def test_tangent_vector(self):
        "vector tangent to unitcircle"

        circ = Circle()
        pos = Vec2D(1, 0)

        self.assertTrue(circ.tangent_vector(pos, 1) == Vec2D(0, 1))
    def test_overlapping_intersection(self):
        "test that overlapping counts as intersection"
        tan1 = Tangent(Vec2D(-1, 0), None, None, Vec2D(1, 0), None, None)
        tan2 = Tangent(Vec2D(-2, 0), None, None, Vec2D(0, 0), None, None)

    def test_sort_points_singleelement(self):
        "test sort_points_on_circle one element list"

        sorted_list = pp.sort_points_on_circle([Vec2D(1, 0)], Circle())

        self.assertTrue(len(sorted_list) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(sorted_list[0] == Vec2D(1, 0))
    def test_general_intersection(self):
        "test non intersecting segments"
        tan1 = Tangent(Vec2D(1, 0), None, None, Vec2D(2, 0), None, None)
        tan2 = Tangent(Vec2D(0, -2), None, None, Vec2D(0, -1), None, None)

    def test_parallel_intersection(self):
        "test that parallel segments don't intersect"
        tan1 = Tangent(Vec2D(1, 0), None, None, Vec2D(2, 0), None, None)
        tan2 = Tangent(Vec2D(1, 1), None, None, Vec2D(2, 1), None, None)

    def test_tangents_containing_circle(self):
        "test circle tangents when one circle contains another"
        circle1 = Circle(Vec2D(), 10)
        circle2 = Circle(Vec2D(), 5)

        self.assertTrue(len(circle1.tangent_circle(circle2)) == 0)
        self.assertTrue(len(circle2.tangent_circle(circle1)) == 0)
    def test_radial_acc(self):
        "test radial_acc method"

        circle = Circle()
        seg = CircleSegment(Vec2D(1, 0), Vec2D(0, 1), circle, 1)

        self.assertTrue(seg.radial_acc(Vec2D(1, 0), 1) == Vec2D(-1, 0))
    def test_simple_intersection(self):
        "test simple 1 point intersection"
        tan1 = Tangent(Vec2D(-1, 0), None, None, Vec2D(1, 0), None, None)
        tan2 = Tangent(Vec2D(0, -1), None, None, Vec2D(0, 1), None, None)

    def test_contains_tangent(self):
        "test start and end inside circle"
        circle = Circle()
        tangent = Tangent(Vec2D(0, -0.5), None, None, Vec2D(0, 0.5), None,

    def test_can_transform_speed(self):
        traj = [(Vec2D(), Vec2D(0., 1.), Vec2D(), 0.3)]
        t = convert_from_molly(traj, start_time=10., sampling_time=0.1)
        t = t.points[0]

        self.assertAlmostEqual(t.speed, 1., 5)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(t.theta, pi / 2, 3)
 def test_can_transform_acceleration(self):
     # Circular trajectory, a = v ** 2 / r, v = 2, r = 1
     # -> a = 4 m / s^2, omega = 2 rad / s
     traj = [(Vec2D(), Vec2D(2., 0.), Vec2D(0., 4), 0.3)]
     t = convert_from_molly(traj, start_time=10., sampling_time=0.1)
     t = t.points[0]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(, 2., 3)
Beispiel #12
    def test_orientangle_simple(self):

        vec1 = Vec2D(1, 0)
        vec2 = Vec2D(math.sqrt(2.0) / 2, math.sqrt(2.0) / 2)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(vec1.oriented_angle(vec2), 0.25 * math.pi)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vec2.oriented_angle(vec1), 1.75 * math.pi)
    def test_colinear_nonoverlapping(self):
        "test that colinear nonoverlapping doesn't count as intersection"
        tan1 = Tangent(Vec2D(1, 0), None, None, Vec2D(2, 0), None, None)
        tan2 = Tangent(Vec2D(-2, 0), None, None, Vec2D(0, 0), None, None)

    def __init__(self,
                 playground_dim=(3.0, 2.0)):

        self.max_acc = max_acc
        self.max_v = max_v
        self.obs_min_r = obs_min_r
        (self.width, self.height) = playground_dim
        self.static_poly_obs = static_poly_obs
        self.static_circ_obs = static_circ_obs
        self.time_resolution = time_resolution
        corner1 = Vec2D(0, 0)
        corner2 = Vec2D(self.width, 0)
        corner3 = Vec2D(self.width, self.height)
        corner4 = Vec2D(0, self.height)
        border1 = Tangent(corner1, None, 0, corner2, None, 0)
        border2 = Tangent(corner2, None, 0, corner3, None, 0)
        border3 = Tangent(corner3, None, 0, corner4, None, 0)
        border4 = Tangent(corner4, None, 0, corner1, None, 0)
        self.bounds = [border1, border2, border3, border4]
Beispiel #15
    def test_orientation_colinear(self):
        "test that orientation returns (almost) zero for colinear points"

        vec1 = Vec2D(0, 0)
        vec2 = Vec2D(1, 0)
        vec3 = Vec2D(2, 0)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, Vec2D.orientation(vec1, vec2, vec3))
    def test_self_tangent(self):
        "test if tangent is part of circle"
        circle1 = Circle()
        circle2 = Circle(Vec2D(0, 2), 1)
        tan = Tangent(Vec2D(0, 1), circle1, None, Vec2D(0, 2), circle2, None)

    def test_next_pos(self):
        "test next_pos method"

        circle = Circle()

        seg = CircleSegment(Vec2D(1, 0), Vec2D(0, 1), circle, 1)

        self.assertTrue(seg.next_pos(Vec2D(1, 0), pi * 0.5) == Vec2D(0, 1))
Beispiel #18
    def tangent_vector(self, point, orientation):
        "tangent vector to self at point with orientation"
        vec = (point - self.pos).normalized()

        if orientation < 0:
            return Vec2D(vec.pos_y, -vec.pos_x)
            return Vec2D(-vec.pos_y, vec.pos_x)
Beispiel #19
    def test_negative_orientation(self):
        "test that orientation returns postive value for positively oriented \

        vec1 = Vec2D(0, 0)
        vec2 = Vec2D(0, 1)
        vec3 = Vec2D(1, 0)

        self.assertTrue(Vec2D.orientation(vec1, vec2, vec3) < 0)
Beispiel #20
    def test_approximate_equality(self):
        "vectors within Vec2D.EPSILON distance of each other should count as \

        vec = Vec2D(1, 1)

        approx = vec + Vec2D(1, 0) * (0.9 * Vec2D.EPSILON)

        self.assertTrue(vec == approx)
        self.assertFalse(vec != approx)
    def test_neighs_circle_one_element(self):
        "single point has no neighbours"

        points = [Vec2D(1, 0)]

        circle = Circle()

        (pos, neg) = pp.neighbours_on_circle(points, circle, Vec2D(1, 0))

        self.assertTrue(pos is None)
        self.assertTrue(neg is None)
Beispiel #22
    def test_rotate_around_point(self):
        "rotate around some point"

        vec = Vec2D()

        center = Vec2D(-1, 0)

        rot = vec.rotate(math.pi / 4, center)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0 / math.sqrt(2) - 1, rot.pos_x)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(1.0 / math.sqrt(2), rot.pos_y)
    def test_can_transform_position_timestamp(self):
        traj = [(Vec2D(1., 2.), Vec2D(), Vec2D(), 0.3)]
        traj = convert_from_molly(traj, start_time=10., sampling_time=0.1)

        self.assertEqual(traj.start_time, 10.)
        self.assertEqual(traj.sampling_time, .1)

        t = traj.points[0]

        self.assertEqual(t.x, 1.)
        self.assertEqual(t.y, 2.)
    def test_equality(self):
        "test equality (and implicitely non-equality) of cirlces"

        circle1 = Circle(Vec2D(1, 0), 1.0)
        circle2 = Circle(Vec2D(1, 0.9 * Vec2D.EPSILON),
                         1.0 + 0.9 * Vec2D.EPSILON)

        self.assertTrue(circle1 == circle2)
        self.assertTrue(circle2 == circle1)
        # equality is symmetric
        self.assertFalse(circle1 != circle2)
        self.assertFalse(circle2 != circle1)
    def test_length(self):
        "test length method"

        circle = Circle()

        inv_rt2 = sqrt(2.0) / 2.0

        seg1 = CircleSegment(Vec2D(1, 0), Vec2D(inv_rt2, inv_rt2), circle, 1)
        seg2 = CircleSegment(Vec2D(1, 0), Vec2D(inv_rt2, inv_rt2), circle, -1)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(seg1.length(), pi * 0.25, delta=Vec2D.EPSILON)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(seg2.length(), pi * 1.75, delta=Vec2D.EPSILON)
    def test_translate_zero(self):
        "test that tangent equals itself after translation of (0, 0)"

        circ1 = Circle()
        circ2 = Circle(Vec2D(4, 0))

        tan = Tangent(Vec2D(0, 1), circ1, 1, Vec2D(4, 1), circ2, -1)

        translated = tan + Vec2D()

        self.assertTrue(tan == translated)
        self.assertTrue(translated == tan)
    def test_start_circles(self):
        "test generation of starting circles"

        pos = Vec2D()
        direction = Vec2D(0, 1)

        pos_circ = Circle(Vec2D(-1, 0), 1)
        neg_circ = Circle(Vec2D(1, 0), 1)

        (test_pos, test_neg) = pp.get_start_circles(pos, direction, 1)

        self.assertTrue(test_pos == pos_circ)
        self.assertTrue(test_neg == neg_circ)
Beispiel #28
    def test_cross_product(self):
        "test the cross product of 2 vectors"
        posx1 = 1.0
        posy1 = 2.0
        posx2 = 3.0
        posy2 = 4.0

        vec1 = Vec2D(posx1, posy1)
        vec2 = Vec2D(posx2, posy2)

        expected = posx1 * posy2 - posy1 * posx2

        self.assertAlmostEqual(expected, vec1.cross(vec2))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(vec1.cross(vec2), -vec2.cross(vec1))
    def _circle_tangents(self, other, invert_second_radius):
        "compute tangents as explained in \"

        dx = other.pos.pos_x - self.pos.pos_x
        dy = other.pos.pos_y - self.pos.pos_y
        if not invert_second_radius:
            dr = other.radius - self.radius
            dr = - other.radius - self.radius
        d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)

        x = dx/d
        y = dy/d
        r = dr/d

        a1 = r*x - y*sqrt(1 - r*r)
        b1 = r*y + x*sqrt(1 - r*r)
        c1 = self.radius - (a1*self.pos.pos_x + b1*self.pos.pos_y)

        a2 = r*x + y*sqrt(1 - r*r)
        b2 = r*y - x*sqrt(1 - r*r)
        c2 = self.radius - (a2*self.pos.pos_x + b2*self.pos.pos_y)

        x11 = (b1*(b1*self.pos.pos_x - a1*self.pos.pos_y) - a1*c1)
        y11 = (a1*(-b1*self.pos.pos_x + a1*self.pos.pos_y) - b1*c1)

        x12 = (b1*(b1*other.pos.pos_x - a1*other.pos.pos_y) - a1*c1)
        y12 = (a1*(-b1*other.pos.pos_x + a1*other.pos.pos_y) - b1*c1)

        x21 = (b2*(b2*self.pos.pos_x - a2*self.pos.pos_y) - a2*c2)
        y21 = (a2*(-b2*self.pos.pos_x + a2*self.pos.pos_y) - b2*c2)

        x22 = (b2*(b2*other.pos.pos_x - a2*other.pos.pos_y) - a2*c2)
        y22 = (a2*(-b2*other.pos.pos_x + a2*other.pos.pos_y) - b2*c2)

        start1 = Vec2D(x11, y11)
        end1 = Vec2D(x12, y12)
        orient11 = Vec2D.orientation(end1, start1, self.pos)
        orient12 = Vec2D.orientation(start1, end1, other.pos)

        start2 = Vec2D(x21, y21)
        end2 = Vec2D(x22, y22)
        orient21 = Vec2D.orientation(end2, start2, self.pos)
        orient22 = Vec2D.orientation(start2, end2, other.pos)

        tan1 = Tangent(start1, self, orient11, end1, other, orient12)
        tan2 = Tangent(start2, self, orient21, end2, other, orient22)

        return [tan1, tan2]
    def test_neighs_circle_general(self):
        "point has two distinct neighbours"

        point1 = Vec2D(1, 0)
        point2 = point1.rotate(pi / 2)
        point3 = point1.rotate(pi)
        point4 = point1.rotate(-pi / 2)

        unsorted = [point2, point4, point3, point1]

        (pos, neg) = pp.neighbours_on_circle(unsorted, Circle(), Vec2D(1, 0))

        self.assertTrue(pos == point2)
        self.assertTrue(neg == point4)
    def test_all_tangents_simple1(self):
        "test that all_tangents returns all tangents of two circles \
         when only those 2 circles are present"

        circ1 = Circle(Vec2D(-2, 0), 1)
        circ2 = Circle(Vec2D(2, 0), 1)

        tangents = circ1.tangent_circle(circ2)

        to_test = pp.all_tangents([circ1, circ2], [])

        verificator = all(test in tangents for test in to_test)

    def test_negative_orientation(self):
        "test that orientation returns postive value for positively oriented \
        vec1 = Vec2D(0, 0)
        vec2 = Vec2D(0, 1)
        vec3 = Vec2D(1, 0)

        self.assertTrue(Vec2D.orientation(vec1, vec2, vec3) < 0)
    def test_orientation_colinear(self):
        "test that orientation returns (almost) zero for colinear points"

        vec1 = Vec2D(0, 0)
        vec2 = Vec2D(1, 0)
        vec3 = Vec2D(2, 0)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(0, Vec2D.orientation(vec1, vec2, vec3))
def sort_points_on_circle(points, circle):
    "sort points by their angle on the circle"

    if not points:
        return []

    reference = points[0]
    rest = points[1: len(points)]

    sorted_points = sorted(rest,
                           key=lambda p:
                           Vec2D.orientation(reference, circle.pos, p))

    return [reference] + sorted_points