Beispiel #1
def number_of_voxels():
    p = '../data/rawdata/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-raw.n5'
    is_h5 = is_h5_file(p)
    key = get_key(is_h5, setup_id=0, time_point=0, scale=0)
    with h5py.File(p, 'r') as f:
        ds = f[key]
        shape = ds.shape
    n_vox =
    print("Number of voxel:")
    print("corresponds to")
    print(float(n_vox) / 1e12, "TVoxel")
Beispiel #2
def append_nephridia_table():
    table_path = '../../data/0.6.5/tables/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cilia/cell_mapping.csv'
    table = pd.read_csv(table_path, sep='\t')
    cell_ids = table['cell_id'].values
    cell_ids = np.unique(cell_ids)
    if cell_ids[0] == 0:
        cell_ids = cell_ids[1:]

    out_table_path = '../../data/0.6.5/tables/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells/regions.csv'
    seg_path = '../../data/0.6.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells.n5'
    nep_path = '../../data/0.6.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-nephridia.n5'

    table = pd.read_csv(out_table_path, sep='\t')
    new_col = np.zeros(len(table), dtype='float32')

    print("Loading volumes ...")
    scale = 4
    is_h5 = is_h5_file(seg_path)
    key = get_key(is_h5, setup_id=0, time_point=0, scale=scale)
    with open_file(seg_path, 'r') as f:
        seg = f[key][:]

    scale = 0
    is_h5 = is_h5_file(nep_path)
    key = get_key(is_h5, setup_id=0, time_point=0, scale=scale)
    with open_file(nep_path, 'r') as f:
        nep = f[key][:]
    assert nep.shape == seg.shape

    print("Iterating over cells ...")
    for cid in cell_ids:
        nid = np.unique(nep[seg == cid])
        if 0 in nid:
            nid = nid[1:]
        assert len(nid) == 1
        new_col[cid] = nid

    table['nephridia'] = new_col
    table.to_csv(out_table_path, sep='\t', index=False)
Beispiel #3
def make_nephridia_segmentation():
    table_path = '../../data/0.6.5/tables/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cilia/cell_mapping.csv'
    seg_path = '../../data/0.6.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-cells.n5'

    out_path = '../../data/0.6.5/segmentations/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-segmented-nephridia.xml'

    table = pd.read_csv(table_path, sep='\t')
    cell_ids = table['cell_id'].values
    cell_ids = np.unique(cell_ids)
    if cell_ids[0] == 0:
        cell_ids = cell_ids[1:]

    scale = 4
    is_h5 = is_h5_file(seg_path)
    key = get_key(is_h5, setup_id=0, time_point=0, scale=scale)
    with open_file(seg_path, 'r') as f:
        ds = f[key]
        seg = ds[:].astype('uint32')
        bshape = (32, 256, 256)

        tmp = np.zeros_like(seg)
        print("Isin ...")
        tmp = elf.parallel.isin(seg,
        print("Label ...")
        tmp = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(tmp)

        print("Size filter ...")
        ids, counts = elf.parallel.unique(tmp,
        keep_ids = np.argsort(counts)[::-1]
        keep_ids = ids[keep_ids[:3]]
        assert keep_ids[0] == 0

        out = np.zeros(tmp.shape, dtype='uint8')
        for new_id, keep_id in enumerate(keep_ids[1:], 1):
            out[tmp == keep_id] = new_id

    factors = 3 * [[2, 2, 2]]
    res = [.4, .32, .32]
    make_bdv(out, out_path, factors, resolution=res, unit='micrometer')
def write_h5_files(table, folder, raw_seg_path):
    Writes individual h5 file for each row in the table, equal to the bounding box of that object
    + a 10 pixel border on all dimensions

        table [pd.Dataframe] - table of nucleus statistics
        folder [str] - a temporary folder to write files to
        raw_seg_path [str] - path to the raw segmentation .h5

    for row in table.itertuples(index=False):

        # min max coordinates in microns for segmentation
        minmax_seg = [
            row.bb_min_x, row.bb_min_y, row.bb_min_z, row.bb_max_x,
            row.bb_max_y, row.bb_max_z

        # raw scale (from xml) for 2x downsampled
        raw_scale = [0.02, 0.02, 0.025]

        # slice for raw file
        raw_slice = calculate_slice(raw_scale, minmax_seg, addBorder=True)
        is_h5 = is_h5_file(raw_seg_path)
        raw_key = get_key(is_h5, setup=0, time_point=0, scale=1)
        with open_file(raw_seg_path, 'r') as f:
            # get 2x downsampled nuclei
            data = f[raw_key]
            img_array = data[raw_slice]

        # write h5 file for nucleus
        result_path = folder + os.sep + str(row.label_id) + '.h5'
        with open_file(result_path, 'a') as f:

            # check dataset is bigger than 64x64x64
            if img_array.shape[0] >= 64 and img_array.shape[
                    1] >= 64 and img_array.shape[2] >= 64:
                chunks = (64, 64, 64)
                chunks = img_array.shape

            f['dataset'][:] = img_array
Beispiel #5
def animal():
    p = '../data/rawdata/sbem-6dpf-1-whole-mask-inside.n5'
    is_h5 = is_h5_file(p)
    key = get_key(is_h5, setup_id=0, time_point=0, scale=0)
    with h5py.File(p, 'r') as f:
        mask = f[key][:]

    bb = np.where(mask > 0)
    mins = [b.min() for b in bb]
    maxs = [b.max() for b in bb]
    size = [ma - mi for mi, ma in zip(mins, maxs)]

    print("Animal size in pixel:")
    res = [.4, .32, .32]

    size = [si * re for si, re in zip(size, res)]
    print("Animal size in micron:")
def process_ilastik_output(table, ilastik_file, nucleus_seg_path,
    Processes output h5 files form ilastik,  doing an opening / closing to clean up the
    segmentation, change label ids so (euchromatin == nucleus_id & heterochromatin == 12000 + nucleus_id) and use
    nucleus segmentation as a mask to set background to 0. Then writes to the main results file / deletes ilastik

        table [pd.Dataframe] - table of nucleus statistics
        ilastik_file [str] - path to ilastik output file .h5
        nucleus_seg_path [str] - path to nuclear segmentation
        final_output [str] - path to the main output file .h5


    # Get label id of nucleus from file name
    label_id = get_label_id_from_file(ilastik_file)

    # select correct row of table
    select = table['label_id'] == label_id

    # minmax of bounding box for that nucleus
    minmax_seg = [
        table.loc[select, 'bb_min_x'], table.loc[select, 'bb_min_y'],
        table.loc[select, 'bb_min_z'], table.loc[select, 'bb_max_x'],
        table.loc[select, 'bb_max_y'], table.loc[select, 'bb_max_z']
    minmax_seg = [x.iloc[0] for x in minmax_seg]

    # read out ilastik result
    print('Processing Ilastik result...' + str(label_id))
    with open_file(ilastik_file, 'r') as f:
        dataset = f['exported_data']
        data = dataset[:]

    # reads in as zyxc, drop the c channel
    data = data[:, :, :, 0]

    # Convert from 1/2 label to 0/1 - now heterochromatin is 0 and euchromatin is 1
    data[data == 1] = 0
    data[data == 2] = 1

    # Then do opening / closing
    data = skimage.morphology.binary_opening(data)
    data = skimage.morphology.binary_closing(data)

    # remove the extra 10 pixels border around the nucleus
    data = data[10:data.shape[0] - 10, 10:data.shape[1] - 10,
                10:data.shape[2] - 10]
    data = data.astype('uint16')

    # change to implicit mapping to nuclei
    # heterochromatin = nucleus id
    # euchromatin = 12000 + nucleus id
    data[data == 1] = label_id
    data[data == 0] = 12000 + label_id

    # segmentation file scale
    seg_scale = [0.08, 0.08, 0.1]

    # slice for segmentation file
    seg_slice = calculate_slice(seg_scale, minmax_seg, False)

    is_h5 = is_h5_file(nucleus_seg_path)
    nuc_key = get_key(is_h5, setup=0, time_point=0, scale=0)
    # open the nuclear segmentation for correct nucleus
    with open_file(nucleus_seg_path, 'r') as f:
        # get full-res dataset
        dataset = f[nuc_key]
        img_array = dataset[seg_slice]

    # binarise so 1 in the relevant nucleus, 0 outside
    img_array[img_array != label_id] = 0
    img_array[img_array == label_id] = 1

    # use the vigra resize here, seems much more memory efficient
    img_array = img_array.astype('float32')
    img_array = vigra.sampling.resize(img_array, shape=data.shape, order=0)
    img_array = img_array.astype('uint8')

    # set pixels outside the nucleus segmentation to 0
    data[img_array == 0] = 0
    img_array = None

    # raw scale (from xml) for 2x downsampled
    raw_scale = [0.02, 0.02, 0.025]

    # slice for raw file
    raw_slice = calculate_slice(raw_scale, minmax_seg, addBorder=False)

    # write to the main h5 file
    with open_file(final_output, 'r+') as f:
        result = f['dataset']

        # read in part covered by the nuclear bounding box
        result_data = result[raw_slice]

        # Set the part covered by the nuclear segmentation to the new values
        result_data[data != 0] = data[data != 0]

        # write it back
        result[raw_slice] = result_data

    # remove temporary segmentation file once write is successful