Beispiel #1
def analyze_pmp(ts, query, sample_pct, threshold, windows=None, n_jobs=-1):
    Computes the Pan-MatrixProfile, top 3 motifs and top 3 discords for the
    provided time series and query. Additionally, plots for the PMP, motifs
    and discords is provided.

    ts : array_like
        The time series to analyze.
    query : array_like
        The query to analyze.
    sample_pct : float
        A float between 0 and 1 representing how many samples to compute for
        the PMP.
    threshold : float
        A correlation threshold between 0 and 1 that is used to compute the
        upper window. Note that this is used only when the windows is None.
    windows : array_like, default None
        Integers representing the desired windows to use during the
        computation of the PMP.
    n_jobs : int, default -1 (all cpu cores)
        The number of cpu cores to use when computing the PMP.
    tuple : (profile, figures)
        A tuple with the first item being the profile and the second being an
        array of matplotlib figures.

    ts = core.to_np_array(ts)

    if isinstance(threshold, type(None)):
        threshold = 0.98

    # when a threshold is passed, we compute the upper window
    profile = None
    if isinstance(windows, type(None)):
        profile = maximum_subsequence(ts, threshold, include_pmp=True)

        # determine windows to be computed
        # from 8 in steps of 2 until upper w
        start = 8
        windows = range(start, profile['upper_window'] + 1)

    # compute the pmp
    profile = skimp(ts, windows=windows, sample_pct=sample_pct,

    # extract top motifs
    profile = motifs(profile)

    # extract top discords
    profile = discords(profile)

    # plot pmp
    figures = visualize(profile)

    return (profile, figures)
Beispiel #2
def analyze_mp_approximate(ts, query, window, sample_pct, n_jobs=-1):
    Computes the exact MatrixProfile, top 3 motifs and top 3 discords for the
    provided time series and query. Additionally, the MatrixProfile, discords
    and motifs are visualized.

    ts : array_like
        The time series to analyze.
    query : array_like
        The query to analyze.
    window : int
        The window size to compute the MatrixProfile.
    sample_pct : float
        A float between 0 and 1 representing how many samples to compute for
        the MP. When it is 1, it is the same as using the exact algorithm.
    n_jobs : int, default -1 (all cpu cores)
        The number of cpu cores to use when computing the MP.
    tuple : (profile, figures)
        A tuple with the first item being the profile and the second being an
        array of matplotlib figures.

    ts = core.to_np_array(ts)

    # compute mp
    profile = scrimp_plus_plus(ts,

    # extract top motifs
    profile = motifs(profile)

    # extract top discords
    profile = discords(profile)

    # plot mp
    figures = visualize(profile)

    return (profile, figures)
Beispiel #3
def analyze_mp_exact(ts, query, window, n_jobs=-1):
    Computes the exact MatrixProfile, top 3 motifs and top 3 discords for the
    provided time series and query. Additionally, the MatrixProfile, discords
    and motifs are visualized.

    ts : array_like
        The time series to analyze.
    query : array_like
        The query to analyze.
    window : int
        The window size to compute the MatrixProfile.
    n_jobs : int, default -1 (all cpu cores)
        The number of cpu cores to use when computing the MP.
    tuple : (profile, figures)
        A tuple with the first item being the profile and the second being an
        array of matplotlib figures.

    ts = core.to_np_array(ts)

    # compute mp
    profile = mpx(ts, window, query=query, n_jobs=n_jobs)

    # extract top motifs
    profile = motifs(profile)

    # extract top discords
    profile = discords(profile)

    # plot mp
    figures = visualize(profile)

    return (profile, figures)