Beispiel #1
    def test_get_time__str(self):
        """Test get_time method passing a string as parameter."""
        date = get_time("2000-01-01T00:30:00")

        self.assertEqual(date.year, 2000)
        self.assertEqual(date.month, 1)
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(date.hour, 0)
        self.assertEqual(date.minute, 30)
        self.assertEqual(date.second, 0)
Beispiel #2
    def test_get_time__dict(self):
        """Test get_time method passing a dict as parameter."""
        date = get_time({
            "year": 2000,
            "month": 1,
            "day": 1,
            "hour": 00,
            "minute": 30,
            "second": 00

        self.assertEqual(date.year, 2000)
        self.assertEqual(date.month, 1)
        self.assertEqual(, 1)
        self.assertEqual(date.hour, 0)
        self.assertEqual(date.minute, 30)
        self.assertEqual(date.second, 0)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, dpid, connection=None, features=None):
        """Contructor of switches have the below parameters.

          dpid (|DPID|): datapath_id of the switch
          connection (:class:`~.Connection`): Connection used by switch.
          features (|features_reply|): FeaturesReply instance.

        self.dpid = dpid
        self.connection = connection
        self.features = features
        self.firstseen = now()
        self.lastseen = get_time("0001-01-01T00:00:00")
        self.sent_xid = None
        self.waiting_for_reply = False
        self.request_timestamp = 0
        #: Dict associating mac addresses to switch ports.
        #:      the key of this dict is a mac_address, and the value is a set
        #:      containing the ports of this switch in which that mac can be
        #:      found.
        self.mac2port = {}
        #: This flood_table will keep track of flood packets to avoid over
        #:     flooding on the network. Its key is a hash composed by
        #:     (eth_type, mac_src, mac_dst) and the value is the timestamp of
        #:     the last flood.
        self.flood_table = {}
        self.interfaces = {}
        self.flows = []
        self.description = {}
        self._interface_lock = Lock()

        if connection:
            connection.switch = self

Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, controller, **kwargs):
        """Create an EVC instance with the provided parameters.

            id(str): EVC identifier. Whether it's None an ID will be genereted.
                     Only the first 14 bytes passed will be used.
            name: represents an EVC name.(Required)
            uni_a (UNI): Endpoint A for User Network Interface.(Required)
            uni_z (UNI): Endpoint Z for User Network Interface.(Required)
            start_date(datetime|str): Date when the EVC was registred.
                                      Default is now().
            end_date(datetime|str): Final date that the EVC will be fineshed.
                                    Default is None.
            bandwidth(int): Bandwidth used by EVC instance. Default is 0.
            primary_links(list): Primary links used by evc. Default is []
            backup_links(list): Backups links used by evc. Default is []
            current_path(list): Circuit being used at the moment if this is an
                                active circuit. Default is [].
            primary_path(list): primary circuit offered to user IF one or more
                                links were provided. Default is [].
            backup_path(list): backup circuit offered to the user IF one or
                               more links were provided. Default is [].
            dynamic_backup_path(bool): Enable computer backup path dynamically.
                                       Dafault is False.
            creation_time(datetime|str): datetime when the circuit should be
                                         activated. default is now().
            enabled(Boolean): attribute to indicate the administrative state;
                              default is False.
            active(Boolean): attribute to indicate the operational state;
                             default is False.
            archived(Boolean): indicate the EVC has been deleted and is
                               archived; default is False.
            owner(str): The EVC owner. Default is None.
            priority(int): Service level provided in the request. Default is 0.

            ValueError: raised when object attributes are invalid.


        # required attributes
        self._id = kwargs.get('id', uuid4().hex)[:14]
        self.uni_a = kwargs.get('uni_a')
        self.uni_z = kwargs.get('uni_z') = kwargs.get('name')

        # optional attributes
        self.start_date = get_time(kwargs.get('start_date')) or now()
        self.end_date = get_time(kwargs.get('end_date')) or None
        self.queue_id = kwargs.get('queue_id', None)

        self.bandwidth = kwargs.get('bandwidth', 0)
        self.primary_links = Path(kwargs.get('primary_links', []))
        self.backup_links = Path(kwargs.get('backup_links', []))
        self.current_path = Path(kwargs.get('current_path', []))
        self.primary_path = Path(kwargs.get('primary_path', []))
        self.backup_path = Path(kwargs.get('backup_path', []))
        self.dynamic_backup_path = kwargs.get('dynamic_backup_path', False)
        self.creation_time = get_time(kwargs.get('creation_time')) or now()
        self.owner = kwargs.get('owner', None)
        self.priority = kwargs.get('priority', 0)
        self.circuit_scheduler = kwargs.get('circuit_scheduler', [])

        self.current_links_cache = set()
        self.primary_links_cache = set()
        self.backup_links_cache = set()

        self.lock = Lock()

        self.archived = kwargs.get('archived', False)

        self._storehouse = StoreHouse(controller)

        if kwargs.get('active', False):

        if kwargs.get('enabled', False):

        # datetime of user request for a EVC (or datetime when object was
        # created)
        self.request_time = kwargs.get('request_time', now())
        # dict with the user original request (input)
        self._requested = kwargs
Beispiel #5
    def test_get_time__none(self):
        """Test get_time method by not passing a parameter."""
        date = get_time()
