Beispiel #1
def test_good_result_manifests():
    Ensure there are no bad manifest paths in recent result manifest information.
    result = run_query("test_all_result_groups", Namespace())

    for group, count in result["data"]:
        if group is None:

        assert (
            not task.is_bad_group("x", group) and "\\" not in group
        ), f"{group} group is bad!"
def test_good_result_manifests():
    Ensure there are no bad manifest paths in recent result manifest information.
    result = run_query("test_all_result_groups", Namespace())

    for group, label, _ in result["data"]:
        if group is None:

        if any(s in label for s in {"web-platform-tests", "test-verify-wpt"}):
            group = task.wpt_workaround(group)

        assert (not task.is_bad_group("x", group) and "\\"
                not in group), f"{group} group for task {label} is bad!"
Beispiel #3
def test_good_manifests():
    Ensure there are no bad manifest paths in recent manifest information.
    result = run_query("test_all_groups", Namespace())

    for (groups,) in result["data"]:
        if groups is None:

        if not isinstance(groups, list):
            groups = [groups]

        for group in groups:
            assert (
                not task.is_bad_group("x", group) and "\\" not in group
            ), f"{group} group is bad!"