def cfg_oainfo(self):
        针对 MicroFocus ITOM OA 中的 agent.log_<日期> 的文件
        # 初始化数据和相关控制参数
        logdata = {}
        sqldata = []
        log_num = 0
        # 判断 ovconfget 命令的开始
        sta_ovconf = False
        # 判断 ovconfget 命令的结束
        end_ovconf_mid = False  # 第一次匹配 ****** 时做一次记录
        end_ovconf = False
        # ovconfget 命令数据
        agt_ovconf = 'Null'
        # 判断 ovdeploy -inv -inclbdl -includeupdates 命令的开始
        sta_ovdeploy = False
        # 判断 ovdeploy -inv -inclbdl -includeupdates 命令的结束
        end_ovdeploy_mid = False  # 第一次匹配 ****** 时做一次记录
        end_ovdeploy = False
        # ovdeploy -inv -inclbdl -includeupdates 命令数据
        agt_ovdeploy = 'Null'
        # 与软件/系统相关的参数
        os_name = 'Null'
        os_type = 'Null'
        os_version = 'Null'
        os_hostname = 'Null'
        agt_version = 'Null'
        agt_core_id = 'Null'
        os_machine = 'Null'

        # 尝试开始读取文件
            with open(self.filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
                for line in f:
                        log_num += 1
                        if len(re.findall('Cmd executed.*ovconfget', line, re.IGNORECASE)) > 0 and sta_ovconf == False:
                            sta_ovconf = True
                            end_ovconf = False
                            agt_ovconf = ''

                        elif len(re.findall('\*{40}', line)) > 0 and sta_ovconf == True and end_ovconf == False:
                            if end_ovconf_mid == False:
                                end_ovconf_mid = True
                                end_ovconf = True

                        elif len(re.findall('\*{40}', line)) == 0 and sta_ovconf == True and end_ovconf == False:
                            agt_ovconf = agt_ovconf + line
                            if len(re.findall('agtversion=', line)) > 0:
                                # OA 的版本
                                agt_version = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()
                            elif len(re.findall('osname=', line)) > 0:
                                # 系统发行版的名字
                                os_name = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()
                            elif len(re.findall('ostype=', line)) > 0:
                                # 系统类型
                                os_type = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()
                            elif len(re.findall('osversion=', line)) > 0:
                                # 系统内核版本
                                os_version = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()
                            elif len(re.findall('CORE_ID=', line)) > 0:
                                # OA 的 core id
                                agt_core_id = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()
                            elif len(re.findall('OPC_NODENAME=', line)) > 0:
                                # 主机名
                                os_hostname = line.strip().split('=')[-1].strip()

                        elif len(re.findall('ovdeploy -inv -inclbdl -includeupdates', line)) > 0 and sta_ovdeploy == False:
                            sta_ovdeploy = True
                            end_ovdeploy = False
                            agt_ovdeploy = ''

                        elif len(re.findall('\*{40}', line)) > 0 and sta_ovdeploy == True and end_ovdeploy ==False:
                            if end_ovdeploy_mid == False:
                                end_ovdeploy_mid = True
                                end_ovdeploy = True

                        elif len(re.findall('\*{40}', line)) == 0 and sta_ovdeploy == True and end_ovdeploy == False:
                            agt_ovdeploy = agt_ovdeploy + line

                        elif len(re.findall('Machine: ', line)) > 0:
                            os_machine = line.strip().split(':')[-1].strip()

                    except Exception as e:
                            "file:{}\nline:{}\nSource:{}\nException:{}".format(self.filepath, str(log_num), line, e))

            # 整理获取的值
            logdata['os_name'] = os_name.strip()
            logdata['os_type'] = os_type.strip()
            logdata['os_hostname'] = os_hostname.strip()
            logdata['os_version'] = os_version.strip()
            logdata['os_machine'] = os_machine.strip()
            logdata['agt_version'] = agt_version.strip()
            logdata['agt_core_id'] = agt_core_id.strip()
            logdata['agt_ovconf'] = agt_ovconf.strip()
            logdata['agt_ovdeploy'] = agt_ovdeploy.strip()

            for k, v in logdata.items():
                    sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO cfg_OAInfo (attribute, value) VALUES ("{}", "{}");'.format(k, v)
                except Exception as e:
                    logSQLCreate.warning("Can't generate SQL INSERT INTO statement! - {}".format(e))

            self.SQLData = ({'db_name': self.db_name,
                             'db_type': self.db_type,
                             'db_table': 'cfg_OAInfo',
                             'db_data': sqldata, })

            # 生成一个对应的 .lck 文件, 在数据写入完成后, 再删除 .lck 文件
            datafilepath = r'./temp/{}'.format(self.file_id)
            open('{}.lck'.format(datafilepath), 'w').close()
            with open(datafilepath, 'wb') as f:
                pickle.dump(self.SQLData, f)

        except Exception as reason:
            logSQLCreate.error('logfile read error:{}'.format(reason))
    def log_trace(self):
        针对 MicroFocus ITOM MP for Microsoft SQL Server 中的 trace 文件
        # 初始化数据和相关控制参数
        logdata = []
        sqldata = []
        isnoblk = True
        log_num = 0
        isstart = False

        # 尝试开始读取文件
            with open(self.filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
                for line in f:
                        log_num += 1
                        isnoblk = True
                        for blkrule in BlackRule:
                            if len(re.findall(blkrule, line, re.IGNORECASE)) > 0:
                                isnoblk = False

                        # 判断日志的开头是否是事件的开始, 如果不是则忽略
                        if isstart == False:
                            if len(re.findall('\d{4}-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+.\d{3}|\d{4}-\d+-\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+.\d{3}', line)) > 0:
                                isstart = True

                        # 如果改行既不在黑名单, 并且也已经确定 isstart 为 True, 则开始日志匹配流程
                        if isnoblk and isstart:
                            line = line.strip()
                            # 判断该行日志是否符合格式
                            if len(re.findall('\d{4}-\d+-\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+.\d{3}', line)) > 0:
                                if re.findall('fail|error|deny|refused|exception', line, re.IGNORECASE):
                                    log_level = 'ERROR'
                                    log_level = 'INFO'
                                log_time = sql_write.sqlite_to_datetime(line.split(' ', 2)[0] + ' ' + line.split(' ', 2)[1])
                                log_comp = line.split(' ', 2)[-1].split(': ', 1)[0].strip()
                                log_detail = line.split(' ', 2)[-1].split(':', 1)[1].strip()


                            elif len(re.findall('\d{4}-\d+-\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+.\d{3}', line)) > 0:
                                if re.findall('fail|error|deny|refused|exception', line, re.IGNORECASE):
                                    log_level = 'ERROR'
                                    log_level = 'INFO'
                                log_time = sql_write.sqlite_to_datetime(line.split(' ', 2)[0])
                                log_comp = line.split(' ', 1)[-1].split(': ', 1)[0].strip()
                                log_detail = line.split(' ', 1)[-1].split(':', 1)[1].strip()


                                logdata[-1]['logdetail'] = logdata[-1]['logdetail'] + '\n' + line
                                # 抹掉日志中剩下的 '/n'
                                logdata[-1]['logdetail'] = logdata[-1]['logdetail'].strip()
                    except Exception as e:

                for data in logdata:
                    if data.get('logdetail') == '':
                        data['logdetail'] = 'Null'
                        data['logdetail'] = sql_string.sqlite_to_string(data.get('logdetail'))
                        sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO log_trace (logfile, logline, loglevel, logtime, logcomp, logdetail) VALUES ("{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}");'.format(data.get('logfile'), str(data.get('logline')),data.get('loglevel'),data.get('logtime'),data.get('logcomp'),data.get('logdetail'))
                    except Exception as e:
                        logSQLCreate.warning("Can't generate SQL INSERT INTO statement! - {}".format(e))

                self.SQLData = ({'db_name':self.db_name,

                # 生成一个对应的 .lck 文件, 在数据写入完成后, 再删除 .lck 文件
                datafilepath = r'./temp/{}'.format(self.file_id)
                open('{}.lck'.format(datafilepath), 'w').close()
                with open(datafilepath, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(self.SQLData, f)

        except Exception as reason:
            logSQLCreate.error('logfile read error:{}'.format(reason))
    def log_traces(self):
        针对 MicroFocus ITOM OA 中的 trace 文件 (需要先解码)
        # 初始化数据和相关控制参数
        logdata = []
        sqldata = []
        isnoblk = True
        log_num = 0
        isstart = False

        # 尝试开始读取文件
            with open(self.filepath, mode='r', encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') as f:
                for line in f:
                        log_num += 1
                        isnoblk = True
                        for blkrule in BlackRule:
                            if len(re.findall(blkrule, line, re.IGNORECASE)) > 0:
                                isnoblk = False

                        # 判断日志的开头是否是事件的开始, 如果不是则忽略
                        if isstart == False:
                            if re.findall('"Info",|"Warn",|"Error",', line):
                                isstart = True

                        # 如果改行既不在黑名单, 并且也已经确定 isstart 为 True, 则开始日志匹配流程
                        if isnoblk and isstart:
                            line = line.strip()
                            # 判断该行日志是否符合格式
                            if len(line.split(',', 11)) >= 11:
                                line_data = line.split(',',11)
                                log_level = line_data[0].strip()[1:-1]
                                log_time = sql_write.sqlite_to_datetime(line_data[2].strip())
                                log_Machine = line_data[3].strip()
                                log_comp = line_data[4].strip()
                                if re.findall(',,', line):
                                    log_pid = line.replace('"', "'").split(',', 10)[-3].strip()
                                    log_pid = line_data[-3].strip().replace('"', "'")
                                if re.findall(',,', line):
                                    log_tid = line.replace('"', "'").split(',', 10)[-2].strip()
                                    log_tid = line_data[-2].strip().replace('"', "'")
                                log_tic_count = line_data[1].strip().replace('"', "'")
                                if re.findall(',,', line):
                                    log_msg = line.replace('"', "'").split(',', 10)[-1].strip()
                                    log_msg = line_data[-1].strip().replace('"', "'")
                                logdata.append({'logfile': self.filepath,
                                                'logline': log_num,
                                                'loglevel': log_level,
                                                'logtime': log_time,
                                                'machine': log_Machine,
                                                'logcomp': log_comp,
                                                'pid': log_pid,
                                                'tid': log_tid,
                                                'tic_count': log_tic_count,
                                                'logdetail': log_msg})
                                logdata[-1]['logdetail'] = logdata[-1]['logdetail'] + '\n' + line
                                # 抹掉日志中剩下的 '/n'
                                logdata[-1]['logdetail'] = logdata[-1]['logdetail'].strip()
                    except Exception as e:
                            "file:{}\nline:{}\nSource:{}\nException:{}".format(self.filepath, str(log_num), line, e))

                for data in logdata:
                        data['logdetail'] = sql_string.sqlite_to_string(data.get('logdetail'))
                        sql_insert = 'INSERT INTO log_Trace (logfile, logline, loglevel, logtime, logcomp, logdetail, machine, pid, tid, tic_count) ' \
                                     'VALUES ("{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}","{}");'.format(
                            data.get('logfile'), str(data.get('logline')), data.get('loglevel'), data.get('logtime'),
                            data.get('logcomp'), data.get('logdetail'), data.get('machine'), data.get('pid'), data.get('tid'), data.get('tic_count'))
                    except Exception as e:
                        logSQLCreate.warning("Can't generate SQL INSERT INTO statement! - {}".format(e))

                self.SQLData = ({'db_name': self.db_name,
                                 'db_type': self.db_type,
                                 'db_table': 'log_Trace',
                                 'db_data': sqldata, })

                # 生成一个对应的 .lck 文件, 在数据写入完成后, 再删除 .lck 文件
                datafilepath = r'./temp/{}'.format(self.file_id)
                open('{}.lck'.format(datafilepath), 'w').close()
                with open(datafilepath, 'wb') as f:
                    pickle.dump(self.SQLData, f)

        except Exception as reason:
            logSQLCreate.error('logfile read error:{}'.format(reason))