Beispiel #1
def test_filter_exclude_via_labels():
    Coffee(name="Java", price=99).save()

    node_set = NodeSet(Coffee)
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()

    assert "(coffee:Coffee)" in qb._ast["match"]
    assert "result_class" in qb._ast
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert isinstance(results[0], Coffee)
    assert results[0].name == "Java"

    # with filter and exclude
    Coffee(name="Kenco", price=3).save()
    node_set = node_set.filter(price__gt=2).exclude(price__gt=6, name="Java")
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()
    assert "(coffee:Coffee)" in qb._ast["match"]
    assert "NOT" in qb._ast["where"][0]
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0].name == "Kenco"
Beispiel #2
def test_filter_exclude_via_labels():
    Coffee(name='Java', price=99).save()

    node_set = NodeSet(Coffee)
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()

    assert '(coffee:Coffee)' in qb._ast['match']
    assert 'result_class' in qb._ast
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert isinstance(results[0], Coffee)
    assert results[0].name == 'Java'

    # with filter and exclude
    Coffee(name='Kenco', price=3).save()
    node_set = node_set.filter(price__gt=2).exclude(price__gt=6, name='Java')
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()
    assert '(coffee:Coffee)' in qb._ast['match']
    assert 'NOT' in qb._ast['where'][0]
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0].name == 'Kenco'
Beispiel #3
def test_filter_exclude_via_labels():
    Coffee(name='Java', price=99).save()

    node_set = NodeSet(Coffee)
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()

    assert '(coffee:Coffee)' in qb._ast['match']
    assert 'result_class' in qb._ast
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert isinstance(results[0], Coffee)
    assert results[0].name == 'Java'

    # with filter and exclude
    Coffee(name='Kenco', price=3).save()
    node_set = node_set.filter(price__gt=2).exclude(price__gt=6, name='Java')
    qb = QueryBuilder(node_set).build_ast()

    results = qb._execute()
    assert '(coffee:Coffee)' in qb._ast['match']
    assert 'NOT' in qb._ast['where'][0]
    assert len(results) == 1
    assert results[0].name == 'Kenco'