Beispiel #1
#!/usr/bin/env python

# - Implement MT19937
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG

r = MTRNG(12436)
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()

#### tests, if any ####
warn("No errors:", __file__)
Beispiel #2
# - MT19937 seed
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG, find_time_seed
import time
import random

#### Generate a number from RNG seeded with time

time.sleep(random.randint(7, 15))  # 40,1000 is more fun though
r = MTRNG(int(time.time()))
time.sleep(random.randint(7, 15))
target_num = r.extract_number()

#### Reverse engineer the seed

print "Received target of:", target_num

found_seed = find_time_seed(target_num, int(time.time()))

print "Seed used was:", found_seed
print "In other words,", time.ctime(found_seed)

#### tests, if any ####
assert (found_seed > 1441224144)
warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
Beispiel #3
            output = input ^ ((output << k) & mask)
        bits += k
    return output

def untemper(y4):
    y3 = untemper_partial(y4, l, "right")
    y2 = untemper_partial(y3, t, c)
    y1 = untemper_partial(y2, s, b)
    return untemper_partial(y1, u, "right")

answer = untemper(0xe016575d)
print "Untemper result is:", hex(answer)

rng = MTRNG(67812)
state = [0] * n
for i in range(n):
    state[i] = untemper(rng.extract_number())

clone = MTRNG(state)

print "Cloning results are:"

for i in range(10):
    x = clone.extract_number()
    y = rng.extract_number()
    print x, y
    assert x == y

#### tests, if any ####
Beispiel #4
# - MT19937 seed
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG, find_time_seed
import time
import random

#### Generate a number from RNG seeded with time

time.sleep(random.randint(7,15)) # 40,1000 is more fun though
r = MTRNG(int(time.time()))
target_num = r.extract_number()

#### Reverse engineer the seed

print "Received target of:", target_num

found_seed = find_time_seed(target_num, int(time.time()))

print "Seed used was:", found_seed
print "In other words,", time.ctime(found_seed)

#### tests, if any ####
assert(found_seed > 1441224144)
warn("Passed assertions:", __file__)
Beispiel #5
#!/usr/bin/env python

# - Implement MT19937
#     Copyright (C) 2015 Andrew J. Zimolzak <*****@*****.**>,
#     and licensed under GNU GPL version 3. Full notice is found in
#     the file 'LICENSE' in the same directory as this file.

from cryptopals import warn
from myrand import MTRNG

r = MTRNG(12436)
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()
print r.extract_number()

#### tests, if any ####
warn("No errors:", __file__)
Beispiel #6
            output = input ^ (output >> k)
            output = input ^ ((output << k) & mask)
        bits += k
    return output

def untemper(y4):
    y3 = untemper_partial(y4, l, "right")
    y2 = untemper_partial(y3, t, c)
    y1 = untemper_partial(y2, s, b)
    return untemper_partial(y1, u, "right")

answer = untemper(0xe016575d)
print "Untemper result is:", hex(answer)

rng = MTRNG(67812)
state = [0] * n
for i in range(n):
    state[i] = untemper(rng.extract_number())

clone = MTRNG(state)

print "Cloning results are:"

for i in range(10):
    x = clone.extract_number()
    y = rng.extract_number()
    print x, y
    assert x == y

#### tests, if any ####