Beispiel #1
def opt_convert_type_to_array(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["ConvertExpressionAst"]:
            type_name = node.find("TypeConstraintAst")
            if type_name is not None:
                type_name = type_name.attrib["TypeName"].lower()

            if type_name == "array":
                cst_string_node = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
                if cst_string_node is not None:

                    log_debug("Replace array of one string to string '%s'" %

                    replace_node(ast, node, cst_string_node)

            elif type_name == "char[]":
                cst_string_node = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
                if cst_string_node is not None:
                    arrayed = [c for c in cst_string_node.text]

                    new_array_ast = create_array_literal_values(arrayed)

                    log_debug("Replace (cast) string to array: '%s'" % arrayed)

                    replace_node(ast, node, new_array_ast)
Beispiel #2
def opt_convert_type_to_type(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["ConvertExpressionAst"]:
            type_name = node.find("TypeConstraintAst")
            if type_name is not None:
                type_name = type_name.attrib["TypeName"].lower()

            if type_name in ["type"]:
                cst_string_node = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
                if cst_string_node is not None:
                    type_value = cst_string_node.text

                    new_element = Element("StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                        "StringConstantType": "BareWord",
                        "StaticType": "string",

                    new_element.text = "[" + type_value + "]"

                    log_debug("Replace type string '%s' by type '%s'" %
                              (type_value, new_element.text))

                    replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

                    return True
def opt_value_of_const_array(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "IndexExpressionAst":
            subnodes = list(node)

            if subnodes[0].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst":
                target = subnodes[0].text
            elif subnodes[0].tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
                target = get_array_literal_values(subnodes[0])

            if subnodes[1].tag == "ConstantExpressionAst":
                indexes = [int(subnodes[1].text)]
            elif subnodes[1].tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
                values = get_array_literal_values(subnodes[1])
                indexes = values

            if target is not None and indexes is not None:
                if len(indexes) > 0:

                    new_array_ast = create_array_literal_values([target[index] for index in indexes])

                    log_debug(f"Apply index {indexes} operation to constant {target.__class__.__name__} {target}")

                    replace_node(ast, node, new_array_ast)

                    return True

    return False
Beispiel #4
def opt_convert_type_to_char(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["ConvertExpressionAst"]:
            type_name = node.find("TypeConstraintAst")
            if type_name is not None:
                type_name = type_name.attrib["TypeName"].lower()

            if type_name == "char":
                cst_int_node = node.find("ConstantExpressionAst")

                if cst_int_node is not None and cst_int_node.attrib[
                        "StaticType"] == "int":
                    type_value = int(cst_int_node.text)

                    new_element = Element(
                        "StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                            "StringConstantType": "SingleQuoted",
                            "StaticType": "string",
                    new_element.text = chr(type_value)

                    log_debug("Replace integer %d convertion to char '%s'" %
                              (type_value, new_element.text))

                    replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

                    return True

    return False
Beispiel #5
def opt_invoke_split_string(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "InvokeMemberExpressionAst":
            subnodes = list(node)

            if len(subnodes) < 3:

            if subnodes[2].tag == 'StringConstantExpressionAst' and \
                    subnodes[2].attrib["StringConstantType"] == "BareWord" and \
                    subnodes[2].text.lower() == "split":
                if subnodes[1].tag == 'StringConstantExpressionAst' and \
                        subnodes[1].attrib["StringConstantType"] != "BareWord":
                    argument = subnodes[0]
                    if argument is not None:
                        argument = argument.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
                        if argument is not None:

                            splitted = subnodes[1].text.split(argument.text)

                            new_array_ast = create_array_literal_values(splitted)

                            log_debug("Apply split operation to %s" % splitted)

                            replace_node(ast, node, new_array_ast)
                            return True
    return False
Beispiel #6
def try_reverse_variable_if_not_used(ast, variable, before_node):
    parent_map = dict((c, p) for p in ast.iter() for c in p)

    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "VariableExpressionAst" and node.attrib["VariablePath"].lower() == variable.lower():
            parent = parent_map[node]
            if parent is not None and parent_map[node].tag == "AssignmentStatementAst":
                operands = parent.find("CommandExpressionAst")
                if operands.tag == "CommandExpressionAst":
                    operands = operands.find("ArrayLiteralAst")
                if operands is not None:
                    operands = operands.find("Elements")

                    new_element = Element("Elements")
                    for element in operands:
                        new_element.insert(0, element)

                    replace_node(ast, operands, new_element)

                    log_debug(f"Apply reverse method to variable ${variable}")

                    return True
                return False

    return False
Beispiel #7
def opt_binary_expression_format(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["BinaryExpressionAst"
                        ] and node.attrib["Operator"] == "Format":
            format_str = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
            if format_str is not None:
                format_str = format_str.text

            argument_values = get_array_literal_values(
            if argument_values is None:

                formatted = format_str.format(*argument_values)
            except IndexError:

            new_element = Element("StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                "StringConstantType": "SingleQuoted",
                "StaticType": "string",
            new_element.text = formatted

            log_debug("Apply format operation to '%s'" % formatted)

            replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

            return True
    return False
Beispiel #8
def opt_invoke_expression(ast):
    ret = False
    p = pathlib.Path("tmp.ps1")

    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "CommandElements":
            subnodes = list(node)
            if len(subnodes) == 2:
                if subnodes[0].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst" and subnodes[0].attrib["StringConstantType"] == "BareWord" and subnodes[0].text == "Invoke-Expression":
                    if subnodes[1].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst" and subnodes[1].attrib["StringConstantType"] != "BareWord":

                        script_content = subnodes[1].text

                        with open(p, "w") as tmp:

                        if create_ast_file(p):
                            if sub_ast := read_ast_file(p.with_suffix(".xml")):

                                log_debug("Replace Invoke-Expression by expression AST")

                                replace_node(ast, subnodes[0], sub_ast.getroot(), until="CommandAst")

                                ret = True
Beispiel #9
def opt_binary_expression_replace(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["BinaryExpressionAst"
                        ] and node.attrib["Operator"] == "Ireplace":
            target = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
            if target is not None:
                target = target.text

            argument_values = get_array_literal_values(

            if argument_values is None or len(argument_values) != 2:
                return False

            formatted = target.replace(argument_values[0], argument_values[1])

            log_debug("Apply replace operator to '%s'" % formatted)

            new_element = Element("StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                "StringConstantType": "SingleQuoted",
                "StaticType": "string",
            new_element.text = formatted

            replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

            return True
    return False
Beispiel #10
def opt_binary_expression_plus(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == 'BinaryExpressionAst':
            operator = node.attrib['Operator']
            if operator == "Plus":
                subnodes = list(node)

                if subnodes[0].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst":
                    left = subnodes[0].text
                elif subnodes[0].tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
                    left = get_array_literal_values(subnodes[0])

                if subnodes[1].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst":
                    right = subnodes[1].text
                elif subnodes[1].tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
                    right = get_array_literal_values(subnodes[1])

                if left is not None and right is not None:
                    if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str):

                        new_element = Element('StringConstantExpressionAst')
                        new_element.set('StringConstantType', 'DoubleQuoted')
                        new_element.text = left + right

                            "Merging constant strings:  '%s', '%s' to '%s'" %
                            (subnodes[0].text, subnodes[1].text,

                        replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

                        return True

                        items = []
                        if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, list):
                            right.insert(0, left)
                            items = right
                        elif isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, str):
                            items = left
                        elif isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(
                                right, list):
                            items = left

                        new_array_ast = create_array_literal_values(items)

                        replace_node(ast, node, new_array_ast)

                        return True
    return False
Beispiel #11
def opt_simplify_pipeline_single_command(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "PipelineAst":
            subnodes = list(node)
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag in ["PipelineElements"]:
                subnodes = list(subnodes[0])
            if len(subnodes) == 1:

                log_debug("Replace pipeline with single elements by %s" % subnodes[0].tag)

                replace_node(ast, node, subnodes[0])

                return True
    return False
Beispiel #12
def opt_replace_constant_variable_by_value(ast):
    cst_assigned = dict()

    used_vars = get_used_vars(ast)

    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["AssignmentStatementAst"]:
            subnodes = list(node)
            if subnodes[0].tag == "VariableExpressionAst":
                variable = subnodes[0]
                if subnodes[1].tag == "CommandExpressionAst":
                    subnodes = list(subnodes[1])
                    if len(subnodes) == 1:
                        if subnodes[0].tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst":
                            cst_assigned[variable.attrib["VariablePath"].lower()] = subnodes[0].text
                        elif subnodes[0].tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
                            cst_assigned[variable.attrib["VariablePath"].lower()] = get_array_literal_values(
                        if variable.attrib["VariablePath"].lower() in cst_assigned:
                            del cst_assigned[variable.attrib["VariablePath"].lower()]

        if node.tag in ["UnaryExpressionAst", "BinaryExpressionAst", "Arguments", "InvokeMemberExpressionAst"]:
            subnodes = list(node)
            for subnode in subnodes:
                if subnode.tag == "VariableExpressionAst":
                    var_name = subnode.attrib["VariablePath"].lower()
                    if var_name in cst_assigned and used_vars.setdefault(var_name, 0) == 1:

                        value = cst_assigned[var_name]

                        if isinstance(value, str):
                            new_element = create_constant_string(value,
                                                                 "BareWord" if node.tag == "InvokeMemberExpressionAst"
                                                                 else "DoubleQuoted")

                            log_debug("Replace constant variable %s (string) in expression" % (

                            replace_node(ast, subnode, new_element)
                            return True

                        elif isinstance(value, list):
                            new_element = create_array_literal_values(value)
                                "Replace constant variable %s (array) in expression" % (subnode.attrib["VariablePath"]))
                            replace_node(ast, subnode, new_element)
                            return True

    return False
Beispiel #13
def opt_simplify_single_array(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "ArrayLiteralAst":
            subnodes = list(node)
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag in ["Elements"]:
                subnodes = list(subnodes[0])
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag not in ["CommandAst", "UnaryExpressionAst",

                log_debug("Replace array with single element by %s" % subnodes[0].tag)

                replace_node(ast, node, subnodes[0])

                return True
    return False
Beispiel #14
def opt_convert_type_to_string(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["ConvertExpressionAst"]:
            type_name = node.find("TypeConstraintAst")
            if type_name is not None:
                type_name = type_name.attrib["TypeName"].lower()

            if type_name in ["string"]:
                cst_string_node = node.find("VariableExpressionAst")
                if cst_string_node is not None:
                    var_value = cst_string_node.attrib["VariablePath"]

                    if var_value.lower(
                    ) in SPECIAL_VARS_VALUES and SPECIAL_VARS_VALUES[
                            var_value.lower()] is not None:
                        log_debug("Use special variable value '%s' for $%s" %
                        var_value = SPECIAL_VARS_VALUES[var_value.lower()]

                    new_element = Element(
                        "StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                            "StringConstantType": "DoubleQuoted",
                            "StaticType": "string",

                    new_element.text = var_value

                    log_debug("Replace type of variable $%s to string" %

                    replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

                    return True

                cst_string_node = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
                if cst_string_node is not None:

                    log_debug("Remove unused cast to string for '%s'" %

                    replace_node(ast, node, cst_string_node)

                    return True
Beispiel #15
def opt_simplify_paren_single_expression(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "ParenExpressionAst":
            subnodes = list(node)
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag in ["PipelineAst"]:
                subnodes = list(subnodes[0])
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag in ["PipelineElements"]:
                subnodes = list(subnodes[0])
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag in ["CommandExpressionAst"]:
                subnodes = list(subnodes[0])
            if len(subnodes) == 1 and subnodes[0].tag not in ["CommandAst", "UnaryExpressionAst",

                log_debug("Replace paren with single expression by %s" % subnodes[0].tag)

                replace_node(ast, node, subnodes[0])

                return True
    return False
Beispiel #16
def opt_binary_expression_join(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag in ["BinaryExpressionAst"
                        ] and node.attrib["Operator"] == "Join":
            subnodes = list(node)

            joiner = node.find("StringConstantExpressionAst")
            if joiner is not None:
                joiner = joiner.text
                if joiner is None:
                    joiner = ""
                    f"BinaryExpression Join with {subnodes[0].tag} joiner is unsupported"

            values = node.find("ArrayLiteralAst")
            if values is not None:
                values = get_array_literal_values(values)

            if joiner is None or values is None:

                joined = joiner.join(values)
            except Exception:

            new_element = Element("StringConstantExpressionAst", {
                "StringConstantType": "SingleQuoted",
                "StaticType": "string",
            new_element.text = joined

            log_debug("Apply join operation to '%s'" % joined)

            replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

            return True
    return False
Beispiel #17
def opt_invoke_replace_string(ast):
    for node in ast.iter():
        if node.tag == "InvokeMemberExpressionAst":
            subnodes = list(node)

            if len(subnodes) < 3:

            if subnodes[2].tag == 'StringConstantExpressionAst' and \
                    subnodes[2].attrib["StringConstantType"] == "BareWord" and \
                    subnodes[2].text.lower() == "replace":
                if subnodes[1].tag == 'StringConstantExpressionAst' and \
                        subnodes[1].attrib["StringConstantType"] != "BareWord":
                    arguments = subnodes[0]
                    if arguments is not None:
                        argument_values = []

                        for element in list(arguments):
                            if element.tag == "StringConstantExpressionAst":

                        if len(argument_values) != 2:

                        formatted = subnodes[1].text.replace(argument_values[0], argument_values[1])

                        log_debug("Apply replace method on '%s'" % formatted)

                        new_element = Element("StringConstantExpressionAst",
                                                  "StringConstantType": "SingleQuoted",
                                                  "StaticType"        : "string",
                        new_element.text = formatted

                        replace_node(ast, node, new_element)

                        return True
    return False