def phase_stretch_transform(img, LPF, S, W, threshold_min, threshold_max, flag): L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[1]) [X1, Y1] = (np.meshgrid(x, y)) X = X1.T Y = Y1.T theta, rho = cart2pol(X, Y) orig = ((np.fft.fft2(img))) expo = np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(rho, math.sqrt((LPF ** 2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) orig_filtered = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(orig, expo)))) PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, W), np.arctan(, W))) - 0.5 * np.log( 1 + np.power(, W), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * S temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(orig_filtered)) orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) PHI_features = np.angle(orig_filtered_PST) if flag == 0: out = PHI_features else: features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > threshold_max] = 1 features[PHI_features < threshold_min] = 1 features[img < (np.amax(img) / 20)] = 0 out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) return out, PST_Kernel
def pst_algorithm(image, LPF, Phase_strength, Warp_strength, Threshold_min, Threshold_max, Morph_flag): L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, image.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, image.shape[1]) [X1, Y1] = (np.meshgrid(x, y)) X = X1.T Y = Y1.T [THETA, RHO] = [np.arctan2(Y, X), np.hypot(X, Y)] # cartesian to polar coordinates # Apply localization kernel to the original image to reduce noise Image_orig_f = np.fft.fft2(image) expo = np.fft.fftshift( np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(RHO, math.sqrt((LPF**2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) Image_orig_filtered = np.real( np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(Image_orig_f, expo)))) # Constructing the PST Kernel PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, Warp_strength), np.arctan(, Warp_strength)) ) - 0.5 * np.log(1 + np.power(, Warp_strength), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * Phase_strength # Apply the PST Kernel temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(Image_orig_filtered)) Image_orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) # Calculate phase of the transformed image PHI_features = np.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST) if Morph_flag == 0: out = PHI_features out = (out / np.max(out)) * 3 else: # find image sharp transitions by thresholding the phase features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 # Bi-threshold decision features[ PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 # as the output phase has both positive and negative values features[image < ( np.amax(image) / 20 )] = 0 # Removing edges in the very dark areas of the image (noise) # apply binary morphological operations to clean the transformed image out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) return out
def phase_stretch_transform(img, LPF, S, W, Threshold_min, Threshold_max, flag): L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[1]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) p, q = X.T, y.T theta, rho = cart2pol(p, q) # 接下来对PST公式从右至左依次实现, # 对输入图像进行快速傅里叶变换, orig = np.fft.fft2(img) # 实现L[p, q] expo = np.fft.fftshift( np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(rho, math.sqrt((LPF**2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) # 对图像进行平滑处理, orig_filtered = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(orig, expo)))) # 实现相位核, PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, W), np.arctan( rho, W))) - 0.5 * np.log(1 + np.power(, W), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * S # 将前面实现的部分与相位核做乘积, temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(orig_filtered)) # 对图像进行逆快速傅里叶变换, orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) # 进行角运算,得到变换图像的相位, PHI_features = np.angle(orig_filtered_PST) if flag == 0: out = PHI_features else: # 对图像进行阈值化处理, features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 features[PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 features[img < (np.amax(img) / 20)] = 0 # 应用二进制形态学操作来清除转换后的图像, out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) return out, PST_Kernel
def count_holes(dir_name, extension='.tif', plotting = False, dpi = 300, transparent=True): total_holes = [] i = 0 for files in sorted(os.listdir(dir_name)): if files.endswith(extension): scan = os.path.join(dir_name,files) img = tf.imread(scan) img[img > 0] = -1 skel = mh.thin(img) noholes = mh.morph.close_holes(skel) cskel = np.logical_not(skel) choles = np.logical_not(noholes) holes = np.logical_and(cskel,noholes) lab, n = mh.label(holes) total_holes.append(n) if plotting: fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(img) plt.tight_layout(pad=0) fig.savefig(dir_name + '/binary_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(skel) plt.tight_layout(pad=0) fig.savefig(dir_name + '/skel_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent) plt.close(fig) fig = plt.figure() plt.imshow(lab) plt.tight_layout(pad=0) fig.savefig(dir_name + '/labels_{}_{:03d}.png'.format(dir_name,i+1), dpi=dpi, transparent=transparent) plt.close(fig) i += 1 return total_holes
def skeleton(self): self.image = removeframe(readgreyimage(self.image)) self.ip = dealwhitelabel(self.image, what='remove', ontooriginal=False) # self.ip=openclose(self.ip,open=False) = mh.thin(self.ip > 127) = pruning(, size=15) return self
def chromatids_elements(TopHatedChromosome): '''Take a High pass filtered (or top hat) image of a chromosome and label the chromatids elements ''' threshed = TopHatedChromosome > 0 #threshed = labthres, _ = mh.label(threshed) labsz = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labthres) mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(labthres, labsz < 2, inplace=True) threshed = labthres > 0 skel2 = mh.thin(threshed) bp2 = branchedPoints(skel2, showSE=False) > 0 rem = np.logical_and(skel2, np.logical_not(bp2)) labskel, _ = mh.labeled.label(rem) #print labskel.dtype size_sk = mh.labeled.labeled_size(labskel) #print size_sk skelem = mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(labskel, size_sk < 4) distances = mh.stretch(mh.distance(threshed)) surface = (distances.max() - distances) chr_label = mh.cwatershed(surface, skelem) #print chr_label.dtype, type(chr_label) chr_label *= threshed #This convertion is important !! chr_label = chr_label.astype(np.intc) #------------------------------- mh.labeled.relabel(chr_label, inplace=True) labsize2 = mh.labeled.labeled_size(chr_label) cleaned = mh.labeled.remove_regions_where(chr_label, labsize2 < 8) mh.labeled.relabel(cleaned, inplace=True) return cleaned
def objectfeatures(img): """ values=objectfeatures(img) This implements the object features described in "Object Type Recognition for Automated Analysis of Protein Subcellular Location" by Ting Zhao, Meel Velliste, Michael V. Boland, and Robert F. Murphy in IEEE Transaction on Image Processing """ protimg = img.get("procprotein") dnaimg = img.channeldata.get("procdna", None) assert ( dnaimg is None or protimg.shape == dnaimg.shape ), "pymorph.objectfeatures: DNA image is not of same size as Protein image." labeled, N = ndimage.label(protimg, ones((3, 3))) if not N: return np.zeros((0, 11)) sofs = np.zeros((N, 11)) indices = np.arange(1, N + 1) if dnaimg is not None: dnacofy, dnacofx = ndimage.center_of_mass(dnaimg) bindna = dnaimg > 0 # According to the documentation, it shouldn't matter if indices is None, # but in my version of scipy.ndimage, you *have* to use indices. centers = ndimage.center_of_mass(protimg, labeled, indices) if N == 1: centers = list(centers) centers = np.asarray(centers) centers -= np.array((dnacofy, dnacofx)) centers **= 2 sofs[:, 1] = np.sqrt(centers.sum(1)) locations = ndimage.find_objects(labeled, N) sofs[:, 9] = ndimage.measurements.sum(protimg, labeled, indices) for obji in xrange(N): slice = locations[obji] binobj = (labeled[slice] == (obji + 1)).copy() protobj = protimg[slice] binskel = thin(binobj) objhull = convexhull(binobj) no_of_branch_points = fast_sum(find_branch_points(binskel)) hfeats = hullfeatures(binobj, objhull) sofs[obji, 0] = fast_sum(binobj) if dnaimg is not None: sofs[obji, 2] = fast_sum(binobj & bindna[slice]) sofs[obji, 3] = hfeats[2] sofs[obji, 4] = euler(binobj) sofs[obji, 5] = hfeats[1] sofs[obji, 6] = fast_sum(binskel) sofs[obji, 7] = hfeats[0] sofs[obji, 9] /= fast_sum(binskel * protobj) sofs[obji, 10] = no_of_branch_points sofs[:, 2] /= sofs[:, 0] sofs[:, 8] = sofs[:, 6] / sofs[:, 0] sofs[:, 10] /= sofs[:, 6] return sofs
def skel(self, img): img[0,:]=0 # make 1st line in the image black to achieve consistent result between distance field and medial axis skeleton. img[len(img)-1,:]=0 # make last line in the image black to achieve consistent result between distance field and medial axis skeleton. img[:,len(img[0])-1]=0 # make right column in the image black to achieve consistent result between distance field and medial axis skeleton. img[:,0]=0 # make left column in the image black to achieve consistent result between distance field and medial axis skeleton. dmap = m.distance(img>0,metric='euclidean') dmap=np.sqrt(dmap)*2 skelImg=m.thin(img>0) return skelImg, dmap
def _objskelfeats(objimg): """ feats = _objskelfeats(objimg) Calculate skeleton features for the object OBJIMG. """ objimg = objimg objbin = objimg > 0 objsize = objbin.sum() if objsize == 0: return numpy.zeros(5) objskel = thin(objbin) skellen = objskel.sum() skelhull = convexhull(objskel); hullsize = skelhull.sum() hullsize = max(hullsize, skellen) # Corner cases such as [[1]] skel_hull_area_ratio = skellen / hullsize skel_obj_area_ratio = skellen/objsize skel_fluor = (objimg * objskel).sum() obj_fluor = objimg.sum() skel_obj_fluor_ratio = skel_fluor/obj_fluor branch_points = find_branch_points(objskel) no_of_branch_points = branch_points.sum() return numpy.array([ skellen, skel_hull_area_ratio, skel_obj_area_ratio, skel_obj_fluor_ratio, no_of_branch_points/skellen])
import numpy as np import mahotas from pylab import imshow, savefig A = np.zeros((100,100), bool) A[40:60] = 1 W = mahotas.thin(A) D = mahotas.distance(~W) imshow(D) savefig('distance.png')
def n_skeleton_branched_points(image): """Number of branched points of skeleton.""" skeleton = mh.thin(image) b_points = branched_points(skeleton) return (sum(sum(b_points != False)))
def processImage(filepath, median_filter_size=15, small_object_size=40, fill_small_holes_n_iterations=2, n_prune=15, bg_greyscale=250, crack_greyscale=245): """ Function to create extract a binary image pixel-thick cracks from an image of a cracked material. For details, see Griffiths et al. (2017) and supplementary materials (provided in ./references folder). Griffiths, L., Heap, M.J., Baud, P., Schmittbuhl, J., 2017. Quantification of microcrack characteristics and implications for stiffness and strength of granite. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 100, 138–150. Args: filepath (string): path to the image file to be processed median_filter_size (int): width (in pixels) of the square median filter window. the value at the center of the moving window is replaces by the median of the values within the window. This should be set to a value just larger than the crack width. small_object_size (int): connected objects within the image following thresholding, with contained within a square of this size (in pixels) will be removed from the image. fill_small_holes_n_iterations (int): Before skeletonisation of the segmented image, any holes in the segmented cracks must be removed. This value gives the number of times the image will be dilated and eroded, to fill all holes. 2 is often enough. n_prune: Number of times the skeletonised cracks are pruned i.e., end points are removed. This value should be greater than the width of the segmented cracks before skeletonisation, or the median_filter_size, which should be similar. bg_greyscale: The lower boundary of the image mask defined prior to the watershed segmentation. Any pixel with a greyscale value below this value is "background" crack_greyscale: The lower boundary of the image mask defined prior to the watershed segmentation. Any pixel with a greyscale value above this value is "crack". Returns: cracks_skeleton_restored (numpy array): Binary image of the skeletonised cracks. """ # img_orig = np.uint8( scipy.misc.imread(filename, flatten = True) ) image ='L') img_orig = np.uint8(image) # img = img[2:-2, 2:-2] # Microscope image borders are all same grayscale # img = img[760:780, 923:977] """ Filter image """ img = (255 - img_orig) # Switch grayscale img_median = ndi.median_filter(img, median_filter_size) # Median filter, good at conserving edges img_filtered = (255 - cv2.subtract(img, img_median)) # Subtract filtered image from original (cracks = white) """ Segmentation """ markers = np.zeros_like(img_filtered) # Mark the different regions of the image markers[img_filtered > bg_greyscale] = 1 # Minimum crack grayscales markers[img_filtered < crack_greyscale] = 2 # Maximum crack grayscales # Plot median filtered image and mask f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0].imshow(img_filtered, cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(markers, cmap='gray') elevation_map = filters.sobel(img_filtered) # Edge detection for watershed segmented = np.abs(255 - 255 * watershed(elevation_map, markers)) # Watershed segmentation, white on black """ Thin, prune and label cracks """ cracks = removeSmallObjects(segmented, small_object_size) # Remove small objects cracks = fillSmallHoles(cracks, fill_small_holes_n_iterations) # Fill small holes in cracks cracks = binary_dilation(cracks) # Dilate before thinning cracks_skeleton = 255 * np.int8(mh.thin(cracks > 0)) # Skeletonise image cracks_skeleton_pruned = removeEndPoints(cracks_skeleton, n_prune) # Remove skeletonisation artefacts cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp = removeBranchPoints(cracks_skeleton_pruned) # Remove branch points to separate cracks cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp_2_ep = removeEndPointsIter( cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp) # Remove end points until 2 per crack cracks_skeleton_restored = restoreBranches(cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp_2_ep, cracks_skeleton) # Restore branches without creating new endpoints # Plot original and final image f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True) ax[0].imshow(img_orig, cmap='gray') ax[1].imshow(cracks_skeleton_restored, cmap='gray') # Save images save_image.counter = 0 save_image(img_orig) save_image(255 - img_median) save_image(255 - img_filtered) save_image(255 * elevation_map / np.max(elevation_map)) save_image(255 * segmented / np.max(segmented)) save_image(255 * cracks / np.max(cracks)) save_image(255 * cracks_skeleton / np.max(cracks_skeleton)) save_image(255 * cracks_skeleton_pruned / np.max(cracks_skeleton_pruned)) save_image(255 * cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp / np.max(cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp)) save_image(cracks_skeleton_pruned_no_bp_2_ep) save_image(cracks_skeleton_restored) return cracks_skeleton_restored
# import numpy for standard numerical calculations import numpy as np # read the image with mahotas as a grey image img = m.imread('./testimg4.jpg', as_grey=True) # read the image with mahotas again to obtain a color image where we can draw the ReebGraph in red (vertices) and green (edges) imgColor = m.imread('./testimg4.jpg') # Threshhold to remove artifacts from the jpg compression img = (img > 100) #get the dimensions of the image x, y = np.shape(img) #use the distance transform to obtain the distances per pixel of the medial axis dmap = m.distance(img, metric='manhatten') #use mathamatical morphology to obtain the medial axis (thinning function of mahotas) skelImg = m.thin(img) # draw the medial axis in the image for idx, i in enumerate(skelImg): for jdx, j in enumerate(i): if skelImg[idx, jdx] == True: imgColor[idx, jdx] = (255, 1, 1) try: imgColor[idx + 1, jdx] = (255, 1, 1) except: pass imgColor[idx - 1, jdx] = (255, 1, 1) try: imgColor[idx, jdx + 1] = (255, 1, 1) except: pass
def skeletonisation(self): #Skeletonisation by thinning return mh.thin(self.imgArray)
self.rotatedIm=nd.rotate(self.particuleImage,majorAngle) self.rotatedFlag=True return majorAngle,compassTable,self.rotatedIm user=os.path.expanduser("~") #modify the path to your image workdir=os.path.join(user,"Applications","ImagesTest","CytoProject","Jpp48","8","DAPI","particles") file="part3.png" complete_path=os.path.join(workdir,file) if __name__ == "__main__": im=readmagick.readimg(complete_path) im0=np.copy(im) hip=pymorph.subm(im,nd.gaussian_filter(im,5)) hip0=np.copy(hip) im=mahotas.thin(im) #im=mahotas.bwperim(im>0) hip=mahotas.thin(hip) #print im.dtype#print uint16 p1=particle(im) print "particle 1",p1.cvxhull_area() p2=particle(hip) contour=mahotas.bwperim(im>0) p3=particle(contour) print "particle 1 hi pass",p2.cvxhull_area() theta1,rosedesvents,VImage=p1.orientationByErosion(5) theta2,rdv,VHip=p2.orientationByErosion(5) x=rosedesvents[0,:] y=rosedesvents[1,:] xh=rdv[0,:] yh=rdv[1,:]
# import numpy for standard numerical calculations import numpy as np # read the image with mahotas as a grey image img=m.imread('./testimg4.jpg',as_grey=True) # read the image with mahotas again to obtain a color image where we can draw the ReebGraph in red (vertices) and green (edges) imgColor=m.imread('./testimg4.jpg') # Threshhold to remove artifacts from the jpg compression img=(img>100) #get the dimensions of the image x,y = np.shape(img) #use the distance transform to obtain the distances per pixel of the medial axis dmap = m.distance(img,metric='manhatten') #use mathamatical morphology to obtain the medial axis (thinning function of mahotas) skelImg=m.thin(img) # draw the medial axis in the image for idx,i in enumerate(skelImg): for jdx,j in enumerate(i): if skelImg[idx,jdx]==True: imgColor[idx,jdx]=(255,1,1) try: imgColor[idx+1,jdx]=(255,1,1) except: pass imgColor[idx-1,jdx]=(255,1,1) try: imgColor[idx,jdx+1]=(255,1,1) except:pass imgColor[idx,jdx-1]=(255,1,1)
def PST(I, LPF=0.21, Phase_strength=0.48, Warp_strength=12.14, Threshold_min=-1, Threshold_max=0.0019, Morph_flag=1): # I: image # Gaussian Low Pass Filter # LPF = 0.21 # PST parameters: # Phase_strength = 0.48 # Warp_strength = 12.14 # Thresholding parameters (for post processing after the edge is computed) # Threshold_min = -1 # Threshold_max = 0.0019 # To compute analog edge, set Morph_flag = 0 and to compute digital edge, set Morph_flag = 1 # Morph_flag = 1 I_initial = I if (len(I.shape) == 3): I = I.mean(axis=2) L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, I.shape[1]) [X1, Y1] = (np.meshgrid(x, y)) X = X1.T Y = Y1.T [THETA, RHO] = cart2pol(X, Y) # Apply localization kernel to the original image to reduce noise Image_orig_f = ((np.fft.fft2(I))) expo = np.fft.fftshift( np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(RHO, math.sqrt((LPF**2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) Image_orig_filtered = np.real( np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(Image_orig_f, expo)))) # Constructing the PST Kernel PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, Warp_strength), np.arctan(, Warp_strength)) ) - 0.5 * np.log(1 + np.power(, Warp_strength), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * Phase_strength # Apply the PST Kernel temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(Image_orig_filtered)) Image_orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) # Calculate phase of the transformed image PHI_features = np.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST) if Morph_flag == 0: out = PHI_features return out else: # find image sharp transitions by thresholding the phase features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 # Bi-threshold decision features[ PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 # as the output phase has both positive and negative values features[I < ( np.amax(I) / 20 )] = 0 # Removing edges in the very dark areas of the image (noise) # apply binary morphological operations to clean the transformed image out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) Overlay = mh.overlay(I, out) return (out, Overlay)
expo = np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(rho, math.sqrt((LPF ** 2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) orig_filtered = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(orig, expo)))) PST_Kernel_1 = np.multiply(, W), np.arctan(, W))) - 0.5 * np.log(1 + np.power(, W), 2)) PST_Kernel = PST_Kernel_1 / np.max(PST_Kernel_1) * S temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(orig_filtered)) temp = np.multiply(np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-1j * PST_Kernel)), np.fft.fft2(Image_orig_filtered)) orig_filtered_PST = np.fft.ifft2(temp) PHI_features = np.angle(Image_orig_filtered_PST) features = np.zeros((PHI_features.shape[0], PHI_features.shape[1])) features[PHI_features > Threshold_max] = 1 features[PHI_features < Threshold_min] = 1 features[I < (np.amax(I) / 20)] = 0 out = features out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.bwperim(out, 4) out = mh.thin(out, 1) out = mh.erode(out, np.ones((1, 1))) def phase_stretch_transform(img, LPF, S, W, threshold_min, threshold_max, flag): L = 0.5 x = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[0]) y = np.linspace(-L, L, img.shape[1]) [X1, Y1] = (np.meshgrid(x, y)) X = X1.T Y = Y1.T theta, rho = cart2pol(X, Y) orig = ((np.fft.fft2(img))) expo = np.fft.fftshift(np.exp(-np.power((np.divide(rho, math.sqrt((LPF ** 2) / np.log(2)))), 2))) orig_filtered = np.real(np.fft.ifft2((np.multiply(orig, expo))))
def python_nuvolatools(timg, tdrawable, mangaoptype=0, lowlevelnumber=0, highlevelnumber=255, samplethreshold=90, minblobarea=1, maxblobarea=10, otsuon=0, fancyproc=0, cbrregistry=0, numberOfDilations=1): ####CBR Registry section ###note CBR registry is meant to become a very compact way of specifying multiple values (i.e. for multiple operations, even as binary values) and should be processed in this section to initialize the necessary variables. This has priority over everything else passed as arguments to the present function ####variables init width = tdrawable.width height = tdrawable.height swidth = tdrawable.mask_bounds[2] - tdrawable.mask_bounds[0] sheight = tdrawable.mask_bounds[3] - tdrawable.mask_bounds[1] soffsetX = tdrawable.mask_bounds[0] soffsetY = tdrawable.mask_bounds[1] sselectionBox = tdrawable.mask_bounds shapedetfillratio = 0.0 shapedetfillrange = 0.0 shapedethwratio = 0.0 shapedethwrange = 0.0 shapeselectex = 1 shapeinvertpic = 0 radiusoperation = 0 radiuspixel = 1 uniqueExtension = "" if ((cbrregistry & 16)== 16): dateNow = uniqueExtension = str(time.mktime(dateNow.timetuple())) if ((mangaoptype==2) or (mangaoptype==3) or (mangaoptype==4)): if ((cbrregistry & 4)== 4): extradata = readdialogdatafromshm() root = Tk() if ((cbrregistry & 4)!= 4): d = MyDialog(root) extradata = d.result print "Extra parameters input result:", extradata print "EXTRA PARAMETERS RAW", extradata shapedetfillratio = float(extradata[0]) shapedethwratio = float(extradata[1]) shapedetfillrange = float(extradata[2]) shapedethwrange = float(extradata[3]) shapeselectex = int(extradata[4]) shapeinvertpic = int(extradata[5]) radiusoperation = int(extradata[6]) radiuspixel = int(extradata[7]) #basically, invertpic means setting the whitepores operation... so: # (shapeinvertpic) complements the whitepores condition ~_~ scropBox = (swidth,sheight,soffsetX,soffsetY) ####creating work image (currently the imgg is NOT USED) imgg = gimp.Image(width, height, GRAY) imgg.disable_undo() layer_imgg = gimp.Layer(imgg, "work layer", width, height, GRAY_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE) layer_imgg.add_alpha() imgg.add_layer(layer_imgg, 0) pdb.gimp_image_crop(imgg,swidth,sheight,soffsetX,soffsetY) ##pdb.gimp_edit_copy(tdrawable) ##imggpastelayer = pdb.gimp_edit_paste(layer_imgg, True) ##imgg.add_layer(imggpastelayer, 1) ##imggreturnlayer = pdb.gimp_image_flatten(imgg) wdrawable = tdrawable.copy() if (fancyproc): timg.add_layer(wdrawable, 0) wdrawable.add_alpha() pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(wdrawable,"nuvola work layer") #### FANCY OPERATIONS (work layer) if (fancyproc): ### this is a preset known to work well for me ~_~ ...doing two passes! (I should make this optonal tho) ## excluding the gaussian blur, useless for now. #pdb.plug_in_gauss_rle(timg, wdrawable, maxblurrad***, 1, 1) #mablurrad will give error since this variable has been removed pdb.gimp_levels(wdrawable, 0, 0, highlevelnumber, 1, 0, 255) #first let's minimize the background pdb.plug_in_unsharp_mask(timg, wdrawable, 5, 0.5, 0) # only then, more crispness #pdb.plug_in_unsharp_mask(timg, wdrawable, 5, 0.5, 0) ###maybe this is excessive, let's comment it pdb.gimp_levels(wdrawable, 0, lowlevelnumber, 255, 1, 0, 255) #then, further darken the blacks pdb.plug_in_antialias(timg, wdrawable) # a touch of antialias~ ####conversion to numpy array #pdb.file_png_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.png", "pngtimgfile.png", 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) #img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.png", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) #pdb.file_gif_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.gif", "pngtimgfile.gif", 0, 0, 0, 0) #img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.gif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) pdb.file_tiff_save(timg, tdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.tif", "pngtimgfile.tif", 1) print "calling nparrayfrom pngtimgfile" img = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-pngtimgfile.tif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) #pdb.file_png_save(timg, wdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.png", "wpngtimgfile.png", 0, 9, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) #wimg = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.png", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) <-- only if fancyproc if (fancyproc): print "calling nparrayfrom wpngtimgfile" pdb.file_tiff_save(timg, wdrawable, "/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.tif", "wpngtimgfile.tif",1) wimg = makenparrayfromfile("/dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-wpngtimgfile.tif", sselectionBox, uniqueExtension) #### thresholding and labeling imglabel, labelnum, imgbin, imgbinneg, img, imgneg, imgotsu, imgtosaveotsu, imgotsuneg = imagepreprocesslabel(img, mangaoptype, otsuon, samplethreshold, shapeinvertpic) if (fancyproc): wimglabel, wlabelnum, wimgbin, wimgbinneg, wimg, wimgneg, wimgotsu, wimgtosaveotsu, wimgotsuneg = imagepreprocesslabel(wimg, mangaoptype, otsuon, samplethreshold, shapeinvertpic) #### special for the shapedetector: we are actually using the work layer since it should give a much better shape separation if ((mangaoptype==2) and (fancyproc)): imglabel = wimglabel labelnum = wlabelnum imgbin = wimgbin imgbinneg = wimgbinneg img = wimg imgneg = wimgneg imgotsu = wimgotsu imgtosaveotsu = wimgtosaveotsu imgotsuneg = wimgotsuneg ####blob measurement via pymorph, parameter maxblobarea pdb.gimp_progress_set_text('Measuring specks sizes.. (may take some time)') imgblobdata = measurefromlabel(imglabel, tdrawable, fancyproc) print imgblobdata, len(imgblobdata) #len of data == number of labels, of course. #### speckles operation start if ((mangaoptype==0) or (mangaoptype==1)): #print "making measurement from labels" imgspeckles = img; #create a copy of the original nparray imgspecklesres = makefromlabel(imgbinneg, imgspeckles, imglabel, imgblobdata,minblobarea,maxblobarea,fancyproc, shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel, mangaoptype, uniqueExtension) if (mangaoptype==2): imgspeckles = img; #create a copy of the original nparray ### for now, fancyproc is needed true if we want to match specific shapes fancyproc = True print "pre-call shape det parameters", shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel imgspecklesres = makefromlabel(imgbinneg, imgspeckles, imglabel, imgblobdata,minblobarea,maxblobarea,fancyproc, shapedetfillratio, shapedetfillrange, shapedethwratio, shapedethwrange, shapeselectex, radiusoperation, radiuspixel, mangaoptype, uniqueExtension) #### Fancy operation: dilation #if (mangaoptype==1): # propagate_mode=1 print "processing dilations" for i in range(numberOfDilations): imgspecklesresdil = mahotas.dilate(imgspecklesres) imgspecklesres = imgspecklesresdil #### Fancy operation: thinning skeleton from mahotas when processing lineart print "thinning skeleton, this may take some minutes for very large pictures!" if ((fancyproc) and (mangaoptype == 3)): #if ((mangaoptype == 0)): minsegment=256 minoverlap=64 #if (not fancyproc): # wimgbinneg is not declared if fancyproc is false, so for debugging purposes we assign it # wimgbinneg = imgbinneg #preliminary results show a *less crisp* starting picture is MUCH desirable ~_~ wbinneglen=len(wimgbinneg) wbinneglenintparts=wbinneglen/minsegment wbinneglenintrem=wbinneglen-wbinneglenintparts*minsegment wbinnegindex=0 #wimgbinneg=mahotas.erode(wimgbinneg) ###this has a very positive effect of stabilizing certain aspects of the picture, however it's also altering it greatly. Commented for the time being. #wimgbinneg=mahotas.erode(wimgbinneg) print "processing segment at", wbinnegindex, "/",wbinneglen imgthin=mahotas.thin(wimgbinneg[wbinnegindex:wbinnegindex+minsegment]) wbinnegindex=wbinnegindex+minsegment while (wbinnegindex<=wbinneglen): pdb.gimp_progress_set_text("processing segment at "+str(wbinnegindex)+"/"+str(wbinneglen)) wbinnegindex=wbinnegindex-minoverlap ###makes it 25% more computationally expensive, but pays with no artifacts if (wbinnegindex+minsegment <= wbinneglen): imgthinpart=mahotas.thin(wimgbinneg[wbinnegindex:wbinnegindex+minsegment]) if (wbinnegindex+minsegment > wbinneglen): imgthinpart=mahotas.thin(wimgbinneg[wbinnegindex:]) #print imgthin[0] #print imgthinpart[0] imgthin=np.append(imgthin[0:wbinnegindex+minoverlap/2],imgthinpart[minoverlap/2:], axis=0) wbinnegindex=wbinnegindex+minsegment print "skeleton thinned" io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgthin.png', imgthin*255) ### a word of wisdom: this damn fails with "memory error" for VERY large pictures ~_~ ###skel, distance = medial_axis(wimgbinneg, return_distance=True) ###print "medialaxis done" ###skeldist=skel*distance ###io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-medialaxis2.png', skeldist) #### if whitepores = True or (shapeinvertpic), invert the picture if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)): imgnegres = pymorph.neg(imgspecklesres) imgspecklesres = imgnegres ####saving numpy intermediates #io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgtosaveotsu.png', imgtosaveotsu) #io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgbinneg.png', imgbinneg*255) io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgbin.png', imgbin*255) if (otsuon == 1): io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgotsuneg.png',imgotsuneg*255) io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imglabel.png',imglabel) io.imsave('/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgspecklesres.png',imgspecklesres) ####creating spare GIMP layers layer_specks = gimp.Layer(timg, "negative specks", swidth, sheight, GRAY_IMAGE, 100, NORMAL_MODE) ####loading specks as layer layer_specks = pdb.gimp_file_load_layer(timg, '/dev/shm/'+uniqueExtension+'nuvolatools-imgspecklesres.png') #pdb.gimp_layer_add_alpha(layer_specks) timg.add_layer(layer_specks, 0) layer_specks.add_alpha() pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(layer_specks,"speckles remover") #### if whitepores = True or (shapeinvertpic), use the correct layer name if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)): pdb.gimp_layer_set_name(layer_specks,"white pores filler") print tdrawable.mask_bounds, tdrawable.mask_bounds[2]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[3]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[1], tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[1] #### removing background and publishing #layer_specks.resize(tdrawable.mask_bounds[2]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[3]-tdrawable.mask_bounds[1], tdrawable.mask_bounds[0], tdrawable.mask_bounds[1]) pdb.gimp_by_color_select(layer_specks, gimpcolor.RGB(0,0,0), 0, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, False, False, 0, False) #### if whitepores = True, invert the selection if ((mangaoptype==1) or (shapeinvertpic)): pdb.gimp_by_color_select(layer_specks, gimpcolor.RGB(255,255,255), 0, CHANNEL_OP_REPLACE, False, False, 0, False) pdb.gimp_edit_clear(layer_specks) pdb.gimp_selection_none(timg) #print dir(layer_specks) #print dir(pdb) ##layer_two = layer_one.copy() ##layer_two.mode = MULTIPLY_MODE = "Y Dots" ##timg.add_layer(layer_two, 0) imgg.flatten() ##bump_layer = imgg.active_layer layer_specks.translate(soffsetX, soffsetY) ####sending back layers #layer_one.image = imgtosaveotsu #timg.add_layer(layer_one, 0) if ((cbrregistry & 1)== 1): wdrawable.add_alpha() pdb.gimp_selection_all(timg) print "matched cbr registry 1 -> clearing wdrawable" #pdb.gimp_drawable_delete(wdrawable) pdb.gimp_edit_clear(wdrawable) pdb.gimp_selection_none(timg) if ((cbrregistry & 2)== 2): print "saving current picture in xcf format" timgfilename=pdb.gimp_image_get_filename(timg) timgname=pdb.gimp_image_get_name(timg) print timgname, timgfilename timgfilenames=timgfilename+str(cbrregistry)+"op"+str(mangaoptype)+".xcf" timgnames=timgname+str(cbrregistry)+"op"+str(mangaoptype)+".xcf" print timgnames,timgfilenames pdb.gimp_xcf_save(2,timg,wdrawable,timgfilenames,timgnames) #pdb.file_xjt_save(timg,wdrawable,timgfilenames,timgnames,1,0,1,0) #pdb.gimp_file_save(timg,wdrawable,timgfilenames,timgnames) #### Final if ((cbrregistry & 8)== 8): os.system("rm -v /dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-*") os.system("rm -f /dev/shm/"+uniqueExtension+"nuvolatools-*") gimp.delete(imgg)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Mar 13 23:26:47 2018 @author: raja """ import mahotas as mh img = np.array(img) im = img[:, 0:50, 0] im = im < 128 skel = mh.thin(im2) noholes = mh.morph.close_holes(skel) plt.subplot(311) plt.imshow(im) plt.subplot(312) plt.imshow(skel) plt.subplot(313) cskel = np.logical_not(skel) choles = np.logical_not(noholes) holes = np.logical_and(cskel, noholes) lab, n = mh.label(holes) print 'B has %s holes' % str(n) plt.imshow(lab)
def compute_skeleton(input_map): '''Returns a skeleton image of the free space''' return mahotas.thin(input_map)
return majorAngle, compassTable, self.rotatedIm user = os.path.expanduser("~") #modify the path to your image workdir = os.path.join(user, "Applications", "ImagesTest", "CytoProject", "Jpp48", "8", "DAPI", "particles") file = "part3.png" complete_path = os.path.join(workdir, file) if __name__ == "__main__": im = readmagick.readimg(complete_path) im0 = np.copy(im) hip = pymorph.subm(im, nd.gaussian_filter(im, 5)) hip0 = np.copy(hip) im = mahotas.thin(im) #im=mahotas.bwperim(im>0) hip = mahotas.thin(hip) #print im.dtype#print uint16 p1 = particle(im) print "particle 1", p1.cvxhull_area() p2 = particle(hip) contour = mahotas.bwperim(im > 0) p3 = particle(contour) print "particle 1 hi pass", p2.cvxhull_area() theta1, rosedesvents, VImage = p1.orientationByErosion(5) theta2, rdv, VHip = p2.orientationByErosion(5) x = rosedesvents[0, :] y = rosedesvents[1, :] xh = rdv[0, :] yh = rdv[1, :]
def n_skeleton_branches(image): """Number of branches of skeleton.""" skeleton = mh.thin(image) branches = end_points(skeleton) return (sum(sum(branches != False)))
def compute_skeleton_map(boolean_map): """ Returns a skeletonised version of a binary image via thinning. This makes use of the mahotas library. """ return mahotas.thin(boolean_map)