Beispiel #1
    def testGalactic(self):
        """Verify Galactic coordinate transforms"""

        # Try converting Sag-A to galactic and make sure we get the right answer
        # Sagittarius A (very nearly the galactic center)
        sagAKnownEqu = afwCoord.Fk5Coord("17:45:40.04", "-29:00:28.1")
        sagAKnownGal = afwCoord.GalacticCoord(359.94432 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                              -0.04619 * afwGeom.degrees)

        sagAGal = sagAKnownEqu.toGalactic()
            "Galactic (Sag-A):  (transformed) %.5f %.5f   (known) %.5f %.5f\n"
            (sagAGal.getL().asDegrees(), sagAGal.getB().asDegrees(),
             sagAKnownGal.getL().asDegrees(), sagAKnownGal.getB().asDegrees()))

        # verify ... to 4 places, the accuracy of the galactic pole in Fk5
                               sagAKnownGal.getL().asDegrees(), 4)
                               sagAKnownGal.getB().asDegrees(), 4)

        # make sure it transforms back ... to machine precision
                               sagAKnownEqu.getRa().asDegrees(), 12)
                               sagAKnownEqu.getDec().asDegrees(), 12)
Beispiel #2
    def testNames(self):
        """Test the names of the Coords (Useful with Point2D form)"""

        # verify that each coordinate type can tell you what its components are called.
        radec1, known1 = afwCoord.Coord(
            self.ra, self.dec).getCoordNames(), ["RA", "Dec"]
        radec3, known3 = afwCoord.Fk5Coord(
            self.ra, self.dec).getCoordNames(), ["RA", "Dec"]
        radec4, known4 = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(
            self.ra, self.dec).getCoordNames(), ["RA", "Dec"]
        lb, known5 = afwCoord.GalacticCoord(
            self.ra, self.dec).getCoordNames(), ["L", "B"]
        lambet, known6 = afwCoord.EclipticCoord(
            self.ra, self.dec).getCoordNames(), ["Lambda", "Beta"]
        observatory = afwCoord.Observatory(0 * afwGeom.degrees,
                                           0 * afwGeom.degrees, 0)
        altaz = afwCoord.TopocentricCoord(self.ra, self.dec, 2000.0,
        known7 = ["Az", "Alt"]

        pairs = [
            [radec1, known1],
            [radec3, known3],
            [radec4, known4],
            [lb, known5],
            [lambet, known6],
            [altaz, known7],

        for pair, known in (pairs):
            self.assertEqual(pair[0], known[0])
            self.assertEqual(pair[1], known[1])
Beispiel #3
    def testVirtualGetName(self):

        gal = afwCoord.GalacticCoord(0.0 * afwGeom.radians, 0.0 * afwGeom.radians)
        clone = gal.clone()
        gal_names = gal.getCoordNames()      # ("L", "B")
        clone_names = clone.getCoordNames()  #("Ra", "Dec")

        self.assertEqual(gal_names[0], clone_names[0])
        self.assertEqual(gal_names[1], clone_names[1])
Beispiel #4
 def setUp(self):
     ra = 10.0 * afwGeom.degrees
     dec = 1.0 * afwGeom.degrees
     epoch = 2000.0 = [
         afwCoord.Coord(ra, dec, epoch),
         afwCoord.Fk5Coord(ra, dec, epoch),
         afwCoord.IcrsCoord(ra, dec),
         afwCoord.GalacticCoord(ra, dec),
         afwCoord.EclipticCoord(ra, dec),
         # TopocentricCoord is not currently picklable
Beispiel #5
    def testAverage(self):
        """Tests for lsst.afw.coord.averageCoord"""
        icrs = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(self.ra, self.dec)
        gal = afwCoord.GalacticCoord(self.l * afwGeom.degrees,
                                     self.b * afwGeom.degrees)

        # Mixed systems, no system provided
        with self.assertRaises(pexEx.InvalidParameterError):
            afwCoord.averageCoord([icrs, gal])

        # Mixed systems, but target system provided
        # Only checking this doesn't fail; will check accuracy later
        afwCoord.averageCoord([icrs, gal], afwCoord.ICRS)
        afwCoord.averageCoord([icrs, gal], afwCoord.FK5)

        # Same system, no target system provided
        result = afwCoord.averageCoord([icrs] * 100)
        self.assertEqual(result, icrs)

        def circle(center, start, precision=1.0e-9):
            """Generate points in a circle; test that average is in the center

            Precision is specified in arcseconds.
            coords = []
            for ii in range(120):
                new = start.clone()
                new.rotate(center, ii * 3 * afwGeom.degrees)
            result = afwCoord.averageCoord(coords)
            distance = result.angularSeparation(center)
            self.assertLess(distance.asArcseconds(), precision)

        for center, start in (
                # RA=0=360 border
            (afwCoord.IcrsCoord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, 0 * afwGeom.degrees),
             afwCoord.IcrsCoord(5 * afwGeom.degrees, 0 * afwGeom.degrees)),
                # North pole
            (afwCoord.IcrsCoord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, 90 * afwGeom.degrees),
             afwCoord.IcrsCoord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, 85 * afwGeom.degrees)),
                # South pole
            (afwCoord.IcrsCoord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, -90 * afwGeom.degrees),
             afwCoord.IcrsCoord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, -85 * afwGeom.degrees)),
            circle(center, start)
Beispiel #6
    def testPrecess(self):
        """Test precession calculations in different coordinate systems"""

        # Try precessing in the various coordinate systems, and check the results.
        ### Fk5 ###
        # example 21.b Meeus, pg 135, for Alpha Persei ... with proper motion
        alpha0, delta0 = "2:44:11.986", "49:13:42.48"
        # proper motions per year
        dAlphaS, dDeltaAS = 0.03425, -0.0895
        # Angle/yr
        dAlpha, dDelta = (dAlphaS*15.) * afwGeom.arcseconds, (dDeltaAS) * afwGeom.arcseconds

        # get for 2028, Nov 13.19
        epoch = dafBase.DateTime(2028, 11, 13, 4, 33, 36,

        # the known final answer
        # - actually 41.547214, 49.348483 (suspect precision error in Meeus)
        alphaKnown, deltaKnown = 41.547236, 49.348488

        alphaPer0 = afwCoord.Fk5Coord(alpha0, delta0)
        alpha1 = alphaPer0.getRa() + dAlpha*(epoch - 2000.0)
        delta1 = alphaPer0.getDec() + dDelta*(epoch - 2000.0)

        alphaPer = afwCoord.Fk5Coord(alpha1, delta1).precess(epoch)

        print("Precession (Alpha-Per): %.6f %.6f   (known) %.6f %.6f" % (alphaPer.getRa().asDegrees(),
                                                                         alphaKnown, deltaKnown))
        # precision 6 (with 1 digit fudged in the 'known' answers)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(alphaPer.getRa().asDegrees(), alphaKnown, 6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(alphaPer.getDec().asDegrees(), deltaKnown, 6)

        # verify that toFk5(epoch) also works as precess
        alphaPer2 = afwCoord.Fk5Coord(alpha1, delta1).toFk5(epoch)
        self.assertEqual(alphaPer[0], alphaPer2[0])
        self.assertEqual(alphaPer[1], alphaPer2[1])

        # verify that convert(FK5, epoch) also works as precess
        alphaPer3 = afwCoord.Fk5Coord(alpha1, delta1).convert(afwCoord.FK5, epoch)
        self.assertEqual(alphaPer[0], alphaPer3[0])
        self.assertEqual(alphaPer[1], alphaPer3[1])
        ### Galactic ###
        # make sure Galactic throws an exception. As there's no epoch, there's no precess() method.
        gal = afwCoord.GalacticCoord(self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees)
        epochNew = 2010.0
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: gal.precess(epochNew))

        ### Icrs ###

        # make sure Icrs throws an exception. As there's no epoch, there's no precess() method.
        icrs = afwCoord.IcrsCoord(self.l * afwGeom.degrees, self.b * afwGeom.degrees)
        epochNew = 2010.0
        self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda: icrs.precess(epochNew))

        ### Ecliptic ###
        # test for ecliptic with venus (example from meeus, pg 137)
        lamb2000, beta2000 = 149.48194, 1.76549
        # known values for -214, June 30.0
        # they're actually 118.704, 1.615, but I suspect discrepancy is a rounding error in Meeus
        # -- we use double precision, he carries 7 places only.

        # originally 214BC, but that broke the DateTime
        # It did work previously, so for the short term, I've taken the answer it
        #  returns for 1920, and used that as the 'known answer' for future tests.
        #year = -214 
        #lamb214bc, beta214bc = 118.704, 1.606
        year = 1920
        lamb214bc, beta214bc = 148.37119237032144, 1.7610036104147864
        venus2000  = afwCoord.EclipticCoord(lamb2000 * afwGeom.degrees, beta2000 * afwGeom.degrees, 2000.0)
        ep = dafBase.DateTime(year, 6, 30, 0, 0, 0,
        venus214bc = venus2000.precess(ep)
        print("Precession (Ecliptic, Venus): %.4f %.4f  (known) %.4f %.4f" %
             (venus214bc.getLambda().asDegrees(), venus214bc.getBeta().asDegrees(),
              lamb214bc, beta214bc))
        # 3 places precision (accuracy of our controls)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(venus214bc.getLambda().asDegrees(), lamb214bc, 3)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(venus214bc.getBeta().asDegrees(), beta214bc, 3)

        # verify that toEcliptic(ep) does the same as precess(ep)
        venus214bc2 = venus2000.toEcliptic(ep)
        self.assertEqual(venus214bc[0], venus214bc2[0])
        self.assertEqual(venus214bc[1], venus214bc2[1])

        # verify that convert(ECLIPTIC, ep) is the same as precess(ep)
        venus214bc3 = venus2000.convert(afwCoord.ECLIPTIC, ep)
        self.assertEqual(venus214bc[0], venus214bc3[0])
        self.assertEqual(venus214bc[1], venus214bc3[1])