Beispiel #1
    def run(blocking=True):
        # get confs
        global_cfg = splunk_to_cherry_cfg('web', 'settings')

        # allow command line arguments to override the configuration
        # eg. --httpport=80
        args = util.args_to_dict()

        # splunkd proxied mode
        proxied_arg = args.get('proxied')
        global_cfg['is_proxied'] = False
        if proxied_arg:
            del args['proxied']
            proxied_parts = proxied_arg.split(',')
            if len(proxied_parts) == 2:
                proxied_ip_addr = proxied_parts[0]
                proxied_port = int(proxied_parts[1])
      'Proxied mode ip_address=%s port=%s:' % (proxied_ip_addr, proxied_port))
                global_cfg['is_proxied'] = True
                global_cfg['startwebserver'] = 1
                global_cfg['httpport'] = proxied_port
                global_cfg['enableSplunkWebSSL'] = False
                global_cfg['remoteUser'] = '******'
                global_cfg['SSOMode'] = 'strict'
                global_cfg['trustedIP'] = proxied_ip_addr
                global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = proxied_ip_addr
                logger.warn("Proxied mode flag invalid '%s'. --proxied=' IP_ADDR PORT'" % proxied_arg)

        # debugging can be turned on from the command line with --debug
        if args.get('debug'):
            del args['debug']
            for lname, litem in logger.manager.loggerDict.items():
                if not isinstance(litem, logging.PlaceHolder):
                    logger.debug("Updating logger=%s to level=DEBUG" % lname)   
            args['js_logger_mode'] = 'Server'
            args['js_no_cache'] = True

        # support SPLUNK_BINDIP backwards compatibly. -- overrides web.conf
        if (not global_cfg['is_proxied']) and os.environ.has_key('SPLUNK_BINDIP'):
            global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = os.environ['SPLUNK_BINDIP'].strip()

        global_cfg['server.socket_port'] = global_cfg['httpport']

        if normalizeBoolean(global_cfg.get('enableSplunkWebSSL', False)):
  'Enabling SSL')
            priv_key_path = str(global_cfg['privKeyPath'])
            ssl_certificate = str(global_cfg['caCertPath'])
            ssl_ciphers = str(global_cfg['cipherSuite'])

            if os.path.isabs(priv_key_path):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = priv_key_path
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = make_splunkhome_path([priv_key_path])

            if os.path.isabs(ssl_certificate):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = ssl_certificate
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = make_splunkhome_path([ssl_certificate])

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" % global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'])

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" % global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'])

            if global_cfg.get('supportSSLV3Only'):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_v3_only'] = True

            if ssl_ciphers:
                global_cfg['server.ssl_ciphers'] = ssl_ciphers
            # make sure the secure flag is not set on session cookies if we're not serving over SSL
            global_cfg[''] = False

        # setup cherrypy logging infrastructure
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.access_file'):
            filename = make_absolute(global_cfg['log.access_file'], BASE_LOG_PATH)
            maxsize = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxsize', 0))
            maxcount = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxfiles', 5))
            if maxsize > 0:
                cherrypy.log.access_file = ''
                h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename, 'a', maxsize, maxcount)
                del global_cfg['log.access_file']
                global_cfg['log.access_file'] = filename

        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_file'):
            # we've already committed to web_service.log by this point
            del global_cfg['log.error_file']
        cherrypy.log.error_file = ''
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_maxsize'):
            splunk_log_handler.maxBytes = int(global_cfg['log.error_maxsize'])
            splunk_log_handler.backupCount = int(global_cfg.get('log.error_maxfiles', 5))
        # now that we have somewhere to log, test the ssl keys. - SPL-34126
        # Lousy solution, but python's ssl itself hangs with encrypted keys, so avoid hang by
        # bailing with a message
        if global_cfg['enableSplunkWebSSL']:
            for cert_file in (global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'], 
                if is_encrypted_cert(cert_file):
                    logger.error("""Specified cert '%s' is encrypted with a passphrase.  SplunkWeb does not support passphrase-encrypted keys at this time.  To resolve the problem, decrypt the keys on disk, generate new
passphrase-less keys, or disable ssl for SplunkWeb.""" % cert_file)
                    raise Exception("Unsupported encrypted cert file.")

        # set login settings
        if global_cfg.get('tools.sessions.storage_type') == 'file':
            global_cfg['tools.sessions.storage_path'] = make_absolute(global_cfg['tools.sessions.storage_path'])

        # SPL-16963: add port number to session key to allow for sessions for multiple
        # instances to run on a single host, without mutually logging each other out.
        global_cfg[''] = "session_id_%s" % global_cfg['httpport']
        global_cfg[''] = "splunkweb_csrf_token_%s" % global_cfg['httpport']

        # set mako template cache directory
        global_cfg.setdefault('mako_cache_path', MAKO_CACHE_PATH)
        root_name = global_cfg.get('root_endpoint', FAILSAFE_ROOT_ENDPOINT).strip('/')
        ctrl = TopController()
        cfg = {'global' : global_cfg}

        # initialize all of the custom endpoints that are registered in the
        # apps

        # Serve static files if so configured
        if global_cfg.has_key('static_endpoint'):
            mount_static(ctrl, global_cfg, cfg)
        if global_cfg.has_key('testing_endpoint'):
            if (global_cfg.get('static_dir','') == '') :
                logger.warn('testing endpoint configured, but no testing directory. Falling back to ' + FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR)
            staticdir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('testing_dir', FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR), '')

            cfg[global_cfg['testing_endpoint']] = {
                'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
                'tools.staticdir.dir' : staticdir,
                'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : True
        if global_cfg.has_key('rss_endpoint'):
            logger.debug('Checking for shared storage location')
            rssdir = get_rss_parent_dir()
            if len(rssdir) > 0:
                logger.debug('Using shared storage location: %s' % rssdir)
                rssdir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('rss_dir', FAILSAFE_RSS_DIR), '')
                logger.debug('No shared storage location configured, using: %s' % rssdir)
            cfg[global_cfg['rss_endpoint']] = {
                'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
                'tools.staticdir.dir' : rssdir,
                'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : False,
                'tools.staticdir.default_ext' : 'xml',
                'error_page.404': make_splunkhome_path([FAILSAFE_STATIC_DIR, 'html', 'rss_404.html'])

        # Modules served statically out of /modules or out of an app's modules dir
        def module_resolver(section, branch, dir):
            from lib.apps import local_apps
            # first part of branch is the module name
            parts = os.path.normpath(branch.strip('/')).replace(os.path.sep, '/').split('/')
            locale = i18n.current_lang(True)
            if not parts:
                return False
            module_path = local_apps.getModulePath(parts[0])
            if module_path:
                # this means there is a module named parts[0]
                # SPL-51365 images should load irrespective of css_minification.
                if parts[0]==parts[1]:
                    # ignore of repetition of module name
                    # happens for image request when minify_css=False
                    fn = os.path.join(module_path, *parts[2:])
                    fn = os.path.join(module_path, *parts[1:])
                #verified while fixing SPL-47422
                #pylint: disable=E1103 
                if fn.endswith('.js') and os.path.exists(fn):
                    return i18n.translate_js(fn) # returns the path to a cached file containing the original js + json translation map
                return fn
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.js'):
                hash = parts[0].replace('modules-', '').replace('.min.js', '')
                return make_absolute(os.path.join(i18n.CACHE_PATH, '%s-%s-%s.cache' % ('modules.min.js', hash, locale)))
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.css'):
                return filechain.MODULE_STATIC_CACHE_PATH + os.sep + 'css' + os.sep + parts[0]
            return False

        moddir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('module_dir', FAILSAFE_MODULE_PATH))
        cfg['/modules'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : True,
            'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
            'tools.staticdir.match' : re.compile(r'.*\.(?!html$|spec$|py$)'), # only files with extensions other than .html, .py and .spec are served
            'tools.staticdir.dir' : moddir,
            'tools.staticdir.resolver' : module_resolver,
            'tools.staticdir.content_types' : {'js' : 'application/javascript', 'css': 'text/css', 'cache': 'text/javascript'} # correct python's application/x-javascript

        cfg['/'] = {
            'request.dispatch': i18n.I18NDispatcher(),

        # enable gzip + i18n goodness
        if global_cfg.get('enable_gzip', False):
                'tools.gzip.on' : True,
                'tools.gzip.mime_types' : ['text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/css', 'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript', 'application/json'],

        #cfg['/']['tools.gzip.on'] = False

        # Set maximum filesize we can receive (in MB)
        maxsize = global_cfg.get('max_upload_size', DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)
        cfg['global']['server.max_request_body_size'] = int(maxsize) * 1024 * 1024

        if global_cfg.get('enable_throttle', False):
            from lib import throttle
                'tools.throttle.on' : True,
                'tools.throttle.bandwidth': int(global_cfg.get('throttle_bandwidth', 50)), 
                'tools.throttle.latency': int(global_cfg.get('throttle_latency', 100))

        if global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime', False):
            points = global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime')
            if points == 'All': points = 'on_start_resource,before_request_body,before_handler,before_finalize,on_end_resource,on_end_request'
            if points is True: points = 'on_end_resource'
            for point in points.split(','):
                def log_closure(point):
                    def log():
                        import time
                        starttime = cherrypy.response.time
                        endtime = time.time()
                        delta = (endtime - starttime) * 1000
                        logger.warn('log_runtime point=%s path="%s" start=%f end=%f delta_ms=%.1f' % (point, cherrypy.request.path_info, starttime, endtime, delta))
                    return log
                setattr(, 'log_'+point, cherrypy.Tool(point, log_closure(point)))
                cfg['/']['tools.log_%s.on' % point] = True

        if global_cfg.get('storm_enabled'):
            from splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.lib.storm import hook_storm_session

        if global_cfg.get('override_JSON_MIME_type_with_text_plain', False):
            import splunk.appserver.mrsparkle
            splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.MIME_JSON = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"
  "overriding JSON MIME type with '%s'" % splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.MIME_JSON)

        # setup handler to create and remove the pidfile
        pid_path = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('pid_path', PID_PATH))
        ProcessID(cherrypy.engine, pid_path).subscribe()

        # process splunkd status information

        # set start time for restart checking
        cfg['global']['start_time'] = time.time()

        # setup global error handling page
        cfg['global']['error_page.default'] = error.handleError

        # set splunkd connection timeout
        defaultSplunkdConnectionTimeout = 30
            splunkdConnectionTimeout = int(global_cfg.get('splunkdConnectionTimeout',defaultSplunkdConnectionTimeout))
            if splunkdConnectionTimeout < defaultSplunkdConnectionTimeout:
                splunkdConnectionTimeout = defaultSplunkdConnectionTimeout

   = splunkdConnectionTimeout
        except ValueError, e:
            logger.error("Exception while trying to get splunkdConnectionTimeout from web.conf e=%s" % e)
   = defaultSplunkdConnectionTimeout
Beispiel #2
    # replace CherryPy's LogManager class with our subclassed one
    from cherrypy import _cplogging
    _cplogging.LogManager = SplunkedLogManager
    cherrypy.log = _cplogging.LogManager()
    def _cp_buslog(msg, level):
        logger.log(level, 'ENGINE: %s' % msg)

    cherrypy.engine.unsubscribe('log', cherrypy._buslog)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('log', _cp_buslog)

    # import our custom pid-file writing plugin
    from lib.custompidfile import ProcessID

    # define etc, site-packages and share/search/mrsparkle in a os agnostic way:
    SPLUNK_ETC_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['etc'])
    SPLUNK_MRSPARKLE_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['share', 'search', 'mrsparkle'])

    # define filepath for pid file
    PID_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['var', 'run', 'splunk', ''])

    # define filepath where compiled mako templates are stored
    MAKO_CACHE_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['var', 'run', 'splunk', 'mako_cache'])

    class RootController(BaseController):
        """This controller is only used if the site root is something other than /"""
        def index(self):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.config['root_endpoint'])

Beispiel #3
    # replace CherryPy's LogManager class with our subclassed one
    from cherrypy import _cplogging
    _cplogging.LogManager = SplunkedLogManager
    cherrypy.log = _cplogging.LogManager()
    def _cp_buslog(msg, level):
        logger.log(level, 'ENGINE: %s' % msg)

    cherrypy.engine.unsubscribe('log', cherrypy._buslog)
    cherrypy.engine.subscribe('log', _cp_buslog)

    # import our custom pid-file writing plugin
    from lib.custompidfile import ProcessID

    # define etc, site-packages and share/search/mrsparkle in a os agnostic way:
    SPLUNK_ETC_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['etc'])
    SPLUNK_MRSPARKLE_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['share', 'search', 'mrsparkle'])

    # define filepath for pid file
    PID_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['var', 'run', 'splunk', ''])

    # define filepath where compiled mako templates are stored
    MAKO_CACHE_PATH = make_splunkhome_path(['var', 'run', 'splunk', 'mako_cache'])

    class RootController(BaseController):
        """This controller is only used if the site root is something other than /"""
        def index(self):
            raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(cherrypy.config['root_endpoint'])

Beispiel #4
    def run(blocking=True):
        # get confs
        global_cfg = splunk_to_cherry_cfg('web', 'settings')

        # allow command line arguments to override the configuration
        # eg. --httpport=80
        args = util.args_to_dict()

        # debugging can be turned on from the command line with --debug
        if args.get('debug'):
            del args['debug']
            for lname, litem in logger.manager.loggerDict.items():
                if not isinstance(litem, logging.PlaceHolder):
                    logger.debug("Updating logger=%s to level=DEBUG" % lname)   
            args['js_logger_mode'] = 'Server'
            args['js_no_cache'] = True

        # support SPLUNK_BINDIP backwards compatibly. -- overrides web.conf
        if os.environ.has_key('SPLUNK_BINDIP'):
            global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = os.environ['SPLUNK_BINDIP'].strip()

        global_cfg['server.socket_port'] = global_cfg['httpport']

        if normalizeBoolean(global_cfg.get('enableSplunkWebSSL', False)):
  'Enabling SSL')
            priv_key_path = str(global_cfg['privKeyPath'])
            ssl_certificate = str(global_cfg['caCertPath'])
            ssl_ciphers = str(global_cfg['cipherSuite'])

            if os.path.isabs(priv_key_path):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = priv_key_path
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = make_splunkhome_path([priv_key_path])

            if os.path.isabs(ssl_certificate):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = ssl_certificate
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = make_splunkhome_path([ssl_certificate])

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" % global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'])

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" % global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'])

            if global_cfg.get('supportSSLV3Only'):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_v3_only'] = True

            if ssl_ciphers:
                global_cfg['server.ssl_ciphers'] = ssl_ciphers
            # make sure the secure flag is not set on session cookies if we're not serving over SSL
            global_cfg[''] = False

        # setup cherrypy logging infrastructure
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.access_file'):
            filename = make_absolute(global_cfg['log.access_file'], BASE_LOG_PATH)
            maxsize = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxsize', 0))
            maxcount = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxfiles', 5))
            if maxsize > 0:
                cherrypy.log.access_file = ''
                h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename, 'a', maxsize, maxcount)
                del global_cfg['log.access_file']
                global_cfg['log.access_file'] = filename

        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_file'):
            # we've already committed to web_service.log by this point
            del global_cfg['log.error_file']
        cherrypy.log.error_file = ''
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_maxsize'):
            splunk_log_handler.maxBytes = int(global_cfg['log.error_maxsize'])
            splunk_log_handler.backupCount = int(global_cfg.get('log.error_maxfiles', 5))
        # now that we have somewhere to log, test the ssl keys. - SPL-34126
        # Lousy solution, but python's ssl itself hangs with encrypted keys, so avoid hang by
        # bailing with a message
        if global_cfg['enableSplunkWebSSL']:
            for cert_file in (global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'], 
                if is_encrypted_cert(cert_file):
                    logger.error("""Specified cert '%s' is encrypted with a passphrase.  SplunkWeb does not support passphrase-encrypted keys at this time.  To resolve the problem, decrypt the keys on disk, generate new
passphrase-less keys, or disable ssl for SplunkWeb.""" % cert_file)
                    raise Exception("Unsupported encrypted cert file.")

        # set login settings
        if global_cfg.get('tools.sessions.storage_type') == 'file':
            global_cfg['tools.sessions.storage_path'] = make_absolute(global_cfg['tools.sessions.storage_path'])

        # SPL-16963: add port number to session key to allow for sessions for multiple
        # instances to run on a single host, without mutually logging each other out.
        global_cfg[''] = "session_id_%s" % global_cfg['httpport']

        # set mako template cache directory
        global_cfg.setdefault('mako_cache_path', MAKO_CACHE_PATH)
        root_name = global_cfg.get('root_endpoint', FAILSAFE_ROOT_ENDPOINT).strip('/')
        ctrl = TopController()
        cfg = {'global' : global_cfg}

        # initialize all of the custom endpoints that are registered in the
        # apps

        # Serve static files if so configured
        if global_cfg.has_key('static_endpoint'):
            mount_static(ctrl, global_cfg, cfg)
        if global_cfg.has_key('testing_endpoint'):
            if (global_cfg.get('static_dir','') == '') :
                logger.warn('testing endpoint configured, but no testing directory. Falling back to ' + FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR)
            staticdir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('testing_dir', FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR), '')

            cfg[global_cfg['testing_endpoint']] = {
                'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
                'tools.staticdir.dir' : staticdir,
                'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : True
        if global_cfg.has_key('rss_endpoint'):
            logger.debug('Checking for shared storage location')
            rssdir = get_rss_parent_dir()
            if len(rssdir) > 0:
                logger.debug('Using shared storage location: %s' % rssdir)
                rssdir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('rss_dir', FAILSAFE_RSS_DIR), '')
                logger.debug('No shared storage location configured, using: %s' % rssdir)
            cfg[global_cfg['rss_endpoint']] = {
                'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
                'tools.staticdir.dir' : rssdir,
                'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : False,
                'tools.staticdir.default_ext' : 'xml',
                'error_page.404': make_splunkhome_path([FAILSAFE_STATIC_DIR, 'html', 'rss_404.html'])

        # Modules served statically out of /modules or out of an app's modules dir
        def module_resolver(section, branch, dir):
            from lib.apps import local_apps
            # first part of branch is the module name
            parts = os.path.normpath(branch.strip('/')).replace(os.path.sep, '/').split('/')
            locale = i18n.current_lang(True)
            if not parts:
                return False
            module_path = local_apps.getModulePath(parts[0])
            if module_path:
                fn = os.path.join(module_path, *parts[1:])
                if fn.endswith('.js') and os.path.exists(fn):
                    return i18n.translate_js(fn) # returns the path to a cached file containing the original js + json translation map
                return fn
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.js'):
                hash = parts[0].replace('modules-', '').replace('.min.js', '')
                return make_absolute(os.path.join(i18n.CACHE_PATH, '%s-%s-%s.cache' % ('modules.min.js', hash, locale)))
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.css'):
                return filechain.MODULE_STATIC_CACHE_PATH + os.sep + 'css' + os.sep + parts[0]
            return False

        moddir = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('module_dir', FAILSAFE_MODULE_PATH))
        cfg['/modules'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.strip_version' : True,
            'tools.staticdir.on' : True,
            'tools.staticdir.match' : re.compile(r'.*\.(?!html$|spec$|py$)'), # only files with extensions other than .html, .py and .spec are served
            'tools.staticdir.dir' : moddir,
            'tools.staticdir.resolver' : module_resolver,
            'tools.staticdir.content_types' : {'js' : 'application/javascript'} # correct python's application/x-javascript

        cfg['/'] = {
            'request.dispatch': i18n.I18NDispatcher(),

        # enable gzip + i18n goodness
        if global_cfg.get('enable_gzip', False):
                'tools.gzip.on' : True,
                'tools.gzip.mime_types' : ['text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/css', 'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript'],

        #cfg['/']['tools.gzip.on'] = False

        # Set maximum filesize we can receive (in MB)
        maxsize = global_cfg.get('max_upload_size', DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)
        cfg['global']['server.max_request_body_size'] = int(maxsize) * 1024 * 1024

        if global_cfg.get('enable_throttle', False):
            from lib import throttle
                'tools.throttle.on' : True,
                'tools.throttle.bandwidth': int(global_cfg.get('throttle_bandwidth', 50)), 
                'tools.throttle.latency': int(global_cfg.get('throttle_latency', 100))

        if global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime', False):
            points = global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime')
            if points == 'All': points = 'on_start_resource,before_request_body,before_handler,before_finalize,on_end_resource,on_end_request'
            if points is True: points = 'on_end_resource'
            for point in points.split(','):
                def log_closure(point):
                    def log():
                        import time
                        starttime = cherrypy.response.time
                        endtime = time.time()
                        delta = (endtime - starttime) * 1000
                        logger.warn('log_runtime point=%s path="%s" start=%f end=%f delta_ms=%.1f' % (point, cherrypy.request.path_info, starttime, endtime, delta))
                    return log
                setattr(, 'log_'+point, cherrypy.Tool(point, log_closure(point)))
                cfg['/']['tools.log_%s.on' % point] = True

        if global_cfg.get('storm_enabled'):
            from splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.lib.storm import hook_storm_session

        # setup handler to create and remove the pidfile
        pid_path = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('pid_path', PID_PATH))
        ProcessID(cherrypy.engine, pid_path).subscribe()

        # process splunkd status information

        # set start time for restart checking
        cfg['global']['start_time'] = time.time()

        # setup global error handling page
        cfg['global']['error_page.default'] = error.handleError

        # TODO: refactor me into locale stuff
        cfg['global']['DISPATCH_TIME_FORMAT'] = '%s.%Q'
        # END
        # Common splunk paths
        cfg['global']['etc_path'] = make_absolute(SPLUNK_ETC_PATH)
        cfg['global']['site_packages_path'] = make_absolute(SPLUNK_SITE_PACKAGES_PATH)
        cfg['global']['mrsparkle_path'] = make_absolute(SPLUNK_MRSPARKLE_PATH)
        listen_on_ipv6 = global_cfg.get('listenOnIPv6')
        socket_host = global_cfg.get('server.socket_host')
        if not socket_host:
            if listen_on_ipv6:
                socket_host = global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = '::'
                socket_host = global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = ''
  "server.socket_host defaulting to %s" % socket_host)

        if ':' in socket_host:
            if not listen_on_ipv6:
                logger.warn('server.socket_host was set to IPv6 address "%s", so ignoring listenOnIPv6 value of "%s"' % (socket_host, listen_on_ipv6))
            if listen_on_ipv6:
                logger.warn('server.socket_host was to to IPv4 address "%s", so ignoring listenOnIPv6 values of "%s"' % (socket_host, listen_on_ipv6))

        if socket_host == '::':
            # Start a second server to listen to the IPV6 socket
            if isinstance(listen_on_ipv6, bool) or listen_on_ipv6.lower() != 'only':
                global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = ''
                from cherrypy import _cpserver
                from cherrypy import _cpwsgi_server
                server2 = _cpserver.Server()
                server2.httpserver = _cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer()
                server2.httpserver.bind_addr = ('::', global_cfg['server.socket_port'])
                server2.socket_host = '::'
                server2.socket_port = global_cfg['server.socket_port']
                for key in ('ssl_private_key', 'ssl_certificate', 'ssl_v3_only', 'ssl_ciphers'):
                    if 'server.'+key in global_cfg:
                        setattr(server2, key, global_cfg['server.'+key])
                        setattr(server2.httpserver, key, global_cfg['server.'+key])

        if root_name:
            # redirect / to the root endpoint
            cherrypy.tree.mount(RootController(), '/', cfg)

        if global_cfg.get('enable_profile', False):
            from cherrypy.lib import profiler
                profiler.make_app(cherrypy.Application(ctrl, '/' + root_name, cfg), 
                path=global_cfg.get('profile_path', '/tmp/profile')), '/' + root_name
            cherrypy.tree.mount(ctrl, '/' + root_name, cfg)

        # this makes Ctrl-C work when running in nodaemon
        if splunk.clilib.cli_common.isWindows:
            from cherrypy.process import win32
            cherrypy.console_control_handler = win32.ConsoleCtrlHandler(cherrypy.engine)

        # log active config
        for k in sorted(cherrypy.config):
  'CONFIG: %s (%s): %s' % (k, type(cherrypy.config[k]).__name__, cherrypy.config[k]))


        # clean up caches on init

        if blocking:
            # this routine that starts this as a windows service will not want us to block here.
Beispiel #5
    def run(blocking=True):
        # get confs
        global_cfg = splunk_to_cherry_cfg('web', 'settings')

        # allow command line arguments to override the configuration
        # eg. --httpport=80
        args = util.args_to_dict()

        # debugging can be turned on from the command line with --debug
        if args.get('debug'):
            del args['debug']
            for lname, litem in logger.manager.loggerDict.items():
                if not isinstance(litem, logging.PlaceHolder):
                    logger.debug("Updating logger=%s to level=DEBUG" % lname)
            args['js_logger_mode'] = 'Server'
            args['js_no_cache'] = True

        # support SPLUNK_BINDIP backwards compatibly. -- overrides web.conf
        if os.environ.has_key('SPLUNK_BINDIP'):
            global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = os.environ[

        global_cfg['server.socket_port'] = global_cfg['httpport']

        if normalizeBoolean(global_cfg.get('enableSplunkWebSSL', False)):
  'Enabling SSL')
            priv_key_path = str(global_cfg['privKeyPath'])
            ssl_certificate = str(global_cfg['caCertPath'])
            ssl_ciphers = str(global_cfg['cipherSuite'])

            if os.path.isabs(priv_key_path):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = priv_key_path
                global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'] = make_splunkhome_path(

            if os.path.isabs(ssl_certificate):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = ssl_certificate
                global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate'] = make_splunkhome_path(

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" %

            if not os.path.exists(global_cfg['server.ssl_certificate']):
                raise ValueError("%s Not Found" %

            if global_cfg.get('supportSSLV3Only'):
                global_cfg['server.ssl_v3_only'] = True

            if ssl_ciphers:
                global_cfg['server.ssl_ciphers'] = ssl_ciphers
            # make sure the secure flag is not set on session cookies if we're not serving over SSL
            global_cfg[''] = False

        # setup cherrypy logging infrastructure
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.access_file'):
            filename = make_absolute(global_cfg['log.access_file'],
            maxsize = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxsize', 0))
            maxcount = int(global_cfg.get('log.access_maxfiles', 5))
            if maxsize > 0:
                cherrypy.log.access_file = ''
                h = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
                    filename, 'a', maxsize, maxcount)
                del global_cfg['log.access_file']
                global_cfg['log.access_file'] = filename

        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_file'):
            # we've already committed to web_service.log by this point
            del global_cfg['log.error_file']
        cherrypy.log.error_file = ''
        if global_cfg.has_key('log.error_maxsize'):
            splunk_log_handler.maxBytes = int(global_cfg['log.error_maxsize'])
            splunk_log_handler.backupCount = int(
                global_cfg.get('log.error_maxfiles', 5))

        # now that we have somewhere to log, test the ssl keys. - SPL-34126
        # Lousy solution, but python's ssl itself hangs with encrypted keys, so avoid hang by
        # bailing with a message
        if global_cfg['enableSplunkWebSSL']:
            for cert_file in (global_cfg['server.ssl_private_key'],
                if is_encrypted_cert(cert_file):
                        """Specified cert '%s' is encrypted with a passphrase.  SplunkWeb does not support passphrase-encrypted keys at this time.  To resolve the problem, decrypt the keys on disk, generate new
passphrase-less keys, or disable ssl for SplunkWeb.""" % cert_file)
                    raise Exception("Unsupported encrypted cert file.")

        # set login settings
        if global_cfg.get('tools.sessions.storage_type') == 'file':
            global_cfg['tools.sessions.storage_path'] = make_absolute(

        # SPL-16963: add port number to session key to allow for sessions for multiple
        # instances to run on a single host, without mutually logging each other out.
            ''] = "session_id_%s" % global_cfg['httpport']

        # set mako template cache directory
        global_cfg.setdefault('mako_cache_path', MAKO_CACHE_PATH)

        root_name = global_cfg.get('root_endpoint',

        ctrl = TopController()
        cfg = {'global': global_cfg}

        # initialize all of the custom endpoints that are registered in the
        # apps

        # Serve static files if so configured
        if global_cfg.has_key('static_endpoint'):
            mount_static(ctrl, global_cfg, cfg)

        if global_cfg.has_key('testing_endpoint'):
            if (global_cfg.get('static_dir', '') == ''):
                    'testing endpoint configured, but no testing directory. Falling back to '
                    + FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR)
            staticdir = make_absolute(
                global_cfg.get('testing_dir', FAILSAFE_TESTING_DIR), '')

            cfg[global_cfg['testing_endpoint']] = {
                'tools.staticdir.on': True,
                'tools.staticdir.dir': staticdir,
                'tools.staticdir.strip_version': True

        if global_cfg.has_key('rss_endpoint'):
            logger.debug('Checking for shared storage location')
            rssdir = get_rss_parent_dir()
            if len(rssdir) > 0:
                logger.debug('Using shared storage location: %s' % rssdir)
                rssdir = make_absolute(
                    global_cfg.get('rss_dir', FAILSAFE_RSS_DIR), '')
                    'No shared storage location configured, using: %s' %
            cfg[global_cfg['rss_endpoint']] = {
                    [FAILSAFE_STATIC_DIR, 'html', 'rss_404.html'])

        # Modules served statically out of /modules or out of an app's modules dir
        def module_resolver(section, branch, dir):
            from lib.apps import local_apps
            # first part of branch is the module name
            parts = os.path.normpath(branch.strip('/')).replace(
                os.path.sep, '/').split('/')
            locale = i18n.current_lang(True)
            if not parts:
                return False
            module_path = local_apps.getModulePath(parts[0])
            if module_path:
                fn = os.path.join(module_path, *parts[1:])
                if fn.endswith('.js') and os.path.exists(fn):
                    return i18n.translate_js(
                    )  # returns the path to a cached file containing the original js + json translation map
                return fn
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.js'):
                hash = parts[0].replace('modules-', '').replace('.min.js', '')
                return make_absolute(
                        '%s-%s-%s.cache' % ('modules.min.js', hash, locale)))
            elif parts[0].startswith('modules-') and parts[0].endswith('.css'):
                return filechain.MODULE_STATIC_CACHE_PATH + os.sep + 'css' + os.sep + parts[
            return False

        moddir = make_absolute(
            global_cfg.get('module_dir', FAILSAFE_MODULE_PATH))
        cfg['/modules'] = {
            'tools.staticdir.strip_version': True,
            'tools.staticdir.on': True,
            'tools.staticdir.match': re.compile(
            ),  # only files with extensions other than .html, .py and .spec are served
            'tools.staticdir.dir': moddir,
            'tools.staticdir.resolver': module_resolver,
            'tools.staticdir.content_types': {
                'js': 'application/javascript'
            }  # correct python's application/x-javascript

        cfg['/'] = {
            'request.dispatch': i18n.I18NDispatcher(),

        # enable gzip + i18n goodness
        if global_cfg.get('enable_gzip', False):
                'tools.gzip.mime_types': [
                    'text/plain', 'text/html', 'text/css',
                    'application/javascript', 'application/x-javascript'

        #cfg['/']['tools.gzip.on'] = False

        # Set maximum filesize we can receive (in MB)
        maxsize = global_cfg.get('max_upload_size', DEFAULT_MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE)
        cfg['global']['server.max_request_body_size'] = int(
            maxsize) * 1024 * 1024

        if global_cfg.get('enable_throttle', False):
            from lib import throttle
                int(global_cfg.get('throttle_bandwidth', 50)),
                int(global_cfg.get('throttle_latency', 100))

        if global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime', False):
            points = global_cfg.get('enable_log_runtime')
            if points == 'All':
                points = 'on_start_resource,before_request_body,before_handler,before_finalize,on_end_resource,on_end_request'
            if points is True: points = 'on_end_resource'
            for point in points.split(','):

                def log_closure(point):
                    def log():
                        import time
                        starttime = cherrypy.response.time
                        endtime = time.time()
                        delta = (endtime - starttime) * 1000
                            'log_runtime point=%s path="%s" start=%f end=%f delta_ms=%.1f'
                            % (point, cherrypy.request.path_info, starttime,
                               endtime, delta))

                    return log

                setattr(, 'log_' + point,
                        cherrypy.Tool(point, log_closure(point)))
                cfg['/']['tools.log_%s.on' % point] = True

        if global_cfg.get('storm_enabled'):
            from splunk.appserver.mrsparkle.lib.storm import hook_storm_session

        # setup handler to create and remove the pidfile
        pid_path = make_absolute(global_cfg.get('pid_path', PID_PATH))
        ProcessID(cherrypy.engine, pid_path).subscribe()

        # process splunkd status information


        # set start time for restart checking
        cfg['global']['start_time'] = time.time()

        # setup global error handling page
        cfg['global']['error_page.default'] = error.handleError

        # TODO: refactor me into locale stuff
        cfg['global']['DISPATCH_TIME_FORMAT'] = '%s.%Q'
        # END

        # Common splunk paths
        cfg['global']['etc_path'] = make_absolute(SPLUNK_ETC_PATH)
        cfg['global']['site_packages_path'] = make_absolute(
        cfg['global']['mrsparkle_path'] = make_absolute(SPLUNK_MRSPARKLE_PATH)

        listen_on_ipv6 = global_cfg.get('listenOnIPv6')
        socket_host = global_cfg.get('server.socket_host')
        if not socket_host:
            if listen_on_ipv6:
                socket_host = global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = '::'
                socket_host = global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = ''
  "server.socket_host defaulting to %s" % socket_host)

        if ':' in socket_host:
            if not listen_on_ipv6:
                    'server.socket_host was set to IPv6 address "%s", so ignoring listenOnIPv6 value of "%s"'
                    % (socket_host, listen_on_ipv6))
            if listen_on_ipv6:
                    'server.socket_host was to to IPv4 address "%s", so ignoring listenOnIPv6 values of "%s"'
                    % (socket_host, listen_on_ipv6))

        if socket_host == '::':
            # Start a second server to listen to the IPV6 socket
            if isinstance(listen_on_ipv6,
                          bool) or listen_on_ipv6.lower() != 'only':
                global_cfg['server.socket_host'] = ''
                from cherrypy import _cpserver
                from cherrypy import _cpwsgi_server
                server2 = _cpserver.Server()
                server2.httpserver = _cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer()
                server2.httpserver.bind_addr = (
                    '::', global_cfg['server.socket_port'])
                server2.socket_host = '::'
                server2.socket_port = global_cfg['server.socket_port']
                for key in ('ssl_private_key', 'ssl_certificate',
                            'ssl_v3_only', 'ssl_ciphers'):
                    if 'server.' + key in global_cfg:
                        setattr(server2, key, global_cfg['server.' + key])
                        setattr(server2.httpserver, key,
                                global_cfg['server.' + key])

        if root_name:
            # redirect / to the root endpoint
            cherrypy.tree.mount(RootController(), '/', cfg)

        if global_cfg.get('enable_profile', False):
            from cherrypy.lib import profiler
                profiler.make_app(cherrypy.Application(ctrl, '/' + root_name,
                '/' + root_name)
            cherrypy.tree.mount(ctrl, '/' + root_name, cfg)

        # this makes Ctrl-C work when running in nodaemon
        if splunk.clilib.cli_common.isWindows:
            from cherrypy.process import win32
            cherrypy.console_control_handler = win32.ConsoleCtrlHandler(

        # log active config
        for k in sorted(cherrypy.config):
                'CONFIG: %s (%s): %s' %
                (k, type(cherrypy.config[k]).__name__, cherrypy.config[k]))


        # clean up caches on init

        if blocking:
            # this routine that starts this as a windows service will not want us to block here.