def __init__(self, myNet=None, rootLog=None, **opts): Topo.__init__(self, **opts) server, mn, n = myNet[0] switch = self.addSwitch('s0') baseIp, prefix = netParse(mn) gw = ipAdd(1, prefix, baseIp) dbg(2, "Gw", gw, "baseIp", baseIp, prefix, "Bandwidth:", bandwidth, "- delay:", delay) hostgw = self.addNode('h0', cls=BaseRouter, ip='%s/%d' % (gw, prefix), inNamespace=False, rootLog=rootLog) self.addLink(switch, hostgw) for i in range(1, int(n) + 1): ipStr = ipAdd(i + 1, prefix, baseIp) host = self.addHost('h%d' % i, cls=Conode, ip='%s/%d' % (ipStr, prefix), defaultRoute='via %s' % gw, simul=simulation, gw=gw, rootLog=rootLog) dbg(3, "Adding link", host, switch) self.addLink(host, switch, bw=bandwidth, delay=delay)
def tag_install(self, datapath, update_infos): ofproto = datapath.ofproto parser = datapath.ofproto_parser current_time = time() * 1000 # if self.receiving_update_time is not None: #"processing updates at %s" % str(current_time - self.receiving_update_time)) for update in update_infos: # src+1, dst+1 -> IPs src_ip = ipAdd(update.init_sw + 1) dst_ip = ipAdd(update.end_sw + 1) self.logger.debug("process update %s" % update) if update.update_next_sw.type == constants.ADD_NEXT: out_port = self.topo[][update.update_next_sw.next_sw + 1] match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_src=src_ip, ipv4_dst=dst_ip) actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(out_port)] self.add_flow(datapath, 2, match, actions) elif update.update_next_sw.type == constants.UPDATE_NEXT: out_port = self.topo[][update.update_next_sw.next_sw + 1] match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_src=src_ip, ipv4_dst=dst_ip) actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(out_port)] self.update_flow(datapath, 2, match, actions) elif update.update_next_sw.type == constants.REMOVE_NEXT: match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_src=src_ip, ipv4_dst=dst_ip) self.remove_flow(datapath, 2, match) elif update.update_next_sw.type == constants.NO_UPDATE_NEXT: pass # Do nothing else: raise Exception("what type?") if len(update.msgs) > 0: self.notification_queue.extend(update.msgs)"install_updates: here is the notification_queue %s" % str(self.notification_queue)) "----------------------install_updates over---------------------") datapath.send_barrier()
def process_update_info(self, datapath, sw, update_next, init_sw, end_sw): ofproto = datapath.ofproto parser = datapath.ofproto_parser # src+1, dst+1 -> IPs src_ip = ipAdd(init_sw + 1) dst_ip = ipAdd(end_sw + 1) self.logger.debug("process update %s of flow between %s, %s" % (update_next, src_ip, dst_ip)) if update_next.type == constants.ADD_NEXT or update_next.type == constants.UPDATE_NEXT: out_port = self.topo[][update_next.next_sw + 1] match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_src=src_ip, ipv4_dst=dst_ip) actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(out_port)] self.add_flow(datapath, 2, match, actions) msg = NotificationMessage(sw, global_vars.ctrl, constants.UPDATED_MSG, update_next.seg_path_id, self.current_update, time() * 1000) self.handler.scheduler.enque_msg_to_notification_queue(sw, msg) # notification_queue.append(msg) # # self.no_of_pending_msgs[(, self.current_notification_time[])] += 1 elif update_next.type == constants.REMOVE_NEXT: match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_src=src_ip, ipv4_dst=dst_ip) self.remove_flow(datapath, 2, match) msg = NotificationMessage(sw, global_vars.ctrl, constants.REMOVED_MSG, update_next.seg_path_id, self.current_update, time() * 1000) # notification_queue.append(msg) # self.no_of_pending_msgs[(, self.current_notification_time[])] += 1 self.handler.scheduler.enque_msg_to_notification_queue(sw, msg) elif update_next.type == constants.NO_UPDATE_NEXT: pass # Do nothing else: raise Exception("what type?")
def switch_features_handler(self, ev): datapath = ev.msg.datapath if self.datapath is None: self.datapath = datapath else: raise Exception('Only one switch can connect!') ofproto = datapath.ofproto parser = datapath.ofproto_parser # install table-miss flow entry # # We specify NO BUFFER to max_len of the output action due to # OVS bug. At this moment, if we specify a lesser number, e.g., # 128, OVS will send Packet-In with invalid buffer_id and # truncated packet data. In that case, we cannot output packets # correctly. The bug has been fixed in OVS v2.1.0. match = parser.OFPMatch() # actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, # ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)] actions = [ parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER) ] self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match, actions)"datapath id %s", match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_dst=ipAdd( actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(1)] self.add_flow(datapath, 1, match, actions) hub.spawn(self.run_server) self.create_topology_info()
def _auto_config_intf(self, node_name, intf_name, **param): node = self.nodemap[node_name] if 'port' not in param: param['port'] = node.newPort() if intf_name == 'auto': intf_name = Link.intfName(node, param['port']) if intf_name in node.nameToIntf: error("Node %s already has interface %s." % (node, name)) return False net = if 'ip' not in param: ip = net.nextIP net.nextIP += 1 sufix = ipAdd(ip, ipBaseNum=net.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=net.prefixLen) prefix = '/%s' % net.prefixLen param['ip'] = sufix + prefix if 'mac' not in param: param['mac'] = macColonHex(ip) elif 'mac' not in param: ip, prefix = netParse(param['ip']) param['mac'] = macColonHex(ip) if 'cores' not in param and net.autoPinCpus: param['cores'] = self.nextCore net.nextCore = (net.nextCore + 1) % net.numCores return True
def addTransitPortalRouter(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add transit portal router. name: name of transit portal router to add cls: custom router class/constructor (optional) returns: added transit portal router .""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults['mac'] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults['cores'] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = (self.nextCore + 1) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update(params) if not cls: cls = self.transitPortalRouter tpr = cls(name, **defaults) self.transitPortalRouters.append(tpr) self.nameToNode[name] = tpr return tpr
def RunNet(): """RunNet will start the mininet and add the routes to the other mininet-services""" rootLog = None if myNet[1] > 0: i, p = netParse(otherNets[0][1]) rootLog = ipAdd(1, p, i) dbg(2, "Creating network", myNet) topo = InternetTopo(myNet=myNet, rootLog=rootLog) dbg(3, "Starting on", myNet) net = Mininet(topo=topo, link=TCLink) net.start() for host in net.hosts[1:]: host.startConode() # Also set setLogLevel('info') if you want to use this, else # there is no correct reporting on commands. if startCLI: CLI(net) log = open(logfile, "r") while not os.path.exists(logdone): dbg(4, "Waiting for conode to finish at " + platform.node()) try: print(, end="") sys.stdout.flush() except IOError: time.sleep(1) time.sleep(1) log.close() dbg(2, "conode is finished %s" % myNet) net.stop()
def switch_features_handler(self, ev): datapath = ev.msg.datapath self.datapaths[] = datapath ofproto = datapath.ofproto parser = datapath.ofproto_parser # install table-miss flow entry # # We specify NO BUFFER to max_len of the output action due to # OVS bug. At this moment, if we specify a lesser number, e.g., # 128, OVS will send Packet-In with invalid buffer_id and # truncated packet data. In that case, we cannot output packets # correctly. The bug has been fixed in OVS v2.1.0. match = parser.OFPMatch() actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)] self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match, actions) self.logger.debug("datapath id %s", match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_dst=ipAdd( actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(1)] self.add_flow(datapath, 1, match, actions) hub.patch(socket=True, thread=True, os=True, select=True) if len(self.datapaths) == len(self.topo): # All switches have connected # Can call to install new path from here hub.spawn_after(10, self._cyclic_update)
def addHost(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults['mac'] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults['cores'] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = (self.nextCore + 1) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update(params) if not cls: cls = h = cls(name, **defaults) self.hosts.append(h) self.nameToNode[name] = h return h
def addHost( self, name, cls=None, **params ): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" defaults = {} autoSetIp = params.get( 'autoSetIp', True ) if autoSetIp: # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults[ 'ip' ] = ipAdd( self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % (self.prefixLen,) if self.autoSetMacs: defaults[ 'mac' ] = macColonHex( self.nextIP ) self.nextIP += 1 if self.autoPinCpus: defaults[ 'cores' ] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = ( self.nextCore + 1 ) % self.numCores defaults.update( params ) if not cls: cls = h = cls( name, **defaults ) self.hosts.append( h ) self.nameToNode[ name ] = h return h
def _add_host(self, net, net_name, host_name, options, idx=0): """ Starts the specified host at runtime (after the base topology has been initialized). """ host_ip = options.get("ip") is_multi = options.get("multi", False) host_name_i = host_name if is_multi: host_name_i = host_name + "-" + str(idx + 1) host_base, host_prefix = netParse(host_ip) host_ip = ipAdd((host_base & 0xFF) + idx, ipBaseNum=host_base, prefixLen=host_prefix) host_ip += "/%i" % host_prefix if options.get("type") is Docker: # code to use ContainerNet (comment Docker code instead) mn_args = { "network_mode": "none", "dimage": options.get("dimage", "ubuntu"), "dcmd": options.get("dcmd", None), "ip": host_ip, } net.addDocker(host_name_i, **mn_args) else: # code to use ContainerNet (comment Docker code instead) mn_args = { "ip": host_ip, } net.addHost(host_name_i, **mn_args) # link the container to its switch net.addLink(host_name_i, options["link"], params1={'ip': host_ip}) # restart the switch to configure the new link debug("%s" % (options["link"]))
def build( self, count=1,ipstart=0x0a010000, br='br-int', brdp="0000abcdef000001" ): if isinstance(ipstart, str): ipstart=int(ipstart,16) customBr = self.addSwitch( str(br), dpid=str(brdp) ) hosts = [ self.addHost( 'h%d' % i, ip= ipAdd(i,16,ipstart)+'/8') for i in range( 1, count + 1 ) ] # Add links for h in hosts: self.addLink( h, customBr)
def build( self ): print "Build network based on our topology." net = Mininet( topo=None, build=False, link=TCLink, ipBase=self.minieditIpBase ) net.controllers = self.addControllers() # Make nodes print "Getting Hosts and Switches." for widget in self.widgetToItem: name = widget[ 'text' ] tags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ widget ] ) nodeNum = int( name[ 1: ] ) if 'Switch' in tags: net.addSwitch( name ) elif 'Host' in tags: ipBaseNum, prefixLen = netParse( self.minieditIpBase ) ip = ipAdd(i=nodeNum, prefixLen=prefixLen, ipBaseNum=ipBaseNum) net.addHost( name, ip=ip ) else: raise Exception( "Cannot create mystery node: " + name ) # Make links print "Getting Links." for link in self.links.values(): ( src, dst, linkopts ) = link srcName, dstName = src[ 'text' ], dst[ 'text' ] src, dst = net.nameToNode[ srcName ], net.nameToNode[ dstName ] net.addLink(src, dst, **linkopts) self.printInfo() # Build network (we have to do this separately at the moment ) return net
def addHost( self, name, cls=None, **params ): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd( self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen ) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } print defaults IPS=[] for lin in defaults.values(): IPS.append(lin[0:8]) print IPS with open('my_dict.json','a')as f: json.dump(defaults.values(),f) f.write('\n') if self.autoSetMacs: defaults[ 'mac'] = macColonHex( self.nextIP ) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults[ 'cores' ] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = ( self.nextCore + 1 ) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update( params ) if not cls: cls = h = cls( name, **defaults ) self.hosts.append( h ) self.nameToNode[ name ] = h return h
def addMesh(self, node, cls=None, **params): """ Configure wireless mesh node: name of the node cls: custom association class/constructor params: parameters for node """ if 'intf' in params: for intf_ in node.params['wlan']: if params['intf'] == intf_: wlan = node.params['wlan'].index(intf_) else: if node.type == 'station': wlan = node.ifaceToAssociate else: wlan = node.ifaceToAssociate node.func[wlan] = 'mesh' node.params['txpower'][wlan] = 20 options = { 'ip': ipAdd(params['nextIP'], ipBaseNum=params['ipBaseNum'], prefixLen=params['prefixLen']) + '/%s' % params['prefixLen'] } if node.type == 'ap': node.params['ssid'].append('') else: node.params['ssid'] = [] for n in range(len(node.params['wlan'])): node.params['ssid'].append('') ip = ("%s" % params.pop('ip', {})) if ip == "{}": ip = options['ip'] ssid = ("%s" % params['ssid']) if (ssid != "{}"): node.params['ssid'][wlan] = ssid else: node.params['ssid'][wlan] = 'meshNetwork' deviceRange(node) options['node'] = node options.update(params) node.setMeshIface(node.params['wlan'][wlan]) if 'channel' in params: node.setChannel(node.params['wlan'][wlan], params['channel']) cls = Association cls.configureMesh(node, wlan) if 'intf' not in params: node.ifaceToAssociate += 1
def testIpAdd( self ): self.assertEqual( ipAdd( 1, 24, 0xc0000200, socket.AF_INET ), "" ) self.assertEqual( ipAdd( 2**8 - 1, 24, 0xc0000200, socket.AF_INET ), "" ) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ipAdd( 256, 24, 0xc0000200, socket.AF_INET ) self.assertEqual( ipAdd( 1, 64, 0x20010db8000000000000000000000000, socket.AF_INET6 ), "2001:db8::1" ) self.assertEqual( ipAdd( 2**64 - 1, 64, 0x20010db8000000000000000000000000, socket.AF_INET6 ), "2001:db8::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff" ) with self.assertRaises(AssertionError): ipAdd( 2**64, 64, 0x20010db8000000000000000000000000, socket.AF_INET6 )
def add_host(self, name, cls=DAQHost, ip_addr=None, env_vars=None, vol_maps=None, port=None, tmpdir=None): """Add a host to the ecosystem""" override_ip = bool(ip_addr) if self._used_ip_indices and not ip_addr: for index in range(1, max(self._used_ip_indices)): if index not in self._used_ip_indices: prefix_length = self._mininet_subnet.prefixlen ip_addr = '%s/%s' % (mininet_util.ipAdd( index, prefixLen=prefix_length,, prefix_length) break params = {'ip': ip_addr} if ip_addr else {} params['tmpdir'] = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'nodes') if tmpdir else None params['env_vars'] = env_vars if env_vars else [] params['vol_maps'] = vol_maps if vol_maps else [] try: host = self._retry_func( partial(, name, cls, **params)) except Exception as e: # If addHost fails, ip allocation needs to be explicityly cleaned up. self._reset_mininet_next_ip() raise e try: switch_link = self._retry_func( partial(, self.pri, host, port1=port, fast=False))'Created host %s with pid %s/%s, intf %s', name,,, switch_link.intf1) host.switch_intf = switch_link.intf1 self.switch_links[host] = switch_link if host.configDefault() self._switch_attach(self.pri, host.switch_intf) except Exception as e: host.terminate() raise e if not override_ip and host.IP(): self._used_ip_indices.add(self._get_host_ip_index(host)) return host
def addStation(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" #Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults['mac'] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults['cores'] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = (self.nextCore + 1) % self.numCores #self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update(params) if not cls: cls = h = cls(name, **defaults) self.hosts.append(h) self.nameToNode[name] = h self.wirelessifaceControl.append(self.nextIface) self.wirelessdeviceControl.append(name) self.stationName.append(name) os.system("iw phy phy%s set netns %s" % (self.nextIface, h, "ip link set dev wlan%s name %s-wlan0" % (self.nextIface, h)), "ifconfig %s-wlan0 up" % h) h, "ifconfig %s-wlan0 10.1.1.%s/%s" % (h, self.nextIP, self.prefixLen)) #callfun="start" #intf=self.nextIface #src=name #wlink(callfun, intf, src),"iw %s-wlan0 connect %s" % (h, "my_ssid")) self.nextIP += 1 self.nextIface += 1 #os.system("iw dev wlan2 interface add mesh2 type station") #os.system("sleep 2") #os.system("sleep 2") #os.system("iw dev mesh2 station join bazookaa") return h
def build(self, count=1, ipstart=0x0a010000, br='br-int', brdp="0000abcdef000001"): if isinstance(ipstart, str): ipstart = int(ipstart, 16) customBr = self.addSwitch(str(br), dpid=str(brdp)) hosts = [ self.addHost('h%d' % i, ip=ipAdd(i, 16, ipstart) + '/8') for i in range(1, count + 1) ] # Add links for h in hosts: self.addLink(h, customBr)
def interopNet(topo): net = Mininet(host=P4Host) # Controllers have IPs from nextIP = 1 ipBaseNum = 0x0a0a0000 prefixLen = 16 for sw_name in sorted(topo.get('switches', {}).keys()): sw_info = topo['switches'][sw_name] sw_cls = Node if 'class' in sw_info.keys(): names = sw_info['class'].split('.') cls_module_name = '.'.join(names[:-1]) cls_name = names[-1] cls_module = __import__(cls_module_name, fromlist=[cls_name]) sw_cls = getattr(cls_module, cls_name) if 'prog' in sw_info.keys(): # Resolve p4 program name conflicts prog_src = sw_info['prog'] if not prog_src.startswith('/'): prog_src = os.path.join('/p4app', prog_src) prog_dst = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(prog_src), '_'.join(prog_src.split('/'))) shutil.copy2(prog_src, prog_dst) sw_info['prog'] = prog_dst sw = net.addSwitch(sw_name, cls=sw_cls, **sw_info) if sw_info.get('enable_ctrl'): sw_ctrl = net.addHost( '%s-c' % sw_name, ip=ipAdd(nextIP, ipBaseNum=ipBaseNum, prefixLen=prefixLen) + '/%s' % prefixLen) nextIP += 1 net.addLink(sw_ctrl, sw) for h_name in sorted(topo.get('hosts', {}).keys()): h_info = topo['hosts'][h_name] net.addHost(h_name, **h_info) for link in topo.get('links', []): node1 = link[0] node2 = link[1] link_args = link[2] if len(link) > 2 else {} net.addLink(node1, node2, **link_args) return net
def addStation( self, name, cls=None, **params ): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" #Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd( self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen ) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults[ 'mac' ] = macColonHex( self.nextIP ) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults[ 'cores' ] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = ( self.nextCore + 1 ) % self.numCores #self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update( params ) if not cls: cls = h = cls( name, **defaults ) self.hosts.append( h ) self.nameToNode[ name ] = h self.wirelessifaceControl.append(self.nextIface) self.wirelessdeviceControl.append(name) self.stationName.append(name) os.system("iw phy phy%s set netns %s" % (self.nextIface,,"ip link set dev wlan%s name %s-wlan0" % (self.nextIface, h)),"ifconfig %s-wlan0 up" % h),"ifconfig %s-wlan0 10.1.1.%s/%s" % (h, self.nextIP, self.prefixLen)) #callfun="start" #intf=self.nextIface #src=name #wlink(callfun, intf, src),"iw %s-wlan0 connect %s" % (h, "my_ssid")) self.nextIP += 1 self.nextIface+=1 #os.system("iw dev wlan2 interface add mesh2 type station") #os.system("sleep 2") #os.system("sleep 2") #os.system("iw dev mesh2 station join bazookaa") return h
def printInfo( self ): "print nodes and links." for widget in self.widgetToItem: name = widget[ 'text' ] tags = self.canvas.gettags( self.widgetToItem[ widget ] ) x1, y1 = self.canvas.coords( self.widgetToItem[ widget ] ) nodeNum = int( name[ 1: ] ) if 'Switch' in tags: print "Switch "+name+" at "+str(x1)+"/"+str(y1)+"." elif 'Host' in tags: ipBaseNum, prefixLen = netParse( self.minieditIpBase ) print 'ipBaseNum='+str(ipBaseNum) print 'prefixLen='+str(prefixLen) ip = ipAdd(i=nodeNum, prefixLen=prefixLen, ipBaseNum=ipBaseNum) print "Host "+name+" with IP "+ip+" at "+str(x1)+"/"+str(y1)+"." else: raise Exception( "Cannot create mystery node: " + name ) for link in self.links.values(): ( src, dst, linkopts ) = link srcName, dstName = src[ 'text' ], dst[ 'text' ] print "Link from "+srcName+" to "+dstName+"."
def add6LoWPAN(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add 6LoWPAN node. name: name of station to add cls: custom 6LoWPAN class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for 6LoWPAN returns: added station""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen, 'channel':, 'mode': self.mode } defaults.update(params) if self.autoSetPositions: defaults['position'] = ('%s,0,0' % self.nextPosition) if self.autoSetMacs: defaults['mac'] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults['cores'] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = (self.nextCore + 1) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 self.nextPosition += 1 if not cls: cls = self.station node = cls(name, **defaults) self.addParameters(node, self.autoSetMacs, defaults) self.sixLP.append(node) self.nameToNode[name] = node return node
def addHost(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { "ip": ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + "/%s" % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults["mac"] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults["cores"] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = (self.nextCore + 1) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update(params) if not cls: cls = h = cls(name, **defaults) self.hosts.append(h) self.nameToNode[name] = h return h
def addHost(self, name, cls=None, **params): """Add host. name: name of host to add cls: custom host class/constructor (optional) params: parameters for host returns: added host""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd(self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if "image" in self.topo.nodeInfo(name): defaults.update({"image": self.topo.nodeInfo(name)["image"]}) # XXX DSA - doesn't make sense to generate MAC automatically here, we # keep for compatibility prurpose but never use it... if self.autoSetMacs: defaults['mac'] = macColonHex(self.nextIP) if self.autoPinCpus: raise Exception("to be implemented") # defaults[ 'cores' ] = self.nextCore # self.nextCore = ( self.nextCore + 1 ) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update(params) if not cls: cls = if self.mapper: defaults.update({"target":}) h = cls(name=name, **defaults) self.hosts.append(h) self.nameToNode[name] = h return h
def addTransitPortalRouter( self, name, cls=None, **params ): """Add transit portal router. name: name of transit portal router to add cls: custom router class/constructor (optional) returns: added transit portal router .""" # Default IP and MAC addresses defaults = { 'ip': ipAdd( self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen ) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen } if self.autoSetMacs: defaults[ 'mac'] = macColonHex( self.nextIP ) if self.autoPinCpus: defaults[ 'cores' ] = self.nextCore self.nextCore = ( self.nextCore + 1 ) % self.numCores self.nextIP += 1 defaults.update( params ) if not cls: cls = self.transitPortalRouter tpr = cls( name, **defaults ) self.transitPortalRouters.append( tpr ) self.nameToNode[ name ] = tpr return tpr
def switch_features_handler(self, ev): datapath = ev.msg.datapath # reconnect = False if self.datapath is None: self.datapath = datapath else: # t = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())"time is " + str(time()))"dp try to connect me is " + str(datapath))"dp i've connected is " + str(self.datapath)) raise Exception('Only one switch can connect!') ofproto = datapath.ofproto parser = datapath.ofproto_parser # install table-miss flow entry # # We specify NO BUFFER to max_len of the output action due to # OVS bug. At this moment, if we specify a lesser number, e.g., # 128, OVS will send Packet-In with invalid buffer_id and # truncated packet data. In that case, we cannot output packets # correctly. The bug has been fixed in OVS v2.1.0. #xunjie modifiedx # kwargs = dict(ip_proto=inet.IPPROTO_UDP, udp_dst=6620) # kwargs = dict(udp_dst=6620) # match1 = parser.OFPMatch(**kwargs) kwargs = dict(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ip_proto=IPPROTO_UDP, udp_dst=6620) match1 = parser.OFPMatch(**kwargs) # match = parser.OFPMatch(nw_proto='UDP',) # actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, # ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)] actions = [ parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER) ] self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match1, actions) # match = parser.OFPMatch() # # actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, # # ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)] # actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(ofproto.OFPP_CONTROLLER, # ofproto.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)] # self.add_flow(datapath, 0, match, actions) #"datapath id %s", match = parser.OFPMatch(eth_type=ether_types.ETH_TYPE_IP, ipv4_dst=ipAdd( actions = [parser.OFPActionOutput(1)] self.add_flow(datapath, 1, match, actions) #modify the miss_len # req = parser.OFPSetConfig(datapath,ofproto.OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL,512) # datapath.send_msg(req) #after the only switch connected, start the server --global hub.spawn(self.run_server) # hub.spawn(self.run_server) self.create_topology_info()
def getNextIp( self ): ip = ipAdd( self.nextIP, ipBaseNum=self.ipBaseNum, prefixLen=self.prefixLen ) + '/%s' % self.prefixLen self.nextIP += 1 return ip
def addHoc(self, node, cls=None, **params): """ Configure AdHoc node: name of the node cls: custom association class/constructor params: parameters for station """ if 'intf' in params: for intf_ in node.params['wlan']: if params['intf'] == intf_: wlan = node.params['wlan'].index(intf_) else: wlan = node.ifaceToAssociate node.func[wlan] = 'adhoc' options = { 'ip': ipAdd(params['nextIP'], ipBaseNum=params['ipBaseNum'], prefixLen=params['prefixLen']) + '/%s' % params['prefixLen'] } options.update(params) node.params['cell'] = [] node.params['ssid'] = [] for w in range(0, len(node.params['wlan'])): node.params['cell'].append('') node.params['ssid'].append('') ip = ("%s" % params.pop('ip', {})) if ip == "{}": ip = options['ip'] ssid = ("%s" % params.pop('ssid', {})) if (ssid != "{}"): node.params['ssid'][wlan] = ssid node.params['associatedTo'][wlan] = ssid else: node.params['ssid'][wlan] = 'adhocNetwork' node.params['associatedTo'][wlan] = 'adhocNetwork' cell = ("%s" % params.pop('cell', {})) if (cell != "{}"): node.params['cell'][wlan] = cell else: if 'position' not in node.params: node.params['cell'][wlan] = 'FE:4C:6A:B5:A9:7E' deviceRange(node) value = deviceDataRate(sta=node, wlan=wlan) = value.rate options['sta'] = node options.update(params) # Set default MAC - this should probably be in Link options.setdefault('addr1', self.randMac()) cls = Association cls.configureAdhoc(node, self.useWmediumd) if 'intf' not in params: node.ifaceToAssociate += 1
def buildFromTopo(self, topo=None): """Build mininet from a topology object At the end of this function, everything should be connected and up.""" # Possibly we should clean up here and/or validate # the topo if self.cleanup: pass info('*** Creating network\n') bastion = self.jump waitStart = False _ip = "{}/{}".format( ipAdd(self.adminNextIP, ipBaseNum=self.adminIpBaseNum, prefixLen=self.adminPrefixLen), self.adminPrefixLen) self.adminNextIP += 1, brname="admin-br", ip=_ip) _info(" admin network created on {}\n".format(self.masterhost)) assert (isinstance(self.controllers, list)) if not self.controllers and self.controller: # Add a default controller info('*** Adding controller\n') classes = self.controller if not isinstance(classes, list): classes = [classes] for i, cls in enumerate(classes): # Allow Controller objects because nobody understands partial() if isinstance(cls, Controller): self.addController(cls) else: self.addController('c%d' % i, cls) # from assh import ASsh # prepare SSH connection to the master info('*** Adding hosts:\n') # == Hosts =========================================================== for hostName in topo.hosts(): _ip = "{}/{}".format( ipAdd(self.adminNextIP, ipBaseNum=self.adminIpBaseNum, prefixLen=self.adminPrefixLen), self.adminPrefixLen) self.adminNextIP += 1 # __ip= newAdminIp(admin_ip) self.addHost(name=hostName, admin_ip=_ip, loop=self.loop, master=self.masterSsh, username=self.user, bastion=bastion, client_keys=self.client_keys, waitStart=waitStart, **topo.nodeInfo(hostName)) info(hostName + ' ') info('\n*** Adding switches:\n') for switchName in topo.switches(): _ip = "{}/{}".format( ipAdd(self.adminNextIP, ipBaseNum=self.adminIpBaseNum, prefixLen=self.adminPrefixLen), self.adminPrefixLen) self.adminNextIP += 1 self.addSwitch(name=switchName, admin_ip=_ip, loop=self.loop, master=self.masterSsh, username=self.user, bastion=bastion, client_keys=self.client_keys, waitStart=waitStart, **topo.nodeInfo(switchName)) info(switchName + ' ') if not waitStart: nodes = self.hosts + self.switches _info("[starting\n") for node in nodes: _info("connectTarget {} ".format( node.connectTarget() for node in nodes: node.waitConnectedTarget() _info("connectedTarget {} ".format( count = 0 reset = 50 for node in nodes: _info("createContainer {} ".format( node.createContainer() count += 1 if count > reset: output("{} nodes created...\n".format(reset)) sleep(10) count = 0 for node in nodes: node.waitCreated() _info("createdContainer {} ".format( for node in nodes: _info("create admin interface {} ".format( node.addContainerInterface(intfName="admin", brname="admin-br", wait=False) for node in nodes: node.targetSshWaitOutput() _info("admin interface created on {} ".format( _info("\n") cmds = [] for node in nodes: cmds = cmds + node.connectToAdminNetwork(,, link_id=CloudLink.newLinkId(), admin_br="admin-br", wait=False) if len(cmds) > 0: cmd = ';'.join(cmds) self.masterSsh.cmd(cmd) for node in nodes: node.configureContainer(wait=False) for node in nodes: node.targetSshWaitOutput() for node in nodes: _info("connecting {} ".format( node.connect() for node in nodes: node.waitConnected() _info("connected {} ".format( for node in nodes: _info("startshell {} ".format( node.asyncStartShell() for node in nodes: node.waitStarted() _info("startedshell {}".format( for node in nodes: _info("finalize {}".format( node.finalizeStartShell() _info("\n") info('\n*** Adding links:\n') for srcName, dstName, params in topo.links(sort=True, withInfo=True): self.addLink(**params) info('(%s, %s) ' % (srcName, dstName)) info('\n')
def getIP(self, nextIP=1): ipBaseNum, prefixLen = netParse(IPBASE) return ipAdd(nextIP, ipBaseNum=ipBaseNum, prefixLen=prefixLen)
from errno import EEXIST from signal import SIGALRM, alarm, signal from itertools import tee from argparse import Action, ArgumentParser from shutil import copy2, rmtree from logging import basicConfig, INFO, getLogger from time import sleep GRID_MODULE_LISTEN_PORT = '12347' LOCAL_IP = '' LOCAL_PREFIX = 16 # Local addresses of the LAN with the prefix # (except network and broadcast addresses) LOCAL_ADDRS = ('{}/{}'.format(ipAdd(i + 1, LOCAL_PREFIX, ipParse(LOCAL_IP)), LOCAL_PREFIX) for i in range((1 << (32 - LOCAL_PREFIX)) - 2)) GLOBAL_IP = '' GLOBAL_PREFIX = 8 SUBNET_PREFIX = 24 # Host addresses within each subnet with the subnet prefix. # There is only one host address (10.x.y.1/24) in each subnet # where each subnet is of the form 10.x.y.0/24 # and is part of the CIDR block HOST_ADDRS = ('{}/{}'.format( ipAdd(1 + i * (1 << (32 - SUBNET_PREFIX)), GLOBAL_PREFIX, ipParse(GLOBAL_IP)), SUBNET_PREFIX) for i in range(1 << (SUBNET_PREFIX - GLOBAL_PREFIX)))
def addMesh(self, node, cls=None, **params): """ Configure wireless mesh node: name of the node cls: custom association class/constructor params: parameters for node """ if 'intf' in params: for intf_ in node.params['wlan']: if params['intf'] == intf_: wlan = node.params['wlan'].index(intf_) else: if node.type == 'station': wlan = node.ifaceToAssociate else: wlan = 0 node.func[wlan] = 'mesh' options = { 'ip': ipAdd(params['nextIP'], ipBaseNum=params['ipBaseNum'], prefixLen=params['prefixLen']) + '/%s' % params['prefixLen'] } options.update(params) node.params['ssid'] = [] if hasattr(node, 'meshMac'): for n in range(len(node.params['wlan'])): node.meshMac.append('') node.params['ssid'].append('') else: node.meshMac = [] for n in range(len(node.params['wlan'])): node.meshMac.append('') node.params['ssid'].append('') ip = ("%s" % params.pop('ip', {})) if ip == "{}": ip = options['ip'] ssid = ("%s" % params['ssid']) if (ssid != "{}"): node.params['ssid'][wlan] = ssid else: node.params['ssid'][wlan] = 'meshNetwork' deviceRange(node) value = deviceDataRate(sta=node, wlan=wlan) = value.rate options['node'] = node options.update(params) # Set default MAC - this should probably be in Link options.setdefault('addr1', self.randMac()) cls = Association cls.configureMesh(node, wlan) if 'intf' not in params: node.ifaceToAssociate += 1