Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, type, db=None, **kwargs):
        from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField

        super(SRefField, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.type = type
        if not isinstance(type, DocumentField):
            self.type = DocumentField(type)
        self.db = db
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
        ''' :param type: (optional) the Field type to use for the values.  It
                must be a DocumentField.  If you want to save refs to raw mongo
                objects, you can leave this field out
            :param db: (optional) The database to load the object from.
                Defaults to the same database as the object this field is
                bound to.
            :param namespace: If using the namespace system and using a
                collection name instead of a type, selects which namespace to
        from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField
        if type and not isinstance(type, DocumentField):
            type = DocumentField(type)

        super(RefField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.db_required = db_required
        self.type = type
        self.namespace = namespace
        self.db = db
        self.parent = None
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, type, db=None, **kwargs):
        from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField

        super(SRefField, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.type = type
        if not isinstance(type, DocumentField):
            self.type = DocumentField(type)
        self.db = db
Beispiel #4
class SRefField(RefBase):
    ''' A Simple RefField (SRefField) looks like an ObjectIdField in the
        database, but acts like a mongo DBRef.  It uses the passed in type to
        determine where to look for the object (and assumes the current
    has_subfields = True
    has_autoload = True

    def __init__(self, type, db=None, **kwargs):
        from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField

        super(SRefField, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.type = type
        if not isinstance(type, DocumentField):
            self.type = DocumentField(type)
        self.db = db

    def schema_json(self):
        super_schema = super(SRefField, self).schema_json()
        return dict(subtype=self.type.schema_json(),

    def _to_ref(self, doc):
        return doc.mongo_id

    def dereference(self, session, ref, allow_none=False):
        """ Dereference an ObjectID to this field's underlying type """
        ref = DBRef(id=ref,
        ref.type = self.type.type
        return session.dereference(ref, allow_none=allow_none)

    def set_parent_on_subtypes(self, parent):
        self.type.parent = parent

    def wrap(self, value):
        return value

    def unwrap(self, value, fields=None, session=None):
        return value

    def validate_unwrap(self, value, session=None):
        if not isinstance(value, ObjectId):
            self._fail_validation_type(value, ObjectId)

    validate_wrap = validate_unwrap
Beispiel #5
class SRefField(RefBase):
    """ A Simple RefField (SRefField) looks like an ObjectIdField in the
        database, but acts like a mongo DBRef.  It uses the passed in type to
        determine where to look for the object (and assumes the current

    has_subfields = True
    has_autoload = True

    def __init__(self, type, db=None, **kwargs):
        from mongoalchemy.fields import DocumentField

        super(SRefField, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.type = type
        if not isinstance(type, DocumentField):
            self.type = DocumentField(type)
        self.db = db

    def schema_json(self):
        super_schema = super(SRefField, self).schema_json()
        return dict(subtype=self.type.schema_json(), db=self.db, **super_schema)

    def _to_ref(self, doc):
        return doc.mongo_id

    def dereference(self, session, ref, allow_none=False):
        """ Dereference an ObjectID to this field's underlying type """
        ref = DBRef(id=ref, collection=self.type.type.get_collection_name(), database=self.db)
        ref.type = self.type.type
        return session.dereference(ref, allow_none=allow_none)

    def set_parent_on_subtypes(self, parent):
        self.type.parent = parent

    def wrap(self, value):
        return value

    def unwrap(self, value, fields=None, session=None):
        return value

    def validate_unwrap(self, value, session=None):
        if not isinstance(value, ObjectId):
            self._fail_validation_type(value, ObjectId)

    validate_wrap = validate_unwrap