Beispiel #1
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))


        This is needed because of the limitation of the current type-system
        implementation.  Specifically, the lack of a higher-order type
        (i.e. passing the ``DictType`` vs ``DictType(key_type, value_type)``)
        ty = classty.instance_type

        if isinstance(ty, type) and issubclass(ty, types.Type):
            # Redirect the typing to a:
            #   @type_callable(ty)
            #   def typeddict_call(context):
            #        ...
            # For example, see numba/typed/
            #   @type_callable(DictType)
            #   def typeddict_call(context):
            def redirect(*args, **kwargs):
                return self.context.resolve_function_type(ty, args, kwargs)

            return types.Function(
                make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=redirect))
Beispiel #2
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))
        ty = classty.instance_type

        def typer(val):
            return ty

        return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer))
Beispiel #3
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))
        ty = classty.instance_type

        def typer(val):
            return ty

        return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer))
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))
        ty = classty.instance_type

        if not isinstance(ty, types.Number):
            raise errors.TypingError("invalid use of non-number types")

        def typer(val):
            # Scalar constructor, e.g. int32(42)
            return ty

        return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer))
Beispiel #5
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))
        ty = classty.instance_type

        def typer(val):
            if isinstance(val, (types.BaseTuple, types.Sequence)):
                # Array constructor, e.g. np.int32([1, 2])
                sig = self.context.resolve_function_type(
                    numpy.array, (val, ), {'dtype': types.DType(ty)})
                return sig.return_type
                # Scalar constructor, e.g. np.int32(42)
                return ty

        return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer))
Beispiel #6
    def resolve___call__(self, classty):
        Resolve a number class's constructor (e.g. calling int(...))
        ty = classty.instance_type

        def typer(val):
            if isinstance(val, (types.BaseTuple, types.Sequence)):
                # Array constructor, e.g. np.int32([1, 2])
                sig = self.context.resolve_function_type(
                    np.array, (val,), {'dtype': types.DType(ty)})
                return sig.return_type
                # Scalar constructor, e.g. np.int32(42)
                return ty

        return types.Function(make_callable_template(key=ty, typer=typer))