Beispiel #1
async def handle_resource_watching_cause(
        lifecycle: lifecycles.LifeCycleFn,
        registry: registries.OperatorRegistry,
        memory: containers.ResourceMemory,
        cause: causation.ResourceWatchingCause,
) -> None:
    Handle a received event, log but ignore all errors.

    This is a lightweight version of the cause handling, but for the raw events,
    without any progress persistence. Multi-step calls are also not supported.
    If the handler fails, it fails and is never retried.

    Note: K8s-event posting is skipped for `kopf.on.event` handlers,
    as they should be silent. Still, the messages are logged normally.
    handlers = registry.get_resource_watching_handlers(cause=cause)
    outcomes = await _execute_handlers(

    # Store the results, but not the handlers' progress.
    states.deliver_results(outcomes=outcomes, patch=cause.patch)
Beispiel #2
async def execute(
    fns: Optional[Iterable[invocation.Invokable]] = None,
    handlers: Optional[Iterable[handlers_.ResourceHandler]] = None,
    registry: Optional[registries.ResourceChangingRegistry] = None,
    lifecycle: Optional[lifecycles.LifeCycleFn] = None,
    cause: Optional[causation.BaseCause] = None,
) -> None:
    Execute the handlers in an isolated lifecycle.

    This function is just a public wrapper for `execute` with multiple
    ways to specify the handlers: either as the raw functions, or as the
    pre-created handlers, or as a registry (as used in the object handling).

    If no explicit functions or handlers or registry are passed,
    the sub-handlers of the current handler are assumed, as accumulated
    in the per-handler registry with ``@kopf.on.this``.

    If the call to this method for the sub-handlers is not done explicitly
    in the handler, it is done implicitly after the handler is exited.
    One way or another, it is executed for the sub-handlers.

    # Restore the current context as set in the handler execution cycle.
    lifecycle = lifecycle if lifecycle is not None else sublifecycle_var.get()
    cause = cause if cause is not None else cause_var.get()
    parent_handler: handlers_.BaseHandler = handler_var.get()
    parent_prefix = if parent_handler is not None else None

    # Validate the inputs; the function signatures cannot put these kind of restrictions, so we do.
    if len([v for v in [fns, handlers, registry] if v is not None]) > 1:
        raise TypeError(
            "Only one of the fns, handlers, registry can be passed. Got more.")

    elif fns is not None and isinstance(fns,
        subregistry = registries.ResourceChangingRegistry(prefix=parent_prefix)
        for id, fn in fns.items():
            subregistry.register(fn=fn, id=id)

    elif fns is not None and isinstance(fns,
        subregistry = registries.ResourceChangingRegistry(prefix=parent_prefix)
        for fn in fns:

    elif fns is not None:
        raise ValueError(
            f"fns must be a mapping or an iterable, got {fns.__class__}.")

    elif handlers is not None:
        subregistry = registries.ResourceChangingRegistry(prefix=parent_prefix)
        for handler in handlers:

    # Use the registry as is; assume that the caller knows what they do.
    elif registry is not None:
        subregistry = registry

    # Prevent double implicit execution.
    elif subexecuted_var.get():

    # If no explicit args were passed, implicitly use the accumulated handlers from `@kopf.on.this`.
        subregistry = subregistry_var.get()

    # The sub-handlers are only for upper-level causes, not for lower-level events.
    if not isinstance(cause, causation.ResourceChangingCause):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Sub-handlers of event-handlers are not supported and have "
            "no practical use (there are no retries or state tracking).")

    # Execute the real handlers (all or few or one of them, as per the lifecycle).
    subhandlers = subregistry.get_handlers(cause=cause)
    state = states.State.from_body(body=cause.body, handlers=subhandlers)
    outcomes = await execute_handlers_once(
    state = state.with_outcomes(outcomes)
    states.deliver_results(outcomes=outcomes, patch=cause.patch)

    # Escalate `HandlerChildrenRetry` if the execute should be continued on the next iteration.
    if not state.done:
        raise HandlerChildrenRetry(delay=state.delay)
Beispiel #3
def test_store_result(handler, expected_patch, result):
    patch = {}
    outcomes = { HandlerOutcome(final=True, result=result)}
    deliver_results(outcomes=outcomes, patch=patch)
    assert patch == expected_patch
Beispiel #4
async def handle_resource_changing_cause(
        lifecycle: lifecycles.LifeCycleFn,
        registry: registries.OperatorRegistry,
        memory: containers.ResourceMemory,
        cause: causation.ResourceChangingCause,
) -> Optional[float]:
    Handle a detected cause, as part of the bigger handler routine.
    logger = cause.logger
    patch = cause.patch  # TODO get rid of this alias
    body = cause.body  # TODO get rid of this alias
    delay = None
    done = None
    skip = None

    # Regular causes invoke the handlers.
    if cause.reason in causation.HANDLER_REASONS:
        title = causation.TITLES.get(cause.reason, repr(cause.reason))
        logger.debug(f"{title.capitalize()} event: %r", body)
        if cause.diff and cause.old is not None and is not None:
            logger.debug(f"{title.capitalize()} diff: %r", cause.diff)

        handlers = registry.get_resource_changing_handlers(cause=cause)
        state = states.State.from_body(body=cause.body, handlers=handlers)
        if handlers:
            outcomes = await _execute_handlers(
            state = state.with_outcomes(outcomes)
            states.deliver_results(outcomes=outcomes, patch=cause.patch)

            if state.done:
      "All handlers succeeded for {title}.")
                state.purge(patch=cause.patch, body=cause.body)

            done = state.done
            delay = state.delay
            skip = True

    # Regular causes also do some implicit post-handling when all handlers are done.
    if done or skip:
        extra_fields = registry.get_extra_fields(resource=cause.resource)
        lastseen.refresh_essence(body=body, patch=patch, extra_fields=extra_fields)
        if cause.reason == causation.Reason.DELETE:
            logger.debug("Removing the finalizer, thus allowing the actual deletion.")
            finalizers.remove_finalizers(body=body, patch=patch)

        # Once all handlers have succeeded at least once for any reason, or if there were none,
        # prevent further resume-handlers (which otherwise happens on each watch-stream re-listing).
        memory.fully_handled_once = True

    # Informational causes just print the log lines.
    if cause.reason == causation.Reason.GONE:
        logger.debug("Deleted, really deleted, and we are notified.")

    if cause.reason == causation.Reason.FREE:
        logger.debug("Deletion event, but we are done with it, and we do not care.")

    if cause.reason == causation.Reason.NOOP:
        logger.debug("Something has changed, but we are not interested (the essence is the same).")

    # For the case of a newly created object, or one that doesn't have the correct
    # finalizers, lock it to this operator. Not all newly created objects will
    # produce an 'ACQUIRE' causation event. This only happens when there are
    # mandatory deletion handlers registered for the given object, i.e. if finalizers
    # are required.
    if cause.reason == causation.Reason.ACQUIRE:
        logger.debug("Adding the finalizer, thus preventing the actual deletion.")
        finalizers.append_finalizers(body=body, patch=patch)

    # Remove finalizers from an object, since the object currently has finalizers, but
    # shouldn't, thus releasing the locking of the object to this operator.
    if cause.reason == causation.Reason.RELEASE:
        logger.debug("Removing the finalizer, as there are no handlers requiring it.")
        finalizers.remove_finalizers(body=body, patch=patch)

    # The delay is then consumed by the main handling routine (in different ways).
    return delay