Beispiel #1
    def branch(self):
        """Return the active branch name, or 'master' if not on a branch.
        from naucse.views import logger

        # Travis CI checks out specific commit, so there isn't an active branch
        if os.environ.get("TRAVIS") and os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH"):
            return os.environ.get("TRAVIS_BRANCH")

        repo = Repo(".")

        except TypeError:  # thrown if not in a branch
            logger.warning("MetaInfo.branch: There is not active branch")
            return self._default_branch
Beispiel #2
    def slug(self):
        """Return the slug of the repository based on the current branch.

        Returns the default if not on a branch, the branch doesn't
        have a remote, or the remote url can't be parsed.
        from naucse.views import logger

        # Travis CI checks out specific commit, so there isn't an active branch
        if os.environ.get("TRAVIS") and os.environ.get("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG"):
            return os.environ.get("TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG")

        repo = Repo(".")

            active_branch = repo.active_branch
        except TypeError:  # thrown if not in a branch
            logger.warning("MetaInfo.slug: There is not active branch")
            return self._default_slug

            remote_name = active_branch.remote_name
        except ValueError:
            tracking_branch = active_branch.tracking_branch()

            if tracking_branch is None:  # a branch without a remote
                    "MetaInfo.slug: The branch doesn't have a remote")
                return self._default_slug

            remote_name = tracking_branch.remote_name

        remote_url = repo.remotes[remote_name].url

        parsed = giturlparse.parse(remote_url)

        if hasattr(parsed, "owner") and hasattr(parsed, "repo"):
            return f"{parsed.owner}/{parsed.repo}"

        logger.warning("MetaInfo.slug: The url could not be parsed.")
        logger.debug("MetaInfo.slug: Parsed %s", parsed.__dict__)

        return self._default_slug