Beispiel #1
    def _create_address(self, instance, type, address, postal_code, city, country, primary=False):
        Create an Address for given instance

            instance (instance): instance to add Address to.
            type (str): kind of address
            address (str): street and number
            postal_code (str): postal code
            city (str): city
            country (str): country
        if address and city:
            street, number, complement = parse_address(address)
            address_kwargs = dict()
            address_kwargs["type"] = type
            address_kwargs["street"] = street

            # Set streetnumber.
            if _isint(number) and int(number) < 32766:
                address_kwargs["street_number"] = int(number)
            address_kwargs["complement"] = complement

            # Set postal code.
            if len(postal_code) > 10:
                postal_code = postal_code[:10]
            address_kwargs["postal_code"] = postal_code
            address_kwargs["city"] = city

            # Check if country is present.
            if country:
                country = country.upper().strip()
                country = self.country_map.get(country, country)

                # In case of unkown county leave empty.
                if country and len(country) > 2 or country not in self.country_codes:
                    country = ""

                # Set country.
                address_kwargs["country"] = country

            # Set tenant.
            address_kwargs["tenant_id"] = self.tenant_pk

            # Check if adress does not already exists to avoid duplicates.
            if not instance.addresses.filter(street=address_kwargs["street"], city=address_kwargs["city"]).exists():
                    address = Address.objects.create(**address_kwargs)
                except DataError:
                    logger.warning("could not create address: %s" % address_kwargs)
                instance.addresses.filter(street=address_kwargs["street"], city=address_kwargs["city"]).update(
Beispiel #2
    def _create_address(self, instance, type, address, postal_code, city, country, primary=False):
        Create an Address for given instance

            instance (instance): instance to add Address to.
            type (str): kind of address
            address (str): street and number
            postal_code (str): postal code
            city (str): city
            country (str): country
        if address and city:
            street, number, complement = parse_address(address)
            address_kwargs = dict()
            address_kwargs['type'] = type
            address_kwargs['street'] = street
            if _isint(number) and int(number) < 32766:
                address_kwargs['street_number'] = int(number)
            address_kwargs['complement'] = complement
            if postal_code and len(postal_code) > 10:
                postal_code = postal_code[:10]
                postal_code = ''
            address_kwargs['postal_code'] = postal_code
            address_kwargs['city'] = city
            if country:
                country = country.upper().strip()
                country = self.country_map.get(country, country)
                if country and len(country) > 2 or country not in self.country_codes:
                    country = ''
                    address_kwargs['country'] = country
            address_kwargs['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_pk
            if not instance.addresses.filter(**address_kwargs).exists():
                    address = Address.objects.create(**address_kwargs)
                except DataError:
                    task_logger.warning('could not create address: %s' % address_kwargs)
    def _create_address(self,
        Create an Address for given instance

            instance (instance): instance to add Address to.
            type (str): kind of address
            address (str): street and number
            postal_code (str): postal code
            city (str): city
            country (str): country
        if address and city:
            street, number, complement = parse_address(address)
            address_kwargs = dict()
            address_kwargs['type'] = type
            address_kwargs['street'] = street

            # Set streetnumber.
            if is_int(number) and int(number) < 32766:
                address_kwargs['street_number'] = int(number)
            address_kwargs['complement'] = complement

            # Set postal code.
            if len(postal_code) > 10:
                postal_code = postal_code[:10]
            address_kwargs['postal_code'] = postal_code
            address_kwargs['city'] = city

            # Check if country is present.
            if country:
                country = country.upper().strip()
                country = self.country_map.get(country, country)

                # In case of unkown county leave empty.
                if country and len(
                        country) > 2 or country not in self.country_codes:
                    country = ''

                # Set country.
                address_kwargs['country'] = country

            # Set tenant.
            address_kwargs['tenant_id'] = self.tenant_pk

            # Check if adress does not already exists to avoid duplicates.
            if not instance.addresses.filter(
                    address = Address.objects.create(**address_kwargs)
                except DataError:
                    logger.warning('could not create address: %s' %
Beispiel #4
    def set_view_output(self):
        Create a generic json format for account information based on the json from Dataprovider.
        phone_number_limit = 5
        email_limit = 5
        address_limit = 3

        # Expected api output is json
        self.api_output = json.loads(self.api_output)

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error
        if self.api_output.get('error'):
            raise Http404()

        # Return error message when nothing was found
        if self.api_output.get('total') == 0:
            raise Exception(
                _('I\'m so sorry, I couldn\'t find any data for this website.')

        # Filter useful data
        result = self.api_output['data'][0]

        # Get company name
        company = result.get('company')

        # Get website description
        description = result.get('description')

        # Get the keywords and convert to list
        tags = result.get('keywords')
        if tags:
            tags = result.get('keywords').strip().rstrip(',').split(',')

        # Get email addresses and convert to a list if needed
        emails = result.get('emailaddresses', []) or []
        if not isinstance(emails, list):
            emails = [emails]

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self._get_primary_email(emails)

            # Set primary email to the first in the list
            emails.insert(0, primary_email)

        # Limit number of emails
        emails = emails[:email_limit]

        phone_numbers = []

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation
        phone_number = result.get('phonenumber')

        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(phone_number)

        # Get phone numbers and convert to list if needed
        raw_phone_numbers = result.get('phonenumbers', []) or []
        if not isinstance(raw_phone_numbers, list):
            raw_phone_numbers = [raw_phone_numbers]

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Limit number of phonenumbers
        phone_numbers = phone_numbers[:phone_number_limit]

        # Get what kind of company it is (e.g. LLC)
        legalentity = result.get('legalentity')

        # Get the VAT (Value Added Tax) identifaction number
        taxnumber = result.get('taxnumber')

        # Get bank account number
        bankaccountnumber = result.get('bankaccountnumber')

        # Get the CoC (Chamber of Commerce) number
        cocnumber = result.get('cocnumber')

        # Get the IBAN (Internation Bank Account Number)
        iban = result.get('iban')

        # Get the BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
        bic = result.get('bic')

        # Try to parse the address
        address = result.get('address')
        if address:
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            street, street_number, complement = None, None, None

        # Make the full address
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get('city') or result.get(
                'zipcode') or result.get('country'):
            addresses = [{
                'street': street,
                'street_number': street_number,
                'complement': complement,
                'city': result.get('city'),
                'country': result.get('country'),
                'postal_code': result.get('zipcode'),

        addresses = addresses[:address_limit]

        # Build dict with account information
        self.view_output = {
            'name': company,
            'description': description,
            'tags': tags,
            'email_addresses': emails,
            'primary_email': primary_email,
            'phone_numbers': phone_numbers,
            'phone_number': phone_number,
            'addresses': addresses,
            'legalentity': legalentity,
            'taxnumber': taxnumber,
            'bankaccountnumber': bankaccountnumber,
            'cocnumber': cocnumber,
            'iban': iban,
            'bic': bic,

        return json.dumps(self.view_output)
Beispiel #5
    def set_view_output(self):
        Create a generic json format for account information based on the json from Dataprovider.
        # Expected api output is json
        self.api_output = anyjson.deserialize(self.api_output)

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error
        if self.api_output.get('error'):
            raise Http404()

        # Return error message when nothing was found
        if self.api_output.get('total') == 0:
            raise Exception(_('I\'m so sorry, I couldn\'t find any data for this website.'))

        # Filter useful data
        result = self.api_output['data'][0]

        # Get company name
        company = result.get('company')

        # Get website description
        description = result.get('description')

        # Get the keywords and convert to list
        tags = result.get('keywords')
        if tags:
            tags = result.get('keywords').strip().rstrip(',').split(',')

        # Get email addresses and convert to a list if needed
        emails = result.get('emailaddresses', []) or []
        if not isinstance(emails, list):
            emails = [emails]

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self.get_primary_email(emails)

        # Get phone numbers and convert to list if needed
        raw_phone_numbers = result.get('phonenumbers', []) or []
        if not isinstance(raw_phone_numbers, list):
            raw_phone_numbers = [raw_phone_numbers]

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation
        phone_numbers = []
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation
        phone_number = result.get('phonenumber')
        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(result.get('phonenumber'))

        # Get what kind of company it is (e.g. LLC)
        legalentity = result.get('legalentity')

        # Get the VAT (Value Added Tax) identifaction number
        taxnumber = result.get('taxnumber')

        # Get bank account number
        bankaccountnumber = result.get('bankaccountnumber')

        # Get the CoC (Chamber of Commerce) number
        cocnumber = result.get('cocnumber')

        # Get the IBAN (Internation Bank Account Number)
        iban = result.get('iban')

        # Get the BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
        bic = result.get('bic')

        # Try to parse the address
        address = result.get('address')
        if address:
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            street, street_number, complement = None, None, None

        # Make the full address
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get('city') or result.get('zipcode') or result.get('country'):
            addresses = [{
                'street': street,
                'street_number': street_number,
                'complement': complement,
                'city': result.get('city'),
                'country': result.get('country'),
                'postal_code': result.get('zipcode'),

        # Build dict with account information
        self.view_output = {
            'name': company,
            'description': description,
            'tags': tags,
            'emails': emails,
            'primary_email': primary_email,
            'phone_numbers': phone_numbers,
            'phone_number': phone_number,
            'addresses': addresses,
            'legalentity': legalentity,
            'taxnumber': taxnumber,
            'bankaccountnumber': bankaccountnumber,
            'cocnumber': cocnumber,
            'iban': iban,
            'bic': bic,

        return anyjson.serialize(self.view_output)
Beispiel #6
    def _get_account_information(self, json):
        Create a dict with account information based on the json response from Dataprovider.
        phone_number_limit = 5
        email_limit = 5
        address_limit = 3

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error.
        if json.get('error'):
            raise Http404(json.get('error'))

        if json.get('total') == 0:
            # No results from Dataprovider so return an empty list.
            return []

        # Filter useful data.
            # Lookup API returns data as a dict.
            result = json['data'][0]
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            # Enrich API returns a single hit.
            result = json['data']

        if not result:
            # No results from Dataprovider so return an empty list.
            return []

        # Get the keywords and convert to list.
        tags = result.get('keywords')
        if tags:
            tags = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(',')]
            tags = filter(None, tags)  # Remove empty tags.

        # Get email addresses as a list.
        emails = list(result.get('emailaddresses', []))

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it.
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self._get_primary_email(emails)

            # Set primary email to the first in the list.
            emails.insert(0, primary_email)

        phone_numbers = []

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation.
        phone_number = result.get('phonenumber')

        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(phone_number)

        # Get phone numbers as a list.
        raw_phone_numbers = list(result.get('phonenumbers', []))

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation.
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Try to parse the address.
        address = result.get('address')
        address_line = ''
        if address:
            # Construct address_line, instead of assigning address to address_line directly,
            # because parse_address() also santizes the result.
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            if street:
                address_line = street
            if street_number:
                address_line += ' ' + street_number
            if complement:
                address_line += complement

        # Make the full address.
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get('city') or result.get('zipcode') or result.get('country'):
            # There are some exceptions on the country codes, so make sure results of Dataprovider conform to the
            # ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard we use.
            mapping = {
                'UK': 'GB',
                'EL': 'GR',
            country = mapping.get(result.get('country'), result.get('country')) if result.get('country') else ''
            addresses = [{
                'address': address_line,
                'city': result.get('city', ''),
                'country': country,
                'postal_code': result.get('zipcode', ''),

        # Get social media profiles.
        social_profiles = result.get('socialprofiles')

        # Group profiles by platform.
        # Disregards the other platforms provided by Dataprovider: Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest.
        social_media = {}
        if social_profiles:
            for profile in social_profiles:
                if profile.startswith(''):
                    if 'twitter' not in social_media:
                        social_media['twitter'] = []
                elif profile.startswith(''):
                    if 'linkedin' not in social_media:
                        social_media['linkedin'] = []

        primary_twitter = ''
        if 'twitter' in social_media:
            primary_twitter = self._get_primary_profile(social_media['twitter'], result.get('company'))

        primary_linkedin = ''
        if 'linkedin' in social_media:
            primary_linkedin = self._get_primary_profile(social_media['linkedin'], result.get('company'))

        description = result.get('description')

        website = result.get('hostname')

        # Build dict with account information.
        account_information = {
            'name': result.get('company'),
            'description': description,
            'tags': tags,
            'email_addresses': emails[:email_limit],
            'primary_email': primary_email,
            'phone_numbers': phone_numbers[:phone_number_limit],
            'phone_number': phone_number,
            'addresses': addresses[:address_limit],
            'legalentity': result.get('legalentity'),
            'taxnumber': result.get('taxnumber'),
            'bankaccountnumber': result.get('bankaccountnumber'),
            'cocnumber': result.get('cocnumber'),
            'iban': result.get('iban'),
            'bic': result.get('bic'),
            'social_media_profiles': social_media,
            'twitter': primary_twitter,
            'linkedin': primary_linkedin,
            'primary_website': website,

        return account_information
Beispiel #7
    def _get_account_information(self, api_output):
        Create a dict with account information based on the json response from Dataprovider.
        phone_number_limit = 5
        email_limit = 5
        address_limit = 3

        # Expected API output is json.
        api_output_json = json.loads(api_output)

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error.
        if api_output_json.get('error'):
            raise Http404(api_output_json.get('error'))

        # Return error message when nothing was found.
        if api_output_json.get('total') == 0:
            raise APIException(
                _('I\'m so sorry, I couldn\'t find any data for this website.')

        # Filter useful data.
        result = api_output_json['data'][0]

        # Get the keywords and convert to list.
        tags = result.get('keywords')
        if tags:
            tags = result.get('keywords').strip().rstrip(',').split(',')

        # Get email addresses as a list.
        emails = list(result.get('emailaddresses', []))

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it.
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self._get_primary_email(emails)

            # Set primary email to the first in the list.
            emails.insert(0, primary_email)

        phone_numbers = []

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation.
        phone_number = result.get('phonenumber')

        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(phone_number)

        # Get phone numbers as a list.
        raw_phone_numbers = list(result.get('phonenumbers', []))

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation.
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Try to parse the address.
        address = result.get('address')
        address_line = ''
        if address:
            # Construct address_line, instead of assigning address to address_line directly,
            # because parse_address() also santizes the result.
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            if street:
                address_line = street
            if street_number:
                address_line += ' ' + street_number
            if complement:
                address_line += complement

        # Make the full address.
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get('city') or result.get(
                'zipcode') or result.get('country'):
            addresses = [{
                'address': address_line,
                'city': result.get('city'),
                'country': result.get('country'),
                'postal_code': result.get('zipcode'),

        # Get social media profiles.
        social_profiles = result.get('socialprofiles')

        # Group profiles by platform.
        # Disregards the other platforms provided by Dataprovider: Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest.
        social_media = {}
        for profile in social_profiles:
            if profile.startswith(''):
                if 'twitter' not in social_media:
                    social_media['twitter'] = []
            elif profile.startswith(''):
                if 'linkedin' not in social_media:
                    social_media['linkedin'] = []

        primary_twitter = ''
        if 'twitter' in social_media:
            primary_twitter = self._get_primary_profile(
                social_media['twitter'], result.get('company'))

        primary_linkedin = ''
        if 'linkedin' in social_media:
            primary_linkedin = self._get_primary_profile(
                social_media['linkedin'], result.get('company'))

        # Build dict with account information.
        account_information = {
            'name': result.get('company'),
            'description': result.get('description'),
            'tags': tags,
            'email_addresses': emails[:email_limit],
            'primary_email': primary_email,
            'phone_numbers': phone_numbers[:phone_number_limit],
            'phone_number': phone_number,
            'addresses': addresses[:address_limit],
            'legalentity': result.get('legalentity'),
            'taxnumber': result.get('taxnumber'),
            'bankaccountnumber': result.get('bankaccountnumber'),
            'cocnumber': result.get('cocnumber'),
            'iban': result.get('iban'),
            'bic': result.get('bic'),
            'social_media_profiles': social_media,
            'twitter': primary_twitter,
            'linkedin': primary_linkedin,

        return account_information
Beispiel #8
    def set_view_output(self):
        Create a generic json format for account information based on the json from Dataprovider.
        phone_number_limit = 5
        email_limit = 5
        address_limit = 3

        # Expected api output is json
        self.api_output = json.loads(self.api_output)

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error
        if self.api_output.get("error"):
            raise Http404()

        # Return error message when nothing was found
        if self.api_output.get("total") == 0:
            raise Exception(_("I'm so sorry, I couldn't find any data for this website."))

        # Filter useful data
        result = self.api_output["data"][0]

        # Get company name
        company = result.get("company")

        # Get website description
        description = result.get("description")

        # Get the keywords and convert to list
        tags = result.get("keywords")
        if tags:
            tags = result.get("keywords").strip().rstrip(",").split(",")

        # Get email addresses and convert to a list if needed
        emails = result.get("emailaddresses", []) or []
        if not isinstance(emails, list):
            emails = [emails]

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self._get_primary_email(emails)

            # Set primary email to the first in the list
            emails.insert(0, primary_email)

        # Limit number of emails
        emails = emails[:email_limit]

        phone_numbers = []

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation
        phone_number = result.get("phonenumber")

        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(phone_number)

        # Get phone numbers and convert to list if needed
        raw_phone_numbers = result.get("phonenumbers", []) or []
        if not isinstance(raw_phone_numbers, list):
            raw_phone_numbers = [raw_phone_numbers]

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Limit number of phonenumbers
        phone_numbers = phone_numbers[:phone_number_limit]

        # Get what kind of company it is (e.g. LLC)
        legalentity = result.get("legalentity")

        # Get the VAT (Value Added Tax) identifaction number
        taxnumber = result.get("taxnumber")

        # Get bank account number
        bankaccountnumber = result.get("bankaccountnumber")

        # Get the CoC (Chamber of Commerce) number
        cocnumber = result.get("cocnumber")

        # Get the IBAN (Internation Bank Account Number)
        iban = result.get("iban")

        # Get the BIC (Bank Identifier Code)
        bic = result.get("bic")

        # Try to parse the address
        address = result.get("address")
        if address:
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            street, street_number, complement = None, None, None

        # Make the full address
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get("city") or result.get("zipcode") or result.get("country"):
            addresses = [
                    "street": street,
                    "street_number": street_number,
                    "complement": complement,
                    "city": result.get("city"),
                    "country": result.get("country"),
                    "postal_code": result.get("zipcode"),

        addresses = addresses[:address_limit]

        # Build dict with account information
        self.view_output = {
            "name": company,
            "description": description,
            "tags": tags,
            "email_addresses": emails,
            "primary_email": primary_email,
            "phone_numbers": phone_numbers,
            "phone_number": phone_number,
            "addresses": addresses,
            "legalentity": legalentity,
            "taxnumber": taxnumber,
            "bankaccountnumber": bankaccountnumber,
            "cocnumber": cocnumber,
            "iban": iban,
            "bic": bic,

        return json.dumps(self.view_output)
Beispiel #9
    def _get_account_information(self, api_output):
        Create a dict with account information based on the json response from Dataprovider.
        phone_number_limit = 5
        email_limit = 5
        address_limit = 3

        # Expected API output is json.
        api_output_json = json.loads(api_output)

        # Return 404 when the api returned an error.
        if api_output_json.get('error'):
            raise Http404(api_output_json.get('error'))

        # Return error message when nothing was found.
        if api_output_json.get('total') == 0:
            raise APIException(_('I\'m so sorry, I couldn\'t find any data for this website.'))

        # Filter useful data.
        result = api_output_json['data'][0]

        # Get the keywords and convert to list.
        tags = result.get('keywords')
        if tags:
            tags = result.get('keywords').strip().rstrip(',').split(',')

        # Get email addresses as a list.
        emails = list(result.get('emailaddresses', []))

        # Determine primary email since Dataprovider doesn't provide it.
        primary_email = None
        if emails:
            primary_email = self._get_primary_email(emails)

            # Set primary email to the first in the list.
            emails.insert(0, primary_email)

        phone_numbers = []

        # Get primary phone number and convert to a nicer representation.
        phone_number = result.get('phonenumber')

        if phone_number:
            phone_number = parse_phone_number(phone_number)

        # Get phone numbers as a list.
        raw_phone_numbers = list(result.get('phonenumbers', []))

        # Convert all phone numbers to a nicer representation.
        for raw_phone_number in raw_phone_numbers:

        # Try to parse the address.
        address = result.get('address')
        address_line = ''
        if address:
            # Construct address_line, instead of assigning address to address_line directly,
            # because parse_address() also santizes the result.
            street, street_number, complement = parse_address(address)
            if street:
                address_line = street
            if street_number:
                address_line += ' ' + street_number
            if complement:
                address_line += complement

        # Make the full address.
        addresses = []
        if address or result.get('city') or result.get('zipcode') or result.get('country'):
            addresses = [{
                'address': address_line,
                'city': result.get('city'),
                'country': result.get('country'),
                'postal_code': result.get('zipcode'),

        # Get social media profiles.
        social_profiles = result.get('socialprofiles')

        # Group profiles by platform.
        # Disregards the other platforms provided by Dataprovider: Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest.
        social_media = {}
        for profile in social_profiles:
            if profile.startswith(''):
                if 'twitter' not in social_media:
                    social_media['twitter'] = []
            elif profile.startswith(''):
                if 'linkedin' not in social_media:
                    social_media['linkedin'] = []

        primary_twitter = ''
        if 'twitter' in social_media:
            primary_twitter = self._get_primary_profile(social_media['twitter'], result.get('company'))

        primary_linkedin = ''
        if 'linkedin' in social_media:
            primary_linkedin = self._get_primary_profile(social_media['linkedin'], result.get('company'))

        # Build dict with account information.
        account_information = {
            'name': result.get('company'),
            'description': result.get('description'),
            'tags': tags,
            'email_addresses': emails[:email_limit],
            'primary_email': primary_email,
            'phone_numbers': phone_numbers[:phone_number_limit],
            'phone_number': phone_number,
            'addresses': addresses[:address_limit],
            'legalentity': result.get('legalentity'),
            'taxnumber': result.get('taxnumber'),
            'bankaccountnumber': result.get('bankaccountnumber'),
            'cocnumber': result.get('cocnumber'),
            'iban': result.get('iban'),
            'bic': result.get('bic'),
            'social_media_profiles': social_media,
            'twitter': primary_twitter,
            'linkedin': primary_linkedin,

        return account_information