Beispiel #1
	def __init__(self, db):
		#initialize a lookup table of terms
		self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
		self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
		self.interpret = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
		self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
		self.rejectnull = ["This was as expected.", "This was as  predicted."]
		self.signs = {'>' : 'greater than', '<' : 'less than', '==' : 'equal to'}
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, db):
     # initialize a lookup table of terms
     self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
     self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
     self.interpret = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
     self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
     self.rejectnull = ["This was as expected.", "This was as  predicted."]
     self.signs = {">": "greater than", "<": "less than", "==": "equal to"}
Beispiel #3
	def __init__(self, db):
		#initialize a lookup, dataFile table of terms
		self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
		self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
		self.interpretations = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
		self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
		self.rejectnull = ["as predicted", "as expected"]
		self.signs = {'>' : 'greater than', '<' : 'less than', '==' : 'equal to'}
Beispiel #4
import subject
from experiments import printWord, printText
from mongoTools import MongoAdmin
import shuffler

myArgs = sys.argv

number = str(myArgs[1])

#create subject
subject = subject.Subject(number, experiment="box_mag")

#connect to db
db = MongoAdmin("magnitude")

#retrieve problems
posts = db.getTable("training_sets").posts

fontsize = 80
boxsize = 160

numbers = range(1, 41)
n1s = numbers[:20]
n2s = numbers[20:]

mag_problems = []

for n1, n2 in zip(n1s, n2s):
Beispiel #5
import subject
from experiments import printWord, printText
from mongoTools import MongoAdmin
import shuffler

myArgs = sys.argv

number = str(myArgs[1])

# create subject
subject = subject.Subject(number, experiment="box_mag")

# connect to db
db = MongoAdmin("magnitude")

# retrieve problems
posts = db.getTable("training_sets").posts

fontsize = 80
boxsize = 160

numbers = range(1, 41)
n1s = numbers[:20]
n2s = numbers[20:]

mag_problems = []

for n1, n2 in zip(n1s, n2s):
Beispiel #6
from mongoTools import MongoAdmin
import shuffler

myArgs = sys.argv

print myArgs

number = str(myArgs[1])

#create subject
subject = subject.Subject(number, 1, 1, "post_pro")

#connect to db
db = MongoAdmin("CAT2")

#retrieve problems
posts = db.getTable("post_sets").posts

q= {}
q['s_id'] = number

problems = []

for r in posts.find(q):
	ns = [r['n1'], r['n2']]
	trained = r['trained']
	orig_strat = r['orig_strat']

	problems.append([ns, trained, orig_strat])
Beispiel #7
class Human:
    # Human class - turns weird computer talk into normal person talk
    def __init__(self, db):
        # initialize a lookup table of terms
        self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
        self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
        self.interpret = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
        self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
        self.rejectnull = ["This was as expected.", "This was as  predicted."]
        self.signs = {">": "greater than", "<": "less than", "==": "equal to"}

    def translate(self, term):
        # if a string return the available translation
        posts = self.db.getTable("factors").posts
        if type(term) == str:
            row = posts.find_one({"name": term})
            if row:
                return row["label"]
                return term
                # if a list/tree get all available translations
        elif type(term) == list:

            output = "%s" % self.translate(term[0])
            for t in term[1:]:
                output += " and %s" % self.translate(t)

            return output
            # otherwise just return a string of the term
            return str(term)

    def parseAssertion(self, hyp, measure, tense="future"):
        tenses = {}
        tenses["future"] = "would be"
        tenses["past"] = "was"
        output = ""
        if hyp == "?":
            for s in [">", "<", "=="]:
                if s in hyp:
                    frags = hyp.split(s)
                    output += "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
                    # now we should sort the fragments in ascending order and ditch the sign
                    if s == ">":

        return output, s, frags

    def hypothesize(self, factors, measure, model, dataFile, condition={}, result=""):
        posts = self.db.getTable("hypotheses").posts

        q = condition
        for f in factors:
            q[f] = unicode("TARGET")

        row = posts.find_one(q)

        output = ""

        if row:
            hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
            if row.has_key(measure):
                assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(row[measure], measure)
                output += "%s%s.\n" % (hyp, assertion)
                nerd = statistician.Statistician(dataFile)
                result = nerd.compareMeans(model, frags, factors, measure)
                if result:
                    output += result

        output += "\n"
        print output
        return output
Beispiel #8
class Statistician():
    def __init__(self, db):
        #initialize a lookup, dataFile table of terms
        self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
        self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
        self.interpretations = [
            "This is probably because", "This could be due to "
        self.acceptnull = [
            "Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,",
            "Contrary to expectation, "
        self.rejectnull = ["as predicted", "as expected"]
        self.signs = {'>': 'greater than', '<': 'less than', '==': 'equal to'}

    def translate(self, term, units=False):
        #if a string return the available translation
        output = ""

        posts = self.db.getTable('factors').posts
        if type(term) == str:
            row = posts.find_one({'name': term})
            print row
            if row:
                output = row['label']
                output = term

            if units:
                output += " %s" % row['units']

        #if a list/tree get all available translations
        elif type(term) == list:
            output = "%s" % self.translate(term[0])
            for t in term[1:]:
                output += " and %s" % self.translate(t)
        #otherwise just return a string of the term
            output = str(term)

        return output

    def describeFactor(self, factor):
        posts = self.db.getTable('factors').posts

        if type(factor) == str:
            row = posts.find_one({'name': factor})
            row = posts.find_one({'name': factor[0]})

        return None

    def parseAssertion(self, hyp, measure, tense="future"):
        tenses = {}
        tenses['future'] = 'would be'
        tenses['past'] = 'was'
        output = ""
        if hyp == "?":
            for s in [">", "<", "=="]:
                if s in hyp:
                    frags = hyp.split(s)
                    output += "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
                        self.translate(frags[0]), measure, tenses[tense],
                        self.signs[s], self.translate(frags[1]), measure)
                    #now we should sort the fragments in ascending order and ditch the sign
                    if s == ">":

        return output, s, frags

    def interpret(self, factors, measure, model, dataFile, condition={}):
        posts = self.db.getTable('hypotheses').posts

        q = condition
        for f in factors:
            q[f] = unicode('TARGET')

        row = posts.find_one(q)

        output = ""

        if row:
            hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
            if row.has_key(measure):
                assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(
                    row[measure], measure)
                output += "%s%s.\n" % (hyp, assertion)
                result = self.compareMeans(dataFile, model, frags, factors,
                if result:
                    output += result

        output += "\n"
        return output

    def hypothesize(self, factors, measure, condition={}):
        posts = self.db.getTable('hypotheses').posts

        q = condition
        for f in factors:
            q[f] = unicode('TARGET')

        row = posts.find_one(q)

        output = ""

        if row:
            hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
            if row.has_key(measure):
                assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(
                    row[measure], measure)
                output += "%s %s." % (random.choice(
                    self.hypotheses), assertion)

        return output

    def attachData(self, dataFile):
        argString = "read.table(\"output/%s\", header=T, sep=\",\")" % dataFile

        df = robjects.r(argString)
        return df

    def correlate(self, m1, m2, dataFile, siglevel=0.05):

        df = self.attachData(dataFile)

        cor = robjects.r("cor.test(%s, %s)" % (m1, m2))

        p = cor.rx2("p.value")
        p = p[0]
        r = cor.rx2("estimate")
        r = r[0]

        if p <= siglevel:
            sig = True
            sig = False

        return sig, r, p

    def anova(self, model, dataFile, siglevel=0.05, within=False):
        df = self.attachData(dataFile)
        argString = 'aov(%s)' % model

        aov = robjects.r(argString)

        summary = robjects.r("summary")
        result = summary(aov)
        ew = result.rx2('Error: Within')

        F = ew[0][3][0]
        p = ew[0][4][0]

        if p <= siglevel:
            sig = True
            sig = False

        return sig, F, p

    def ttest(self, model, dataFile, siglevel=0.05):
        df = self.attachData(dataFile)

        model = model.split('+')[0]

        result = robjects.r('t.test(%s)' % model)

        p = result.rx2('p.value')
        t = result.rx2('statistic')
        e = result.rx2('estimate')

        if p[0] < siglevel:
            sig = True
            sig = False

        return sig, t[0], p[0]

    def compareMeans(self, dataFile, model, levels, factors, measure):
        df = self.attachData(dataFile)
        means = robjects.r('tapply(%s, %s, mean)' % (measure, factors[0]))
        sds = robjects.r('tapply(%s, %s, sd)' % (measure, factors[0]))

        d = {}

        largest = 0
        largeNum = 0

        for l in levels:
            m = means.rx2(l)
            sd = sds.rx2(l)
            if m[0] > largeNum:
                largest = l
                largeNum = m[0]

            d[l] = {'mean': m[0], 'sd': sd[0]}

        output = ""

        meanString = ""
        for k in d.keys():
            meanString += "%s(M=%2.2f, SD=%2.2f) and " % (
                self.translate(k), d[k]['mean'], d[k]['sd'])
        meanString = meanString.rstrip(' and ')

        sig, F, p = self.anova(model, dataFile)
        f_result = "F=%2.2f, p<%0.2f" % (F, p)
        if sig:
            output += "The F test passed, with %s.  " % (f_result)

            if len(levels) == 2:
                output += "A t test was conducted, comparing the means of %s.  " % meanString
                sig, t, p = self.ttest(model, dataFile)
                result = "t = %2.2f, p<%0.2f" % (t, p)
                if sig and largest == levels[1]:
                    output += "This passed with %s, %s.  " % (
                        result, random.choice(self.rejectnull))
                elif sig:
                    output += "This passed but in the wrong direction, with %s.  Looks like we called that one pretty badly.  " % result
                    if t != "nan":
                        if largest == levels[1]:
                            output += "The t test did not pass.  That the mean %s of %s was the larger mean (as was predicted), though this difference was non-significant.  " % (
                                measure, levels[1])
                            output += "The t test did not pass, with %s.  " % result

                print "Tukey's HSD Time!"
            if str(F) != "nan":
                output += "The F test did not pass, with %s.  " % (f_result)
                if largest == levels[1]:
                    output += "However, the mean %s of %s was the larger mean (as expected), though this difference was non-significant." % (
                        measure, levels[1])

        output += "\n"

        return output
Beispiel #9
class Statistician():
	def __init__(self, db):
		#initialize a lookup, dataFile table of terms
		self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
		self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
		self.interpretations = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
		self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
		self.rejectnull = ["as predicted", "as expected"]
		self.signs = {'>' : 'greater than', '<' : 'less than', '==' : 'equal to'}

	def translate(self, term, units=False):
		#if a string return the available translation
		output = ""

		posts = self.db.getTable('factors').posts
		if type(term) == str:
			row = posts.find_one({'name': term})
			print row
			if row:
				output = row['label']
				output = term

			if units:
				output += " %s" % row['units']

		#if a list/tree get all available translations
		elif type(term) == list:
			output = "%s" % self.translate(term[0])
			for t in term[1:]:
				output += " and %s" % self.translate(t)
		#otherwise just return a string of the term
			output = str(term)

		return output

	def describeFactor(self, factor):
		posts = self.db.getTable('factors').posts

		if type(factor) == str:
			row = posts.find_one({'name': factor})
			row = posts.find_one({'name': factor[0]})

		return None

	def parseAssertion(self, hyp, measure, tense="future"):
		tenses = {}
		tenses['future'] = 'would be'
		tenses['past'] = 'was'
		output = ""
		if hyp == "?":
			for s in [">", "<", "=="]:
				if s in hyp:
					frags = hyp.split(s)
					output += "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.translate(frags[0]), measure, tenses[tense], self.signs[s], self.translate(frags[1]), measure) 
					#now we should sort the fragments in ascending order and ditch the sign
					if s == ">":

		return output, s, frags			
	def interpret(self, factors, measure, model, dataFile, condition={}):
		posts = self.db.getTable('hypotheses').posts		
		q = condition
		for f in factors:		
			q[f] = unicode('TARGET')

		row = posts.find_one(q)
		output = ""

		if row:
			hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
			if row.has_key(measure):
				assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(row[measure], measure)	
				output += "%s%s.\n" % (hyp, assertion)
				result = self.compareMeans(dataFile, model, frags, factors, measure)		
				if result:
					output += result

		output += "\n"
		return output

	def hypothesize(self, factors, measure, condition={}):
		posts = self.db.getTable('hypotheses').posts		
		q = condition
		for f in factors:		
			q[f] = unicode('TARGET')

		row = posts.find_one(q)
		output = ""

		if row:
			hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
			if row.has_key(measure):
				assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(row[measure], measure)
				output += "%s %s." % (random.choice(self.hypotheses), assertion)

		return output	

	def attachData(self, dataFile):
		argString = "read.table(\"output/%s\", header=T, sep=\",\")" % dataFile

		df = robjects.r(argString)
		return df

	def correlate(self, m1, m2, dataFile, siglevel = 0.05):

		df = self.attachData(dataFile)

		cor = robjects.r("cor.test(%s, %s)" % (m1, m2))

		p = cor.rx2("p.value")
		p = p[0]
		r = cor.rx2("estimate")
		r = r[0]

		if p <= siglevel:
			sig = True
			sig = False

		return sig, r, p

	def anova(self, model, dataFile, siglevel = 0.05, within = False):	
		df = self.attachData(dataFile)
		argString = 'aov(%s)' % model
		aov = robjects.r(argString)

		summary = robjects.r("summary")
		result = summary(aov)
		ew = result.rx2('Error: Within')

		F = ew[0][3][0]
		p = ew[0][4][0]	

		if p <= siglevel:
			sig = True
			sig = False
		return sig, F, p

	def ttest(self, model, dataFile, siglevel = 0.05):
		df = self.attachData(dataFile)
		model = model.split('+')[0]

		result = robjects.r('t.test(%s)' % model)

		p = result.rx2('p.value')
		t = result.rx2('statistic')
		e = result.rx2('estimate')

		if p[0] < siglevel:
			sig = True
			sig = False		

		return sig, t[0], p[0]

	def compareMeans(self, dataFile, model, levels, factors, measure):
		df = self.attachData(dataFile)
		means = robjects.r('tapply(%s, %s, mean)' % (measure, factors[0]))
		sds = robjects.r('tapply(%s, %s, sd)' % (measure, factors[0]))

		d = {}

		largest = 0
		largeNum = 0

		for l in levels:
			m = means.rx2(l)
			sd = sds.rx2(l)
			if m[0] > largeNum:
				largest = l
				largeNum = m[0] 
			d[l] = {'mean': m[0], 'sd' : sd[0]}		
		output = ""

		meanString = ""
		for k in d.keys():
			meanString += "%s(M=%2.2f, SD=%2.2f) and " % (self.translate(k), d[k]['mean'], d[k]['sd'])
		meanString = meanString.rstrip(' and ')

		sig, F, p = self.anova(model, dataFile)
		f_result = "F=%2.2f, p<%0.2f" %(F, p)
		if sig:
			output += "The F test passed, with %s.  " % (f_result) 

			if len(levels) == 2:
				output += "A t test was conducted, comparing the means of %s.  " % meanString
				sig, t, p = self.ttest(model, dataFile)
				result = "t = %2.2f, p<%0.2f" % (t, p)
				if sig and largest == levels[1]:
					output += "This passed with %s, %s.  " % (result, random.choice(self.rejectnull))
				elif sig:
					output += "This passed but in the wrong direction, with %s.  Looks like we called that one pretty badly.  " % result
					if t != "nan":
						if largest == levels[1]:
							output += "The t test did not pass.  That the mean %s of %s was the larger mean (as was predicted), though this difference was non-significant.  " % (measure, levels[1])
							output += "The t test did not pass, with %s.  " % result 

				print "Tukey's HSD Time!"
			if str(F) != "nan":
				output += "The F test did not pass, with %s.  " % (f_result) 
				if largest == levels[1]:
					output += "However, the mean %s of %s was the larger mean (as expected), though this difference was non-significant." % (measure, levels[1])

		output += "\n"

		return output
Beispiel #10
class Human():
	#Human class - turns weird computer talk into normal person talk
	def __init__(self, db):
		#initialize a lookup table of terms
		self.db = MongoAdmin(db)
		self.hypotheses = ["It was expected that ", "It was predicted that "]
		self.interpret = ["This is probably because", "This could be due to "]
		self.acceptnull = ["Contrary to the hypothesis, however ", "Against prediction,", "Contrary to expectation, "]
		self.rejectnull = ["This was as expected.", "This was as  predicted."]
		self.signs = {'>' : 'greater than', '<' : 'less than', '==' : 'equal to'}

	def translate(self, term):
		#if a string return the available translation
		posts = self.db.getTable('factors').posts
		if type(term) == str:
			row = posts.find_one({'name': term})
			if row:
				return row['label']
				return term
		#if a list/tree get all available translations
		elif type(term) == list:

			output = "%s" % self.translate(term[0])
			for t in term[1:]:
				output += " and %s" % self.translate(t)

			return output
		#otherwise just return a string of the term
			return str(term)

	def parseAssertion(self, hyp, measure, tense="future"):
		tenses = {}
		tenses['future'] = 'would be'
		tenses['past'] = 'was'
		output = ""
		if hyp == "?":
			for s in [">", "<", "=="]:
				if s in hyp:
					frags = hyp.split(s)
					output += "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.translate(frags[0]), measure, tenses[tense], self.signs[s], self.translate(frags[1]), measure) 
					#now we should sort the fragments in ascending order and ditch the sign
					if s == ">":

		return output, s, frags			

	def hypothesize(self, factors, measure, model, dataFile, condition={}, result=""):
		posts= self.db.getTable('hypotheses').posts		
		q = condition
		for f in factors:		
			q[f] = unicode('TARGET')

		row = posts.find_one(q)
		output = ""

		if row:
			hyp = random.choice(self.hypotheses)
			if row.has_key(measure):
				assertion, s, frags = self.parseAssertion(row[measure], measure)	
				output += "%s%s.\n" % (hyp, assertion)
				nerd = statistician.Statistician(dataFile)
				result = nerd.compareMeans(model, frags, factors, measure)		
				if result:
					output += result

		output += "\n"
		print output
		return output
Beispiel #11

from experiments import printWord, printText
from mongoTools import MongoAdmin
import shuffler
import subject

	number = sys.argv[1]
	sys.stderr("You need to specify a participant ID")

subject = subject.Subject(number, "VER_PRE")

db = MongoAdmin("CAT2")
posts = db.getTable("ver_sets").posts

q = {}
q['s_id'] = number

calcProblems = []
memProblems = []

problemTime = 1
blankTime = 2

for r in posts.find(q):
	ns = [r['n1'], r['n2']]
	trained = r['trained']
Beispiel #12
import subject
from experiments import printWord, printText
from mongoTools import MongoAdmin, ReadTable
import shuffler

myArgs = sys.argv

number = str(myArgs[1])

#create subject
subject = subject.Subject(number, 1, 1, "post")

#connect to db
db = MongoAdmin("magnitude")

#retrieve problems
posts = db.getTable("post_sets").posts

q = {}
q['s_id'] = number

problems = []

for r in posts.find(q):
    ns = [r['n1'], r['n2']]
    trained = r['trained']
    orig_strat = r['orig_strat']

    problems.append([ns, trained, orig_strat])