Beispiel #1
def test_model_get_outputs_rnn(backend_default, data):

    data_path = load_ptb_test(path=data)
    data_set = Text(time_steps=50, path=data_path)

    # weight initialization
    init = Constant(0.08)

    # model initialization
    layers = [
        Recurrent(150, init, activation=Logistic()),
        Affine(len(data_set.vocab), init, bias=init, activation=Rectlin())

    model = Model(layers=layers)
    output = model.get_outputs(data_set)

    assert output.shape == (data_set.ndata, data_set.seq_length,

    # since the init are all constant and model is un-trained:
    # along the feature dim, the values should be all the same
    assert np.allclose(output[0, 0], output[0, 0, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
    assert np.allclose(output[0, 1], output[0, 1, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)

    # along the time dim, the values should be increasing:
    assert np.alltrue(output[0, 2] > output[0, 1])
    assert np.alltrue(output[0, 1] > output[0, 0])
Beispiel #2
def test_model_get_outputs_rnn(backend_default, data):

    data_path = load_ptb_test(path=data)
    data_set = Text(time_steps=50, path=data_path)

    # weight initialization
    init = Constant(0.08)

    # model initialization
    layers = [
        Recurrent(150, init, activation=Logistic()),
        Affine(len(data_set.vocab), init, bias=init, activation=Rectlin())

    model = Model(layers=layers)
    output = model.get_outputs(data_set)

    assert output.shape == (
        data_set.ndata, data_set.seq_length, data_set.nclass)

    # since the init are all constant and model is un-trained:
    # along the feature dim, the values should be all the same
    assert np.allclose(output[0, 0], output[0, 0, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)
    assert np.allclose(output[0, 1], output[0, 1, 0], rtol=0, atol=1e-5)

    # along the time dim, the values should be increasing:
    assert np.alltrue(output[0, 2] > output[0, 1])
    assert np.alltrue(output[0, 1] > output[0, 0])
Beispiel #3
def load_ptb_test(path):
    Deprecated, moved to
    logger.error('This function has moved, import from')
    from import load_ptb_test  # noqa
    return load_ptb_test(path)
Beispiel #4
                    choices=['gru', 'lstm'],
                    help='type of recurrent layer to use (gru or lstm)')
args = parser.parse_args(gen_be=False)

# hyperparameters from the reference
args.batch_size = 20
time_steps = 20
hidden_size = 200
gradient_clip_norm = 5

# setup backend
be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend))

# download penn treebank
train_path = load_ptb_train(path=args.data_dir)
valid_path = load_ptb_test(path=args.data_dir)

# define a custom function to parse the input into individual tokens, which for
# this data, splits into individual words.  This can be passed into the Text
# object during dataset creation as seen below.
def tokenizer(s):
    return s.replace('\n', '<eos>').split()

# load data and parse on word-level
train_set = Text(time_steps,
valid_set = Text(time_steps,
Beispiel #5
parser.add_argument('--rlayer_type', default='lstm', choices=['gru', 'lstm'],
                    help='type of recurrent layer to use (gru or lstm)')
args = parser.parse_args(gen_be=False)

# hyperparameters from the reference
args.batch_size = 20
time_steps = 20
hidden_size = 200
gradient_clip_norm = 5

# setup backend
be = gen_backend(**extract_valid_args(args, gen_backend))

# download penn treebank
train_path = load_ptb_train(path=args.data_dir)
valid_path = load_ptb_test(path=args.data_dir)

# define a custom function to parse the input into individual tokens, which for
# this data, splits into individual words.  This can be passed into the Text
# object during dataset creation as seen below.
def tokenizer(s):
    return s.replace('\n', '<eos>').split()

# load data and parse on word-level
train_set = Text(time_steps, train_path, tokenizer=tokenizer, onehot_input=False)
valid_set = Text(time_steps, valid_path, vocab=train_set.vocab, tokenizer=tokenizer,

# weight initialization
init = Uniform(low=-0.1, high=0.1)
def load_ptb_test(path):
    logger.error('This function has moved, import from')
    from import load_ptb_test  # noqa
    return load_ptb_test(path)