def test_component_output_fields(Comp):
    """Check that required output fields exist with correct dtypes and locations"""
        pytest.skip("component explicitly excluded")

    component_name = Comp._name
    grid = RasterModelGrid((10, 10))

    _add_input_fields_to_grid(Comp, grid)

    for name, meta in Comp._info.items():
        if meta["intent"].endswith("out") and not meta["optional"]:
            at = meta["mapping"]
            if name not in grid[at]:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"{component_name} is missing output variable: {name} at {at}"

            expected_dtype = meta["dtype"]
            actual_dtype = grid[at][name].dtype

            if actual_dtype != expected_dtype:
                raise FieldError(
                    f"{component_name} output required variable: {name} at {at} has "
                    f"incorrect dtype. dtype must be {expected_dtype} and is "
Beispiel #2
        def _wrapped(grid, vals, *args, **kwds):
            """Convert the second argument to an array."""
            if isinstance(vals, str):
                if vals in grid[self._at]:
                    vals = grid[self._at][vals]
                    raise FieldError(vals)
                vals = np.asarray(vals).flatten()

            return func(grid, vals, *args, **kwds)
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, grid, channel__mask=None, **kwds):
        """Initialize the DrainageDensity component.

        grid : ModelGrid
            Landlab ModelGrid object
        channel__mask : array, optional (default is None)
            Array that holds 1's where channels exist and 0's elsewhere
        if channel__mask is not None:
            if grid.number_of_nodes != len(channel__mask):
                raise ValueError('Length of channel mask is not equal to '
                                 'number of grid nodes')
            if 'channel__mask' in grid.at_node:
                warn("Existing channel__mask grid field was overwritten.")

            grid.at_node['channel__mask'] = channel__mask

        required = ('flow__receiver_node', 'flow__link_to_receiver_node',
        for name in required:
            if name not in grid.at_node:
                raise FieldError(
                    '{name}: missing required field'.format(name=name))

        # Store grid
        self._grid = grid

        # for this component to work with Cython acceleration,
        # the channel_network must be uint8, not bool...
        self.channel_network = (grid.at_node['channel__mask'].view(

        # Flow receivers
        self.flow_receivers = grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node']

        # Links to receiver nodes
        self.stack_links = grid.at_node['flow__link_to_receiver_node']

        # Distance to channel
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.at_node[
        except KeyError:
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.add_zeros(
                'surface_to_channel__minimum_distance', at='node', dtype=float)
Beispiel #4
        def _wrapped(grid, vals, *args, **kwds):
            """Convert the second argument to an array."""
            if isinstance(vals, six.string_types):
                if vals in grid[self._at]:
                    vals = grid[self._at][vals]
                    raise FieldError(vals)
                expected_size = grid.size(self._at)
                vals = np.asarray(vals).flatten()
                if vals.size == 1:
                    vals = np.broadcast_to(vals, (expected_size, ))

                if vals.size != expected_size:
                    raise ValueError(
                        ("Array passed to function decorated with "
                         "use_field_name_array_or_value is not "
                         "the size of fields at " + self._at))
            return func(grid, vals, *args, **kwds)
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the DrainageDensity component.

        grid : ModelGrid
        channel__mask : Array that holds 1's where
            channels exist and 0's elsewhere
        area_coefficient : coefficient to multiply drainage area by,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        slope_coefficient : coefficient to multiply slope by,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        area_exponent : exponent to raise drainage area to,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        slope_exponent : exponent to raise slope to,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        channelization_threshold : threshold value above
            which channels exist
        # Store grid
        self._grid = grid

        for name in _REQUIRED_FIELDS:
            if name not in grid.at_node:
                raise FieldError(
                    "{name}: missing required field".format(name=name))

        if grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"].size != grid.size("node"):
            msg = ("A route-to-multiple flow director has been "
                   "run on this grid. The landlab development team has not "
                   "verified that DrainageDensity is compatible with "
                   "route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue "
                   "to start this process.")
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        if channel__mask is not None:
            if area_coefficient is not None:
                warn("Channel mask and area "
                     "coefficient supplied. Defaulting "
                     "to channel mask, ignoring area "
            if slope_coefficient is not None:
                warn("Channel mask and slope "
                     "coefficient supplied. Defaulting "
                     "to channel mask, ignoring slope "
            if area_exponent is not None:
                warn("Channel mask and area "
                     "exponent supplied. Defaulting "
                     "to channel mask, ignoring area "
            if slope_exponent is not None:
                warn("Channel mask and slope "
                     "exponent supplied. Defaulting "
                     "to channel mask, ignoring slope "
            if channelization_threshold is not None:
                warn("Channel mask and channelization "
                     "threshold supplied. Defaulting "
                     "to channel mask, ignoring "
            if grid.number_of_nodes != len(channel__mask):
                raise ValueError("Length of channel mask is not equal to "
                                 "number of grid nodes")

            if "channel__mask" in grid.at_node:
                warn("Existing channel__mask grid field was overwritten.")

            if channel__mask.dtype.type is not np.uint8:
                raise ValueError("mask must by np.uint8")

            self._mask_as_array = True
            self._update_channel_mask = self._update_channel_mask_array
            grid.at_node["channel__mask"] = channel__mask

        if channel__mask is None:
            if area_coefficient is None:
                raise ValueError("No channel mask and no area "
                                 "coefficient supplied. Either "
                                 "a channel mask or all 5 threshold "
                                 "parameters are needed.")
            if slope_coefficient is None:
                raise ValueError("No channel mask and no slope "
                                 "coefficient supplied. Either "
                                 "a channel mask or all 5 threshold "
                                 "parameters are needed.")
            if area_exponent is None:
                raise ValueError("No channel mask and no area "
                                 "exponent supplied. Either "
                                 "a channel mask or all 5 threshold "
                                 "parameters are needed.")
            if slope_exponent is None:
                raise ValueError("No channel mask and no slope "
                                 "exponent supplied. Either "
                                 "a channel mask or all 5 threshold "
                                 "parameters are needed.")
            if channelization_threshold is None:
                raise ValueError("No channel mask and no channelization "
                                 "threshold supplied. Either "
                                 "a channel mask or all 5 threshold "
                                 "parameters are needed.")

            self._mask_as_array = False
            self._update_channel_mask = self._update_channel_mask_values
            self._area_coefficient = area_coefficient
            self._slope_coefficient = slope_coefficient
            self._area_exponent = area_exponent
            self._slope_exponent = slope_exponent
            self._channelization_threshold = channelization_threshold


        # for this component to work with Cython acceleration,
        # the channel_network must be uint8, not bool...
        self._channel_network = grid.at_node["channel__mask"]

        # Flow receivers
        self._flow_receivers = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"]

        # Links to receiver nodes
        self._stack_links = grid.at_node["flow__link_to_receiver_node"]

        # Upstream node order
        self._upstream_order = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]

        # Distance to channel
        if "surface_to_channel__minimum_distance" in grid.at_node:
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.at_node[
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.add_zeros(
                "surface_to_channel__minimum_distance", at="node", dtype=float)
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the DrainageDensity component.

        grid : ModelGrid
        channel__mask : Array that holds 1's where
            channels exist and 0's elsewhere
        area_coefficient : coefficient to multiply drainage area by,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        slope_coefficient : coefficient to multiply slope by,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        area_exponent : exponent to raise drainage area to,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        slope_exponent : exponent to raise slope to,
            for calculating channelization threshold
        channelization_threshold : threshold value above
            which channels exist
        if (grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node'].size != grid.size('node')):
            msg = ('A route-to-multiple flow director has been '
                   'run on this grid. The landlab development team has not '
                   'verified that DrainageDensity is compatible with '
                   'route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue '
                   'to start this process.')
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

        if channel__mask is not None:
            if area_coefficient is not None:
                warn('Channel mask and area '
                     'coefficient supplied. Defaulting '
                     'to channel mask, ignoring area '
            if slope_coefficient is not None:
                warn('Channel mask and slope '
                     'coefficient supplied. Defaulting '
                     'to channel mask, ignoring slope '
            if area_exponent is not None:
                warn('Channel mask and area '
                     'exponent supplied. Defaulting '
                     'to channel mask, ignoring area '
            if slope_exponent is not None:
                warn('Channel mask and slope '
                     'exponent supplied. Defaulting '
                     'to channel mask, ignoring slope '
            if channelization_threshold is not None:
                warn('Channel mask and channelization '
                     'threshold supplied. Defaulting '
                     'to channel mask, ignoring '
            if grid.number_of_nodes != len(channel__mask):
                raise ValueError('Length of channel mask is not equal to '
                                 'number of grid nodes')
            if 'channel__mask' in grid.at_node:
                warn("Existing channel__mask grid field was overwritten.")

            grid.at_node['channel__mask'] = channel__mask

        if channel__mask is None:
            if area_coefficient is None:
                raise FieldError('No channel mask and no area '
                                 'coefficient supplied. Either '
                                 'a channel mask or all 5 threshold '
                                 'parameters are needed.')
            if slope_coefficient is None:
                raise FieldError('No channel mask and no slope '
                                 'coefficient supplied. Either '
                                 'a channel mask or all 5 threshold '
                                 'parameters are needed.')
            if area_exponent is None:
                raise FieldError('No channel mask and no area '
                                 'exponent supplied. Either '
                                 'a channel mask or all 5 threshold '
                                 'parameters are needed.')
            if slope_exponent is None:
                raise FieldError('No channel mask and no slope '
                                 'exponent supplied. Either '
                                 'a channel mask or all 5 threshold '
                                 'parameters are needed.')
            if channelization_threshold is None:
                raise FieldError('No channel mask and no channelization '
                                 'threshold supplied. Either '
                                 'a channel mask or all 5 threshold '
                                 'parameters are needed.')
            channel__mask = (area_coefficient * \
                np.power(grid.at_node['drainage_area'], area_exponent) \
                * slope_coefficient * \
                np.power(grid.at_node['topographic__steepest_slope'], \
                slope_exponent)) > channelization_threshold
            grid.at_node['channel__mask'] = channel__mask

        required = ('flow__receiver_node', 'flow__link_to_receiver_node',
        for name in required:
            if name not in grid.at_node:
                raise FieldError(
                    '{name}: missing required field'.format(name=name))

        # Store grid
        self._grid = grid

        # for this component to work with Cython acceleration,
        # the channel_network must be uint8, not bool...
        self.channel_network = (grid.at_node['channel__mask'].view(

        # Flow receivers
        self.flow_receivers = grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node']

        # Links to receiver nodes
        self.stack_links = grid.at_node['flow__link_to_receiver_node']

        # Distance to channel
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.at_node[
        except KeyError:
            self.distance_to_channel = grid.add_zeros(
                'surface_to_channel__minimum_distance', at='node', dtype=float)
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(
        """Initialize the FlowAccumulator component.

        Saves the grid, tests grid type, tests input types and
        compatibility for the flow_metric and depression_finder
        keyword arguments, tests the argument of runoff, and
        initializes new fields.
        super(PriorityFloodFlowRouter, self).__init__(grid)
        # Keep a local reference to the grid

        self._suppress_output = partial(
            suppress_output, out=suppress_out, err=suppress_out

        # STEP 1: Testing of input values, supplied either in function call or
        # as part of the grid.
        self._test_water_inputs(grid, runoff_rate)

        # Grid type testing
        if not isinstance(self._grid, RasterModelGrid):
            raise FieldError(
                "Flow Accumulator Priority flood only works with regular raster grids, "
                "use default Landlab flow accumulator instead"

        node_cell_area = self._grid.cell_area_at_node.copy()
        node_cell_area[self._grid.closed_boundary_nodes] = 0.0
        self._node_cell_area = node_cell_area
        self._runoff_rate = runoff_rate

        if (flow_metric in PSINGLE_FMs) or (flow_metric in PMULTIPLE_FMs):
            self._flow_metric = flow_metric
            raise ValueError(
                f"flow metric should be one of these single flow directors : {', '.join(PSINGLE_FMs)} or multiple flow directors: {', '.join(PMULTIPLE_FMs)}"
        if (hill_flow_metric in PSINGLE_FMs) or (hill_flow_metric in PMULTIPLE_FMs):
            self._hill_flow_metric = hill_flow_metric
            raise ValueError(
                f"flow metric should be one of these single flow directors : {', '.join(PSINGLE_FMs)} or multiple flow directors: {', '.join(PMULTIPLE_FMs)}"

        if depression_handler == "fill":
            self._depression_handler = partial(
                rd.FillDepressions, epsilon=epsilon, in_place=True
        elif depression_handler == "breach":
            self._depression_handler = partial(rd.BreachDepressions, in_place=True)
            raise ValueError("depression_handler should be one of 'fill' or 'breach'")

        self._exponent = exponent
        self._separate_hill_flow = separate_hill_flow
        self._update_hill_flow_instantaneous = update_hill_flow_instantaneous

        self._update_flow_depressions = update_flow_depressions
        self._update_hill_depressions = update_hill_depressions

        self._hill_exponent = hill_exponent

        if self._separate_hill_flow:
            # Adjust dict
            self._info["hill_drainage_area"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_flow__upstream_node_order"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_flow__receiver_node"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_topographic__steepest_slope"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_flow__receiver_proportions"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_drainage_area"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_flow__upstream_node_order"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_flow__receiver_node"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_topographic__steepest_slope"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_flow__receiver_proportions"]["optional"] = True

        self._accumulate_flow = accumulate_flow
        self._accumulate_flow_hill = accumulate_flow_hill

        if not self._accumulate_flow:
            self._info["drainage_area"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["drainage_area"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = False

        if not self._accumulate_flow_hill:
            self._info["hill_drainage_area"]["optional"] = True
            self._info["hill_surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = True

            self._info["hill_drainage_area"]["optional"] = False
            self._info["hill_surface_water__discharge"]["optional"] = False


        # Make aliases
        if self._accumulate_flow:
            self._drainage_area = self.grid.at_node["drainage_area"]
            self._discharges = self.grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"]
        self._sort = self.grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]
        # if multiple flow algorithm is made, the dimensions of the slope and receiver fields change (8 colums for all neightbors)
        if flow_metric in PMULTIPLE_FMs:
            self.grid.at_node["topographic__steepest_slope"] = np.zeros(
                (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8)
            self.grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"] = np.zeros(
                (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8), dtype=int
            self.grid.at_node["flow__receiver_proportions"] = np.zeros(
                (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8)
            self.grid.at_node["flow__link_to_receiver_node"] = np.zeros(
                (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8)
        self._slope = self.grid.at_node["topographic__steepest_slope"]
        self._rcvs = self.grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"]
        self._prps = self.grid.at_node["flow__receiver_proportions"]
        self._recvr_link = self.grid.at_node["flow__link_to_receiver_node"]

        if self._separate_hill_flow:
            if self._accumulate_flow_hill:
                self._hill_drainage_area = self.grid.at_node["hill_drainage_area"]
                self._hill_discharges = self.grid.at_node[
            if hill_flow_metric in PMULTIPLE_FMs:
                self.grid.at_node["hill_topographic__steepest_slope"] = np.zeros(
                    (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8)
                self.grid.at_node["hill_flow__receiver_node"] = np.zeros(
                    (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8), dtype=int
                self.grid.at_node["hill_flow__receiver_proportions"] = np.zeros(
                    (self.grid.number_of_nodes, 8)
            self._hill_slope = self.grid.at_node["hill_topographic__steepest_slope"]
            self._hill_rcvs = self.grid.at_node["hill_flow__receiver_node"]
            self._hill_prps = self.grid.at_node["hill_flow__receiver_proportions"]

        # Create properties specific to RichDEM
Beispiel #8
    def __init__(
        """Initialize the FlowAccumulator component.

        Saves the grid, tests grid type, tests imput types and
        compatability for the flow_director and depression_finder
        keyword arguments, tests the argument of runoff_rate, and
        initializes new fields.
        super(FlowAccumulator, self).__init__(grid)
        # Keep a local reference to the grid

        # Grid type testing
        self._is_raster = isinstance(self._grid, RasterModelGrid)
        self._is_Voroni = isinstance(self._grid, VoronoiDelaunayGrid)
        self._is_Network = isinstance(self._grid, NetworkModelGrid)
        self._kwargs = kwargs

        # STEP 1: Testing of input values, supplied either in function call or
        # as part of the grid.
        self._test_water_inputs(grid, runoff_rate)

        # save elevations and node_cell_area to class properites.
        self._surface = surface
        self._surface_values = return_array_at_node(grid, surface)

        if self._is_Network:
                node_cell_area = self._grid.at_node["cell_area_at_node"]
            except FieldError:
                raise FieldError(
                    "In order for the FlowAccumulator to work, the "
                    "grid must have an at-node field called "
            node_cell_area = self._grid.cell_area_at_node.copy()
            node_cell_area[self._grid.closed_boundary_nodes] = 0.0

        self._node_cell_area = node_cell_area

        # STEP 2:
        # identify Flow Director method, save name, import and initialize the correct
        # flow director component if necessary

        # This component will track of the following variables.
        # Attempt to create each, if they already exist, assign the existing
        # version to the local copy.

        #   - drainage area at each node
        #   - receiver of each node
        #   - delta array


        self._drainage_area = grid.at_node["drainage_area"]
        self._discharges = grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"]

        self._upstream_ordered_nodes = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]
        if np.all(self._upstream_ordered_nodes == 0):

        self._delta_structure = grid.at_node["flow__data_structure_delta"]
        if np.all(self._delta_structure == 0):
            self._delta_structure[:] = self._grid.BAD_INDEX

        self._D_structure = self._grid.BAD_INDEX * grid.ones(at="link", dtype=int)
        self._nodes_not_in_stack = True

        if len(self._kwargs) > 0:
            kwdstr = " ".join(list(self._kwargs.keys()))
            raise ValueError(
                "Extra kwargs passed to FlowAccumulator:{kwds}".format(kwds=kwdstr)
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the FlowAccumulator component.

        Saves the grid, tests grid type, tests imput types and
        compatability for the flow_director and depression_finder
        keyword arguments, tests the argument of runoff_rate, and
        initializes new fields.
        super(FlowAccumulator, self).__init__(grid)
        # Keep a local reference to the grid
        self._grid = grid

        # Grid type testing
        self._is_raster = isinstance(self._grid, RasterModelGrid)
        self._is_Voroni = isinstance(self._grid, VoronoiDelaunayGrid)
        self._is_Network = isinstance(self._grid, NetworkModelGrid)
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        # STEP 1: Testing of input values, supplied either in function call or
        # as part of the grid.
        self._test_water_inputs(grid, runoff_rate)

        # save elevations and node_cell_area to class properites.
        self.surface = surface
        self.surface_values = return_array_at_node(grid, surface)

        if self._is_Network:
                node_cell_area = self._grid.at_node["cell_area_at_node"]
            except FieldError:
                raise FieldError(
                    "In order for the FlowAccumulator to work, the "
                    "grid must have an at-node field called "
            node_cell_area = self._grid.cell_area_at_node.copy()
            node_cell_area[self._grid.closed_boundary_nodes] = 0.

        self.node_cell_area = node_cell_area

        # STEP 2:
        # identify Flow Director method, save name, import and initialize the correct
        # flow director component if necessary

        # This component will track of the following variables.
        # Attempt to create each, if they already exist, assign the existing
        # version to the local copy.

        #   - drainage area at each node
        #   - receiver of each node
        #   - D array
        #   - delta array
        #   - missing nodes in stack.
        if "drainage_area" not in grid.at_node:
            self.drainage_area = grid.add_zeros("drainage_area",
            self.drainage_area = grid.at_node["drainage_area"]

        if "surface_water__discharge" not in grid.at_node:
            self.discharges = grid.add_zeros("surface_water__discharge",
            self.discharges = grid.at_node["surface_water__discharge"]

        if "flow__upstream_node_order" not in grid.at_node:
            self.upstream_ordered_nodes = grid.add_field(
                BAD_INDEX_VALUE * grid.ones(at="node", dtype=int),
            self.upstream_ordered_nodes = grid.at_node[

        if "flow__data_structure_delta" not in grid.at_node:
            self.delta_structure = grid.add_field(
                BAD_INDEX_VALUE * grid.ones(at="node", dtype=int),
            self.delta_structure = grid.at_node["flow__data_structure_delta"]

            D = BAD_INDEX_VALUE * grid.ones(at="link", dtype=int)
            D_structure = np.array([D], dtype=object)
            self.D_structure = grid.add_field(

        except FieldError:
            self.D_structure = grid.at_grid["flow__data_structure_D"]

        self.nodes_not_in_stack = True
Beispiel #10
def calculate_flow__distance(grid, add_to_grid=False, noclobber=True):
    Calculate the along flow distance from node to outlet.

    This utility calculates the along flow distance based on the results of
    running flow accumulation on the grid. It will use the connectivity
    used by the FlowAccumulator (e.g. D4, D8, Dinf).

    grid : ModelGrid
    add_to_grid : boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the stream length field should be added to the
        grid. Default is False. The field name used is ``flow__distance``.
    noclobber : boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if adding the field to the grid should not clobber an
        existing field with the same name. Default is True.

    flow__distance : float ndarray
        The distance that has to be covered from an imaginary flow, located in
        each node of the grid, to reach the watershed's outlet.

    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.flow__distance import calculate_flow__distance
    >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), spacing=(1, 1))
    >>> elev = np.array([0.,  0.,  0., 0.,
    ...                  0., 21., 10., 0.,
    ...                  0., 31., 20., 0.,
    ...                  0., 32., 30., 0.,
    ...                  0.,  0.,  0., 0.])
    >>> _ = mg.add_field('node','topographic__elevation', elev)
    >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(bottom_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        left_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        right_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        top_is_closed=True)
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(mg, flow_director = 'D8')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> flow__distance = calculate_flow__distance(mg, add_to_grid=True, noclobber=False)
    >>> mg.at_node['flow__distance']
    array([ 0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
            0.        ,  1.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,
            0.        ,  1.41421356,  1.        ,  0.        ,
            0.        ,  2.41421356,  2.        ,  0.        ,
            0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ,  0.        ])

    Now, let's change to D4 the flow_director method, which does not
    consider diagonal links bewtween nodes.

    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.flow__distance import calculate_flow__distance
    >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), spacing=(1, 1))
    >>> elev = np.array([0.,  0.,  0., 0.,
    ...                  0., 21., 10., 0.,
    ...                  0., 31., 20., 0.,
    ...                  0., 32., 30., 0.,
    ...                  0.,  0.,  0., 0.])
    >>> _ = mg.add_field('node','topographic__elevation', elev)
    >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(bottom_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        left_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        right_is_closed=True,
    ...                                        top_is_closed=True)
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(mg, flow_director = 'D4')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> flow__distance = calculate_flow__distance(mg, add_to_grid=True,
    ...                                          noclobber=False)
    >>> mg.at_node['flow__distance']
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  1.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  2.,  1.,  0.,
            0.,  3.,  2.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

    The flow__distance utility can also work on irregular grids. For the example we
    will use a Hexagonal Model Grid, a special type of Voroni Grid that has
    regularly spaced hexagonal cells.

    >>> from landlab import HexModelGrid, FIXED_VALUE_BOUNDARY, CLOSED_BOUNDARY
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.flow__distance import calculate_flow__distance
    >>> dx = 1
    >>> hmg = HexModelGrid(5,3, dx)
    >>> _ = hmg.add_field('topographic__elevation',
    ...                   hmg.node_x + np.round(hmg.node_y),
    ...                   at = 'node')
    >>> hmg.status_at_node[hmg.boundary_nodes] = CLOSED_BOUNDARY
    >>> hmg.status_at_node[0] = FIXED_VALUE_BOUNDARY
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(hmg, flow_director = 'D4')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> flow__distance = calculate_flow__distance(hmg,
    ...                                           add_to_grid=True,
    ...                                           noclobber=False)
    >>> hmg.at_node['flow__distance']
    array([ 0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  1.,  2.,  0.,
            0.,  2.,  2.,  3.,  0.,
            0.,  3.,  3.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.])
    # check that flow__receiver nodes exists
    if "flow__receiver_node" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError("A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
                         "nodes of the input grid.")
    if "flow__upstream_node_order" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError(
            "A 'flow__upstream_node_order' field is required at the "
            "nodes of the input grid.")

    # get the reciever nodes, depending on if this is to-one, or to-multiple,
    # we'll need to get a different at-node field.
    if grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"].size != grid.size("node"):
        to_one = False
        to_one = True
    flow__receiver_node = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"]

    # get the upstream node order
    flow__upstream_node_order = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]

    # get downstream flow link lengths, result depends on type of grid.
    if isinstance(grid, RasterModelGrid):
        flow_link_lengths = grid.length_of_d8[
        flow_link_lengths = grid.length_of_link[

    # create an array that representes the outlet lengths.
    flow__distance = np.zeros(grid.nodes.size)

    # iterate through the flow__upstream_node_order, this will already have
    # identified the locations of the outlet nodes and have
    for node in flow__upstream_node_order:

        # get flow recievers
        reciever = flow__receiver_node[node]

        # assess if this is a to one (D8/D4) or to multiple (Dinf, MFD)
        # flow directing method.
        if to_one:
            potential_outlet = reciever
            # if this is an outlet, the first element of the recievers will be
            # the nodes ID.
            potential_outlet = reciever[0]

        # assess if this is an outlet or not.
        if potential_outlet == node:
            not_outlet = False
            not_outlet = True

        # if not an outlet
        if not_outlet:

            # deal with the two cases of route to one and route to multiple.
            if to_one:
                # get the stream length of the downstream node
                downstream_stream_length = flow__distance[reciever]

                # get the stream segment length from this node to its downstream
                # neigbor
                stream_increment_length = flow_link_lengths[node]

                # non-existant links are coded with -1
                useable_recievers = np.where(reciever != BAD_INDEX_VALUE)[0]

                # we will have the stream flow to the downstream node with the
                # shortest distance to the outlet.
                # in the event of a tie, we will choose the shorter link length.

                # get the flow distances of the downstream nodes
                potential_downstream_stream_lengths = flow__distance[

                # get the stream segment lengths from this node to its downstream
                # neighbor
                potential_stream_increment_lengths = flow_link_lengths[node][

                # get the lowest downstream stream length.
                downstream_stream_length = np.min(

                # determine which of the stream increments flowed to this
                # downstream neighbor.
                which_link = np.where(potential_downstream_stream_lengths ==

                # and choose the smallest of these links.
                stream_increment_length = np.min(

            # set the total stream length of this node
                node] = downstream_stream_length + stream_increment_length

    # store on the grid
    if add_to_grid:

    return flow__distance
Beispiel #11
def get_watershed_mask(grid, outlet_id):
    Get the watershed of an outlet returned as a boolean array.

    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A landlab RasterModelGrid.
    outlet_id : integer
        The id of the outlet node.

    watershed_mask : boolean ndarray
        True elements of this array correspond to nodes with flow that is
        received by the outlet. The length of the array is equal to the grid
        number of nodes.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils import get_watershed_mask

    >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((7, 7), 1)
    >>> z = np.array([
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    26.,     0.,    30.,    32.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    28.,     1.,    25.,    28.,    32., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    30.,     3.,     3.,    11.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    32.,    11.,    25.,    18.,    38., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    34.,    32.,    34.,    36.,    40., -9999.,
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.])
    >>> rmg.at_node['topographic__elevation'] = z

    Only the bottom boundary is set to open.
    >>> rmg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False)
    >>> rmg.set_fixed_value_boundaries_at_grid_edges(False, False, False, True)

    Route flow.
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(rmg, flow_director='D8')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()

    >>> get_watershed_mask(rmg, 2)
    array([False, False,  True, False, False, False, False, False, False,
            True, False, False, False, False, False,  True,  True,  True,
            True,  True, False, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True,
           False, False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False, False,
            True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False, False, False, False,
           False, False, False, False], dtype=bool)
    if 'flow__receiver_node' not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError("A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
                         "nodes of the input grid.")

    if (grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node'].size != grid.size('node')):
        msg = ('A route-to-multiple flow director has been '
               'run on this grid. The landlab development team has not '
               'verified that get_watershed_mask is compatible with '
               'route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue '
               'to start this process.')
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    grid_nodes = grid.nodes.flatten()
    receiver_at_node = grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node']

    # Prepare output.
    watershed_mask = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=bool)

    for node in grid_nodes:
        # Follow flow path of each node.
        receiver_node = receiver_at_node[node]
        outlet_not_found = True

        while outlet_not_found:
            node_flows_to_outlet = any([receiver_node == outlet_id,
                                        receiver_at_node[receiver_node] ==
            node_is_outlet = node == outlet_id

            if node_flows_to_outlet or node_is_outlet:
                watershed_mask[node] = True
                outlet_not_found = False

                receiver_node = receiver_at_node[receiver_node]

                if receiver_node == receiver_at_node[receiver_node]:
                    # Receiver_node is a pit.
                    outlet_not_found = False

    return watershed_mask
Beispiel #12
def get_watershed_outlet(grid, source_node_id):
    Get the downstream-most node (the outlet) of the source node.

    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A landlab RasterModelGrid.
    source_node_id : integer
        The id of the node in which to identify its outlet.

    outlet_node : integer
        The id of the node that is the downstream-most node (the outlet) of the
        source node.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils import get_watershed_outlet

    >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((7, 7), 1)
    >>> z = np.array([
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    26.,     0.,    30.,    32.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    28.,     1.,    25.,    28.,    32., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    30.,     3.,     3.,    11.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    32.,    11.,    25.,    18.,    38., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    34.,    32.,    34.,    36.,    40., -9999.,
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.])

    >>> rmg.at_node['topographic__elevation'] = z
    >>> imposed_outlet = 2
    >>> rmg.set_watershed_boundary_condition_outlet_id(imposed_outlet, z,
    ...                                                nodata_value=-9999.)

    Route flow.
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(rmg, flow_director='D8')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()

    Get the grid watershed outlet.
    >>> determined_outlet = get_watershed_outlet(rmg, 40)
    >>> determined_outlet == imposed_outlet
    if 'flow__receiver_node' not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError("A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
                         "nodes of the input grid.")

    if (grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node'].size != grid.size('node')):
        msg = ('A route-to-multiple flow director has been '
               'run on this grid. The landlab development team has not '
               'verified that get_watershed_outlet is compatible with '
               'route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue '
               'to start this process.')
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    receiver_at_node = grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node']
    receiver_node = receiver_at_node[source_node_id]
    outlet_not_found = True

    while outlet_not_found:
        node_is_outlet = receiver_node == source_node_id
        node_is_boundary = grid.node_is_boundary(receiver_node)
        node_is_pit = receiver_node == receiver_at_node[receiver_node]

        if node_is_outlet or node_is_boundary or node_is_pit:
            outlet_not_found = False
            outlet_node = receiver_node
            receiver_node = receiver_at_node[receiver_node]

    return outlet_node
Beispiel #13
def calculate_distance_to_divide(
    grid, longest_path=True, add_to_grid=False, noclobber=True
    Calculate the along flow distance from drainage divide to point.

    This utility calculates the along flow distance based on the results of
    running flow accumulation on the grid. It will use the connectivity
    used by the FlowAccumulator (e.g. D4, D8, Dinf).

    grid : ModelGrid
    longest_path : bool, optional
        Take the longest (or shortest) path to a drainage divide. Default is
    add_to_grid : boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if the stream length field should be added to the
        grid. Default is False. The field name used is ``distance_to_divide``.
    noclobber : boolean, optional
        Flag to indicate if adding the field to the grid should not clobber an
        existing field with the same name. Default is True.

    distance_to_divide : float ndarray
        The distance that has to be covered from an imaginary flow, located in
        each node of the grid, to reach the watershed's outlet.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.distance_to_divide import (
    ...     calculate_distance_to_divide)
    >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4))
    >>> elev = np.array([0.,  0.,  0., 0.,
    ...                  0., 10., 10., 0.,
    ...                  0., 20., 20., 0.,
    ...                  0., 30., 30., 0.,
    ...                  0.,  0.,  0., 0.])
    >>> _ = mg.add_field('node','topographic__elevation', elev)
    >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(
    ...     bottom_is_closed=False,
    ...     left_is_closed=True,
    ...     right_is_closed=True,
    ...     top_is_closed=True)
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(mg, flow_director = 'D8')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> distance_to_divide = calculate_distance_to_divide(
    ...     mg,
    ...     add_to_grid=True,
    ...     noclobber=False)
    >>> mg.at_node['distance_to_divide']
    array([ 0.,  3.,  3.,  0.,
            0.,  2.,  2.,  0.,
            0.,  1.,  1.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

    Now, let's change to MFD the flow_director method, which routes flow to
    multiple nodes.

    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.distance_to_divide import (
    ...     calculate_distance_to_divide)
    >>> mg = RasterModelGrid((5, 4), xy_spacing=(1, 1))
    >>> elev = np.array([0.,  0.,  0., 0.,
    ...                  0., 10., 10., 0.,
    ...                  0., 20., 20., 0.,
    ...                  0., 30., 30., 0.,
    ...                  0.,  0.,  0., 0.])
    >>> _ = mg.add_field('node','topographic__elevation', elev)
    >>> mg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(
    ...     bottom_is_closed=False,
    ...     left_is_closed=True,
    ...     right_is_closed=True,
    ...     top_is_closed=True)
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(mg, flow_director = 'MFD')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> distance_to_divide = calculate_distance_to_divide(
    ...     mg,
    ...     add_to_grid=True,
    ...     noclobber=False)
    >>> mg.at_node['distance_to_divide']
    array([ 0.,  3.,  3.,  0.,
            0.,  2.,  2.,  0.,
            0.,  1.,  1.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.,  0.])

    The distance_to_divide utility can also work on irregular grids. For the
    example we will use a Hexagonal Model Grid, a special type of Voroni Grid
    that has regularly spaced hexagonal cells.

    >>> from landlab import HexModelGrid, FIXED_VALUE_BOUNDARY, CLOSED_BOUNDARY
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils.distance_to_divide import (
    ...     calculate_distance_to_divide)
    >>> dx = 1
    >>> hmg = HexModelGrid(5,3, dx)
    >>> _ = hmg.add_field('topographic__elevation',
    ...                   hmg.node_x + np.round(hmg.node_y),
    ...                   at = 'node')
    >>> hmg.status_at_node[hmg.boundary_nodes] = CLOSED_BOUNDARY
    >>> hmg.status_at_node[0] = FIXED_VALUE_BOUNDARY
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(hmg, flow_director = 'D4')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()
    >>> distance_to_divide = calculate_distance_to_divide(
    ...     hmg,
    ...     add_to_grid=True,
    ...     noclobber=False)
    >>> hmg.at_node['distance_to_divide']
    array([ 3.,  0.,  0.,
         0.,  2.,  1.,  0.,
       0.,  1.,  1.,  0.,  0.,
         0.,   0.,  0.,  0.,
            0.,  0.,  0.])
    # check that flow__receiver nodes exists
    if "flow__receiver_node" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError(
            "A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
            "nodes of the input grid."

    if "flow__upstream_node_order" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError(
            "A 'flow__upstream_node_order' field is required at the "
            "nodes of the input grid."

    if "drainage_area" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError(
            "A 'flow__upstream_node_order' field is required at the "
            "nodes of the input grid."

    # get the reciever nodes, depending on if this is to-one, or to-multiple,
    # we'll need to get a different at-node field.
    if grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"].size != grid.size("node"):
        to_one = False
        to_one = True

    flow__receiver_node = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"]
    drainage_area = grid.at_node["drainage_area"]

    # get the upstream node order
    flow__upstream_node_order = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]

    # get downstream flow link lengths, result depends on type of grid.
    if isinstance(grid, RasterModelGrid):
        flow_link_lengths = grid.length_of_d8[
        flow_link_lengths = grid.length_of_link[

    # create an array that representes the distance to the divide.
    distance_to_divide = np.zeros(grid.nodes.size)

    if not longest_path:
        distance_to_divide[:] = 2 * grid.size("node") * np.max(flow_link_lengths)

    # iterate through the flow__upstream_node_order backwards.
    for node in reversed(flow__upstream_node_order):

        # if drainage are is equal to node cell area, set distance to zeros
        # this should handle the drainage divide cells as boundary cells have
        # their area set to zero.
        if drainage_area[node] == grid.cell_area_at_node[node]:
            distance_to_divide[node] = 0

        # get flow recievers
        reciever = flow__receiver_node[node]

        if to_one:
            # if not processing an outlet node.
            if reciever != node:

                if longest_path:
                    cond = (
                        < distance_to_divide[node] + flow_link_lengths[node]
                    cond = (
                        > distance_to_divide[node] + flow_link_lengths[node]

                if cond:
                    distance_to_divide[reciever] = (
                        distance_to_divide[node] + flow_link_lengths[node]

            # non-existant links are coded with -1
            useable_recievers = np.where(reciever != BAD_INDEX_VALUE)[0]

            for idx in range(len(useable_recievers)):
                r = reciever[useable_recievers][idx]
                fll = flow_link_lengths[node][useable_recievers][idx]

                # if not processing an outlet node.
                if r != node:

                    if longest_path:
                        cond = distance_to_divide[r] < distance_to_divide[node] + fll
                        cond = distance_to_divide[r] > distance_to_divide[node] + fll

                    if cond:
                        distance_to_divide[r] = distance_to_divide[node] + fll

    # store on the grid
    if add_to_grid:
            "node", "distance_to_divide", distance_to_divide, noclobber=noclobber

    return distance_to_divide
Beispiel #14
def test_component_metadata(Comp):
    if not in (
        grid = RasterModelGrid((10, 10))

        # verify that we can create it
        for name in Comp._info.keys():
            if "in" in Comp._info[name]["intent"]:
                at = Comp.var_loc(name)
                dtype = Comp.var_type(name)
                if at == "grid":
                    grid.at_grid[name] = 0
                    grid.add_zeros(at, name, dtype=dtype)

        _ = Comp(grid)

        # verify that all output fields are made
        for name in Comp._info.keys():
            if "out" in Comp._info[name]["intent"]:
                if not Comp._info[name]["optional"]:
                    at = Comp._info[name]["mapping"]
                    if name not in grid[at]:
                        raise ValueError(
                            "{component} is missing output variable: {name} at {at}".format(
                                component=Comp._name, name=name, at=at

                    field = grid[at][name]
                    dtype = Comp._info[name]["dtype"]

                        assert field.dtype == dtype
                    except AssertionError:
                        raise FieldError(
                            "{component} output required variable: {name} at {at} has incorrect dtype. dtype must be {dtype} and is {actual}".format(

        # verify all info exist:
        for name in Comp._info.keys():
            info = Comp._info[name].copy()
            at = Comp._info[name]["mapping"]
            for attribute in _REQ_ATTRS:
                if attribute in info:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "{component} is missing attribute {attribute} about variable: {name} at {at}".format(
                            component=Comp._name, name=name, at=at, attribute=attribute

            if len(info) > 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "{component} has an extra attribute {attribute} about variable: {name} at {at}".format(
                        component=Comp._name, name=name, at=at, attribute=attribute

            # TODO: Verify that all units are UDUNITS compatible.

            # TODO: Verify that all dtypes are valid.

            # TODO: Verify that all mappings are valid grid locations.
            if Comp._info[name]["mapping"] not in _VALID_LOCS:
                raise ValueError(
                    "{component} mapping for variable: {name} is invalid: {at}".format(
                        component=Comp._name, name=name, at=at, attribute=attribute
Beispiel #15
def get_watershed_outlet(grid, source_node_id):
    Get the downstream-most node (the outlet) of the source node.

    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A landlab RasterModelGrid.
    source_node_id : integer
        The id of the node in which to identify its outlet.

    outlet_node : integer
        The id of the node that is the downstream-most node (the outlet) of the
        source node.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowRouter
    >>> from landlab.utils import get_watershed_outlet

    >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((7, 7), 1)
    >>> z = np.array([
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    26.,     0.,    30.,    32.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    28.,     1.,    25.,    28.,    32., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    30.,     3.,     3.,    11.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    32.,    11.,    25.,    18.,    38., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    34.,    32.,    34.,    36.,    40., -9999.,
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.])

    >>> rmg.at_node['topographic__elevation'] = z
    >>> imposed_outlet = 2
    >>> rmg.set_watershed_boundary_condition_outlet_id(imposed_outlet, z,
    ...                                                nodata_value=-9999.)

    Route flow.
    >>> fr = FlowRouter(rmg)
    >>> fr.run_one_step()

    Get the grid watershed outlet.
    >>> determined_outlet = get_watershed_outlet(rmg, 40)
    >>> determined_outlet == imposed_outlet
    if 'flow__receiver_node' not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError("A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
                         "nodes of the input grid.")

    receiver_at_node = grid.at_node['flow__receiver_node']
    receiver_node = receiver_at_node[source_node_id]
    outlet_not_found = True

    while outlet_not_found:
        node_is_outlet = receiver_node == source_node_id
        node_is_boundary = grid.node_is_boundary(receiver_node)
        node_is_pit = receiver_node == receiver_at_node[receiver_node]

        if node_is_outlet or node_is_boundary or node_is_pit:
            outlet_not_found = False
            outlet_node = receiver_node
            receiver_node = receiver_at_node[receiver_node]

    return outlet_node
Beispiel #16
def get_watershed_mask(grid, outlet_id):
    """Get the watershed of an outlet returned as a boolean array.

    grid : RasterModelGrid
        A landlab RasterModelGrid.
    outlet_id : integer
        The id of the outlet node.

    watershed_mask : boolean ndarray
        True elements of this array correspond to nodes with flow that is
        received by the outlet. The length of the array is equal to the grid
        number of nodes.


    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from landlab import RasterModelGrid
    >>> from landlab.components import FlowAccumulator
    >>> from landlab.utils import get_watershed_mask

    >>> rmg = RasterModelGrid((7, 7))
    >>> z = np.array([
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    26.,     0.,    30.,    32.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    28.,     1.,    25.,    28.,    32., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    30.,     3.,     3.,    11.,    34., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    32.,    11.,    25.,    18.,    38., -9999.,
    ...     -9999.,    34.,    32.,    34.,    36.,    40., -9999.,
    ...     -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999., -9999.])
    >>> rmg.at_node['topographic__elevation'] = z

    Only the bottom boundary is set to open.
    >>> rmg.set_closed_boundaries_at_grid_edges(True, True, True, False)
    >>> rmg.set_fixed_value_boundaries_at_grid_edges(False, False, False, True)

    Route flow.
    >>> fr = FlowAccumulator(rmg, flow_director='D8')
    >>> fr.run_one_step()

    >>> get_watershed_mask(rmg, 2).reshape(rmg.shape)
    array([[False, False,  True, False, False, False, False],
           [False, False,  True, False, False, False, False],
           [False,  True,  True,  True, True,  True,  False],
           [False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False],
           [False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False],
           [False,  True,  True,  True,  True,  True, False],
           [False, False, False, False, False, False, False]], dtype=bool)
    if "flow__receiver_node" not in grid.at_node:
        raise FieldError("A 'flow__receiver_node' field is required at the "
                         "nodes of the input grid.")

    if grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"].size != grid.size("node"):
        msg = ("A route-to-multiple flow director has been "
               "run on this grid. The landlab development team has not "
               "verified that get_watershed_mask is compatible with "
               "route-to-multiple methods. Please open a GitHub Issue "
               "to start this process.")
        raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    receiver_at_node = grid.at_node["flow__receiver_node"]
    upstream_node_order = grid.at_node["flow__upstream_node_order"]

    # Prepare output.
    watershed_mask = np.zeros(grid.number_of_nodes, dtype=bool)

    # loop through all nodes once based on upstream node order. This means we
    # only need to loop through the nodes once.
    for node in upstream_node_order:
        # when the outlet_id is encountered, mark it as true, and set
        # outlet_found to True.

        if node == outlet_id:
            watershed_mask[node] = True

        # once the outlet is found, set the watershed mask to the value of
        # the reciever at node, this will paint the watershed in as we move
        # upstream.
        if watershed_mask[receiver_at_node[node]]:
            watershed_mask[node] = True

    return watershed_mask