Beispiel #1
def glq_nodes_weights(glq_degrees):
    Calculate GLQ unscaled nodes, weights and total number of nodes

    glq_degrees : list
        List of GLQ degrees for each direction: ``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``.

    n_nodes : int
        Total number of nodes computed as the product of the GLQ degrees.
    glq_nodes : list
        Unscaled GLQ nodes for each direction: ``longitude``, ``latitude``, ``radius``.
    glq_weights : list
        GLQ weights for each node on each direction: ``longitude``, ``latitude``,
    # Unpack GLQ degrees
    lon_degree, lat_degree, rad_degree = glq_degrees[:]
    # Get number of point masses
    n_nodes =
    # Get nodes coordinates and weights
    lon_node, lon_weights = leggauss(lon_degree)
    lat_node, lat_weights = leggauss(lat_degree)
    rad_node, rad_weights = leggauss(rad_degree)
    # Reorder nodes and weights
    glq_nodes = (lon_node, lat_node, rad_node)
    glq_weights = (lon_weights, lat_weights, rad_weights)
    return n_nodes, glq_nodes, glq_weights
Beispiel #2
def glq_nodes_weights(glq_degrees):
    Calculate GLQ unscaled nodes and weights

    glq_degrees : list
        List of GLQ degrees for each direction: ``longitude``, ``latitude``,

    glq_nodes : list
        Unscaled GLQ nodes for each direction: ``longitude``, ``latitude``,
    glq_weights : list
        GLQ weights for each node on each direction: ``longitude``,
        ``latitude``, ``radius``.
    # Unpack GLQ degrees
    lon_degree, lat_degree, rad_degree = glq_degrees[:]
    # Get nodes coordinates and weights
    lon_node, lon_weights = leggauss(lon_degree)
    lat_node, lat_weights = leggauss(lat_degree)
    rad_node, rad_weights = leggauss(rad_degree)
    # Reorder nodes and weights
    glq_nodes = (lon_node, lat_node, rad_node)
    glq_weights = (lon_weights, lat_weights, rad_weights)
    return glq_nodes, glq_weights
Beispiel #3
def GLeg_pts(Ninteg, xl,xu ):
#    Ninteg = [5, 5]
#    xl = [-1, -1]
#    xu = [1, 1]
    if np.size(xl) ==1:
        ND = np.size(xl)
        xinteg = np.zeros([Ninteg[0], ND])
        winteg = np.zeros([Ninteg[0], ND])
        for ct in range(ND):
            [xint, wint] =  leg.leggauss(Ninteg[ct])   ## a=-1 , b=1   integrate from -1, 1
            ### Linear map from[-1,1] to [a,b]
            xint = (xl*(1-xint)+ xu*(1+xint))/2 
            wint = wint*(xu - xl)/2
            xinteg[:, ct] = xint
            winteg[:, ct] = wint
        del xint, wint
        [xint, wint] = P.Pcomb(ND, Ninteg, xinteg, winteg)
        wint = wint / sum(wint)        
        ND = np.size(xl)
        xinteg = np.zeros([Ninteg[0], ND])
        winteg = np.zeros([Ninteg[0], ND])
        for ct in range(ND):
            [xint, wint] =  leg.leggauss(Ninteg[ct])   ## a=-1 , b=1   integrate from -1, 1
            ### Linear map from[-1,1] to [a,b]
            xint = (xl[ct]*(1-xint)+ xu[ct]*(1+xint))/2 
            wint = wint*(xu[ct] - xl[ct])/2
            xinteg[:, ct] = xint
            winteg[:, ct] = wint
        del xint, wint
        [xint, wint] = P.Pcomb(ND, Ninteg, xinteg, winteg)
        wint = wint / sum(wint)
    return(xint, wint)    
def linspace(b, convention='Driscoll-Healy'):
    if convention == 'Driscoll-Healy':
        theta = np.arange(2 * b) * np.pi / (2. * b)
        phi = np.arange(2 * b) * np.pi / b
    elif convention == 'SOFT':
        theta = np.pi * (2 * np.arange(2 * b) + 1) / (4. * b)
        phi = np.arange(2 * b) * np.pi / b
    elif convention == 'Clenshaw-Curtis':
        # theta = np.arange(2 * b + 1) * np.pi / (2 * b)
        # =phi = np.arange(2 * b + 2) * np.pi / (b + 1)
        # Must use np.linspace to prevent numerical errors that cause theta > pi
        theta = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 2 * b + 1)
        phi = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * b + 2, endpoint=False)
    elif convention == 'Gauss-Legendre':
        # For details, see:
        # "A Fast Algorithm for Spherical Grid Rotations and its Application to Singular Quadrature"
        # Zydrunas Gimbutas, Shravan Veerapaneni
        x, _ = leggauss(b + 1)
        theta = np.arccos(x)
        phi = np.arange(2 * b + 2) * np.pi / (b + 1)
    elif convention == 'HEALPix':
        # TODO: implement this here so that we don't need the dependency on healpy / healpix_compat
        from healpix_compat import healpy_sphere_meshgrid
        return healpy_sphere_meshgrid(b)
    elif convention == 'equidistribution':
        raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet; see Fast evaluation of quadrature formulae on the sphere.')
        raise ValueError('Unknown convention:' + convention)
    return theta, phi
Beispiel #5
    def ref_nodes(self):
        """Return reference nodes for a single element.

        Signature: ->(n,)
        nodes, _ = leg.leggauss(self.nnodes)
        return nodes
Beispiel #6
  def calcMagneticModel(self):
    self.x_herm, self.w_herm = hermgauss(int(self.params['orderHermite']))
    self.x_leg, self.w_leg = leggauss(int(self.params['orderLegendre']))

    self.I = self.params['i0'] * cube.magnetic_formfactor(
      self.x_herm, self.w_herm, self.x_leg, self.w_leg
    ) + self.params['bg']

    self.r, self.sld = cube.sld(

    self.rMag, self.sldMag = cube.sld(
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, log_mesh, jmx=7, ngl=96, lbdmx=14):
    Expansion of the products of two atomic orbitals placed at given locations and around a center between these locations 
    [1] Talman JD. Multipole Expansions for Numerical Orbital Products, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 107, 1578--1584 (2007)
      ngl : order of Gauss-Legendre quadrature
      log_mesh : instance of log_mesh_c defining the logarithmic mesh (rr and pp arrays)
      jmx : maximal angular momentum quantum number of each atomic orbital in a product
      lbdmx : maximal angular momentum quantum number used for the expansion of the product phia*phib
        from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
        from pyscf.nao.m_log_interp import log_interp_c
        from pyscf.nao.m_csphar_talman_libnao import csphar_talman_libnao as csphar_jt
        assert ngl > 2
        assert jmx > -1
        assert hasattr(log_mesh, 'rr')
        assert hasattr(log_mesh, 'pp')

        self.ngl = ngl
        self.lbdmx = lbdmx
        self.xx, self.ww = leggauss(ngl)
        self.init_log_mesh(log_mesh.rr, log_mesh.pp)

        self.plval = np.zeros([2 * (self.lbdmx + jmx + 1), ngl])
        self.plval[0, :] = 1.0
        self.plval[1, :] = self.xx
        for kappa in range(1, 2 * (self.lbdmx + jmx) + 1):
            self.plval[kappa + 1, :] = (
                (2 * kappa + 1) * self.xx * self.plval[kappa, :] -
                kappa * self.plval[kappa - 1, :]) / (kappa + 1)

        self.log_interp = log_interp_c(self.rr)
        self.ylm_cr = csphar_jt([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], self.lbdmx + 2 * jmx)

Beispiel #8
def stiffness_element_matrices(nu):
    Quadratic and cubic components of the elastic energy. Example:
        Q, C = element_matrix(0.3) # Poisson ratio
        UE_times_2 = dot(dot(Q, U), U) + dot(dot(dot(C, U), U), U)
    where U=[u00 v00 u10 v10 u11 v11 u01 v01]
    There is a quatic component but not computed here.
    n = 4
    xg, wg = legendre.leggauss(n)
    xg, yg = meshgrid(xg, xg)
    wg = outer(wg, wg)
    Q0 = zeros([2 * n, 2 * n])
    Q1 = zeros([2 * n, 2 * n])
    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            axx = _Axx(xg[i, j], yg[i, j])
            ayy = _Ayy(xg[i, j], yg[i, j])
            axy = _Axy(xg[i, j], yg[i, j])
            Q0 += wg[i, j] * (outer(axx, axx) + outer(ayy, ayy) +
                              1 / 2 * outer(axy, axy))
            Q1 += wg[i, j] * (outer(axx, ayy) + outer(ayy, axx) -
                              1 / 2 * outer(axy, axy))
    premul = 1 / (1 - nu**2)
    return premul * (Q0 + nu * Q1)
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, order, method='legendre'):
        Straightforward gaussian integration using Chebyshev polynomials with mapping of the
        bounds into [-1,1]. Most useful for a bounded interval.

        order : int
            Order of basis expansion.
        method : str,'legendre'
        lobatto : bool,False
            If True, use Lobatto collocation points. Only works for Chebyshev polynomials.
        from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebval, chebgauss

        self.order = order
        self.N = order

        if method == 'legendre':
            from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legval
            self.basis = [
                lambda x, i=i: legval(x, [0] * i + [1])
                for i in range(self.N + 1)
            self.coX, self.weights = leggauss(self.N + 1, x0=-1.)
            self.basisCox = [b(self.coX) for b in self.basis]
            self.W = np.ones_like(self.coX)

            raise Exception("Invalid basis choice.")

        # Map bounds to given bounds or from given bounds to [-1,1].
        self.map_to_bounds = lambda x, x0, x1: (x + 1) / 2 * (x1 - x0) + x0
        self.map_from_bounds = lambda x, x0, x1: (x - x0) / (x1 - x0) * 2. - 1.
Beispiel #10
def lgwt(n, a, b):
    Get n leggauss points in interval [a, b]
    n : int
        Number of points.
    a : float
        Interval starting point.
    b : float
        Interval end point.
    x : numpy.ndarray
        Sample points.
    w : numpy.ndarray
    x1, w = leggauss(n)
    m = (b - a) / 2
    c = (a + b) / 2
    x = m * x1 + c
    w = m * w
    x = np.flipud(x)
    return x, w
 def __init__(self, npoints):
     self.npoints = npoints
     A = self.A = 1.e-3
     B = self.B = 2.e-3
     self.ref_nodes, self.ref_weights = lge.leggauss(npoints)
     self.curve_nodes = 0.5 * ((B - A) * self.ref_nodes + (B + A))
     self.curve_weights = (B - A) * self.ref_weights
    def m_matrix(self):
        compute the m matrix of the element
        m_e : ndarray
            stiffness matrix of the element
        degree =
        num_dofs = degree + 1
        x1, x2 = self.coords

        m_e = np.zeros((num_dofs, num_dofs))

        num_gps = math.ceil(degree + 1)
        xg, wg = leggauss(num_gps)

        for i in range(len(xg)):
            xi = xg[i]
            weight = wg[i]

            N = hsf.shape_functions_1d(xi, degree)
            Le = x2 - x1
            m_e += np.outer(N, N) * Le / 2 * weight
        return m_e
Beispiel #13
def elemLoadNeumann(p, n, g):
  # vertices of the interval
  P0 = p[0,:]
  P1 = p[1,:]

  # length of interval
  L = la.norm(P0-P1)

  # read quadrature points and weights
  from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
  x, w = leggauss(n)
  x    = (x + 1.0)/2.0  # transform quadrature points to interval [0,1]
  w    = w/2.0          # scale weights according to transformation

  # numerical integration
  gK = np.zeros((2))
  for i in range(n):
    # transform quadrature points to interval [P0,P1]
    y = P0 + x[i]*(P1-P0)
    # add weight w(i) multiplied with function g at y multiplied with
    # element shape function multiplied with length L of interval
    gK[0] += L * w[i] * g(y[0],y[1]) * (1-x[i])
    gK[1] += L * w[i] * g(y[0],y[1]) * x[i]
  # return gK
  return gK
Beispiel #14
def leggauss_ab(n=96, a=-1.0, b=1.0):
    assert (n > 0)
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
    x, w = leggauss(n)
    x = (b - a) * 0.5 * x + (b + a) * 0.5
    w = w * (b - a) * 0.5
    return x, w
Beispiel #15
    def g(self, i):
        x, w = leggauss(self.gauss)
        # Translate x values from the interval [-1, 1] to [a, b]

        t = 0.5 * (x + 1) * (b - a) + a
        gauss = sum(w * f(t)) * 0.5 * (b - a)
        return 1
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, order):

        print("Generating the basis functions.")

        # polynomial order
        self.p = order

        # number of coefficients in solution
        self.N_s = order + 1

        # Get the Gaussian nodes and weights. We want to integrate
        # exactly at most \int phi^(p) phi^(p) dx which is a
        # polynomial of degree 2p. So we want a Gaussian quadrature
        # rule of p+1 (to integrate exactly a polynomial of 2p+2 and
        # less).
        self.x, self.w = leg.leggauss(self.p + 1)
        self.N_G = len(self.x)

        # Construct useful basis matrices
        self.phi, self.dphi_w = self.evaluate_basis_gauss()

        # Construct the matrix to evaluate a solution at the cell edges
        self.psi = self.evaluate_basis_edges()

        # Construct the (unscaled) mass matrix and its inverse
        self.m, self.minv = self.mass_matrix()
    def compute_integration_terms(self, tau, num_points):
        """compute u between 0, tau_i"""
        if tau == self.tau_cache and num_points == self.integration_num_cache:
            self.tau_cache = tau
            self.integration_num_cache = num_points

        points_weights = legendre.leggauss(num_points)
        self.y = points_weights[0]
        self.w = points_weights[1]
        self.shared_Bu = [None] * len(self.y)
        self.shared_u = [None] * len(self.y)

        X = self.B_at_zero()

        # this transformation significantly reduces the number of iterations
        H = np.square(np.log(np.array(self.shared_B) / X))
        cheby_interp = intrp.ChebyshevInterpolation(H, self.to_cheby_point,
                                                    self.tau_min, self.tau_max)
        self.shared_u = tau - tau * np.square(1 + self.y) / 4.0
        Bu_intrp = cheby_interp.value(self.shared_u)

        # note sqrt(H) can be positive or negative depending on B > X or B < X
        if self.option_type == qd.OptionType.Put:
            Bu_intrp = np.exp(-np.sqrt(np.maximum(0.0, Bu_intrp))) * X
            Bu_intrp = np.exp(np.sqrt(np.maximum(0.0, Bu_intrp))) * X

        self.shared_Bu = Bu_intrp
Beispiel #18
def csbox_Iq(q, a, b, c, da, db, dc, slda, sldb, sldc, sld_core):
    z, w = leggauss(76)

    sld_solvent = 0
    overlapping = False
    dr0 = sld_core - sld_solvent
    drA, drB, drC = slda - sld_solvent, sldb - sld_solvent, sldc - sld_solvent
    tA, tB, tC = a + 2 * da, b + 2 * db, c + 2 * dc

    outer_sum = np.zeros_like(q)
    for cos_alpha, outer_w in zip((z + 1) / 2, w):
        sin_alpha = sqrt(1.0 - cos_alpha * cos_alpha)
        qc = q * cos_alpha
        siC = c * j0(c * qc / 2)
        siCt = tC * j0(tC * qc / 2)
        inner_sum = np.zeros_like(q)
        for beta, inner_w in zip((z + 1) * pi / 4, w):
            qa, qb = q * sin_alpha * sin(beta), q * sin_alpha * cos(beta)
            siA = a * j0(a * qa / 2)
            siB = b * j0(b * qb / 2)
            siAt = tA * j0(tA * qa / 2)
            siBt = tB * j0(tB * qb / 2)
            if overlapping:
                Fq = (dr0 * siA * siB * siC + drA * (siAt - siA) * siB * siC +
                      drB * siAt * (siBt - siB) * siC + drC * siAt * siBt *
                      (siCt - siC))
                Fq = (dr0 * siA * siB * siC + drA * (siAt - siA) * siB * siC +
                      drB * siA * (siBt - siB) * siC + drC * siA * siB *
                      (siCt - siC))
            inner_sum += inner_w * Fq**2
        outer_sum += outer_w * inner_sum
    Iq = outer_sum / 4  # = outer*um*zm*8.0/(4.0*M_PI)
    return Iq / Iq[0]
def quadrature(func, a, b, n):
   Calcula a integral definida usando quadratura gaussiana.

   Integra a funcao de 'a' para 'b' usando quadratura gaussiana

   func: funcao
      Uma funcao a ser integrada
   a: Decimal
      Limite inferior da integracao
   b: Decimal
      Limite superior da integracao
   n: int
      Ordem da quadratura gaussiana

   val: Decimal
      Aproximacao da quadratura gaussiana à integral

    #obtem as raizes e pesos para ordem 'n'
    xi, wi = leg.leggauss(n)

    val = 0
    for i in range(n):
        x = _func_T(a, b, Decimal(xi[i]))
        val += func(x) * Decimal(wi[i])

    val *= _func_dt(a, b)
    return val
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, degree: int, spline: BSplines, eta_grid: list,
        # Calculate the number of points required for the Gauss-Legendre
        # quadrature
        n = degree // 2 + 1

        # Calculate the points and weights required for the Gauss-Legendre
        # quadrature
        points, weights = leggauss(n)

        # Calculate the values used for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature
        # over the required domain
        breaks = spline.breaks
        starts = (breaks[:-1] + breaks[1:]) / 2
        self._multFact = (breaks[1] - breaks[0]) / 2
        self._points = np.repeat(starts, n) + np.tile(self._multFact * points,
        self._weights = np.tile(weights, len(starts))

        # Create the tools required for the interpolation
        self._interpolator = SplineInterpolator1D(spline)
        self._spline = Spline1D(spline)

        self._splineMem = np.empty_like(self._points)

        self._fEq = np.empty([eta_grid[0].size, self._points.size])
        MOD_IF.feq_vector(modFunc_init(self._fEq), eta_grid[0], self._points,
                          constants.CN0, constants.kN0, constants.deltaRN0,
                          constants.rp, constants.CTi, constants.kTi,
    def f_vector(self, force_global_function, time_value):
        compute the f vector of the element

        force_global_function : callabe
            the function of force applied on the model
        f_e : ndarray
            force vector of the element
        degree =
        num_dofs = degree + 1
        x1, x2 = self.coords
        Le = x2 - x1

        f_e = np.zeros(num_dofs)

        num_gps = math.ceil(degree + 1)
        xg, wg = leggauss(num_gps)

        for i in range(len(xg)):
            xi = xg[i]
            weight = wg[i]

            N = hsf.shape_functions_1d(xi, degree)
            x = x1 + 0.5*(xi + 1)*(x2 - x1)
            f = force_global_function(x, time_value)

            f_e += f * N * Le / 2 * weight
        return f_e
Beispiel #22
    def ref_weights(self):
        """Return reference quadrature weights for a single element.

        Signature: ->(n,)
        _, weights = leg.leggauss(self.nnodes)
        return weights
Beispiel #23
    def __init__(self, radius, degree):
        # Make constant function
        if is_number(radius):
            assert radius > 0
            self.radius = lambda x0, r=radius: r
        # Then this must map points on centerline to radius
            self.radius = radius
        # NOTE: Let s by the arch length coordinate of the centerline of the
        # cylinder. A tangent to 1d mesh at s is a normal to the plane in which
        # we draw a circle C(n, r) with radius r. For reduction of 3d we compute
        # |2*pi*R(s)|^-1\int_{C(n, r)} u dl =
        # |2*pi*R(s)|^-1\int_{-pi}^{pi} u(s + t1*R(s)*cos(theta) + t2*R(s)*sin(theta))R*d(theta) =
        # |2*pi*R(s)|^-1\int_{-1}^{1} u(s + t1*R(s)*cos(pi*t) + t2*R(s)*sin(pi*t))*pi*R*dt =
        # 1/2*sum_q u(s + t1*R(s)*cos(pi*x_q) + t2*R(s)*sin(pi*x_q))

        xq, wq = leggauss(degree)
        self.__weights__ = wq * 0.5  # Scale down by 0.5

        # Precompute trigonometric part (only shift by tangents t1, t2)
        self.cos_xq = np.cos(np.pi * xq).reshape((-1, 1))
        self.sin_xq = np.sin(np.pi * xq).reshape((-1, 1))
Beispiel #24
def quadrature_weights(b, convention='Gauss-Legendre'):
    Compute quadrature weights for a given grid-type.
    The function S2.meshgrid generates the points that correspond to the weights generated by this function.

    if convention == 'Gauss-Legendre':
    The quadrature formula is exact for polynomials up to degree M less than or equal to 2b + 1,
    so that we can compute exact Fourier coefficients for f a polynomial of degree at most b.

    if convention == 'Clenshaw-Curtis':
    The quadrature formula is exact for polynomials up to degree M less than or equal to 2b,
    so that we can compute exact Fourier coefficients for f a polynomial of degree at most b.

    :param b: the grid resolution. See S2.meshgrid
    :param convention: 'Gauss-Legendre' or 'Clenshaw-Curtis'
    if convention == 'Clenshaw-Curtis':
        # Use the fast fft based method to compute these weights
        # see "Fast evaluation of quadrature formulae on the sphere"
        w = _clenshaw_curtis_weights(n=2 * b)
        W = np.empty((2 * b + 2, 2 * b + 1))
        W[:] = w[None, :]
    elif convention == 'Gauss-Legendre':
        # We found this formula in:
        # "A Fast Algorithm for Spherical Grid Rotations and its Application to Singular Quadrature"
        # eq. 10
        _, w = leggauss(b + 1)
        W = w[None, :] * (2 * np.pi / (2 * b + 2) * np.ones(2 * b + 2)[:, None])
        raise ValueError('Unknown convention:' + str(convention))

    return W
Beispiel #25
def ellipsoid_theta(q, radius_polar, radius_equatorial, sld, sld_solvent,
                    volfraction=0, radius_effective=None):
    #creates values z and corresponding probabilities w from legendre-gauss quadrature
    volume = ellipsoid_volume(radius_polar, radius_equatorial)
    z, w = leggauss(76)
    F1 = np.zeros_like(q)
    F2 = np.zeros_like(q)
    #use a u subsition(u=cos) and then u=(z+1)/2 to change integration from
    #0->2pi with respect to alpha to -1->1 with respect to z, allowing us to use
    #legendre-gauss quadrature
    for k, qk in enumerate(q):
        r = sqrt(radius_equatorial**2*(1-((z+1)/2)**2)+radius_polar**2*((z+1)/2)**2)
        form = (sld-sld_solvent)*volume*sas_3j1x_x(qk*r)
        F2[k] = np.sum(w*form**2)
        F1[k] = np.sum(w*form)
    #the 1/2 comes from the change of variables mentioned above
    F2 = F2/2.0
    F1 = F1/2.0
    if radius_effective is None:
        radius_effective = ER_ellipsoid(radius_polar,radius_equatorial)
    SQ = hardsphere_simple(q, radius_effective, volfraction)
    SQ_EFF = 1 + F1**2/F2*(SQ - 1)
    IQM = 1e-4*F2/volume
    IQSM = volfraction*IQM*SQ
    IQBM = volfraction*IQM*SQ_EFF
    return Theory(Q=q, F1=F1, F2=F2, P=IQM, S=SQ, I=IQSM, Seff=SQ_EFF, Ibeta=IQBM)
Beispiel #26
    def spectrum_analysis(self):
        # calculate FCFs
        GLquad = leggauss(self.quadrature_points)

        all_data = []

        for k in range(self.n_0+1):
            E0 = self.H2_energy(k)
            for l in range(self.n_p+1):
                Ep = self.H2p_energy(l)

                overlap = 0
                for p in range(self.quadrature_points):
                    new_point = 0.5*(self.R_max - self.R_min)*GLquad[0][p] + 0.5*(self.R_max + self.R_min)
                    new_weight = 0.5*(self.R_max - self.R_min)*GLquad[1][p]
                    overlap += self.H2_psi(new_point, k) * self.H2p_psi(new_point, l) * new_weight

                FCF = overlap**2.
                # n_0   n_p   FCF
                data = np.zeros(3)

                if (k==0 and l==0):
                    reference = FCF
                FCF /= reference

                data[0] = k
                data[1] = l
                data[2] = FCF


        return np.array(all_data)
    def calcMagneticModel(self):
        self.x_herm, self.w_herm = hermgauss(int(self.params['orderHermite']))
        self.x_leg, self.w_leg = leggauss(int(self.params['orderLegendre']))
        self.I = self.params['i0'] * superball_css_coupled2.magnetic_formfactor(
            self.q, self.params['particleSize'], self.params['dShell'], self.
            params['dSurfactant'], self.params['pVal'], self.params['sldCore'],
            self.params['sldShell'], self.params['sldSurfactant'],
            self.params['sldSolvent'], self.params['sigParticleSize'],
            self.params['sigD'], self.params['magSldCore'],
            self.params['magSldShell'], self.params['magSldSurfactant'],
            self.params['magSldSolvent'], self.params['xi'],
            self.params['sin2alpha'], self.params['polarization'], self.x_herm,
            self.w_herm, self.x_leg, self.w_leg) + self.params['bg']

        self.r, self.sld = superball_css_coupled2.sld(
            self.params['particleSize'], self.params['dShell'],
            self.params['dSurfactant'], self.params['sldCore'],
            self.params['sldShell'], self.params['sldSurfactant'],

        self.rMag, self.sldMag = superball_css_coupled2.sld(
Beispiel #28
  def __init__(self, log_mesh, jmx=7, ngl=96, lbdmx=14):
    Expansion of the products of two atomic orbitals placed at given locations and around a center between these locations 
    [1] Talman JD. Multipole Expansions for Numerical Orbital Products, Int. J. Quant. Chem. 107, 1578--1584 (2007)
      ngl : order of Gauss-Legendre quadrature
      log_mesh : instance of log_mesh_c defining the logarithmic mesh (rr and pp arrays)
      jmx : maximal angular momentum quantum number of each atomic orbital in a product
      lbdmx : maximal angular momentum quantum number used for the expansion of the product phia*phib
    from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
    from pyscf.nao.m_log_interp import log_interp_c
    from pyscf.nao.m_csphar_talman_libnao import csphar_talman_libnao as csphar_jt
    assert ngl>2 
    assert jmx>-1
    assert hasattr(log_mesh, 'rr') 
    assert hasattr(log_mesh, 'pp')
    self.ngl = ngl
    self.lbdmx = lbdmx
    self.xx,self.ww = leggauss(ngl)
    self.init_log_mesh(log_mesh.rr, log_mesh.pp)

    self.plval=np.zeros([2*(self.lbdmx+jmx+1), ngl])
    self.plval[0,:] = 1.0
    self.plval[1,:] = self.xx
    for kappa in range(1,2*(self.lbdmx+jmx)+1):
      self.plval[kappa+1, :]= ((2*kappa+1)*self.xx*self.plval[kappa, :]-kappa*self.plval[kappa-1, :])/(kappa+1)

    self.log_interp = log_interp_c(self.rr)
    self.ylm_cr = csphar_jt([0.0,0.0,1.0], self.lbdmx+2*jmx)

Beispiel #29
def gauss(f, a, b, N):
    s = 0
    xs, As = legendre.leggauss(N)
    for x, A in zip(xs, As):
        xm = x * (b - a) / 2 + (a + b) / 2
        s += A * f(xm)
    return s * (b - a) / 2
  def calcModel(self):
    self.x_herm, self.w_herm = hermgauss(int(self.params['orderHermite']))
    self.x_leg, self.w_leg = leggauss(int(self.params['orderLegendre']))
    self.I = self.params['i0'] * superball_css_coupledvms.formfactor(
      self.x_herm, self.w_herm, self.x_leg, self.w_leg
    ) + self.params['bg']

    self.r, self.sld = superball_css_coupledvms.sld(
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self, order, knots):
        """ Constructor for B-Spline set.
        order: Int
        knots: (Int)->[(Double,Int)] or [(Double,Int)]
        self.knots = knots if type(knots) == list else knots(order)
        self.order = order
        intervals = make_intervals(self.knots)
        (xs_quad, ws_quad) = leggauss(order)
        xs = np.array(
            [(b-a)*x/2.0+(b+a)/2.0 for (a, b) in intervals for x in xs_quad])
        ws = np.array(
            [w*(b-a)/2.0 for (a, b) in intervals for w in ws_quad])
        ts = make_ts(self.knots)

        def one_basis(i):
            non0 = non0_q_list(order, self.knots, i)
            val = calc_bspline_xs(order, ts, i, xs)
            deriv = calc_deriv_bspline_xs(order, ts, i, xs)
            return BSpline(i, non0, val, deriv)

        self.xs = xs = ws
        self.ts = ts
        self.basis = [one_basis(i) for i
                      in range(1, num_bspline(self.order, self.knots)-1)]
Beispiel #32
def composite_gauss(n, L, q, f, bounds):

    # gauss points
    x_i, alpha_i = leggauss(n)

    # create intervals
    intervals = []
    intervals.append((bounds[0], bounds[1]*q**(L-1)))
    for i in range(1,L):
        intervals.append((bounds[1]*q**(L-i), bounds[1]*q**(L-i-1)))

    #print("intervals: ", intervals)

    f_i = []

    # integration
    for interval in intervals:
        a = interval[0]
        b = interval[1]

        # transform [a,b] to [-1,1]
        x_i_ = (b+a)/2 + x_i*(b-a)/2

        #print("transformed points: ",x_i_)
        # evaluate function
        f_i.append((b-a)/2 * sum(f(x_i_)*alpha_i))

    y = sum(f_i)
    return y
Beispiel #33
    def __init__(self, num_quadrature, width, partition, equation,
                 activation_name, init_para):
        self.partition = partition
        self.lower_bound = partition[0]
        self.upper_bound = partition[-1]
        self.num_elements = len(partition) - 1
        # if self.num_elements > 1:
        #     raise NotImplementedError("Only support one element now.")
        self.solution, self.loss_term, *jacob, (self.x0, self.y0) = equation
        self.jacobian = jacob[0]
        self.width = width
        self.num_quadrature = num_quadrature
        self.xi, self.q_weights = leg.leggauss(num_quadrature)
        self.q_weights = self.q_weights.reshape((1, -1, 1))  # shape: (1, Q, 1)

        # self.x_input = self.multi_linear_map()  # shape: (M, Q, 1)
        self.x_input = self.uniform_x(num_quadrature)
        # self.x_input = self.rand_x(num_quadrature)

        # need transposing to re-index!
        self.key_bd = np.array([partition[:-1], partition[1:]]).T.reshape(
            (self.num_elements, 2, 1))
        aa = self.key_bd[:, 0:1, 0:1]
        bb = self.key_bd[:, 1:2, 0:1]
        self.element_c = 0.5 * (bb - aa)  # shape: (M, 1, 1)
        self.element_inv_c = 2 / (bb - aa)  # shape: (M, 1, 1)
        self.xi_c = -(aa + bb) / (bb - aa)
        assert self.xi_c.shape == (self.num_elements, 1, 1)
        self.weights, self.biases = initialize_nn(self.num_elements,
                                                  self.width, init_para)
        self.act_wrapper = activation(activation_name)
def lgwt(ndeg, a, b, dtype=np.float32):
    Compute Legendre-Gauss quadrature

    Generates the Legendre-Gauss nodes and weights on an interval
    [a, b] with truncation order of ndeg for computing definite integrals
    using Legendre-Gauss quadrature.
    Suppose you have a continuous function f(x) which is defined on [a, b]
    which you can evaluate at any x in [a, b]. Simply evaluate it at all of
    the values contained in the x vector to obtain a vector f, then compute
    the definite integral using sum(f.*w);

    This is a 2rapper for numpy.polynomial leggauss which outputs only in the
    range of (-1, 1).

    :param ndeg: truncation order, that is, the number of nodes.
    :param a, b: The endpoints of the interval over which the quadrature is defined.
    :return x, w: The quadrature nodes and weights.

    x, w = leggauss(ndeg)
    scale_factor = (b - a) / 2
    shift = (a + b) / 2
    x = scale_factor * x + shift
    w = scale_factor * w

    return x.astype(dtype), w.astype(dtype)
Beispiel #35
def gaussIntegral(f, a, b, e):
    print("Gauss method begins.")
    n = 0
    e1 = 1
    print("Finding out correct number of intervals.")
    while e1 >= e:
        n += 1
        f0 = f
        for i in range(0, 2 * n):
            f0 = f0.diff(x)
        e1 = ((factorial(n)**4 * (b - a)**(2 * n + 1) * maxVal(f0, a, b)) /
              ((2 * n + 1) * (factorial(2 * n))**3))
    print(e1, "<", e)
    print("So we found n =", n)
    t = Symbol('t')
    f1 = f.subs(x, (b + a) / 2 + t * (b - a) / 2)
    f1 = lambdify(t, f1, modules="sympy")
    print("Substituting new variable.")
    multip = (b - a) / 2
    print("Finding Legendre roots and coefficients.")
    x_arr, A_arr = leg.leggauss(n)
    f_arr = [f1(x_arr[i]) for i in range(len(x_arr))]
    summ = 0
    print("Calculating the result.")
    for i in range(len(f_arr)):
        summ += A_arr[i] * f_arr[i]
    return summ * multip
    def k_matrix(self):
        compute the k matrix of the element
        k_e : ndarray
            stiffness matrix of the element
        degree =
        num_dofs = degree + 1
        x1, x2 = self.coords

        k_e = np.zeros((num_dofs, num_dofs))

        num_gps = math.ceil(degree + 1)
        xg, wg = leggauss(num_gps)

        for i in range(len(xg)):
            xi = xg[i]
            weight = wg[i]
            dN = hsf.shape_functions_derivatives_1d(xi, degree)
            B = dN
            Le = x2 - x1
            k_e += np.outer(B, B) * 2 / Le * weight
        return k_e
Beispiel #37
def mass_matrix(basis):
    deg = len(basis) + 1
    xq, wq = leggauss(deg)

    Ujq = np.array([uj(xq) for uj in basis])
    Viq = np.array([ui(xq) for ui in basis])
    M = (Viq*wq).dot(Ujq.T)
    return M
Beispiel #38
def gausslegendre(f, a, b, n=20):
    ans = 0
    # Edit here to implement your code
    x,w=npl.leggauss(n) # weight and nodes computed for the integral from limit [-1,1]
    x_new=(b-a)/2*x + ((a+b)/2 )#transform into general interval
    return ans
Beispiel #39
def gausslegendre(f, a, b, n=20):
    ans = 0
    #Default interval for leggauss is [-1, 1]
    x, w = legendre.leggauss(n)
    #Translate the x value to new interval [a, b]
    t = 0.5 * (x * (b - a) + (b + a))
    ans = sum(w * f(t)) * 0.5 * (b - a)
    return ans
Beispiel #40
def quadrature_assamble_matrix(V, poly_matrix):
    '''It is what it is.'''
    # Local stuff
    finite_element = V.element
    fe_dim = finite_element.dim 
    poly_degree = fe_dim - 1
    # Assume here that this is mass matrix 2*p is max needed p+1
    xq, wq = leggauss(poly_degree+1)
    quad_degree = len(xq)
    assert quad_degree == poly_degree + 1

    if poly_matrix == 'mass':
        def element_matrix(finite_element, cell):
            # Map the points to cell
            points = cell.map_from_reference(xq)
            K_matrix = finite_element.eval_basis_all(points, cell)
            # Remember dx
            weights = wq/cell.Jac
            K_matrix = (weights*K_matrix).dot(K_matrix.T)
            return K_matrix

    elif poly_matrix == 'stiffness':
        # Higher degree than necessary
        def element_matrix(finite_element, cell):
            # Map the points to cell
            points = cell.map_from_reference(xq)
            K_matrix = finite_element.eval_basis_derivative_all(1, points, cell)
            # Remember dx
            weights = wq/cell.Jac
            K_matrix = (weights*K_matrix).dot(K_matrix.T)
            return K_matrix

    elif poly_matrix == 'bending':
        # Higher degree than necessary
        def element_matrix(finite_element, cell):
            # Map the points to cell
            points = cell.map_from_reference(xq)
            K_matrix = finite_element.eval_basis_derivative_all(2, points, cell)
            # Remember dx
            weights = wq/cell.Jac
            K_matrix = (weights*K_matrix).dot(K_matrix.T)
            return K_matrix

    # Global assembly
    size = V.dim
    mesh = V.mesh
    A = lil_matrix((size, size))
    dofmap = V.dofmap
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        # Compute element matrix
        K_matrix = element_matrix(finite_element, cell)

        global_dofs = dofmap.cell_dofs(cell.index)
        for i, gi in enumerate(global_dofs):
            for j, gj in enumerate(global_dofs):
                A[gi, gj] += K_matrix[i, j]

    return A
Beispiel #41
def gauss_legendre_points(deg):
    """points of GLL quadrature that define polynomial of degree deg."""
    if deg == 0:
        return np.array([0.0])
    elif deg == 1:
        return np.array([-1.0, 1.0])
        gl = leggauss(deg - 1)[0]
        return np.r_[-1.0, gl, 1.0]
Beispiel #42
def stiffness_matrix(basis):
    deg = len(basis)

    xq, wq = leggauss(deg)

    Ujq = np.array([uj(xq) for uj in basis])
    Viq = np.array([ui(xq) for ui in basis])
    A = (Viq*wq).dot(Ujq.T)
    return A
def scaling_I(k, j, x):
    """Returns the Legendre Interpolating Scaling function defined
       on \in [0, 1]"""
    weigth = leg.leggauss(k)[1]/2
    roots = leg.Legendre.basis(k, domain=[0, 1]).roots()
    tmp = 0
    for i in range(k):
        tmp = tmp+sqrt(weigth[j])*scaling_L(k, i, roots[j])*scaling_L(k, i, x)
    return tmp
Beispiel #44
def gausslegendre(f, a, b, n=20):
    ans = 0
    # Edit here to implement your code
    [node,weight] = npl.leggauss(n)
    node_new = (b-a)/2 * node + ((a+b)/2)
    ans = ((b-a)/2) * sum(weight * f(node_new))
    return ans

    return ans
Beispiel #45
def integrate_over_domain(domain, basis_1, basis_2, x_degree, y_degree):
    # Get the gauss-legendre points and weights
    x, xw = leggauss(x_degree)
    y, yw = leggauss(y_degree)
    # Rescale them to our domain interval
    x = (x + 1.) * domain.extent[0] / 2.
    y = (y + 1.) * domain.extent[1] / 2.
    xw *= domain.extent[0] / 2.
    yw *= domain.extent[1] / 2.
    # Make the grid on which we will compute the integral
    xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    weights = np.outer(yw, xw)

    # Integrate basis_1*basis_2 over the grid
    domain_grid = domain.in_subdomain(xgrid, ygrid)
    fn1 = ma.masked_where(~domain_grid, basis_1(xgrid, ygrid))
    fn2 = ma.masked_where(~domain_grid, basis_2(xgrid, ygrid))
    value = np.sum(fn1 * fn2 * weights)

    return value
Beispiel #46
def gausslegendre(f, a, b, n=20):
    ans = 0
    x, w = npl.leggauss(n)
    return ans
Beispiel #47
def _gaussianQuadrature(integrand, bounds, Ksample=[20], roundoff=0):
           Numerically take n integrals over a function that returns a float or an array 
           integrand - The function you're integrating over.
           bounds - The bounds of the integral in the form of [[a_0, b_0], [a_1, b_1], ... , [a_n, b_n]] 
           where a_i is the lower bound and b_i is the upper bound
           Ksample - Number of sample points in the form of [K_0, K_1, ..., K_n] where K_i is the sample point
           of the ith integral.
           roundoff - if the integral is less than this value, round it to 0.
           The integral of the function integrand 
           2016-05-24 - Written - Aladdin 
    ##Maps the sample point and weights
    xp = nu.zeros((len(bounds), nu.max(Ksample)), float)
    wp = nu.zeros((len(bounds), nu.max(Ksample)), float)
    for i in range(len(bounds)):
        x,w = leggauss(Ksample[i]) ##Calculates the sample points and weights
        a,b = bounds[i]
        xp[i, :Ksample[i]] = .5*(b-a)*x + .5*(b+a)
        wp[i, :Ksample[i]] = .5*(b - a)*w

    ##Determines the shape of the integrand
    s = 0.
    s_temp = integrand(*nu.zeros(len(bounds)))
    if type(s_temp).__name__ == nu.ndarray.__name__ :
        shape = s_temp.shape
        s = nu.zeros(shape, float)

    #gets all combinations of indices from each integrand 
    li = _cartesian(Ksample)
    ##Performs the actual integration
    for i in range(li.shape[0]):
        index = [nu.arange(len(bounds)),li[i]]
    ##Rounds values that are less than roundoff to zero    
    if shape!= None:
        s[nu.where(nu.fabs(s) < roundoff)] = 0
    else: s *= nu.fabs(s) >roundoff
    return s
    def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
        super(GaussLegendreQuadrature, self).__init__(*args, **kws)

        # init gauss-legendre points
        for i in xrange(self._n):
            # get rootsArray in [-1, 1]
            rootsArray, weights = leggauss(i + 1)
            # transform rootsArray to [0, 1]
            rootsArray = (rootsArray + 1) / 2.
            # zip them
            self._gaussPoints[i] = zip(rootsArray, weights)
Beispiel #49
    def test_100(self):
        x, w = leg.leggauss(100)

        # test orthogonality. Note that the results need to be normalized,
        # otherwise the huge values that can arise from fast growing
        # functions like Laguerre can be very confusing.
        v = leg.legvander(x, 99)
        vv = * w, v)
        vd = 1/np.sqrt(vv.diagonal())
        vv = vd[:,None] * vv * vd
        assert_almost_equal(vv, np.eye(100))

        # check that the integral of 1 is correct
        tgt = 2.0
        assert_almost_equal(w.sum(), tgt)
Beispiel #50
def compute_legendre_projection(corr, cospsi, lmax, remove_zero=True):
    # define gaussian quadrature, the points between -1, 1 and the weights
    xnew, ws = leggauss( cospsi.shape[-1] )
    n_q = corr.shape[0]
    # interpolate
    cl = np.zeros( (  n_q, lmax + 1) )
    for i in range(n_q):
        signal =  corr[i,:].copy()
        signal_interp =  interpolate_corr( cospsi[i,:],
                                          xnew, signal)
        c =  leg_proj_legguass( xnew, signal_interp, ws, lmax)
        cl[i,:] = c
    if remove_zero:
        cl[:,0] = 0.
    return cl
def spherical_harmonic_transform( func, lmax ):
    coeffs = []
    glpoints, glweights = leggauss(lmax)
    glpoints = np.arccos(glpoints)
    fpoints = np.linspace(0.,np.pi*2., lmax+1, endpoint=False)
    for l in range(lmax+1):
        c = []
        for m in range(2*l+1):
            mp = m-l
            val = 0.
            for theta, weight in zip(glpoints, glweights):
                for phi in fpoints:
                    val += weight*real_spherical_harmonic( theta, phi, l, mp)*func(theta,phi)
            if val < 1.e-13: 
                val = 0.
    return coeffs
def knots_and_weights(a,b,deg,method='legendre'):
    This function returns the nodes and weights used for the Guass quadrature.
        a,b: float
            The lower and upper limit of the sample interval.
        deg: integer
            The number of the sample points and weights.
        method: string,optional
            The type of the polynomials.
        knots: 1D ndarray
            The knots.
        weights: 1D ndarray
            The weights. 
    if method=='legendre':
    return knots,weights
Beispiel #53
  for i in range(m):
    for c in range(cmx):
      for j in range(1,n+1):
      if abs(z-z1)<eps : exit

    x[ i],x[-i-1] = -z,z
    w[ i]=w[-i-1] = 2.0/((1.0-z*z)*pp*pp)

  x = (b-a) * 0.5 * x+(b+a) * 0.5
  w = w * (b-a) * 0.5
  return x,w

if __name__ == '__main__':
  from pyscf.nao.m_gauleg import gauleg_ab
  from numpy.polynomial.legendre import leggauss
  for n in range(1,320):
    if np.allclose(xx1,xx2) and np.allclose(ww1,ww2):
      print(n, 'allclose')
      print(n, (xx1-xx2).sum(), (ww1-ww2).sum())
#plt.savefig("d1.pdf",format = 'pdf')

# Gauss Legendre Quadrature points and weights
x, wx = npl.leggauss(500)

# Legendre Polynomial
l = 0
c = np.zeros(5)
c[l] = 1.0

px = npl.legval(x, c)

redshift = .55
bias = 2.0
omega0 = 0.274
# Viscosity
def eta_v(z):
  return A_v()**(-1./n)/2.*(dudx_v(z)**2 + dvdy_v(z)**2 + dudx_v(z)*dvdy_v(z) + 0.25*(dudz_v(z)**2 + dvdz_v(z)**2 + (dudy_v(z) + dvdx_v(z))**2) + eps_reg)**((1.-n)/(2*n))

def A_v():
  return 300.e3**(-3.)   # B = 300 kPa/yr**(1/3), A = B**-3

# Integrals for numerical quadrature in the vertical
def gauss_integral(dfdc,z_gauss,w):
  z = (S-Slp)/2.*z_gauss + (S+Slp)/2.
  return (S-Slp)/2.*w*eta_v(z)*dfdc(z)

# Calculate Gaussian approximants to integral terms
k = 7
points,weights = leggauss(int(k))
int_dudx = sum([gauss_integral(dudx_v,z,w) for z,w in zip(points,weights)])
int_dvdx = sum([gauss_integral(dvdx_v,z,w) for z,w in zip(points,weights)])
int_dudy = sum([gauss_integral(dudy_v,z,w) for z,w in zip(points,weights)])
int_dvdy = sum([gauss_integral(dvdy_v,z,w) for z,w in zip(points,weights)])

# Basal sliding parameterization (see van der Veen)
Np = H + rho_w / rho * Sl 

As = 1.0   # sliding constant should be 1.0
p  = 1.3   # exponent on effective pressure 1.3 is what Kees is using
m  = 3.    # non-linearity in the sliding law (exponent of velocity)

ubmag = sqrt(u_v(Slp)**2+v_v(Slp)**2 + 1e-3)
taubx = (mu * As * Np**p * ubmag**(1./m)) * u_v(Slp) / ubmag * grounded_projection 
tauby = (mu * As * Np**p * ubmag**(1./m)) * v_v(Slp) / ubmag * grounded_projection
Beispiel #56
                       for i in range(element.dim)]).reshape(v.shape)
        assert np.allclose(v, v_)

        # The matrix by transformation
        n = len(poly_set)
        # Exact poly_set matrix
        M = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=float)
        for i in range(n):
            M[i, i] = integrate(poly_set[i]*poly_set[i], (x, -1, 1))
            for j in range(i+1, n):
                M[i, j] = integrate(poly_set[i]*poly_set[j], (x, -1, 1))
                M[j, i] = M[i, j]

        # Nodal basis matrix
        M_nodal = np.zeros_like(M)
        points, weights = leggauss(deg=len(poly_set))
        for i in range(n):
            fi_xq = element.eval_basis(i, points)
            M_nodal[i, i] = np.sum(weights*fi_xq**2)
            for j in range(i+1, n):
                fi_xq = element.eval_basis(i, points)
                fj_xq = element.eval_basis(j, points)
                M_nodal[i, j] = np.sum(weights*fi_xq*fj_xq)
                M_nodal[j, i] = M_nodal[i, j]
        alpha = element.alpha
        M_nodal_ =
        assert np.allclose(M_nodal, M_nodal_)

        # Check nodality
        n = element.dim
Beispiel #57
#integrand = lambda x,y: sin(x)*cos(2*y) 
integrand = lambda x,y: exp(-x**2 - y**2)

# scypy's general purpose integration method for 2D integrals:

integral = dblquad(integrand,-1.0,1.0,lambda y:-1.0,lambda y: 1.0)

# My own non general purpose integration scheme:

# Definition of integration degree for each of the coordinates
deg_r = 3
deg_s = 3
# Generation of Gauss-Legendre points using numpy's function:
r_i, weights_r  = leggauss(deg_r)
s_j, weights_s  = leggauss(deg_s)
# Generation of Gauss-Legendre points using scypys's function:
r_i2, weights_r2  = p_roots(deg_r)
s_j2, weights_s2  = p_roots(deg_s)

# Cycle through each integration node and multiply weights by 
# function evaluation.
integral2 = 0
integral3 = 0
for i in range(deg_r):
    for j in range(deg_s):
        integral2 = integral2 + weights_r[i]*weights_s[j]*integrand(r_i[i],s_j[j])
        integral3 = integral3 + weights_r2[i]*weights_s2[j]*integrand(r_i2[i],s_j2[j])        
if __name__=='__main__':

  #N=int(raw_input("Enter column value: "))
  #K=int(raw_input("Enter sparsity value: "))

  N = 200
  K = 10

  mp.dps = 30   # set high precision to 30 

  avg_x = np.vectorize(avg_x)
  avg_x2 = np.vectorize(avg_x2)

  Leg = leg.leggauss(100)
  roots_leg = Leg[0]
  weights_leg = Leg[1]

  Lag = lag.laggauss(100)
  roots_lag = Lag[0]
  weights_lag = Lag[1]  

  mu = 0
  sigma2 = .001           # \sigma parameter I vary sigma2 rather than lamda as I found making smaller lambda doesnt lead to a convergent result
  sigmax02 =1.
  lamda = 1.               #\lambda parameter

  M = K
a = -0.5
b = 1.5

# Some exact solution
x = Symbol("x")
u = (1.0-x**2)**2*cos(np.pi*4*x)*(x-0.25)**3 + b*(1 + x)/2. + a*(1 - x)/2.
kx = np.sqrt(5)
f = -u.diff(x, 2) + kx**2*u
fl = lambdify(x, f, "numpy")
ul = lambdify(x, u, "numpy")

n = 32
domain = sys.argv[-1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "C1"

# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
points, w = leg.leggauss(n+1)

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = leg.legvander(points, n)

# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D1[:-1,:] = leg.legder(np.eye(n+1), 1, scl=scl)

Vx  =, D1)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))

P[:,0] = (V[:,0] - V[:,1])/2
Beispiel #60
def cylinder_average_matrix(V, TV, radius, quad_degree):
    '''Averaging matrix'''
    mesh = V.mesh()
    line_mesh = TV.mesh()
    # We are going to perform the integration with Gauss quadrature at
    # the end (PI u)(x):
    # A cell of mesh (an edge) defines a normal vector. Let P be the plane
    # that is defined by the normal vector n and some point x on Gamma. Let L
    # be the circle that is the intersect of P and S. The value of q (in Q) at x
    # is defined as
    #                    q(x) = (1/|L|)*\int_{L}g(x)*dL
    # which simplifies to g(x) = (1/(2*pi*R))*\int_{-pi}^{pi}u(L)*R*d(theta) and
    # or                       = (1/2) * \int_{-1}^{1} u (L(pi*s)) * ds
    # This can be integrated no problemo once we figure out L. To this end, let
    # t_1 and t_2 be two unit mutually orthogonal vectors that are orthogonal to
    # n. Then L(pi*s) = p + R*t_1*cos(pi*s) + R*t_2*sin(pi*s) can be seen to be
    # such that i) |x-p| = R and ii) x.n = 0 [i.e. this the suitable
    # parametrization]
    # Clearly we can scale the weights as well as precompute
    # cos and sin terms.
    xq, wq = leggauss(quad_degree)
    wq *= 0.5
    cos_xq = np.cos(np.pi*xq).reshape((-1, 1))
    sin_xq = np.sin(np.pi*xq).reshape((-1, 1))

    if is_number(radius):
         radius = lambda x, radius=radius: radius 

    mesh_x = TV.mesh().coordinates()
    # The idea for point evaluation/computing dofs of TV is to minimize
    # the number of evaluation. I mean a vector dof if done naively would
    # have to evaluate at same x number of component times.
    value_size = TV.ufl_element().value_size()

    # Eval at points will require serch
    tree = mesh.bounding_box_tree()
    limit = mesh.num_cells()

    TV_coordinates = TV.tabulate_dof_coordinates().reshape((TV.dim(), -1))
    TV_dm = TV.dofmap()
    V_dm = V.dofmap()
    # For non scalar we plan to make compoenents by shift
    if value_size > 1:
        TV_dm = TV.sub(0).dofmap()

    Vel = V.element()               
    basis_values = np.zeros(V.element().space_dimension()*value_size)
    with petsc_serial_matrix(TV, V) as mat:

        for line_cell in cells(line_mesh):
            # Get the tangent => orthogonal tangent vectors

            v0, v1 = mesh_x[line_cell.entities(0)]
            n = v0 - v1

            t1 = np.array([n[1]-n[2], n[2]-n[0], n[0]-n[1]])
            t2 = np.cross(n, t1)
            t1 /= np.linalg.norm(t1)
            t2 = t2/np.linalg.norm(t2)

            # The idea is now to minimize the point evaluation
            scalar_dofs = TV_dm.cell_dofs(line_cell.index())
            scalar_dofs_x = TV_coordinates[scalar_dofs]
            for scalar_row, avg_point in zip(scalar_dofs, scalar_dofs_x):
                # Get radius and integration points
                rad = radius(avg_point)
                integration_points = avg_point + rad*t1*sin_xq + rad*t2*cos_xq

                data = {}
                for index, ip in enumerate(integration_points):
                    c = tree.compute_first_entity_collision(Point(*ip))
                    if c >= limit: continue

                    Vcell = Cell(mesh, c)
                    vertex_coordinates = Vcell.get_vertex_coordinates()
                    cell_orientation = Vcell.orientation()
                    Vel.evaluate_basis_all(basis_values, ip, vertex_coordinates, cell_orientation)

                    cols_ip = V_dm.cell_dofs(c)
                    values_ip = basis_values*wq[index]
                    # Add
                    for col, value in zip(cols_ip, values_ip.reshape((-1, value_size))):
                        if col in data:
                            data[col] += value
                            data[col] = value
                # The thing now that with data we can assign to several
                # rows of the matrix
                column_indices = np.array(data.keys(), dtype='int32')
                for shift in range(value_size):
                    row = scalar_row + shift
                    column_values = np.array([data[col][shift] for col in column_indices])
                    mat.setValues([row], column_indices, column_values, PETSc.InsertMode.INSERT_VALUES)
            # On to next avg point
        # On to next cell
    return PETScMatrix(mat)