Beispiel #1
def internal_coeffs(m, x, n_max):
    Calculate internal Mie coefficients c_n and d_n given
    relative index, size parameter, and maximum order of expansion.

    Follow Bohren & Huffman's convention. Note that van de Hulst and Kerker
    have different conventions (labeling of c_n and d_n and factors of m)
    for their internal coefficients.
    ratio = mie_specfuncs.R_psi(x, m * x, n_max)
    D1x, D3x = mie_specfuncs.log_der_13(x, n_max)
    D1mx = mie_specfuncs.log_der_1(m * x, n_max + 15, n_max)
    cl = m * ratio * (D3x - D1x) / (D3x - m * D1mx)
    dl = m * ratio * (D3x - D1x) / (m * D3x - D1mx)
    return array([cl[1:], dl[1:]])  # start from l = 1
def internal_coeffs(m, x, n_max):
    Calculate internal Mie coefficients c_n and d_n given
    relative index, size parameter, and maximum order of expansion.

    Follow Bohren & Huffman's convention. Note that van de Hulst and Kerker
    have different conventions (labeling of c_n and d_n and factors of m)
    for their internal coefficients.
    ratio = mie_specfuncs.R_psi(x, m * x, n_max)
    D1x, D3x = mie_specfuncs.log_der_13(x, n_max)
    D1mx = mie_specfuncs.log_der_1(m * x, n_max + 15, n_max)
    cl = m * ratio * (D3x - D1x) / (D3x - m * D1mx)
    dl = m * ratio * (D3x - D1x) / (m * D3x - D1mx)
    return array([cl[1:], dl[1:]]) # start from l = 1
def scatcoeffs_multi(marray, xarray):
    Calculate scattered field expansion coefficients (in the Mie formalism)
    for a particle with an arbitrary number of layers.

    marray: numpy array of layer indices, innermost first
    xarray: numpy array of layer size parameters (k * radius), innermost first
    # ensure correct data types
    marray = np.array(marray, dtype = 'complex128')
    xarray = np.array(xarray, dtype = 'float64')

    # sanity check: marray and xarray must be same size
    if marray.size != xarray.size:
        raise ModelInputError('Arrays of layer indices and size parameters must be the same length!')

    # need number of layers L
    nlayers = marray.size

    # calculate nstop based on outermost radius
    nstop = miescatlib.nstop(xarray.max())

    # initialize H_n^a and H_n^b in the core, see eqns. 12a and 13a
    intl = log_der_13(marray[0]*xarray[0], nstop)[0]
    hans = intl
    hbns = intl
    for lay in np.arange(1, nlayers): # lay is l-1 (index on layers used by Yang)
        z1 = marray[lay]*xarray[lay-1] # m_l x_{l-1}
        z2 = marray[lay]*xarray[lay]  # m_l x_l

        # calculate logarithmic derivatives D_n^1 and D_n^3
        derz1s = log_der_13(z1, nstop)
        derz2s = log_der_13(z2, nstop)

        # calculate G1, G2, Gtilde1, Gtilde2 according to 
        # eqns 26-29
        # using H^a_n and H^b_n from previous layer
        G1 = marray[lay]*hans - marray[lay-1]*derz1s[0]
        G2 = marray[lay]*hans - marray[lay-1]*derz1s[1]
        Gt1 = marray[lay-1]*hbns - marray[lay]*derz1s[0]
        Gt2 = marray[lay-1]*hbns - marray[lay]*derz1s[1]

        # calculate ratio Q_n^l for this layer
        Qnl = Qratio(z1, z2, nstop, dns1 = derz1s, dns2 = derz2s)

        # now calculate H^a_n and H^b_n in current layer
        # see eqns 24 and 25
        hans = (G2*derz2s[0] - Qnl*G1*derz2s[1]) / (G2 - Qnl*G1)
        hbns = (Gt2*derz2s[0] - Qnl*Gt1*derz2s[1]) / (Gt2 - Qnl*Gt1)
        # repeat for next layer

    # Relate H^a and H^b in the outer layer to the Mie scat coeffs
    # see Yang eqns 14 and 15
    psiandxi = riccati_psi_xi(xarray.max(), nstop) # n = 0 to nstop
    n = np.arange(nstop+1)
    psi = psiandxi[0]
    xi = psiandxi[1]
    # this doesn't bother to calculate psi/xi_{-1} correctly, 
    # but OK since we're throwing out a_0, b_0 where it appears
    psishift = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), psi))[0:nstop+1]
    xishift = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), xi))[0:nstop+1]
    an = ((hans/marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*psi - psishift) / ( 
        (hans/marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*xi - xishift)
    bn = ((hbns*marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*psi - psishift) / ( 
        (hbns*marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*xi - xishift)
    return np.array([an[1:nstop+1], bn[1:nstop+1]]) # output begins at n=1
def scatcoeffs_multi(marray, xarray, eps1 = 1e-3, eps2 = 1e-16):
    Calculate scattered field expansion coefficients (in the Mie formalism)
    for a particle with an arbitrary number of layers.

    marray: numpy array of layer indices, innermost first
    xarray: numpy array of layer size parameters (k * radius), innermost first
    # ensure correct data types
    marray = np.array(marray, dtype = 'complex128')
    xarray = np.array(xarray, dtype = 'float64')

    # sanity check: marray and xarray must be same size
    if marray.size != xarray.size:
        raise ModelInputError('Arrays of layer indices and size parameters must be the same length!')

    # need number of layers L
    nlayers = marray.size

    # calculate nstop based on outermost radius
    nstop = miescatlib.nstop(xarray.max())

    # initialize H_n^a and H_n^b in the core, see eqns. 12a and 13a
    intl = log_der_13(marray[0]*xarray[0], nstop, eps1, eps2)[0]
    hans = intl
    hbns = intl
    for lay in np.arange(1, nlayers): # lay is l-1 (index on layers used by Yang)
        z1 = marray[lay]*xarray[lay-1] # m_l x_{l-1}
        z2 = marray[lay]*xarray[lay]  # m_l x_l

        # calculate logarithmic derivatives D_n^1 and D_n^3
        derz1s = log_der_13(z1, nstop, eps1, eps2)
        derz2s = log_der_13(z2, nstop, eps1, eps2)

        # calculate G1, G2, Gtilde1, Gtilde2 according to 
        # eqns 26-29
        # using H^a_n and H^b_n from previous layer
        G1 = marray[lay]*hans - marray[lay-1]*derz1s[0]
        G2 = marray[lay]*hans - marray[lay-1]*derz1s[1]
        Gt1 = marray[lay-1]*hbns - marray[lay]*derz1s[0]
        Gt2 = marray[lay-1]*hbns - marray[lay]*derz1s[1]

        # calculate ratio Q_n^l for this layer
        Qnl = Qratio(z1, z2, nstop, dns1 = derz1s, dns2 = derz2s, eps1 = eps1,
                     eps2 = eps2)

        # now calculate H^a_n and H^b_n in current layer
        # see eqns 24 and 25
        hans = (G2*derz2s[0] - Qnl*G1*derz2s[1]) / (G2 - Qnl*G1)
        hbns = (Gt2*derz2s[0] - Qnl*Gt1*derz2s[1]) / (Gt2 - Qnl*Gt1)
        # repeat for next layer

    # Relate H^a and H^b in the outer layer to the Mie scat coeffs
    # see Yang eqns 14 and 15
    psiandxi = riccati_psi_xi(xarray.max(), nstop) # n = 0 to nstop
    n = np.arange(nstop+1)
    psi = psiandxi[0]
    xi = psiandxi[1]
    # this doesn't bother to calculate psi/xi_{-1} correctly, 
    # but OK since we're throwing out a_0, b_0 where it appears
    psishift = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), psi))[0:nstop+1]
    xishift = np.concatenate((np.zeros(1), xi))[0:nstop+1]
    an = ((hans/marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*psi - psishift) / ( 
        (hans/marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*xi - xishift)
    bn = ((hbns*marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*psi - psishift) / ( 
        (hbns*marray[nlayers-1] + n/xarray[nlayers-1])*xi - xishift)
    return np.array([an[1:nstop+1], bn[1:nstop+1]]) # output begins at n=1