print('# Test Set Obs: ', len(obs))

#######################START: INSERT CODE HERE#################################

# Produce Scores for a Set of Matching and Set of Non-Matching Pairs
x0 = []  # list of datapoints to pass to model
p0 = []
x1 = []  # list of datapoints to pass to model
p1 = []
for i in range(len(obs)):
    for j in range(len(obs)):

        if i != j:
            d = [obs[i][:],
                 obs[j][:]]  # datapoint consisting of pair of observations
            datapoint = trnMod.augmentAndVectorize(d)
            if tags[i] != tags[j]:

    print('i', i)
    if len(x0) > 0:
        y0 = model(torch.FloatTensor(x0, device=device))
        x0 = []
        p0tmp = [list(np.exp(q.detach().cpu().numpy()))[0] for q in y0]
        p0 += p0tmp
    if len(x1) > 0:
        y1 = model(torch.FloatTensor(x1, device=device))
        x1 = []
        p1tmp = [list(np.exp(q.detach().cpu().numpy()))[0] for q in y1]
Beispiel #2
pairs = []
labels = []

# Grab Given Number of Examples of Non Match
while len(pairs) < 3:
    i = int(random.uniform(0, len(obs)))
    j = int(random.uniform(0, len(obs)))
    if i != j:
        if tags[i] != tags[j]:
            pairs.append((i, j))

# Grab Given Number of Examples of Match
while len(pairs) < 5:
    i = int(random.uniform(0, len(obs)))
    j = int(random.uniform(0, len(obs)))
    if i != j:
        if tags[i] == tags[j]:
            pairs.append((i, j))

inputs = []
for i, j in pairs:
    datapoint = trnMod.augmentAndVectorize([obs[i][:], obs[j][:]])
inputs = np.array(inputs)
labels = np.array(labels)

print('inputs', inputs.shape)
show_saliency_maps(inputs, labels)
Beispiel #3
obs, tags = trnMod.loadDataTags(test_data, test_tags)
print('# Test Set Obs: ', len(obs))
print('# Unique RSOs: ', len(set(tags)))

# Produce Scores for a Set of Matching and Set of Non-Matching Pairs
c = [] 
rsos = []

for i in range(len(obs)):
#for i in range(119,122):
    p = {} #Dictionary of Scores
    temp = []
    k = []
    for j in range(len(obs)):
        if i != j:
            datapoint = trnMod.augmentAndVectorize([obs[i][:], obs[j][:]]) 
            datapoint = trnMod.augmentAndVectorize([obs[0][:], obs[-1][:]]) #dummy

    y = model(torch.FloatTensor(temp, device=device))
    y = [list(np.exp(q.detach().cpu().numpy()))[0] for q in y]
    y[i] = 0
    for q in range(len(y)):
        if 1-y[q] < costMax:

    #print('k', len(k))
    if len(k) >= numObs:

        #Add to Dictionary