Beispiel #1
    def test_check_compatibility_correct_pymongo_version(self):
        # (mongo version, pymongo version)
        versions = [('2.6', '2.8'), ('3.0', '2.9'), ('3.2', '3.2'),
                    ('3.4', '3.4'), ('3.6', '3.6'), ('4.0', '3.7'),
                    ('4.2', '3.9')]

        for tuple in versions:
            fake_module = FakeAnsibleModule()
            msg = fake_module.get_msg()
            assert msg == ""  # Up-to-date pymongo versions get no message
    def test_check_compatibility_old_pymongo_version(self):
        # (mongo version, pymongo version, msg)
        versions = [
            ('2.6', '2.0', 'you must use pymongo 2.7+ with MongoDB 2.6'),
            ('3.0', '2.7', 'you must use pymongo 2.8+ with MongoDB 3.0'),
            ('3.2', '3.0', 'you must use pymongo 3.2+ with MongoDB >= 3.2'),
            ('3.4', '3.3', 'you must use pymongo 3.4+ with MongoDB >= 3.4'),
            ('3.6', '3.5', 'you must use pymongo 3.6+ with MongoDB >= 3.6'),
            ('4.0', '3.6', 'you must use pymongo 3.7+ with MongoDB >= 4.0'),
            ('4.2', '3.8', 'you must use pymongo 3.9+ with MongoDB >= 4.2')

        for tuple in versions:
            fake_module = FakeAnsibleModule()
            mongodb_common.check_compatibility(fake_module, LooseVersion(tuple[0]), LooseVersion(tuple[1]))
            msg = fake_module.get_msg()
            assert tuple[2] in msg