ', '.join( get_sabotage_grid(numplayers)) self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold(text)) self._bot.go_to_state('Leading')
def OnLeaveState(self): self._bot.send_message_all_channels( textformat.bold( 'Turning back on. Type !newgame to start a new game.'))
def OnLeaveState(self): self._bot.send_message_all_channels(textformat.bold('Turning back on. Type !newgame to start a new game.'))
def OnEnterState(self): self._bot.send_message_all_channels(textformat.bold('Turning off. Cancelling any game in progress.'))
def OnEnterState(self): self._bot.send_message_all_channels( textformat.bold('Turning off. Cancelling any game in progress.'))
def announce_arrival(bot, event): if not (event.source == bot.nickname): return False bot.send_channel_action(format.bold(bot.config.messages.announce_arrival)) return True
def on_channel_message( self, event ): message = event.message.split() command = message[0] params = message[1:] self.currentNick = event.source if event.source not in self.tell: self.tell[event.source] = False if command[0] == "!": # only handle commands directed to us... if len( command ) == 1: # skip single !'s and stuff return command = command[1:].lower() if command in self.commands: # ... that exist ( level, func ) = self.commands[ command ] for name in self.channelusers[ ]: if protocol.strip_name_symbol( name ) == event.source: break # name is now's name ulevel = 0 if name[0] in self.access: # do not handle 'empty' users ulevel = self.access[ name[0] ] if ulevel < self.access[ level ]: self.send_message(, format.color( "ERROR:", format.RED ) + " You are not allowed to use the " + format.bold( command ) + " Command" ) return func( self, command, params, event ) elif self.tellre.match(event.message): nick = self.tellre.match(event.message).groups()[0] if nick in self.tell and self.tell[nick] != False: # known but nont online self.tell[nick].append((time.gmtime(),, "{}: {}".format(event.source, format.color(event.message, format.GREEN)))) self.send_message(, "I'll pass that on to {}".format(nick))
def OnChannelMessage(self, user, channel, message): if is_owner(user) and message.lower() == '!nullgame' and != 'Off': self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game nulled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle')
def OnChannelMessage(self, user, channel, message): if is_owner(user) and message.lower( ) == '!nullgame' and != 'Off': self._bot.send_message(gamechannel, textformat.bold('Game nulled.')) self._bot.go_to_state('Idle')