Beispiel #1
    def _fallback_getattr(self, name):
        # Try:
        # - in the global namespace
        # - in the ROOT namespace
        # - in gROOT (ROOT lists such as list of files,
        #   memory mapped files, functions, geometries ecc.)
        # The first two attempts allow to lookup
        # e.g. ROOT.ROOT.Math as ROOT.Math

        if name == '__all__':
            # Make the attributes of the facade be injected in the
            # caller module
            raise AttributeError()
        # Note that hasattr caches the lookup for getattr
        elif hasattr(gbl_namespace, name):
            return getattr(gbl_namespace, name)
        elif hasattr(gbl_namespace.ROOT, name):
            return getattr(gbl_namespace.ROOT, name)
            res = gROOT.FindObject(name)
            if res:
                return res
        raise AttributeError(
            "Failed to get attribute {} from ROOT".format(name))
Beispiel #2
    def _fallback_getattr(self, name):
        # Try:
        # - in the global namespace
        # - in the ROOT namespace
        # - in gROOT (ROOT lists such as list of files,
        #   memory mapped files, functions, geometries ecc.)
        # The first two attempts allow to lookup
        # e.g. ROOT.ROOT.Math as ROOT.Math

        if name == '__all__':
            # Make the attributes of the facade be injected in the
            # caller module
            raise AttributeError()

            return getattr(gbl_namespace, name)
        except AttributeError as err:
                return getattr(gbl_namespace.ROOT, name)
            except AttributeError:
                res = gROOT.FindObject(name)
                if res:
                    return res
                    raise AttributeError(str(err))