Beispiel #1
 def connection(self):
     Lazy initialization of the connection object
     if self._connection:
         return self._connection
     elif self.address:
         adapter = pygatt.backends.GATTToolBackend()
         self._connection = adapter.connect(self.address, address_type='random')
         self.sense = MorseSense(self._connection, self.sensor_state)
         return self._connection
         return None
Beispiel #2
class MorseRobot(GenericRobot):
    Controller of WonderWorkshop's Dot / Dash robots.


    def __init__(self, address=None):
        super(MorseRobot, self).__init__()
        self.sensor_state = defaultdict(int)
        self.state = self.sensor_state
        self.address = address
        self.sense = None
        self._connection = None

    def connection(self):
        Lazy initialization of the connection object
        if self._connection:
            return self._connection
        elif self.address:
            adapter = pygatt.backends.GATTToolBackend()
            self._connection = adapter.connect(self.address, address_type='random')
            self.sense = MorseSense(self._connection, self.sensor_state)
            return self._connection
            return None

    def connect(self):
        return self.connection

    def command(self, command_name, command_values):
        Send a command to robot

        :param command_name: command name, morseapi.COMMANDS
        :param command_values: bytearray with command parameters
        message = bytearray([COMMANDS[command_name]]) + command_values
        if self.connection:
            self.connection.char_write_handle(HANDLES["command"], message)

    def reset(self, mode=4):
        Reset robot

        :param mode: Reset mode

        Available modes:
        1 some kind of debug/reflash mode?
        3 reboot
        4 zero out leds/head
        self.command("reset", bytearray([mode]))

    def eye(self, value):
        Turn on and off the Iris LEDs. There are 12 of them. Top one is the
        first and they are incremeted clockwise.

        Light bottom LED
        >>> bot.eye(1<<6)

        Light alternate LEDs
        >>> bot.eye(0b1010101010101)

        light all LEDs
        >>> bot.eye(8191)

        :param value: bitmask to which light to light up 0-8191
        self.command("eye", two_byte_array(value))

    def eye_brightness(self, value):
        Set brightness of the eye backlight.

        :param value: Brightness value 0-255
        self.command("eye_brightness", one_byte_array(value))

    def neck_color(self, color):
        Set color Neck light on Dash, and Eye backlight on Dot.

        :param color: 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb),
        fully spelled color (e.g. white)
        self.command("neck_color", color_byte_array(color))

    def left_ear_color(self, color):
        Set color of left ear.

        :param color: 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb),
        fully spelled color (e.g. white)
        self.command("left_ear_color", color_byte_array(color))

    def right_ear_color(self, color):
        Set color of right ear.

        :param color: 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb),
        fully spelled color (e.g. white)
        self.command("right_ear_color", color_byte_array(color))

    def ear_color(self, color):
        Set color of both ears.

        :param color: 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb),
        fully spelled color (e.g. white)

    def head_color(self, color):
        Set color of top LED.

        :param color: 6-digit (e.g. #fa3b2c), 3-digit (e.g. #fbb),
        fully spelled color (e.g. white)
        self.command("head_color", color_byte_array(color))

    def say(self, sound_name):
        Play a sound from sound bank file

        :param sound_name: Name of sound to play

        List available noies
        >>> from morseapi import NOISES
        >>> NOISES.keys()
        self.command("say", bytearray(NOISES[sound_name]))

    # All the subsequent commands are Dash specific

    def tail_color(self, color):
        raise NotImplementedError("Changing tail light color is not yet supported")

    def head_yaw(self, angle):
        Turn Dash's head left or right

        :param angle: distance to turn in degrees from -53 to 53
        angle = max(-53, angle)
        angle = min(53, angle)
        self.command("head_yaw", angle_array(angle))

    def head_pitch(self, angle):
        Tilt Dash's head up or down.

        :param angle: distance to turn from -5 to 10
        angle = max(-5, angle)
        angle = min(10, angle)
        self.command("head_pitch", angle_array(angle))

    def stop(self):
        Stop moving Dash.
        self.command("drive", bytearray([0, 0, 0]))

    def drive(self, speed):
        Start moving Dash forward or backward.

        Dash will continue moving until another drive(), spin() or stop()
        command is issued.

        :param speed: Speed at which to move, 200 is a resonable value.
        Negative speed drives Dash backwards.
        speed = max(-2048, speed)
        speed = min(2048, speed)
        if speed < 0:
            speed = 0x800 + speed
        self.command("drive", bytearray([
            speed & 0xff,
            (speed & 0x0f00) >> 8

    def spin(self, speed):
        Start spinning Dash left or right.

        Dash will continue spinning until another drive(), spin() or stop()
        command is issued.

        :param speed: Speed at which to spin, 200 is a reasonable value.
        Positive values spin clockwise and negative counter-clockwise.
        speed = max(-2048, speed)
        speed = min(2048, speed)
        if speed < 0:
            speed = 0x800 + speed
        self.command("drive", bytearray([
            speed & 0xff,
            (speed & 0xff00) >> 5

    def turn(self, degrees, speed_dps=(360/2.094)):
        Turn Dash specified distance.

        This is a blocking call.

        :param degrees: How many degrees to turn.
        Positive values spin clockwise and negative counter-clockwise.
        :param speed: Speed to turn at, in degrees/second
        if abs(degrees) > 360:
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot turn more than one rotation per move")
        if degrees:
            seconds = abs(degrees/speed_dps)
            byte_array = self._get_move_byte_array(degrees=degrees, seconds=seconds)
            self.command("move", byte_array)
            logging.debug("turn sleeping {0} @ {1}".format(seconds, time.time()))
            # self.sleep does not work and api says not to use time.sleep...
            logging.debug("turn finished sleeping {0} @ {1}".format(seconds, time.time()))

    def move(self, distance_mm, speed_mmps=1000, no_turn=True):
        Move specified distance at a particular speed.

        This is a blocking call.

        :param distance_mm: How far to move in mm. Negative values to go backwards
        :param speed_mmps: Speed at which to move in mm/s.
        speed_mmps = abs(speed_mmps)
        seconds = abs(distance_mm / speed_mmps)
        if no_turn and distance_mm < 0:
            byte_array = MorseRobot._get_move_byte_array(
            byte_array = MorseRobot._get_move_byte_array(
        self.command("move", byte_array)
        logging.debug("move sleeping {0} @ {1}".format(seconds, time.time()))
        # self.sleep does not work and api says not to use time.sleep...
        logging.debug("move finished sleeping {0} @ {1}".format(seconds, time.time()))

    def _get_move_byte_array(distance_mm=0, degrees=0, seconds=1.0, eight_byte=0x80):
        # Sixth byte is mixed use
        # * turning
        #   * high nibble is turn distance high byte<<2
        #   * low nibble is 0
        # * driving straight
        #   * whole byte is high byte of drive distance
        # unclear if these can be combined
        # Eight byte is weird.
        # * On subsequent move commands its usually 0x40
        # * On first command its usually 0x80, but not required
        # * When driving backwards without turning around last bit is 1
        if distance_mm and degrees:
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot turn and move concurrently")

        sixth_byte = 0
        seventh_byte = 0

        distance_low_byte = distance_mm & 0x00ff
        distance_high_byte = (distance_mm & 0x3f00) >> 8
        sixth_byte |= distance_high_byte

        centiradians = int(math.radians(degrees) * 100.0)
        turn_low_byte = centiradians & 0x00ff
        turn_high_byte = (centiradians & 0x0300) >> 2
        sixth_byte |= turn_high_byte
        if centiradians < 0:
            seventh_byte = 0xc0

        time_measure = int(seconds * 1000.0)
        time_low_byte = time_measure & 0x00ff
        time_high_byte = (time_measure & 0xff00) >> 8

        return bytearray([
            0x00,  # unknown