Beispiel #1
def t_cons(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type
    new = node["elements"]["e1"]
    list = node["elements"]["e2"]
    list_type = infer_type(environment, list)

    if isList(list_type):
        new_type = infer_type(environment, new)
        empty = TYPE.LIST(TYPE.EMPTY)
        list_of = innerType(list_type)

        if new_type == empty and list_type == empty:
            return empty
        if new_type != empty and TYPE.EMPTY in list_type:
            return TYPE.LIST(new_type)
        elif (new_type == list_of) or (new_type == TYPE.UNDEFINED):
            return list_type
        elif new_type != empty and TYPE.UNDEFINED in list_type:
            return TYPE.LIST(new_type)

            return TYPE.ERROR

        return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #2
def t_if(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type

    elem1 = node["elements"]["e1"]
    elem2 = node["elements"]["e2"]
    elem3 = node["elements"]["e3"]

    tipo1 = infer_type(environment, elem1)
    tipo2 = infer_type(environment, elem2)
    tipo3 = infer_type(environment, elem3)

    if (tipo1 == TYPE.BOOL) or (tipo1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED):
        if (tipo2 == tipo3):
            return tipo2
        elif (tipo2 == TYPE.UNDEFINED):
            return tipo3
        elif (tipo3 == TYPE.UNDEFINED):
            return tipo2
            return TYPE.ERROR
        return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #3
def t_letrec(environment, term):
    from main import infer_type

    if not parameters_are_valid(environment, term):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    if not environment:
        environment = {}

    function_name = term['elements']['function_name']
    input_type = term['elements']['type1']
    output_type = term['elements']['type2']
    param_name = term['elements']['param']['elements']['e1']
    e1 = term['elements']['e1']
    e2 = term['elements']['e2']

    environment[function_name] = TYPE.FUNC(input_type, output_type)
    type_e2 = infer_type(environment, e2)

    environment[param_name] = input_type
    type_e1 = infer_type(environment, e1)

    if type_e2 == TYPE.ERROR or type_e1 == TYPE.ERROR:
        return TYPE.ERROR

    if type_e1 == output_type or type_e1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED:
        return type_e2

    return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #4
def t_logic(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type

    elem1 = node["elements"]["e1"]
    elem2 = node["elements"]["e2"]

    tipo1 = infer_type(environment, elem1)
    tipo2 = infer_type(environment, elem2)

    if (((tipo1 == TYPE.INT) and (tipo2 == TYPE.INT))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED) and (tipo2 == TYPE.INT))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.INT) and (tipo2 == TYPE.UNDEFINED))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED) and (tipo2 == TYPE.UNDEFINED))):
        if ((node["elements"]["e3"] == ">") or (node["elements"]["e3"] == "<")
                or (node["elements"]["e3"] == "==")
                or (node["elements"]["e3"] == "!=")
                or (node["elements"]["e3"] == "=<")
                or (node["elements"]["e3"] == ">=")):
            return TYPE.BOOL
            return TYPE.ERROR
        return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #5
def t_app(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type

    term = infer_type(environment, node["elements"]["e1"])
    if term == TYPE.UNDEFINED:
        return TYPE.ERROR

    expected_parameter, ending_index = get_expected_parameter(term)
    received_parameter = infer_type(environment, node["elements"]["e2"])

    if expected_parameter == received_parameter or received_parameter == TYPE.UNDEFINED:
        result = apply_parameter(term, ending_index)
        return result
        return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #6
def t_tl(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type
    list = node["elements"]["e1"]
    list_type = infer_type(environment, list)
    if isList(list_type):
        return list_type

        return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #7
def t_let(environment, node):
    from main import infer_type

    if node and "elements" in node:
        elements = node["elements"]
        return TYPE.ERROR

    if "e1" in elements and "e2" in elements and "e3" in elements and "e4" in elements:
        param = elements["e3"]
        param_type = elements["e4"]
        e1 = elements["e1"]
        e2 = elements["e2"]
        return TYPE.ERROR

    if infer_type(environment, e1) == param_type:
        if not environment:
            environment = {}
        environment[param] = param_type
        return infer_type(environment, e2)

    return TYPE.ERROR
Beispiel #8
def t_arithm(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type

    elem1 = node["elements"]["e1"]
    elem2 = node["elements"]["e2"]

    tipo1 = infer_type(environment, elem1)
    tipo2 = infer_type(environment, elem2)

    if (((tipo1 == TYPE.INT) and (tipo2 == TYPE.INT))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED) and (tipo2 == TYPE.INT))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.INT) and (tipo2 == TYPE.UNDEFINED))
            or ((tipo1 == TYPE.UNDEFINED) and (tipo2 == TYPE.UNDEFINED))):
        if (node["elements"]["e3"]
                == "+") or (node["elements"]["e3"]
                            == "-") or (node["elements"]["e3"] == "*"):
            return TYPE.INT
            return TYPE.ERROR
        return TYPE.ERROR
    def test_0(self):

        node_raise = {
            "description": "traise",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "raise"

        node_add = {
            "description": "tarithm",
            "elements": {
                "e1": {
                    "description": "tint",
                    "elements": {
                        "e1": "2"
                "e2": {
                    "description": "tvar",
                    "elements": {
                        "e1": "x"
                "e3": "+"
        node_function = {
            "description": "tfun",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "x",
                "e2": TYPE.INT,
                "e3": node_add

        node_app = {
            "description": "tapp",
            "elements": {
                "e1": node_function,
                "e2": node_raise

        assert infer_type({}, node_app) == TYPE.INT
Beispiel #10
def t_fun(environment, node):
    if not validParameters(environment, node):
        return TYPE.ERROR

    from main import infer_type

    parameter = node["elements"]["e1"]
    parameter_type = node["elements"]["e2"]

    environment[parameter] = parameter_type

    body_type = infer_type(environment, node["elements"]["e3"])

    if body_type != TYPE.ERROR and parameter_type != TYPE.ERROR and parameter_type != TYPE.UNDEFINED:

        return TYPE.FUNC(parameter_type, body_type)

    return TYPE.ERROR

node_normal = {"description": "tint", "elements": {"e1": "5"}}

node_clausula = {"description": "tbool", "elements": {"e1": "true"}}

node_root = {
    "description": "tif",
    "elements": {
        "e1": {
            "description": "tbool",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "true"
        "e2": node_if_son,
        "e3": {
            "description": "tint",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "5"

# print(infer_type({}, node_if_son))
print(infer_type({}, node_root))
        "e1": {
            "description": "tvar",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "f"
        "e2": {
            "description": "tint",
            "elements": {
                "e1": "4"

node = {
    "description": "tletrec",
    "elements": {
        "function_name": "f",
        "type1": TYPE.INT,
        "type2": TYPE.INT,
        "param": param,
        "e1": e1,
        "e2": e2

# Input: let rec f: INT -> INT = (fn x: INT => x) in f 4
# Output: INT
print(infer_type({}, node))