Beispiel #1
def run_skullstrip(config, env):
    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']

    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    refdir = config['refdir']
    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(refdir):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sid = config['sid']
    fs_sid = config['fs_sid']

    if not sid:
        raise ValueError("Subject id is not set, cannot continue")

    # process the surfvol anatomical.
    # because it's already skull stripped by freesurfer
    # simply copy it over; rename brain.nii to surfvol_ss
    surfvol_srcs = ['%s/%s' % (sumadir, fn) for fn in ['brain.nii', 'T1.nii']]

    surfvol_trgs = [
        '%s/%s' % (refdir, fn) for fn in
        ['%s_SurfVol_ss%s' % (sid, fullext),
         '%s_SurfVol%s' % (sid, fullext)]

    for src, trg in zip(surfvol_srcs, surfvol_trgs):
        if os.path.exists(trg) and not overwrite:
            print '%s already exists' % trg
            t_p, t_n, t_o, t_e = utils.afni_fileparts(trg)
            trg_short = '%s%s' % (t_n, t_o)
                'cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -inset %s -prefix ./%s'
                % (refdir, src, trg_short))
                _set_vol_space_cmd('%s/%s+orig' % (refdir, t_n), config))

    # process experimental volume.
    expvol_src = config['expvol']
    do_ss = config['expvol_ss']
    [e_p, e_n, e_o, e_e] = utils.afni_fileparts(expvol_src)

    expvol_trg_prefix = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'] if do_ss else '')
    expvol_trg_tmp_prefix = '__tmp_%s' % expvol_trg_prefix

    expvol_trg = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, fullext)

    print "Attempt %s -> %s" % (expvol_src, expvol_trg)

    ext = config['outvol_ext']

    if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists(expvol_trg):
        if do_ss:
                'cd "%s";3dSkullStrip -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s -input %s' %
                (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s %s' %
                        (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
            'cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -prefix %s -inset %s%s'
            % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext))
        cmds.append('rm %s/%s*' % (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix))
        cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd(expvol_trg, config))
        print "No skull strip because already exists: %s%s" % (
            expvol_trg_prefix, ext)

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
Beispiel #2
def run_skullstrip(config, env):

    if config['identity']:

    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    refdir = config['refdir']
    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(refdir):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sid = config['sid']
    fs_sid = config['fs_sid']

    if not sid:
        raise ValueError("Subject id is not set, cannot continue")

    # process the surfvol anatomical.
    # because it's already skull stripped by freesurfer
    # simply copy it over; rename brain.nii to surfvol_ss
    surfvol_srcs = ['%s/%s' % (sumadir, fn) for fn in ['brain.nii', 'T1.nii']]

    surfvol_trgs = [
        '%s/%s' % (refdir, fn) for fn in
        ['%s_SurfVol_ss+orig.HEAD' %
         sid, '%s_SurfVol+orig.HEAD' % sid]

    for src, trg in zip(surfvol_srcs, surfvol_trgs):
        if os.path.exists(trg) and not overwrite:
            print '%s already exists' % trg
            t_p, t_n, t_o, t_e = utils.afni_fileparts(trg)
            trg_short = '%s%s' % (t_n, t_o)
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dcopy -overwrite %s ./%s' %
                        (refdir, src, trg_short))

    # process experimental volume.
    expvol_src = config['expvol']
    do_ss = config['expvol_ss']
    [e_p, e_n, e_o, e_e] = utils.afni_fileparts(expvol_src)

    expvol_trg_prefix = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'] if do_ss else '')

    if 'nii' in e_e:
        # ensure e_n+orig is in refdir
        if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists('%s/%s+orig.HEAD' %
                                                  (refdir, e_n)):
            print "Converting %s from NIFTI to AFNI format" % e_n
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig %s' %
                        (refdir, e_n, expvol_src))
                'if [ -e %s/%s+tlrc.HEAD ]; then 3drefit -view orig -space ORIG %s/%s+tlrc; else echo "File in orig orientation - no refit necessary"; fi'
                % (refdir, e_n, refdir, e_n))

        expvol_src = '%s/%s+orig.HEAD' % (refdir, e_n)

    expvol_trg = '%s/%s+orig.HEAD' % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix)

    print "Attempt %s -> %s" % (expvol_src, expvol_trg)

    if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists(expvol_trg):
        if do_ss:
                'cd "%s";3dSkullStrip -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig -input %s' %
                (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig %s' %
                        (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_src))
        print "No skull strip because already exists: %s+orig" % expvol_trg_prefix

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
Beispiel #3
def run_skullstrip(config, env):
    fullext = config['outvol_fullext']

    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    refdir = config['refdir']
    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(refdir):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sid = config['sid']
    fs_sid = config['fs_sid']

    if not sid:
        raise ValueError("Subject id is not set, cannot continue")

    # process the surfvol anatomical.
    # because it's already skull stripped by freesurfer
    # simply copy it over; rename brain.nii to surfvol_ss
    surfvol_srcs = ['%s/%s' % (sumadir, fn)
                  for fn in ['brain.nii',

    surfvol_trgs = ['%s/%s' % (refdir, fn)
                  for fn in ['%s_SurfVol_ss%s' % (sid, fullext),
                             '%s_SurfVol%s' % (sid, fullext)]]

    for src, trg in zip(surfvol_srcs, surfvol_trgs):
        if os.path.exists(trg) and not overwrite:
            print '%s already exists' % trg
            t_p, t_n, t_o, t_e = utils.afni_fileparts(trg)
            trg_short = '%s%s' % (t_n, t_o)
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -inset %s -prefix ./%s' %
                        (refdir, src, trg_short))
            cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd('%s/%s+orig' % (refdir, t_n), config))

    # process experimental volume.
    expvol_src = config['expvol']
    do_ss = config['expvol_ss']
    [e_p, e_n, e_o, e_e] = utils.afni_fileparts(expvol_src)

    expvol_trg_prefix = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'] if do_ss else '')
    expvol_trg_tmp_prefix = '__tmp_%s' % expvol_trg_prefix

    expvol_trg = '%s/%s%s' % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, fullext)

    print "Attempt %s -> %s" % (expvol_src, expvol_trg)

    ext = config['outvol_ext']

    if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists(expvol_trg):
        if do_ss:
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dSkullStrip -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s -input %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s%s %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext, expvol_src))
        cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dresample -overwrite -orient LPI -prefix %s -inset %s%s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix, ext))
        cmds.append('rm %s/%s*' % (refdir, expvol_trg_tmp_prefix))
        cmds.append(_set_vol_space_cmd(expvol_trg, config))
        print "No skull strip because already exists: %s%s" % (expvol_trg_prefix, ext)

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)
def run_skullstrip(config, env):

    if config['identity']:

    overwrite = config['overwrite']
    refdir = config['refdir']
    cmds = []
    if not os.path.exists(refdir):
        cmds.append('mkdir %(refdir)s' % config)

    sumadir = config['sumadir']
    sid = config['sid']
    fs_sid = config['fs_sid']

    if not sid:
        raise ValueError("Subject id is not set, cannot continue")

    # process the surfvol anatomical.
    # because it's already skull stripped by freesurfer
    # simply copy it over; rename brain.nii to surfvol_ss
    surfvol_srcs = ['%s/%s' % (sumadir, fn)
                  for fn in ['brain.nii',

    surfvol_trgs = ['%s/%s' % (refdir, fn)
                  for fn in ['%s_SurfVol_ss+orig.HEAD' % sid,
                             '%s_SurfVol+orig.HEAD' % sid]]

    for src, trg in zip(surfvol_srcs, surfvol_trgs):
        if os.path.exists(trg) and not overwrite:
            print '%s already exists' % trg
            t_p, t_n, t_o, t_e = utils.afni_fileparts(trg)
            trg_short = '%s%s' % (t_n, t_o)
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dcopy -overwrite %s ./%s' %
                        (refdir, src, trg_short))

    # process experimental volume.
    expvol_src = config['expvol']
    do_ss = config['expvol_ss']
    [e_p, e_n, e_o, e_e] = utils.afni_fileparts(expvol_src)

    expvol_trg_prefix = '%s%s' % (e_n, config['sssuffix'] if do_ss else '')

    if 'nii' in e_e:
        # ensure e_n+orig is in refdir
        if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists('%s/%s+orig.HEAD' % (refdir, e_n)):
            print "Converting %s from NIFTI to AFNI format" % e_n
            cmds.append('cd "%s"; 3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig %s' % (refdir, e_n, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('if [ -e %s/%s+tlrc.HEAD ]; then 3drefit -view orig -space ORIG %s/%s+tlrc; else echo "File in orig orientation - no refit necessary"; fi' % (refdir, e_n, refdir, e_n))

        expvol_src = '%s/%s+orig.HEAD' % (refdir, e_n)

    expvol_trg = '%s/%s+orig.HEAD' % (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix)

    print "Attempt %s -> %s" % (expvol_src, expvol_trg)

    if overwrite or not utils.afni_fileexists(expvol_trg):
        if do_ss:
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dSkullStrip -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig -input %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_src))
            cmds.append('cd "%s";3dbucket -overwrite -prefix ./%s+orig %s' %
                            (refdir, expvol_trg_prefix, expvol_src))
        print "No skull strip because already exists: %s+orig" % expvol_trg_prefix

    utils.run_cmds(cmds, env)