Beispiel #1
def InterpRule(list, ObjectGram):
    ''' InterpRule should receive list of form
         [keyword RSKEY,
          keyword COLKEY,
          keyword LTKEY,
    # check keywords:
    if len(list)!=6 or list[0]!=RSKEY or list[2]!=COLKEY or list[4]!=LTKEY:
        raise FlowError, "unexpected meta rule reduction form"
    ruleName = list[1]
    ruleNonterm = list[3]
    ruleBody = list[5]
    # upcase the the representation of keywords if needed
    if not ObjectGram.LexD.isCaseSensitive():
        for i in range(0,len(ruleBody)):
            (flag, name) = ruleBody[i]
            if flag == KEYFLAG:
                ruleBody[i] = (KEYFLAG, string.upper(name))
            elif not flag in (TERMFLAG, NONTERMFLAG):
                raise FlowError, "unexpected rule body member"
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule( ruleNonterm, ruleBody )
    rule.Name = ruleName
    return rule
Beispiel #2
def ruleGrammar():
    ''' function to generate a grammar for parsing grammar rules
    LexD = kjParser.LexDictionary()
    # use SQL/Ansi style comments
    LexD.comment( COMMENTFORM )
    # declare keywords
    RStart = LexD.keyword( RSKEY )
    TwoColons = LexD.keyword( COLKEY )
    LeadsTo = LexD.keyword( LTKEY )
    # declare terminals
    ident = LexD.terminal(IDNAME, IDFORM, IdentFun )
    # declare nonterminals
    Root = kjParser.nonterminal("Root")
    Rulelist = kjParser.nonterminal("RuleList")
    Rule = kjParser.nonterminal("Rule")
    RuleName = kjParser.nonterminal("RuleName")
    NonTerm = kjParser.nonterminal("NonTerm")
    Body = kjParser.nonterminal("Body")

    # declare rules
    #   Root >> NonTerm :: Rulelist
    InitRule = kjParser.ParseRule( Root, \
                [NonTerm, TwoColons, Rulelist], RootReduction )
    #   Rulelist >>
    RLNull = kjParser.ParseRule( Rulelist, [], NullRuleList)
    #   Rulelist >> Rule Rulelist
    RLFull = kjParser.ParseRule( Rulelist, [Rule,Rulelist], FullRuleList)
    #   Rule >> "@R :: NonTerm >> Body
    RuleR = kjParser.ParseRule( Rule, \
       [RStart, RuleName, TwoColons, NonTerm, LeadsTo, Body],\
    #   Rulename >> ident
    RuleNameR = kjParser.ParseRule( RuleName, [ident], InterpRuleName)
    #   NonTerm >> ident
    NonTermR = kjParser.ParseRule( NonTerm, [ident], InterpNonTerm)
    #   Body >>
    BodyNull = kjParser.ParseRule( Body, [], NullBody)
    #   Body >> ident Body
    BodyFull = kjParser.ParseRule( Body, [ident,Body], FullBody)

    # declare Rules list and Associated Name dictionary
    Rules = [RLNull, RLFull, RuleR, RuleNameR, NonTermR,\
                 BodyNull, BodyFull, InitRule]
    RuleDict = \
     { "RLNull":0, "RLFull":1, "RuleR":2, "RuleNameR":3, \
       "NonTermR":4, "BodyNull":5, "BodyFull":6 , "InitRule":7 }
    # make the RuleSet and compute the associate DFA
    RuleSet = Ruleset( Root, Rules )
    # construct the Grammar object
    Result = kjParser.Grammar( LexD, RuleSet.DFA, Rules, RuleDict )
    return Result
Beispiel #3
def GRAMMAR():

    # ******************************BEGIN RECONSTRUCTION
    # Python declaration of Grammar variable LispG.
    # automatically generated by module kjParser.
    # Altering this sequence by hand will probably
    # leave it unusable.
    import kjParser

    # variable declaration:
    LispG = kjParser.NullGrammar()

    # case sensitivity behavior for keywords.

    # declaration of lexical dictionary.
    LispG.LexD.punctuationlist = '().'
    # now comment patterns
    # now define tokens
    LispG.IndexToToken[0] = kjParser.nonterminal('ListTail')
    LispG.IndexToToken[1] = kjParser.termrep('int')
    LispG.IndexToToken[2] = kjParser.nonterminal('Value')
    LispG.IndexToToken[3] = LispG.LexD.keyword('(')
    LispG.IndexToToken[4] = kjParser.termrep('*')
    LispG.IndexToToken[5] = LispG.LexD.keyword(')')
    LispG.IndexToToken[6] = LispG.LexD.keyword('SETQ')
    LispG.IndexToToken[7] = LispG.LexD.keyword('PRINT')
    LispG.IndexToToken[8] = kjParser.termrep('str')
    LispG.IndexToToken[9] = kjParser.termrep('var')

    # declaration of rule list with names.
    LispG.RuleL = [None] * 8
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-6, '('), (-6, 'SETQ'),
                                              (-8, 'var'), (-7, 'Value'),
                                              (-6, ')')])
    name = 'SetqRule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[0] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 0
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-6, '('), (-7, 'ListTail')])
    name = 'ListRule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[1] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 1
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'ListTail'), [(-7, 'Value'),
                                                 (-7, 'ListTail')])
    name = 'TailFull'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[2] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 2
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'ListTail'), [(-6, ')')])
    name = 'TailEmpty'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[3] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 3
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-8, 'var')])
    name = 'Varrule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[4] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 4
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-8, 'int')])
    name = 'Intrule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[5] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 5
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-8, 'str')])
    name = 'Strrule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[6] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 6
    rule = kjParser.ParseRule((-7, 'Value'), [(-6, '('), (-6, 'PRINT'),
                                              (-7, 'Value'), (-6, ')')])
    name = 'PrintRule'
    rule.Name = name
    LispG.RuleL[7] = rule
    LispG.RuleNameToIndex[name] = 7

    # DFA root nonterminal.
    LispG.DFA.root_nonTerminal = (-7, 'Value')

    # DFA state declarations.
    LispG.DFA.States[1] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[2] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[3] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[4] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[5] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[6] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[7] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[8] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[9] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[10] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[11] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[12] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[13] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[14] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[15] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[16] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.States[17] = [-5]
    LispG.DFA.maxState = 17

    # DFA transition declarations.
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(7, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(13, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[0], 8)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 11)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(7, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(13, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(1, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(9, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 13)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[7], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(1, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[0], 14)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(13, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 11)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(7, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[6], 9)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(7, LispG.IndexToToken[2], 12)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(16, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 17)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[2], 10)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(12, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 15)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(8, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 1)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(13, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(6, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 5)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(13, LispG.IndexToToken[2], 16)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(15, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 7)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(10, LispG.IndexToToken[2], 10)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(1, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(4, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 6)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[1], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(5, LispG.IndexToToken[9], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(3, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(1, LispG.IndexToToken[3], 3)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(17, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 0)
    LispG.DFA.SetMap(7, LispG.IndexToToken[8], 4)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(14, LispG.IndexToToken[5], 2)
    LispG.DFA.SetReduction(11, LispG.IndexToToken[4], 3)

    # Clean up the grammar.

    # return the grammar.
    return LispG
Beispiel #4
 def echo(x): return x
 # simple grammar stolen from a text
 LD0 = kjParser.LexDictionary()
 id = LD0.terminal("id","id",echo)
 plus = LD0.punctuation("+")
 star = LD0.punctuation("*")
 oppar = LD0.punctuation("(")
 clpar = LD0.punctuation(")")
 equals = LD0.punctuation("=")
 E = kjParser.nonterminal("E")
 T = kjParser.nonterminal("T")
 Tp = kjParser.nonterminal("Tp")
 Ep = kjParser.nonterminal("Ep")
 F = kjParser.nonterminal("F")
 rule1 = kjParser.ParseRule( E, [ T, Ep ] )
 rule2 = kjParser.ParseRule( Ep, [ plus, T, Ep ] )
 rule3 = kjParser.ParseRule( Ep, [ ] )
 rule4 = kjParser.ParseRule( T, [ F, Tp ] )
 rule5 = kjParser.ParseRule( Tp, [ star, F, Tp ] )
 rule6 = kjParser.ParseRule( Tp, [ ] )
 rule7 = kjParser.ParseRule( F, [ oppar, E, clpar ] )
 rule8 = kjParser.ParseRule( F, [ id ] )
 rl0 = [ rule1, rule2, rule3, rule4, rule5, rule6, rule7,rule8]
 rs0 = ruleset(E, rl0)
 Firstpairs = kjSet.GetPairs(rs0.First)
 Followpairs = kjSet.GetPairs(rs0.Follow)