Beispiel #1
def test_numarray_cvx_conversions():
    _1_10_ = numarray.array( range(1,11) )
    test_cases = [
        numarray.array([ _1_10_ ]),
        numarray.transpose( numarray.array([ _1_10_ ]) ),        
        numarray.array([ _1_10_, range(11, 21) ])

    for t, a in enumerate(test_cases):
        print "-"*80, '\nTest Case %d\n'%(t+1), "-"*80        
        print "NumArray matrix shaped", a.shape
        print a
        a_cvx = numarray_to_cvx(a)
        print "CVX matrix shaped", a_cvx.size
        print a_cvx

        a = numarray_asmatrix(a)
        a_numarray = cvx_to_numarray(a_cvx)
        m, n = a.shape
        assert (m,n)==a_cvx.size, \
               "(m,n) = (%d,%d) != %s = a_cvx.size"%(m, n, a_cvx.size)
        assert (m,n)==a_numarray.shape, \
               "(m,n) = (%d,%d) != %s = a_numarray.size"%(m, n, a_numarray.shape)

        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                assert a[i,j] == a_cvx[i,j], "a[%d,%d] = %f != %f = a_cvx[%d,%d]"%(
                    i, j, a[i,j], a_cvx[i,j], i, j )
                assert a[i,j] == a_numarray[i,j], "a[%d,%d] = %f != %f = a_numarray[%d,%d]"%(
                    i, j, a[i,j], a_numarray[i,j], i, j )
Beispiel #2
def test_numarray_cvx_conversions():
    _1_10_ = numarray.array(range(1, 11))
    test_cases = [
        numarray.array([_1_10_, range(11, 21)])

    for t, a in enumerate(test_cases):
        print "-" * 80, '\nTest Case %d\n' % (t + 1), "-" * 80
        print "NumArray matrix shaped", a.shape
        print a

        a_cvx = numarray_to_cvx(a)
        print "CVX matrix shaped", a_cvx.size
        print a_cvx

        a = numarray_asmatrix(a)
        a_numarray = cvx_to_numarray(a_cvx)
        m, n = a.shape
        assert (m,n)==a_cvx.size, \
               "(m,n) = (%d,%d) != %s = a_cvx.size"%(m, n, a_cvx.size)
        assert (m,n)==a_numarray.shape, \
               "(m,n) = (%d,%d) != %s = a_numarray.size"%(m, n, a_numarray.shape)

        for i in range(m):
            for j in range(n):
                assert a[i, j] == a_cvx[
                    i, j], "a[%d,%d] = %f != %f = a_cvx[%d,%d]" % (
                        i, j, a[i, j], a_cvx[i, j], i, j)
                assert a[i, j] == a_numarray[
                    i, j], "a[%d,%d] = %f != %f = a_numarray[%d,%d]" % (
                        i, j, a[i, j], a_numarray[i, j], i, j)
Beispiel #3
def regular_xyval_to_2d_grid_values(xyval):
    """Returns (grid_values, x0, y0, deltax, deltay)"""
    xyval = numarray.array(xyval)
    n = len(xyval)
    x = xyval[:, 0]
    y = xyval[:, 1]
    values = xyval[:, 2:].copy()
    # print "type(values)",type(values)
    valsize = numarray.size(values, 1)
    x0 = x[0]
    y0 = y[0]

    k = 1
    if x[1] == x0:
        deltay = y[1] - y[0]
        while x[k] == x0:
            k = k + 1
        deltax = x[k] - x0
        ny = k
        nx = n // ny
        # print 'A) nx,ny:',nx,ny
        values.shape = (nx, ny, valsize)
        # print "A type(values)",type(values)
        values = numarray.transpose(values, (1, 0, 2))
        # print "B type(values)",type(values)
    elif y[1] == y0:
        deltax = x[1] - x[0]
        while y[k] == y0:
            k = k + 1
        deltay = y[k] - y0
        nx = k
        ny = n // nx
        # print 'B) nx,ny:',nx,ny
        values.shape = (ny, nx, valsize)
        # print "C type(values)",type(values)
        values = numarray.transpose(values, (1, 0, 2))
        # print "D type(values)",type(values)
        raise ValueError(
            "Strange: x[1]!=x0 and y[1]!=y0 this doesn't look like a regular grid..."

    print 'In regular_xyval_to_2d_grid_values: ', type(xyval), type(values)
    return values, x0, y0, deltax, deltay
Beispiel #4
def regular_xyval_to_2d_grid_values(xyval):
    """Returns (grid_values, x0, y0, deltax, deltay)"""
    xyval = numarray.array(xyval)
    n = len(xyval)
    x = xyval[:,0]
    y = xyval[:,1]
    values = xyval[:,2:].copy()
    # print "type(values)",type(values)
    valsize = numarray.size(values,1)
    x0 = x[0]
    y0 = y[0]

    k = 1
    if x[1]==x0:
        deltay = y[1]-y[0]
        while x[k]==x0:
            k = k+1
        deltax = x[k]-x0
        ny = k
        nx = n // ny
        # print 'A) nx,ny:',nx,ny
        values.shape = (nx,ny,valsize)
        # print "A type(values)",type(values)
        values = numarray.transpose(values,(1,0,2))
        # print "B type(values)",type(values)
    elif y[1]==y0:
        deltax = x[1]-x[0]
        while y[k]==y0:
            k = k+1
        deltay = y[k]-y0
        nx = k
        ny = n // nx
        # print 'B) nx,ny:',nx,ny
        values.shape = (ny,nx,valsize)
        # print "C type(values)",type(values)
        values = numarray.transpose(values,(1,0,2))
        # print "D type(values)",type(values)
        raise ValueError("Strange: x[1]!=x0 and y[1]!=y0 this doesn't look like a regular grid...")

    print 'In regular_xyval_to_2d_grid_values: ', type(xyval), type(values)
    return values, x0, y0, deltax, deltay
Beispiel #5
    def update(self, arr):
        """Update the accumulators of the StatsCollector given a complete matrix;
        assume that all observations have the same weight.
        Properly handle missing values.
        assert self.width() == arr.shape[1]  #shape(arr)[1]
        i = 0

        ## Update number of elements counters
        (length, width) = arr.shape  #shape(arr)
        initial_n = self.n.copy(
        )  #self.n[:]          # Keep old n for argmin/argmax
        n = zeros(width) + length
        missings = isnan(arr)
        nnan = sum(missings, 0)
        self.n += n
        self.nnan += nnan
        self.nnonnan += n - nnan

        ## Create masked version of arr and update accumulators
        ma = masked_array(arr, mask=missings)  # Here, mask missings only
        arr_nomissings = arr[~normal_sometrue(missings,
                                              1)]  # Here, strip missing rows
        self.sum = self.sum + sum(ma, 0)  # += does not work...
        self.sum_ssq = self.sum_ssq + sum(ma * ma, 0)  # += does not work...
        self.sum_xxt = self.sum_xxt + matrixmultiply(transpose(arr_nomissings),
        self.sum_nomi = self.sum_nomi + sum(arr_nomissings, 0)
        self.nxxt += arr_nomissings.shape[0]  #shape(arr_nomissings)[0]

        ## Update (arg)min / make sure old argmin is kept if not updated
        ma_argmin = argmin(ma, 0)
        ma_min = ma[ma_argmin, range(width)]
        min_newpos = argmin(array([self.min, ma_min]), 0).astype('Bool')
        self.min[min_newpos] = ma_min[min_newpos]
        # XXX Argmin computation needs to be revised! Does not work, at least
        # when passing array of shape (1,1).
        self.argmin[min_newpos] = ma_argmin[min_newpos] + initial_n[min_newpos]

        ## Update (arg)max / make sure old argmax is kept if not updated
        ma_argmax = argmax(ma, 0)
        ma_max = ma[ma_argmax, range(width)]
        max_newpos = argmax(array([self.max, ma_max]), 0).astype('Bool')
        self.max[max_newpos] = ma_max[max_newpos]
        # XXX Argmax computation needs to be revised! Does not work, at least
        # when passing array of shape (1,1). Also, is the use of min_newpos
        # correct?
        self.argmax[max_newpos] = ma_argmax[max_newpos] + initial_n[min_newpos]
Beispiel #6
def numarray_to_cvx(*args):
    """Returns CVX matrices from NumArray matrices

    Note that NumArray one-dimensional arrays are transformed as row vectors
    in CVX. See/Run test_numarray_cvx_conversions() for details.
    matrices = []
    for a in args:
        a    = numarray_asmatrix(a)
        m, n = a.shape
        a    = numarray.ravel( numarray.transpose(a) )
        matrices.append( cvx.matrix(a, (m,n), 'd') )

    if len(matrices)==1:
        return matrices[0]
    return matrices
Beispiel #7
def numarray_to_cvx(*args):
    """Returns CVX matrices from NumArray matrices

    Note that NumArray one-dimensional arrays are transformed as row vectors
    in CVX. See/Run test_numarray_cvx_conversions() for details.
    matrices = []
    for a in args:
        a = numarray_asmatrix(a)
        m, n = a.shape
        a = numarray.ravel(numarray.transpose(a))
        matrices.append(cvx.matrix(a, (m, n), 'd'))

    if len(matrices) == 1:
        return matrices[0]
    return matrices
Beispiel #8
    def update(self, arr):
        """Update the accumulators of the StatsCollector given a complete matrix;
        assume that all observations have the same weight.
        Properly handle missing values.
        assert self.width() == arr.shape[1] #shape(arr)[1]
        i = 0

        ## Update number of elements counters
        (length,width)= arr.shape #shape(arr)
        initial_n     = self.n.copy()#self.n[:]          # Keep old n for argmin/argmax
        n             = zeros(width) + length
        missings      = isnan(arr)
        nnan          = sum(missings,0)
        self.n       += n
        self.nnan    += nnan
        self.nnonnan += n - nnan

        ## Create masked version of arr and update accumulators
        ma = masked_array(arr, mask=missings)        # Here, mask missings only
        arr_nomissings = arr[~normal_sometrue(missings,1)]  # Here, strip missing rows
        self.sum     = self.sum + sum(ma,0)            # += does not work...
        self.sum_ssq = self.sum_ssq + sum(ma*ma,0)     # += does not work...
        self.sum_xxt = self.sum_xxt + matrixmultiply(transpose(arr_nomissings),
        self.sum_nomi= self.sum_nomi + sum(arr_nomissings,0)
        self.nxxt   += arr_nomissings.shape[0] #shape(arr_nomissings)[0]

        ## Update (arg)min / make sure old argmin is kept if not updated
        ma_argmin  = argmin(ma,0)
        ma_min     = ma[ma_argmin, range(width)]
        min_newpos = argmin(array([self.min, ma_min]), 0).astype('Bool')
        self.min[min_newpos]    = ma_min[min_newpos]
        # XXX Argmin computation needs to be revised! Does not work, at least
        # when passing array of shape (1,1).
        self.argmin[min_newpos] = ma_argmin[min_newpos] + initial_n[min_newpos]

        ## Update (arg)max / make sure old argmax is kept if not updated
        ma_argmax  = argmax(ma,0)
        ma_max     = ma[ma_argmax, range(width)]
        max_newpos = argmax(array([self.max, ma_max]), 0).astype('Bool')
        self.max[max_newpos]    = ma_max[max_newpos]
        # XXX Argmax computation needs to be revised! Does not work, at least
        # when passing array of shape (1,1). Also, is the use of min_newpos
        # correct?
        self.argmax[max_newpos] = ma_argmax[max_newpos] + initial_n[min_newpos]