Beispiel #1
 def test_central_node(self):
     Checks if, given a graph that has been tested for centrality,
     no nodes are identified as hubs (actually the p-value is too low).
     results = cluster_graph(deepcopy(g), limit, max_clusters, min_clusters,
                             min_cluster_size, iterations, subset, ratio, edgescale, permutations, verbose)
     graph = results[0]
     central_edge(graph, percentile, permutations, error, verbose)
     self.assertEqual(len(nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'hub')), 0)
Beispiel #2
 def test_default_manta(self):
     Checks whether the main function carries out both clustering and centrality estimates.
     clustered_graph = cluster_graph(deepcopy(g), limit, max_clusters, min_clusters,
                                     min_cluster_size, iterations, subset, ratio, edgescale, permutations, verbose)
     graph = clustered_graph[0]
     central_edge(graph, percentile, rel,
                  error, verbose)
     clusters = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'cluster')
     hubs = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'hub')
     self.assertGreater(len(hubs), 0)
Beispiel #3
    def test_center_manta(self):
        Checks if the edge between 1 and 2 is identified as a positive hub.

        WARNING: at the moment the test indicates that centrality measures
        are not stable.
        results = cluster_graph(deepcopy(g), limit, max_clusters, min_clusters,
                                min_cluster_size, iterations, subset, ratio, edgescale, permutations, verbose)
        graph = results[0]
        central_edge(graph, percentile, permutations, error, verbose)
        hubs = nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'hub')
        if ('OTU_4', 'OTU_3') in hubs:
            hubs['OTU_3', 'OTU_4']  = hubs['OTU_4', 'OTU_3']
            # 3.5 test sometimes swaps keys around apparently
        self.assertEqual(hubs[('OTU_3', 'OTU_4')], 'negative hub')