Beispiel #1
def _loadnewui(srcui, args):
    newui = srcui.__class__()
    for a in ['fin', 'fout', 'ferr', 'environ']:
        setattr(newui, a, getattr(srcui, a))
    if util.safehasattr(srcui, '_csystem'):
        newui._csystem = srcui._csystem

    # internal config: extensions.chgserver
    newui.setconfig('extensions', 'chgserver',
                    srcui.config('extensions', 'chgserver'), '--config')

    # command line args
    args = args[:]
    dispatch._parseconfig(newui, dispatch._earlygetopt(['--config'], args))

    # stolen from tortoisehg.util.copydynamicconfig()
    for section, name, value in srcui.walkconfig():
        source = srcui.configsource(section, name)
        if ':' in source or source == '--config':
            # path:line or command line
        if source == 'none':
            # ui.configsource returns 'none' by default
            source = ''
        newui.setconfig(section, name, value, source)

    # load wd and repo config, copied from
    cwds = dispatch._earlygetopt(['--cwd'], args)
    cwd = cwds and os.path.realpath(cwds[-1]) or None
    rpath = dispatch._earlygetopt(["-R", "--repository", "--repo"], args)
    path, newlui = dispatch._getlocal(newui, rpath, wd=cwd)

    return (newui, newlui)
Beispiel #2
def _loadnewui(srcui, args):
    newui = srcui.__class__()
    for a in ['fin', 'fout', 'ferr', 'environ']:
        setattr(newui, a, getattr(srcui, a))
    if util.safehasattr(srcui, '_csystem'):
        newui._csystem = srcui._csystem

    # internal config: extensions.chgserver
    newui.setconfig('extensions', 'chgserver',
                    srcui.config('extensions', 'chgserver'), '--config')

    # command line args
    args = args[:]
    dispatch._parseconfig(newui, dispatch._earlygetopt(['--config'], args))

    # stolen from tortoisehg.util.copydynamicconfig()
    for section, name, value in srcui.walkconfig():
        source = srcui.configsource(section, name)
        if ':' in source or source == '--config':
            # path:line or command line
        if source == 'none':
            # ui.configsource returns 'none' by default
            source = ''
        newui.setconfig(section, name, value, source)

    # load wd and repo config, copied from
    cwds = dispatch._earlygetopt(['--cwd'], args)
    cwd = cwds and os.path.realpath(cwds[-1]) or None
    rpath = dispatch._earlygetopt(["-R", "--repository", "--repo"], args)
    path, newlui = dispatch._getlocal(newui, rpath, wd=cwd)

    return (newui, newlui)
Beispiel #3
def parseconfigopts(ui, args):
    """Pop the --config options from the command line and apply them

    >>> u = uimod.ui()
    >>> args = ['log', '--config', '!']
    >>> parseconfigopts(u, args)
    [('extensions', 'mq', '!')]
    >>> args
    >>> u.config('extensions', 'mq')
    config = dispatchmod._earlygetopt(['--config'], args)
    return dispatchmod._parseconfig(ui, config)
Beispiel #4
def parseconfigopts(ui, args):
    """Pop the --config options from the command line and apply them

    >>> u = ui.ui()
    >>> args = ['log', '--config', '!']
    >>> parseconfigopts(u, args)
    [('extensions', 'mq', '!')]
    >>> args
    >>> u.config('extensions', 'mq')
    config = dispatchmod._earlygetopt(['--config'], args)
    return dispatchmod._parseconfig(ui, config)
Beispiel #5
from mercurial import ui, dispatch, error

testui = ui.ui()
parsed = dispatch._parseconfig(testui, [
    'values.string=string value',
    'lists.list2=foo bar baz',
    'lists.list3=alice, bob',
    'lists.list4=foo bar baz alice, bob',
    'lists.list5=abc d"ef"g "hij def"',
    'lists.list6="hello world", "how are you?"',
    'lists.list10=string "with extraneous" quotation mark"',
    'lists.list11=x, y',
    'lists.list12="x", "y"',
    'lists.list13=""" key = "x", "y" """',
    'lists.list14=,,,,     ',
    'lists.list15=" just with starting quotation',
    'lists.list16="longer quotation" with "no ending quotation',
    'lists.list17=this is \\" "not a quotation mark"',
    'lists.list18=\n \n\nding\ndong',

print repr(testui.configitems('values'))
print repr(testui.configitems('lists'))
print "---"
print repr(testui.config('values', 'string'))
Beispiel #6
from mercurial import ui, dispatch, error

testui = ui.ui()
parsed = dispatch._parseconfig(testui, [
    'values.string=string value',
    'lists.list2=foo bar baz',
    'lists.list3=alice, bob',
    'lists.list4=foo bar baz alice, bob',
    'lists.list5=abc d"ef"g "hij def"',
    'lists.list6="hello world", "how are you?"',
    'lists.list10=string "with extraneous" quotation mark"',
    'lists.list11=x, y',
    'lists.list12="x", "y"',
    'lists.list13=""" key = "x", "y" """',
    'lists.list14=,,,,     ',
    'lists.list15=" just with starting quotation',
    'lists.list16="longer quotation" with "no ending quotation',
    'lists.list17=this is \\" "not a quotation mark"',
    'lists.list18=\n \n\nding\ndong',

print repr(testui.configitems('values'))
print repr(testui.configitems('lists'))
print "---"
print repr(testui.config('values', 'string'))
Beispiel #7
#!/usr/bin/env python

from mercurial import ui, dispatch, error

testui = ui.ui()
parsed = dispatch._parseconfig(testui, [
    'values.string=string value',
    'lists.list2=foo bar baz',
    'lists.list3=alice, bob',
    'lists.list4=foo bar baz alice, bob',

print repr(testui.configitems('values'))
print repr(testui.configitems('lists'))
print "---"
print repr(testui.config('values', 'string'))
print repr(testui.config('values', 'bool1'))
print repr(testui.config('values', 'bool2'))
print repr(testui.config('values', 'unknown'))
print "---"
    print repr(testui.configbool('values', 'string'))
except error.ConfigError, inst:
    print inst
print repr(testui.configbool('values', 'bool1'))
print repr(testui.configbool('values', 'bool2'))
print repr(testui.configbool('values', 'bool2', True))
print repr(testui.configbool('values', 'unknown'))