Beispiel #1
    def get_scale_degree(self, degree):
        """Utility function to return scale degree of Scale.
        :param degree: Scale degree to return

        :type degree: int
        :return: Note object at scale degree 
        :rtype: Note 
        return Note.copy_note(self.notes[degree - 1])
Beispiel #2
    def append(self, start, input_note):
        """Utility method to append a Note to a Phrase
        :param input_slot:  Note to append 
        :param start:       start time stamp for the note
        :type input_slot:   Note 
        :type start:        Fraction

        :return: No return, modifys existing object 
        :rtype: None 
        input_note = Note.copy_note(input_note)
        # Allows out-of-phrase notes, but shows warning
        if start >= self.length:
                "Warning: " + str(input_note) + "outside of phrase, will not be played."
        self.phrase[input_note] = start