def save_job_input_file(scenario):
    """ Save scenario leve inputs """
    scenarioFolder = scenario.getFolder()

    expandPath = lambda x: os.path.join(scenarioFolder, x)

    metricConfiguration = scenario.input['metric configuration'] 
    metric.saveMetricsConfigurationCSV(expandPath('metrics-job-input'), metricConfiguration)

    store.zipFolder(scenarioFolder + '.zip', scenarioFolder)
Beispiel #2
def extractConfigurationByName(valueByName, scenarioFolder):
    # Initialize
    configuration = {}
    # For each value,
    for key, value in valueByName.iteritems():
        # Parse key
        keyTerms = variable_store.parseKey(key)
        # If the key is compound,
        if len(keyTerms) > 1:
            # Extract
            modelType, section, option = keyTerms
            # If the value already exists, then it must have been overridden
            if modelType in configuration:
                if section in configuration[modelType]:
                    if option in configuration[modelType][section]:
            # If we have a hidden field,
            if option.endswith('_h'):
                # If the hidden field was overridden, skip this and wait until we find the real value
                if int(value) == 0:
                # Remove suffix
                option = option[:-2]
                # Prepare
                sourceScenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).get(value)
                relativePath = sourceScenario.input['%s configuration' % modelType][section][option]
                # If the old scenario did not specify a file here,
                if not relativePath:
                    value = ''
                    # Prepare
                    sourcePath = os.path.join(sourceScenario.getFolder(), relativePath)
                    # Copy source in case it is deleted
                    store.makeFolderSafely(os.path.join(scenarioFolder, os.path.dirname(relativePath)))
                    targetPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, relativePath)
                    shutil.copyfile(sourcePath, targetPath)
                    value = relativePath
            # If the user wants to use a new file and the value is an upload,
            elif hasattr(value, 'file'):
                # Prepare
                relativePath = os.path.join(modelType, section, option + os.path.splitext(value.filename)[1])
                # Save it
                store.makeFolderSafely(os.path.join(scenarioFolder, os.path.dirname(relativePath)))
                targetPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, relativePath)
                shutil.copyfileobj(value.file, open(targetPath, 'wb'))
                value = relativePath
            # Store
            if modelType not in configuration:
                configuration[modelType] = {}
            if section not in configuration[modelType]:
                configuration[modelType][section] = {}
            configuration[modelType][section][option] = value
    # Return
    return configuration
def run(step, scriptPath, convertByName):
    'Runs the script on a configuration file'
    # Import custom modules
    from np.lib import store, folder_store
    # Parse options and arguments
    optionParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage='%prog QUEUE-PATH')
    optionParser.add_option('-t', '--test', dest='isTest', 
        default=False, action='store_true', 
        help='test your QUEUE-PATH')
    optionParser.add_option('-d', '--directory', dest='directory', 
        default='.', metavar='DIRECTORY', 
        help='save results in DIRECTORY')
    options, arguments = optionParser.parse_args()
    if len(arguments) != 1:
        return optionParser.print_help()
    filePath = arguments[0]
    # Go
        # Load information
        parameterByNameByTask = store.loadQueue(filePath, convertByName)
        # Initialize
        if options.isTest: 
   = store.makeFolderSafely(os.path.join(, 'test'))
        folderStore = folder_store.Store(
        # Step through each task
        for taskName, parameterByName in parameterByNameByTask.iteritems():
            step(taskName, parameterByName, folderStore, options.isTest)
    except (store.StoreError, folder_store.FolderError, ScriptError), error:
        print '%s %s\n%s' % (store.extractFileBaseName(scriptPath), filePath, error)
def regenerate_demographic_file(scenario, proj4=geometry_store.proj4LL):
    """ In case demographic input file is lost, this regenerates it
    NOTE:  This uses the node dict stored in scenario.output.  
           The nodes there are all nodes from the original datasetStore
           Which may contain some "FAKE" nodes if the scenario had an
           input network.  
    scenarioFolder = scenario.getFolder()

    expandPath = lambda x: os.path.join(scenarioFolder, x)

    # recreate datasetStore
    targetPath = scenario.getDatasetPath()
    targetPath = targetPath.replace(".", "_tmp.") #Don't overwrite existing store if it's there
    datasetStore = dataset_store.Store(targetPath, proj4)
    nodeDict = scenario.output['variables']['node']

    sourcePath = expandPath(scenario.input['demographic file name'])
    #delete the tmp dataset store
Beispiel #5
 def create(self):
     'POST /scenarios: Create a new item'
     # Initialize
     personID = h.getPersonID()
     if not personID:
         return redirect(url('person_login', targetURL=h.encodeURL(h.url('new_scenario'))))
     # Load
         demographicDatabase_h = int(request.POST.get('demographicDatabase_h', 0))
     except ValueError:
         demographicDatabase_h = 0
     if not demographicDatabase_h and 'demographicDatabase' not in request.POST:
         return cjson.encode(dict(isOk=0, message='The demographicDatabase field is required'))
     scenarioName = request.POST.get('scenarioName') or 'Untitled'
         scenarioScope = int(request.POST.get('scenarioScope', model.scopePrivate))
     except ValueError:
         scenarioScope = model.scopePrivate
     metricModelName = request.POST.get('metricModelName', metric.getModelNames()[0])
     networkModelName = request.POST.get('networkModelName', network.getModelNames()[0])
     callbackURL = request.POST.get('callbackURL')
     # Create scenario
     scenario = model.Scenario(personID, scenarioName, scenarioScope)
     scenarioFolder = scenario.getFolder()
     if os.path.exists(scenarioFolder):
     # If the user is using an existing demographicDatabase,
     if demographicDatabase_h:
         # Copy source in case it is deleted
         sourceScenario = Session.query(model.Scenario).get(demographicDatabase_h)
         sourceScenarioFolder = sourceScenario.getFolder()
         demographicFileName = sourceScenario.input['demographic file name']
         demographicPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, demographicFileName)
         shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(sourceScenarioFolder, demographicFileName), demographicPath)
     # If the user is uploading a new demographicDatabase,
         # Save original demographicDatabase in case the user wants it later
         demographicDatabase = request.POST['demographicDatabase']
         demographicFileExtension = os.path.splitext(demographicDatabase.filename)[1]
         demographicFileName = 'demographics' + demographicFileExtension
         demographicPath = os.path.join(scenarioFolder, demographicFileName)
         shutil.copyfileobj(demographicDatabase.file, open(demographicPath, 'wb'))
     # Store input
     configurationByName = extractConfigurationByName(request.POST, scenarioFolder)
     scenario.input = {
         'demographic file name': str(demographicFileName),
         'metric model name': metricModelName,
         'metric configuration': configurationByName.get('metric', {}),
         'network model name': networkModelName,
         'network configuration': configurationByName.get('network', {}),
         'callback url': callbackURL,
         'host url': request.host_url, 
     store.zipFolder(scenarioFolder + '.zip', scenarioFolder)
     # Redirect