def check_numba_carray_farray(self, usecase, dtype_usecase):
        # With typed pointers and implicit dtype
        pyfunc = usecase
        for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_float32_usecase_sig):
            f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
            self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc,

        # With typed pointers and explicit (matching) dtype
        pyfunc = dtype_usecase
        for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_float32_usecase_sig):
            f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
            self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc,
        # With typed pointers and mismatching dtype
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            f = cfunc(carray_float64_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
            "mismatching dtype 'float32' for pointer type 'float64*'",

        # With voidptr
        pyfunc = dtype_usecase
        for sig in self.make_carray_sigs(carray_voidptr_usecase_sig):
            f = cfunc(sig)(pyfunc)
            self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc,
Beispiel #2
 def test_object_mode(self):
     Object mode is currently unsupported.
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
         cfunc(add_sig, forceobj=True)(add_usecase)
     with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
     self.assertIn("Untyped global name 'object'", str(raises.exception))
 def test_object_mode(self):
     Object mode is currently unsupported.
     with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError):
         cfunc(add_sig, forceobj=True)(add_usecase)
     with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
     self.assertIn("Untyped global name 'object'", str(raises.exception))
    def test_cffi(self):
        from numba.tests import cffi_usecases
        ffi, lib = cffi_usecases.load_inline_module()

        f = cfunc(square_sig)(square_usecase)

        res = lib._numba_test_funcptr(f.cffi)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 2.25)  # 1.5 ** 2
Beispiel #5
    def test_cffi(self):
        from . import cffi_usecases
        ffi, lib = cffi_usecases.load_inline_module()

        f = cfunc(square_sig)(square_usecase)

        res = lib._numba_test_funcptr(f.cffi)
        self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 2.25)  # 1.5 ** 2
def test_numba_assembly():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 13, 13)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)

    u = TrialFunction(Q)
    v = TestFunction(Q)

    a = cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])
    L = cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object])

    sig = types.void(types.CPointer(typeof(ScalarType())),
                     types.CPointer(types.double), types.intc)

    fnA = cfunc(sig, cache=True)(tabulate_tensor_A)
    a.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnA.address)

    fnb = cfunc(sig, cache=True)(tabulate_tensor_b)
    L.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnb.address)

    if (False):
        ufc_form = ffc_jit(dot(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx)
        ufc_form = cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(ufc_form[0])
        a = cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])
        ufc_form = ffc_jit(v * dx)
        ufc_form = cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(ufc_form[0])
        L = cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object])

    assembler = cpp.fem.Assembler([[a]], [L], [])
    A = PETScMatrix()
    b = PETScVector()
    assembler.assemble(A, cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)
    assembler.assemble(b, cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)

    Anorm = A.norm(
    bnorm = b.norm(

    print(Anorm, bnorm)

    assert (np.isclose(Anorm, 56.124860801609124))
    assert (np.isclose(bnorm, 0.0739710713711999))

Beispiel #7
    def check_numba_carray_farray(self, usecase, dtype_usecase):
        # With typed pointers and implicit dtype
        pyfunc = usecase
        f = cfunc(carray_float32_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
        self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)

        # With typed pointers and explicit (matching) dtype
        pyfunc = dtype_usecase
        f = cfunc(carray_float32_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
        self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)
        # With typed pointers and mismatching dtype
        with self.assertTypingError() as raises:
            f = cfunc(carray_float64_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
        self.assertIn("mismatching dtype 'float32' for pointer type 'float64*'",

        # With voidptr
        pyfunc = dtype_usecase
        f = cfunc(carray_voidptr_usecase_sig)(pyfunc)
        self.check_carray_usecase(self.make_float32_pointer, pyfunc, f.ctypes)
Beispiel #8
 def test_refcount_pycallable(self, numba_only=True):
     Test refcount of decorated callable
     def f1(x):
         return x
     def f2(x):
         return x
     fn0 = ROOT.DeclareCppCallable(["float"], "float")(f1)
     import numba
     ref = numba.cfunc("float32(float32)", nopython=True)(f2)
     # ROOT holds an additional reference compared to plain numba
     self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(f1), sys.getrefcount(f2) + 1)
Beispiel #9
    def codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
        ty = sig.args[0]
        # trigger resolution to get a "custom_hash" impl based on the call type
        # "ty" and its literal value
        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        lsig = fnty.get_call_type(tyctx, (ty, ty), {})
        resolved = cgctx.get_function(fnty, lsig)

        # close over resolved function, this is to deal with python scoping
        def resolved_codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
            return resolved(builder, args)

        # A python function "wrapper" is made for the `@cfunc` arg, this calls
        # the jitted function "wrappee", which will be compiled as part of the
        # compilation chain for the cfunc. In turn the wrappee jitted function
        # has an intrinsic call which is holding reference to the resolved type
        # specialised custom_hash call above.
        def dispatcher(_ityctx, _a, _b):
            return types.int8(thing, another), resolved_codegen

        def deref(_ityctx, _x):
            # to deref the void * passed. TODO: nrt awareness
            catchthing = thing
            sig = catchthing(_x)

            def codegen(cgctx, builder, sig, args):
                toty = cgctx.get_value_type(sig.return_type).as_pointer()
                addressable = builder.bitcast(args[0], toty)
                zero_intpt = cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, 0)
                vref = builder.gep(addressable, [zero_intpt], inbounds=True)

                return builder.load(vref)

            return sig, codegen

        def wrappee(ap, bp):
            a = deref(ap)
            b = deref(bp)
            return dispatcher(a, b)

        def wrapper(a, b):
            return wrappee(a, b)

        callback = cfunc(types.int8(types.voidptr, types.voidptr))(wrapper)

        # bake in address as a int const
        address = callback.address
        return cgctx.get_constant(types.intp, address)
    def test_errors(self):
        f = cfunc(div_sig)(div_usecase)

        with captured_stderr() as err:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(5, 2), 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), "")

        with captured_stderr() as err:
            res = f.ctypes(5, 0)
            # This is just a side effect of Numba zero-initializing
            # stack variables, and could change in the future.
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 0.0)
        err = err.getvalue()
        self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError:", err)
        self.assertIn("Exception ignored", err)
Beispiel #11
    def test_refcount_pycallable(self, numba_only=True):
        Test refcount of decorated callable
        def f1(x):
            return x

        def f2(x):
            return x

        fn0 = ROOT.DeclareCppCallable(["float"], "float")(f1)
        import numba
        ref = numba.cfunc("float32(float32)", nopython=True)(f2)
        # ROOT holds an additional reference compared to plain numba
        self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(f1), sys.getrefcount(f2) + 1)
Beispiel #12
    def test_refcount_pycallable(self):
        Test refcount of decorated callable
        def f1(x):
            return x

        def f2(x):
            return x

        fn0 = ROOT.Numba.Declare(["float"], "float")(f1)
        ref = nb.cfunc("float32(float32)", nopython=True)(f2)
        if sys.version_info.major == 2:
            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(f1), sys.getrefcount(f2) + 1)
            self.assertEqual(sys.getrefcount(f1), sys.getrefcount(f2) + 2)
Beispiel #13
def Simulator(ticks,
    nticks = len(ticks)
    pmoney = np.empty(nticks, dtype=np.float64)
    if cnumba:  # Numba callback 1000x faster, but call back print BUG
        cOnTick = onTick.ctypes
        cfunc = c.CFUNCTYPE(None, c.POINTER(c.c_double))
        cOnTick = cfunc(onTick)
    _simulator(money, tick_value, order_cost,, len(ticks),
     , cOnTick)
    return pmoney
Beispiel #14
def jit_integrand(integrand_function):
    jitted_function = numba.jit(integrand_function, nopython=True)
    no_args = len(inspect.getfullargspec(integrand_function).args)

    wrapped = None

    if no_args == 4:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3])
    elif no_args == 5:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4])
    elif no_args == 6:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5])
    elif no_args == 7:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
    elif no_args == 8:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7])
    elif no_args == 9:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7], xx[8])
    elif no_args == 10:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7], xx[8], xx[9])
    elif no_args == 11:

        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7], xx[8], xx[9], xx[10])

    cf = cfunc(float64(intc, CPointer(float64)))

    return LowLevelCallable(cf(wrapped).ctypes)
Beispiel #15
    def add_external_function(self, function, signature, number_of_args,
        Wrap the function and make it available in the LLVM module

        f_c = cfunc(sig=signature)(function)
        name = function.__qualname__

        f_c_sym = llvm.add_symbol(name, f_c.address)
        llvm_signature = np.tile(ll.DoubleType(), number_of_args).tolist()
        for i in target_ids:
            llvm_signature[i] = ll.DoubleType().as_pointer()

        fnty_c_func = ll.FunctionType(ll.VoidType(), llvm_signature)
        f_llvm = ll.Function(self.module, fnty_c_func, name=name)

        self.ext_funcs[name] = f_llvm
Beispiel #16
    def test_errors(self):
        f = cfunc(div_sig)(div_usecase)

        with captured_stderr() as err:
            self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(5, 2), 2.5)
        self.assertEqual(err.getvalue(), "")

        with captured_stderr() as err:
            res = f.ctypes(5, 0)
            # This is just a side effect of Numba zero-initializing
            # stack variables, and could change in the future.
            self.assertPreciseEqual(res, 0.0)
        err = err.getvalue()
        if sys.version_info >= (3,):
            self.assertIn("Exception ignored", err)
            self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError: division by zero", err)
            self.assertIn("ZeroDivisionError('division by zero',)", err)
            self.assertIn(" ignored", err)
Beispiel #17
    def test_basic(self):
        Basic usage and properties of a cfunc.
        f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)

        self.assertEqual(f.__name__, "add_usecase")
        self.assertEqual(f.__qualname__, "add_usecase")
        self.assertIs(f.__wrapped__, add_usecase)

        symbol = f.native_name
        self.assertIsInstance(symbol, str)
        self.assertIn("add_usecase", symbol)

        addr = f.address
        self.assertIsInstance(addr, utils.INT_TYPES)

        ct = f.ctypes
        self.assertEqual(ctypes.cast(ct, ctypes.c_void_p).value, addr)

        self.assertPreciseEqual(ct(2.0, 3.5), 5.5)
    def test_basic(self):
        Basic usage and properties of a cfunc.
        f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)

        self.assertEqual(f.__name__, "add_usecase")
        self.assertEqual(f.__qualname__, "add_usecase")
        self.assertIs(f.__wrapped__, add_usecase)

        symbol = f.native_name
        self.assertIsInstance(symbol, str)
        self.assertIn("add_usecase", symbol)

        addr = f.address
        self.assertIsInstance(addr, int)

        ct = f.ctypes
        self.assertEqual(ctypes.cast(ct, ctypes.c_void_p).value, addr)

        self.assertPreciseEqual(ct(2.0, 3.5), 5.5)
Beispiel #19
 def _compile_func_cpu(self):
     sig = numba.types.void(numba.types.CPointer(numba.types.voidptr),
     return numba.cfunc(sig)(self._func)
 def test_locals(self):
     # By forcing the intermediate result into an integer, we
     # truncate the ultimate function result
     f = cfunc(div_sig, locals={'c': types.int64})(div_usecase)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(8, 3), 2.0)
def write_bitcode_with_cfunc(pyfunc, sig, filename_suffix=""):
    with open(pyfunc.__name__ + filename_suffix + ".bc", "wb") as fout:
        f = cfunc(sig, nopython=False, cache=False)(pyfunc)
        # print f.inspect_llvm()
def assembly():
    # Whether to use custom kernels instead of FFC
    useCustomKernel = True
    # Whether to use CFFI kernels instead of Numba kernels
    useCffiKernel = False

    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 13, 13)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)

    u = TrialFunction(Q)
    v = TestFunction(Q)

    a = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])
    L = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object])

    # Variant 1: Compile the Poisson kernel using CFFI
    kernel_name = "_poisson_kernel"
    # Import the compiled kernel
    kernel_mod = importlib.import_module(kernel_name)
    ffi, lib = kernel_mod.ffi, kernel_mod.lib

    # Variant 2: Get pointers to the Numba kernels
    sig = nb.types.void(nb.types.CPointer(nb.types.double),
                        nb.types.CPointer(nb.types.double), nb.types.intc)

    fnA = nb.cfunc(sig, cache=True, nopython=True)(tabulate_tensor_A)
    fnb = nb.cfunc(sig, cache=True, nopython=True)(tabulate_tensor_b)

    if useCustomKernel:

        if useCffiKernel:
            # Use the cffi kernel, compiled from raw C
            fnA_ptr = ffi.cast("uintptr_t",
                               ffi.addressof(lib, "tabulate_tensor_A"))
            fnB_ptr = ffi.cast("uintptr_t",
                               ffi.addressof(lib, "tabulate_tensor_b"))
            # Use the numba generated kernels
            fnA_ptr = fnA.address
            fnB_ptr = fnb.address

        a.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnA_ptr)
        L.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnB_ptr)

        # Use FFC
        ufc_form = ffc_jit(dot(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx)
        ufc_form = cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(ufc_form[0])
        a = cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])
        ufc_form = ffc_jit(v * dx)
        ufc_form = cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(ufc_form[0])
        L = cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object])

    assembler = cpp.fem.Assembler([[a]], [L], [])
    A = PETScMatrix()
    b = PETScVector()
    assembler.assemble(A, cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)
    assembler.assemble(b, cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)

    Anorm = A.norm(
    bnorm = b.norm(

    print(Anorm, bnorm)

    assert (np.isclose(Anorm, 56.124860801609124))
    assert (np.isclose(bnorm, 0.0739710713711999))
Beispiel #23
import numpy as np
from numba import cfunc

def integrand(t):
    return np.exp(-t) / t**2

nb_integrand = cfunc("float64(float64)")(integrand)

import scipy.integrate as si

def do_integrate(func):
    Integrate the given function from 1.0 to +inf.
    return si.quad(func, 1, np.inf)

# >>> do_integrate(integrand)
# (0.14849550677592208, 3.8736750296130505e-10)
# >>> do_integrate(nb_integrand.ctypes)
# (0.14849550677592208, 3.8736750296130505e-10)

# >>> %timeit do_integrate(integrand)
# 1000 loops, best of 3: 242 µs per loop
# >>> %timeit do_integrate(nb_integrand.ctypes)
# 100000 loops, best of 3: 13.5 µs per loop
Beispiel #24
    def inner(func,
        Inner decorator without arguments, see outer decorator for documentation

        # Jit the given Python callable with numba
        nb_return_type, nb_input_types = get_numba_signature(
            input_types, return_type)
            nbjit = nb.jit(nb_return_type(*nb_input_types),
            raise Exception(
                'Failed to jit Python callable {} with numba.jit'.format(func))
        func.numba_func = nbjit

        # Create Python wrapper with C++ friendly signature

        # Define signature
        pywrapper_signature = [
                'ptr_{0}, size_{0}'.format(i) if 'RVec' in t else 'x_{}'.format(i) \
                        for i, t in enumerate(input_types)]
        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            # If we return an RVec, we return via pointer the pointer of the allocated data,
            # the size in elements. In addition, we provide the size of the datatype in bytes.
            pywrapper_signature += ['ptrptr_r, ptrsize_r']

        # Define arguments for jit function
        pywrapper_args_def = [
                'x_{0} = nb.carray(ptr_{0}, (size_{0},))'.format(i) if 'RVec' in t else 'x_{}'.format(i) \
                        for i, t in enumerate(input_types)]
        pywrapper_args = ['x_{}'.format(i) for i in range(len(input_types))]

        # Define return operation
        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            innert = get_inner_type(return_type)
            dtypesize = 1 if innert == 'bool' else int(
                get_numba_type(innert).bitwidth / 8)
            pywrapper_return = '\n    '.join([
                '# Because we cannot manipulate the memory management of the numpy array we copy the data',
                'ptr = malloc(r.size * {})'.format(dtypesize),
                'cp = nb.carray(ptr, r.size, dtype_r)', 'cp[:] = r[:]',
                '# Return size of the array and the pointer to the copied data',
                'ptrsize_r[0] = r.size', 'ptrptr_r[0] ='
            pywrapper_return = 'return r'

        # Build wrapper code
        pywrappercode = '''\
def pywrapper({SIGNATURE}):
    Wrapper function for the jitted Python callable with special treatment of arrays
    # If an RVec is given, define numba carray wrapper for the input types
    # Call the jitted Python function
    r = nbjit({ARGS})
    # Return the result
        '''.format(SIGNATURE=', '.join(pywrapper_signature),
                   ARGS_DEF='\n    '.join(pywrapper_args_def),
                   ARGS=', '.join(pywrapper_args),

        glob = dict(
        )  # Make a shallow copy of the dictionary so we don't pollute the global scope
        glob['nb'] = nb
        glob['nbjit'] = nbjit

        ffi = cffi.FFI()
        ffi.cdef('void* malloc(long size);')
        C = ffi.dlopen(None)
        glob['malloc'] = C.malloc

        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            glob['dtype_r'] = get_numba_type(get_inner_type(return_type))

        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            exec(pywrappercode, glob, locals()) in {}
            exec(pywrappercode) in glob, locals()

        if not 'pywrapper' in locals():
            raise Exception(
                'Failed to create Python wrapper function:\n{}'.format(

        # Jit the Python wrapper code
        c_return_type, c_input_types = get_c_signature(input_types,
            nbcfunc = nb.cfunc(c_return_type(*c_input_types),
            raise Exception('Failed to jit Python wrapper with numba.cfunc')
        func.__py_wrapper__ = pywrappercode
        func.__numba_cfunc__ = nbcfunc

        # Get address of jitted wrapper function
        address = nbcfunc.address

        # Infer name of the C++ wrapper function
        if not name:
            name = func.__name__

        # Build C++ wrapper for jitting with cling

        # Define input signature
        input_types_ref = [
            'ROOT::{}&'.format(t) if 'RVec' in t else t for t in input_types
        input_signature = ', '.join('{} x_{}'.format(t, i)
                                    for i, t in enumerate(input_types_ref))

        # Define function pointer types
        func_ptr_input_types = []
        for t in input_types:
            if 'RVec' in t:
                innert = get_inner_type(t)
                if innert == 'bool':
                    # Special treatment for bool: In numpy, bools have 1 byte
                    func_ptr_input_types += ['char*, int']
                    func_ptr_input_types += ['{}*, int'.format(innert)]
                func_ptr_input_types += [t]
        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            # See C++ wrapper code for the reason using these types
            innert = get_inner_type(return_type)
            func_ptr_input_types += [
                '{}**, long*'.format('char' if innert == 'bool' else innert)
        func_ptr_type = '{RETURN_TYPE}(*)({INPUT_TYPES})'.format(
            RETURN_TYPE='void*' if 'RVec' in return_type else return_type,
            INPUT_TYPES=', '.join(func_ptr_input_types))

        # Define function call
        vecbool_conversion = []
        func_args = []
        for i, t in enumerate(input_types):
            if 'RVec' in t:
                func_args += ['x_{0}.data(), x_{0}.size()'.format(i)]
                if get_inner_type(t) == 'bool':
                    # Copy the RVec<bool> to a RVec<char> to match the numpy memory layout
                    func_args[-1] = func_args[-1].replace('x_', 'xb_')
                    vecbool_conversion += [
                        'ROOT::RVec<char> xb_{0} = x_{0};'.format(i)
                func_args += ['x_{}'.format(i)]
        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            # See C++ wrapper code for the reason using these arguments
            func_args += ['&ptr, &size']

        # Define return operation
        if 'RVec' in return_type:
            innert = get_inner_type(return_type)
            if innert == 'bool': innert = 'char'
            return_op = '\n    '.join([
                '// Because an RVec cannot take the ownership of external data, we have to copy the returned array',
                'long size; // Size of the returned array',
                '{}* ptr; // Pointer to the data of the returned array'.format(
                'funcptr({});'.format(', '.join(func_args)),
                # TODO: Remove this copy as soon as RVec can adopt the ownership
                'ROOT::RVec<{}> x_r(ptr, ptr + size);'.format(innert),
                # If we return a RVec<bool>, we rely here on the automatic conversion of RVec<char> to RVec<bool>
                'return x_r;'
            return_op = 'return funcptr({});'.format(', '.join(func_args))

        # Build wrapper code
        cppwrappercode = """\
namespace Numba {{
 * C++ wrapper function around the jitted Python wrapping which calls the jitted Python callable
    // Create a function pointer from the jitted Python wrapper
    const auto funcptr = reinterpret_cast<{FUNC_PTR_TYPE}>({FUNC_PTR});
    // Perform conversion of RVec<bool>
    // Return the result
}}""".format(RETURN_TYPE='ROOT::' +
             return_type if 'RVec' in return_type else return_type,
             VECBOOL_CONVERSION='\n    '.join(vecbool_conversion),

        # Jit wrapper C++ code
        err = gbl_namespace.gInterpreter.Declare(cppwrappercode)
        if not err:
            raise Exception(
                'Failed to jit C++ wrapper code with cling:\n{}'.format(
        func.__cpp_wrapper__ = cppwrappercode

        return func
Beispiel #25
a, b = 0.01, 100

def timing():
    s = time.time()
    print('Time: {}s'.format(time.time() - s))

def func(x):
    return sin(1 / x)

optimized_func = cfunc("float64(float64)")(func)

print('Optimized version')
with timing():
    out1 = quad(LowLevelCallable(optimized_func.ctypes), a, b)

print('Optimized version')
with timing():
    out1 = quad(LowLevelCallable(optimized_func.ctypes), a, b)

print('Standard version')
with timing():
    out2 = quad(func, a, b)
Beispiel #26
def solve():
    # Whether to use custom Numba kernels instead of FFC
    useCustomKernels = True

    # Generate a unit cube with (n+1)^3 vertices
    n = 22
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, n, n, n)
    Q = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)

    u = TrialFunction(Q)
    v = TestFunction(Q)

    # Define the boundary: vertices where any component is in machine precision accuracy 0 or 1
    def boundary(x):
        return np.sum(np.logical_or(x < DOLFIN_EPS, x > 1.0 - DOLFIN_EPS),
                      axis=1) > 0

    u0 = Constant(0.0)
    bc = DirichletBC(Q, u0, boundary)

    # Initialize bilinear form and rhs
    a = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])
    L = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form([Q._cpp_object])

    # Signature of tabulate_tensor functions
    sig = nb.types.void(nb.types.CPointer(nb.types.double),
                        nb.types.CPointer(nb.types.double), nb.types.intc)

    # Compile the python functions using Numba
    fnA = nb.cfunc(sig, cache=True, nopython=True)(tabulate_tensor_A)
    fnL = nb.cfunc(sig, cache=True, nopython=True)(tabulate_tensor_L)

    module_name = "_laplace_kernel"

    # Build the kernel
    ffi = cffi.FFI()
    ffi.set_source(module_name, TABULATE_C)

    # Import the compiled kernel
    kernel_mod = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    ffi, lib = kernel_mod.ffi, kernel_mod.lib

    # Get pointer to the compiled function
    fnA_ptr = ffi.cast("uintptr_t", ffi.addressof(lib, "tabulate_tensor_A"))

    # Get pointers to Numba functions
    #fnA_ptr = fnA.address
    fnL_ptr = fnL.address

    if useCustomKernels:
        # Configure Forms to use own tabulate functions
        a.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnA_ptr)
        L.set_cell_tabulate(0, fnL_ptr)
        # Use FFC

        # Bilinear form
        jit_result = ffc_jit(dot(grad(u), grad(v)) * dx)
        ufc_form = dolfin.cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(jit_result[0])
        a = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object, Q._cpp_object])

        # Rhs
        f = Expression("2.0", element=Q.ufl_element())
        jit_result = ffc_jit(f * v * dx)
        ufc_form = dolfin.cpp.fem.make_ufc_form(jit_result[0])
        L = dolfin.cpp.fem.Form(ufc_form, [Q._cpp_object])
        # Attach rhs expression as coefficient
        L.set_coefficient(0, f._cpp_object)

    assembler = dolfin.cpp.fem.Assembler([[a]], [L], [bc])
    A = PETScMatrix()
    b = PETScVector()

    # Perform assembly
    start = time.time()
    assembler.assemble(A, dolfin.cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)
    end = time.time()

    # We don't care about the RHS
    assembler.assemble(b, dolfin.cpp.fem.Assembler.BlockType.monolithic)

    print(f"Time for assembly: {(end-start)*1000.0}ms")

    Anorm = A.norm(
    bnorm = b.norm(
    print(Anorm, bnorm)

    # Norms obtained with FFC and n=13
    assert (np.isclose(Anorm, 60.86192203436385))
    assert (np.isclose(bnorm, 0.018075523965828778))

    comm = L.mesh().mpi_comm()
    solver = PETScKrylovSolver(comm)

    u = Function(Q)
    solver.solve(u.vector(), b)

    # Export result
    file = XDMFFile(MPI.comm_world, "poisson_3d.xdmf")
    file.write(u, XDMFFile.Encoding.HDF5)
Beispiel #27
def print_llvm(pyfunc, sig):
    f = cfunc(sig, nopython=False, cache=False)(pyfunc)
    print f.inspect_llvm()
Beispiel #28
 def test_llvm_ir(self):
     f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)
     ir = f.inspect_llvm()
     self.assertIn(f.native_name, ir)
     self.assertIn("fadd double", ir)
Beispiel #29
def print_jvm(pyfunc, sig, optLevel=0, sizeLevel=0, debugLevel=0):
    f = cfunc(sig, nopython=False, cache=False)(pyfunc)
    bitcode = f._library._final_module.as_bitcode()
    lljvmapi.printAsJVMAssemblyCode(bitcode, len(bitcode), optLevel, sizeLevel,
 def __init__(self, func, sig):
     self.pyfunc = func
     self.cfunc = cfunc(sig)(func)
     self.sig = sig
Beispiel #31
 def test_cfunc(self):
     fn = self.make_testcase(unicode_name2, 'Ծ_Ծ')
     cfn = cfunc("int32(int32, int32)")(fn)
     self.assertEqual(cfn.ctypes(1, 2), 3)
 def test_llvm_ir(self):
     f = cfunc(add_sig)(add_usecase)
     ir = f.inspect_llvm()
     self.assertIn(f.native_name, ir)
     self.assertIn("fadd double", ir)
Beispiel #33
    def EvalValue(self, p):
        return np.array([[p[0], p[1], p[2]], [0.0, p[1], p[2]],
                         [0.0, 0.0, p[2]]])

@cfunc("float64(float64, float64, float64)")
def s_func0(x, y, z):
    return x

def s_func1(x, y, z):
    return x

s_func0 = cfunc("float64(float64, float64, float64)")(s_func1)

@cfunc(mfem.scalar_sig, cache=False)
def s_func(ptx, sdim):
    return s_func0(ptx[0], ptx[1], ptx[2])

def v_func(ptx, out, sdim, vdim):
    out_array = carray(out, (vdim, ))
    for i in range(sdim):
        out_array[i] = ptx[i]

 def test_cfunc(self):
     fn = self.make_testcase(unicode_name2, 'Ծ_Ծ')
     cfn = cfunc("int32(int32, int32)")(fn)
     self.assertEqual(cfn.ctypes(1, 2), 3)
def jit_integrand(integrand_function):

    jitted_function = decorator_util.jit(nopython=True,
    no_args = len(inspect.getfullargspec(integrand_function).args)

    wrapped = None

    if no_args == 4:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3])

    elif no_args == 5:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4])

    elif no_args == 6:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5])

    elif no_args == 7:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],

    elif no_args == 8:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7])

    elif no_args == 9:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7], xx[8])

    elif no_args == 10:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4], xx[5],
                                   xx[6], xx[7], xx[8], xx[9])

    elif no_args == 11:
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def wrapped(n, xx):
            return jitted_function(

    cf = cfunc(float64(intc, CPointer(float64)))

    return LowLevelCallable(cf(wrapped).ctypes)
def B_rz_polygons_norm(r, z, R, Z, k=10, phi1=-np.pi / 4, phi2=np.pi / 4):
    """Calculate contribution to magnetic field at (r,z) from a train of polygons with R,Z vertices

    r, z : scalar or array_like (n,)
        coordinates at which the magnetic field is calculated
    R, Z : (2, m) array_like
        2D meshgrid-like coordinates of the train (sharing opposing sides) of polygons
        each quad represents a cylindrical coil with polygonal cross-section
    k : int, optional
        Romberg integration uses 2**k + 1 samples, by default k=10
        If None, uses vectorized quad(), possibly accelerated using numba.cfunc
    phi1 : float, optional
        bottom integration limit, by default -pi/4
    phi2 : float, optional
        top integration limit, by default pi/4

    B_norm : (2,m-1,n) ndarray
        the first dimension are the {r, z} vector components
        the next two dims are the normalized contributions of the m-th coil
        to the magnetic field at position (r,z)[n]. n will be at least 1
        To get the true magnetic field at (r,z), the result must be multiplied with
        a (m-1,1) current density grid and summed over m.

    Romberg numerical integration is used because quad and other cannot efficiently
    integrate vector functions.
    b1v = b1_edge_slopes(R, Z, axis=0)  # vertical
    b1h = b1_edge_slopes(R, Z, axis=1)  # horizontal
    # prepare for broadcasting against each other
    args_ = [add_last_dims(a, i) for (a, i) in zip((r, z, R, Z), (1, 1, 2, 2))]
    if k:
        # sample-based Romberg integration
        x, dx = np.linspace(phi1, phi2, 2**k + 1, retstep=True)
        y = multi_integrand(x, *args_)
        y[~np.isfinite(y)] = 0  # probably should cancel out anyways
        H = scipy.integrate.romb(y, dx)
        if numba:  # TODO refactor multi_integrand into separate function for quad to work
            nb_mint = numba.cfunc(
                'float64(float64, float64, float64, float64, float64)')(

            def integrand_c(n, xx_ptr):
                xx = numba.carray(xx_ptr, (n, ))
                return nb_mint(xx[0], xx[1], xx[2], xx[3], xx[4])

            integrand = integrand_c.ctypes
            integrand = multi_integrand

        def do_integrate(r, z, R, Z):
            return quad(integrand, phi1, phi2, args=(r, z, R, Z))

        H = do_integrate(*args_)
    H /= 4 * np.pi  # common for both B and A
    H = np.diff(np.diff(H, axis=1), axis=2)
    B = mu_0 * H[1:]
    A = H[0]
    return A, B
 def cfunc_func(func):
     assert isinstance(func, pytypes.FunctionType), repr(func)
     f = cfunc(sig)(func)
     f.pyfunc = func
     return f
Beispiel #38
 def test_locals(self):
     # By forcing the intermediate result into an integer, we
     # truncate the ultimate function result
     f = cfunc(div_sig, locals={'c': types.int64})(div_usecase)
     self.assertPreciseEqual(f.ctypes(8, 3), 2.0)
Beispiel #39
    def _computeParameters(self):

        self.theta = sp.sympify(self.theta)
        self.b = sp.sympify(self.b) = sp.sympify(
        self.epsilon = sp.sympify(self.epsilon)

        self.eosDisplayName = self.eosDisplayName
        self.eosInfo = self.eosInfo

        self._PsymbolicFromVT = R_IG * self.T / (self.V - self.b) - self.theta / (
            (self.V - self.b) * (self.V ** 2 + * self.V + self.epsilon)
        self._ZsymbolicFromVT = self.V / (self.V - self.b) - (
            self.V * self.theta / (R_IG * self.T)
        ) / (self.V ** 2 + self.V * + self.epsilon)
        self._dZdTsymbolicFromVT = sp.diff(self._ZsymbolicFromVT, self.T)

        self._numf_ZfromVT = njit()(
            sp.lambdify([self.V, self.T], self._ZsymbolicFromVT, modules="numpy")
        self._numf_dZdTfromVT = njit()(
            sp.lambdify([self.V, self.T], self._dZdTsymbolicFromVT, modules="numpy")

        self._Bl = self.b * self.P / (R_IG * self.T)
        self._deltal = * self.P / (R_IG * self.T)
        self._thetal = self.theta * self.P / (R_IG * self.T) ** 2
        self._epsilonl = self.epsilon * (self.P / (R_IG * self.T)) ** 2

        # coefficients Z**3 + a0*Z**2 + a1*Z + a2 = 0
        self._a0 = self._deltal - self._Bl - 1
        self._a1 = self._thetal + self._epsilonl - self._deltal * (self._Bl + 1)
        self._a2 = -(self._epsilonl * (self._Bl + 1) + self._thetal * self._Bl)

        self._numf_a0 = njit()(sp.lambdify([self.P, self.T], self._a0, modules="numpy"))
        self._numf_a1 = njit()(sp.lambdify([self.P, self.T], self._a1, modules="numpy"))
        self._numf_a2 = njit()(sp.lambdify([self.P, self.T], self._a2, modules="numpy"))

        self.tmp_cfunc = None
        self.tmp_cfunc2 = None
        c_sig = types.double(types.intc, types.CPointer(types.double))

            "self.tmp_cfunc = lambda n, data: {:s}".format(
                str((1 - self._ZsymbolicFromVT) / self.V)
                .replace("V", "data[0]")
                .replace("T", "data[1]")
                .replace("Abs", "np.abs")
                .replace("sign", "np.sign")
        qf = cfunc(c_sig)(self.tmp_cfunc)
        self._qnf = LowLevelCallable(qf.ctypes)

            "self.tmp_cfunc2 = lambda n, data: {:s}".format(
                str(self.T * self._dZdTsymbolicFromVT / self.V)
                .replace("V", "data[0]")
                .replace("T", "data[1]")
                .replace("Abs", "np.abs")
                .replace("sign", "np.sign")
        tf = cfunc(c_sig)(self.tmp_cfunc2)
        self._numf_UR = LowLevelCallable(tf.ctypes)
Beispiel #40
from cffi import FFI

import numba as nb
import numpy as np

ffi = FFI()
lib = ffi.dlopen('./target/release/libnumba_test.dylib')

ffi.cdef('double rust_double_callback(void*, int);')

def func(n):
    x = np.zeros(n, dtype=np.float64)

    for i in xrange(n):
        x[i] = 1.0 * (i + 2)

    return np.mean(np.sin(x))

f_cfunc = nb.cfunc('float64(int64)', nopython=True)(func)
f_nb = nb.jit(nopython=True)(func)

print 'Result from Rust via CFFI: ', lib.rust_double_callback(f_cfunc.cffi, 4)
print 'Result from Python:        ', 2.0 * f_nb(4)