def test_read_config_cmd():
    # this file does not exist
    invalid_config = read_config_file('config.xml', '')
    # the config is invalid
    assert invalid_config.is_valid() == False

    # make temp directory

    # copy the config into the temp directory
    current_config = Path('librec_auto/test/test-config.xml')
    new_config = Path('librec_auto/test/temp/conf/test-config.xml')
    shutil.copy(current_config, new_config)

    # this file exists
    invalid_config = read_config_file('test-config.xml',

    # so the config is valid
    assert invalid_config.is_valid() == True

    # and the ._var_data attribute has been initialized
    assert invalid_config._var_data == defaultdict(list)

    # break down the temp dir
Beispiel #2
def load_config(args):

    config_file = Files.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME

    if args['conf']:  # User requested a different configuration file
        config_file = args['conf']

    target = ""
    if (args['target'] != None):
        target = args['target']

    return read_config_file(config_file, target)
Beispiel #3
def load_config(args: dict) -> ConfigCmd:

    config_file = Files.DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME

    if args['conf']:  # User requested a different configuration file from the default
        config_file = args['conf']

    target = ""
    if (args['target'] != None):
        target = args['target']

    log_file = args['log_name']

    # create a path:

    return read_config_file(config_file, target, log_file)
def main():
    args = read_args()
    config = read_config_file(args['conf'], '.')

    original_results_path = Path(args['original'])
    result_files = enumerate_results(original_results_path)

    dest_results_path = Path(args['result'])

    data_dir = single_xpath(config.get_xml(),

    data_path = Path(data_dir)
    data_path = data_path.resolve()

    item_feature_df = load_item_features(config, data_path)
    if item_feature_df is None:

    # item_helper = set_item_helper(item_feature_df)

    # rerank_helper = set_rerank_helper(args, config, item_helper)
    rerank_helper = Rerank_Helper()
    rerank_helper.set_rerank_helper(args, config, item_feature_df)

    split_path = data_path / 'split'
    pat = re.compile(RESULT_FILE_PATTERN)

    method = args['method']

    p = []

    for file_path in result_files:
        p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=execute,
                                     args=(rerank_helper, pat, file_path,
                                           split_path, dest_results_path))

    for p1 in p:
def main():
    args = read_args()
    config = read_config_file(args['conf'], '.')

    original_results_path = Path(args['original'])
    result_files = enumerate_results(original_results_path)

    dest_results_path = Path(args['result'])

    data_dir = single_xpath(config.get_xml(), '/librec-auto/data/data-dir').text

    data_path = Path(data_dir)
    data_path = data_path.resolve()

    item_feature_df = load_item_features(config, data_path)

    protected = single_xpath(config.get_xml(), '/librec-auto/metric/protected-feature').text

    if item_feature_df is None:

    alpha = float(args['alpha'])
    max_len = int(args['max_len'])
    binary = args['binary'] == 'True'
    # protected = str(args['protected'])

    helper = set_helper(alpha, max_len, binary, protected, item_feature_df)

    for file_path in result_files:

        results_df = pd.read_csv(file_path, names=['userid', 'itemid', 'rating'])

        fair = generate_fairstar(helper)
        reranked_df = rerank(results_df, fair, helper)

        output_reranked(reranked_df, dest_results_path, file_path)
Beispiel #6
        super().__init__(params, conf, test_data, result_data, output_file)
        self._name = "Test"

    # def

def read_args():
    Parse command line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='My custom metric')
    parser.add_argument('--conf', help='Path to config file')
    parser.add_argument('--test', help='Path to test.')
    parser.add_argument('--result', help='Path to results.')
    parser.add_argument('--output-file', help='The output pickle file.')

    # Custom params defined in the config go here
    parser.add_argument('--list_size', help='Size of the list for NDCG.')

    input_args = parser.parse_args()
    return vars(input_args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = read_args()
    config = read_config_file(args['conf'], '.')
    temp_directory = config.get_files().get_temp_dir_path()
    protected_feats = ProtectedFeature(
        ProtectedFeature.parse_protected(config), temp_dir=temp_directory)
Beispiel #7

RESULT_FILE_PATTERN = 'out-\d+.txt'

def enumerate_results(result_path):
    files = os.listdir(result_path)
    pat = re.compile(RESULT_FILE_PATTERN)
    return [file for file in files if pat.match(file)]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = read_args()
    config = read_config_file(args['conf'], args['target'])
    result_files = enumerate_results(args['original'])

    split_path = config.get_files().get_split_path()
    # split_names = os.listdir(split_path)

    data_dir = config.get_prop_dict()['']
    item_feature_file = config.get_prop_dict()['data.itemfeature.path']
    protected = config.get_prop_dict()['data.protected.feature']

    item_feature_path = Path(data_dir) / item_feature_file

    item_feature_df = None

    if not item_feature_path.exists():
        print("Cannot locate item features. Path: " + item_feature_path)
                                boxes)'file://' + str(html_file.absolute()),

def read_args():
    Parse command line arguments.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Generic post-processing script')
    parser.add_argument('conf', help='Path to configuration file')
                        help='Show graphics in browser',
                        choices=['true', 'false'])

    input_args = parser.parse_args()
    return vars(input_args)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = read_args()
    config = read_config_file(args['conf'], ".")

    print(f"librec-auto: Creating summary visualizations")

    display = args['browser'] == 'true'

    create_graphics(config, display)