def check_file_type_version(f):
    """Checks if it is the correct file by reading app_id, file_type & version.

    Sets FILE_TYPE(int 2-4) and NEW_FORMAT(bool, new trackpt format) in

        f: a file object to be read.

        version: int 0, 1, 2.  To be used in parse_track_informations().
    """, 0)
    # 8 (4+4) bytes, little endian U32+U32.
    (application_id, nst.FILE_TYPE) = nst.read_unpack('<2I', f)
    if application_id != nst.APP_ID or nst.FILE_TYPE not in {TRACK, ROUTE}:
        print(f'Unexpected file type: {nst.FILE_TYPE}')
        sys.exit(1), 0) # Go to 0x00008, this address is fixed.
    (ver, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I', f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    #print(f'Version: {ver}')
    (ver0, ver1, ver2) = (ver < 10000, 10000 <= ver < 20000, 20000 <= ver)
    # NEW_FORMAT indicates trackpoint format: True/False = New/Old format.
    if ver0:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (False, 0)
    elif ver1 and nst.FILE_TYPE == ROUTE:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (False, 1)
    elif ver1 and nst.FILE_TYPE == TRACK:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (True, 1)
    else:  # if ver2
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (True, 2)
    del ver2  # Not in use.
    return version
def parse_route_informations(f, ver=1):
    """Reads and processes the route information.  No START_*TIMEs in routes.

        f: the file object.
        ver (optional): file version (int 0, 1 or 2).  Defaults to 1.
    # Route ID., 0)  # Go to 0x00014, this address is fixed.
    (route_id, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I', f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    #print(f'Route ID: {route_id}')

    # Read SCSU encoded name of the route.  Its length is variable., 0) # Go to 0x00018, this address is fixed.
    nst.route_name = nst.scsu_reader(f)
    #print(f'Route name: {nst.route_name}')

    # Totaltime is not stored in the route file.

    # Total Distance.
    (total_distance, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I',
                                         f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    nst.total_distance = total_distance / 1e5  # Total distance in km.
    #print(f'Total distance: {round(nst.total_distance, 3)} km')
    del ver, route_id  # Not in use.
def main():
    in_file = args_usage()  # Arguments and help.

    with'rb') as f:
        version = check_file_type_version(
            f)  # FILE_TYPE(int), NEW_FORMAT(bool).
        (gpx, nst.gpx_target) = nst.initialize_gpx(), 0) # Go to 0x0000C, this address is fixed.
        # Usually, start address (4 bytes, little endian U32) of the main part
        # which consists of a pause- and a trackpoint-data blocks are:
        #     in the new track 0x0800 = 0x07ff + 0x1,
        #        the old track 0x0400 = 0x03ff + 0x1 and
        #        the old route 0x0100 = 0x00ff + 0x1 but can be changed.
        (start_address, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I', f)
        start_address -= 1
        #print(f'Main part address: {hex(start_address)}')

        # Read information part of track/route files.
        if nst.FILE_TYPE == TRACK:
            parse_track_informations(f, version)  # START_*TIME, TZ_HOURS.
        else:  # if nst.FILE_TYPE == ROUTE:
            parse_route_informations(f, version)

        # Read the main part consisting a pause- and a trackpoint-data blocks.
        trackpt_store = read_pause_and_track(f, start_address)

    nst.add_gpx_summary(gpx, trackpt_store)

    write_file = getenv('GPX_WRITE_FILE') or WRITE_FILE
    gpx_path = in_file.with_suffix('.gpx') if write_file else None
    nst.finalize_gpx(gpx, gpx_path)  # Gpx xml to a file or print (if None).
Beispiel #4
def check_file_type_version(f):
    """Checks if it is the correct file by reading app_id, file_type & version.

    Sets FILE_TYPE(int 2-4) and NEW_FORMAT(bool, new trackpt format) in

        f: a file object to be read.

        version: int 0, 1, 2.  To be used in parse_track_informations().
    # Chunks in the temporal file always start with b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' blank.
    # Due to this blank, there is a 4-byte offset to the addresses shown below., 0)
    # 12 (4+4+4) bytes, little endian U32+U32+U32.
    (application_id, nst.FILE_TYPE, blank) = nst.read_unpack('<3I', f)
    if application_id != nst.APP_ID or nst.FILE_TYPE != TMP or blank != 0x0:
        print(f'Unexpected file type: {nst.FILE_TYPE}')
        sys.exit(1) + 0x04, 0) # Go to 0x0000C, this address is fixed.
    (ver, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I', f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    print(f'Version: {ver}')
    (ver0, ver1, ver2) = (ver < 10000, 10000 <= ver < 20000, 20000 <= ver)
    # NEW_FORMAT indicates trackpoint format: True/False = New/Old format.
    if ver0:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (False, 0)
    elif ver1 and nst.FILE_TYPE == ROUTE:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (False, 1)
    elif ver1 and nst.FILE_TYPE == TRACK:
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (True, 1)
    else:  # if ver2
        (nst.NEW_FORMAT, version) = (True, 2)

    if not (ver1 or ver2):  # Preliminary version check.
        print(f'Unexpected version number: {ver}')

    return version
Beispiel #5
def parse_track_informations(f, ver=1):
    """Reads and processes the track information.

    START_LOCALTIME, START_TIME and TZ_HOURS are stored in the module.

        f: the file object.
        ver (optional): file version (int 0, 1 or 2).  Defaults to 1.
    # Track ID and Totaltime.
    track_id_addr = 0x00014  # Fixed addresses of the old and the new NST tracks.
    if nst.FILE_TYPE == TMP: track_id_addr += 0x04  # The 4-byte blank (0x18)., 0)  # 8 (4+4) bytes, little endian U32+U32.
    (track_id, total_time) = nst.read_unpack('<2I', f)
    print(f'Track ID: {track_id}')

    nst.total_time = total_time / 100  # Totaltime in seconds.
    print(f'Total time: {nst.format_timedelta(nst.total_time)}')

    # Total Distance.
    if ver != 0:, 1)  # Skip.  4-byte offset to the old NST.
    (total_distance, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I',
                                         f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    nst.total_distance = total_distance / 1e5  # Total distance in km.
    print(f'Total distance: {round(nst.total_distance, 3)} km')

    # Calculate Net speed in km/h.
    #net_speed = nst.total_distance / (nst.total_time / 3600) # km/h
    #print(f'Net speed: {round(net_speed, 3)} km/h')

    # Starttime and Stoptime in localtime.
    # 16 (8+8) bytes, little endian I64+I64.
    (start_localtime, stop_localtime) = nst.read_unpack('<2q', f)
    if stop_localtime <= start_localtime: stop_localtime = 0  # Avoid error.
    nst.START_LOCALTIME = nst.symbian_to_unix_time(start_localtime)
    nst.stop_localtime = nst.symbian_to_unix_time(stop_localtime)

    # Change the suffix according to your timezone, because there is no
    # timezone information in Symbian.  Take difference of starttime in
    # localtime and those in UTC (see below) to see the timezone+DST.
    print(f'Start: {nst.format_datetime(nst.START_LOCALTIME)}+07:00')
    #print(f'Stop : {nst.format_datetime(nst.stop_localtime)}+07:00')

    # Calculate Realtime, which is greater than totaltime if pause is used.
    #real_time = nst.stop_localtime - nst.START_LOCALTIME # Realtime in seconds.
    #print(f'Realtime: {nst.format_timedelta(real_time)}')

    # Calculate Gross speed in km/h.
    #gross_speed = nst.total_distance / (real_time / 3600) # km/h
    #print(f'Gross speed: {round(gross_speed, 3)} km/h')

    # User ID, please see config.dat.
    (nst.USER_ID, ) = nst.read_unpack('<I', f)  # 4 bytes, little endian U32.
    print(f'User id: {nst.USER_ID}')

    # Type of activity.  Walk, run, bicycle, etc. See ACTIVITIES in, 1)  # Skip 4 bytes.
    (activity, ) = nst.read_unpack('<H', f)  # 2 bytes, little endian U16.
    nst.activity_type = (str(activity) if activity >= len(nst.ACTIVITIES) else
    print(f'Activity: {nst.activity_type}')

    # Read SCSU encoded name of the track, which is usually the datetime.
    # In most cases the name consists of 16-byte ASCII characters, e.g.
    # '24/12/2019 12:34'.  They are not fully compatible with utf-8 in
    # principle because they can be SCSU-encoded non-ASCII characters.
    track_name_addr = 0x00046  # This is the fixed address of the old NST track.
    if ver != 0: track_name_addr += 0x04  # Offset at total_distance (-> 0x4a).
    if nst.FILE_TYPE == TMP: track_name_addr += 0x04  # 4-byte blank (-> 0x4e).
    nst.track_name = nst.scsu_reader(f, track_name_addr)
    print(f'Track name: {nst.track_name}')

    # Starttime & Stoptime in UTC.
    start_stop_z_addr = 0x0018e  # This is the fixed address of old NST track.
    if ver != 0: start_stop_z_addr += 0x04  # Offset at total_distance (0x192).
    if nst.FILE_TYPE == TMP: start_stop_z_addr += 0x04  # 4-byte blank (0x196)., 0)  # 16 (8+8) bytes, little endian I64+I64.
    (start_time, stop_time) = nst.read_unpack('<2q', f)
    if stop_time <= start_time: stop_time = 0  # Avoid error.
    nst.START_TIME = nst.symbian_to_unix_time(start_time)
    nst.stop_time = nst.symbian_to_unix_time(stop_time)
    #print(f'Start Z: {nst.format_datetime(nst.START_TIME)}Z')
    #print(f'Stop Z : {nst.format_datetime(nst.stop_time)}Z')

    # Timezone can be calculated from the starttimes in Z and in localtime.
    nst.TZ_HOURS = int(nst.START_LOCALTIME - nst.START_TIME) / 3600

    # This will overwrite the realtime shown above.
    #real_time = nst.stop_time - nst.START_TIME # Realtime in seconds.
    #print(f'Realtime Z: {nst.format_timedelta(real_time)}')

    if ver == 2:
        # Read SCSU encoded user comment of variable length.
        comment_addr = 0x00222  # Fixed address of NST tracks.
        if nst.FILE_TYPE == TMP:
            comment_addr += 0x4  # The 4-byte blank (0x226).
        nst.comment = nst.scsu_reader(f, comment_addr)
        if nst.comment: print(f'Comment: {nst.comment}')