Beispiel #1
def createImage():
    w = 320
    h = 240
    b = n.V3fBuffer(w * h, p.V3f(0, 0, 0))

    print '# creating pixel data'
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            s = float(x) / w
            t = float(y) / h
            b[y * w + x] = p.V3f(s, t, 0)

    img = n.ObjectTable()
    img['xres'] = w
    img['yres'] = h
    img['pixels'] = b

    # check that this is a valid napalm image
    assert ni.isValid(img, True)

    return img
Beispiel #2
def createImage():
    w = 320
    h = 240
    b = n.V3fBuffer(w * h, p.V3f(0, 0, 0))

    print '# creating pixel data'
    for y in range(h):
        for x in range(w):
            s = float(x) / w
            t = float(y) / h
            b[y * w + x] = p.V3f(s, t, 0)

    img = n.ObjectTable()
    img['xres'] = w
    img['yres'] = h
    img['pixels'] = b

    # check that this is a valid napalm image
    assert ni.isValid(img, True)

    return img
Beispiel #3
def verifyImage(a, b):
    assert ni.isValid(a, True)
    assert ni.isValid(b, True)
    assert a['xres'] == b['xres']
    assert a['yres'] == b['yres']
    diffPixelData(a['pixels'].contents, b['pixels'].contents)
Beispiel #4
def verifyImage(a, b):
    assert ni.isValid(a, True)
    assert ni.isValid(b, True)
    assert a['xres'] == b['xres']
    assert a['yres'] == b['yres']
    diffPixelData(a['pixels'].contents, b['pixels'].contents)