Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, shape, dtype):
        """Initialize a new instance.

        shape : nonnegative int or sequence of nonnegative ints
            Number of entries of type ``dtype`` per axis in this space. A
            single integer results in a space with rank 1, i.e., 1 axis.
        dtype :
            Data type of elements in this space. Can be provided
            in any way the `numpy.dtype` constructor understands, e.g.
            as built-in type or as a string.
            For a data type with a ``dtype.shape``, these extra dimensions
            are added *to the left* of ``shape``.
        # Handle shape and dtype, taking care also of dtypes with shape
            shape, shape_in = tuple(safe_int_conv(s) for s in shape), shape
        except TypeError:
            shape, shape_in = (safe_int_conv(shape), ), shape
        if any(s < 0 for s in shape):
            raise ValueError('`shape` must have only nonnegative entries, got '
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

        # We choose this order in contrast to Numpy, since we usually want
        # to represent discretizations of vector- or tensor-valued functions,
        # i.e., if dtype.shape == (3,) we expect f[0] to have shape `shape`.
        self.__shape = dtype.shape + shape
        self.__dtype = dtype.base

        if is_real_dtype(self.dtype):
            # real includes non-floating-point like integers
            field = RealNumbers()
            self.__real_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__real_space = self
            self.__complex_dtype = TYPE_MAP_R2C.get(self.dtype, None)
            self.__complex_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
        elif is_complex_floating_dtype(self.dtype):
            field = ComplexNumbers()
            self.__real_dtype = TYPE_MAP_C2R[self.dtype]
            self.__real_space = None  # Set in first call of astype
            self.__complex_dtype = self.dtype
            self.__complex_space = self
            field = None

        LinearSpace.__init__(self, field)
Beispiel #2
    def insert(self, index, other):
        """Return a copy with ``other`` inserted before ``index``.

        The given grid (``m`` dimensions) is inserted into the current
        one (``n`` dimensions) before the given index, resulting in a new
        `RectGrid` with ``n + m`` dimensions.
        Note that no changes are made in-place.

        index : int
            The index of the dimension before which ``other`` is to
            be inserted. Negative indices count backwards from
        other :  `RectGrid`
            The grid to be inserted

        newgrid : `RectGrid`
            The enlarged grid

        >>> g1 = RectGrid([0, 1], [-1, 0, 2])
        >>> g2 = RectGrid([1], [-6, 15])
        >>> g1.insert(1, g2)
            [0.0, 1.0],
            [-6.0, 15.0],
            [-1.0, 0.0, 2.0]

        See Also
        if not isinstance(other, RectGrid):
            raise TypeError('`other` must be a `RectGrid` instance, got {}'
        idx = safe_int_conv(index)
        # Support backward indexing
        if idx < 0:
            idx = self.ndim + idx
        if not 0 <= idx <= self.ndim:
            raise IndexError('index {} outside the valid range 0 ... {}'
                             ''.format(idx, self.ndim))

        new_vecs = (self.coord_vectors[:idx] + other.coord_vectors +
        return RectGrid(*new_vecs)
Beispiel #3
    def insert(self, index, other):
        """Return a copy with ``other`` inserted before ``index``.

        The given grid (``m`` dimensions) is inserted into the current
        one (``n`` dimensions) before the given index, resulting in a new
        `RectGrid` with ``n + m`` dimensions.
        Note that no changes are made in-place.

        index : int
            The index of the dimension before which ``other`` is to
            be inserted. Negative indices count backwards from
        other :  `RectGrid`
            The grid to be inserted

        newgrid : `RectGrid`
            The enlarged grid

        >>> g1 = RectGrid([0, 1], [-1, 0, 2])
        >>> g2 = RectGrid([1], [-6, 15])
        >>> g1.insert(1, g2)
            [0.0, 1.0],
            [-6.0, 15.0],
            [-1.0, 0.0, 2.0]

        See Also
        if not isinstance(other, RectGrid):
            raise TypeError('`other` must be a `RectGrid` instance, got {}'
        idx = safe_int_conv(index)
        # Support backward indexing
        if idx < 0:
            idx = self.ndim + idx
        if not 0 <= idx <= self.ndim:
            raise IndexError('index {} outside the valid range 0 ... {}'
                             ''.format(idx, self.ndim))

        new_vecs = (self.coord_vectors[:idx] + other.coord_vectors +
        return RectGrid(*new_vecs)
Beispiel #4
    def insert(self, index, *grids):
        """Return a copy with ``grids`` inserted before ``index``.

        The given grids are inserted (as a block) into ``self``, yielding
        a new grid whose number of dimensions is the sum of the numbers of
        dimensions of all involved grids.
        Note that no changes are made in-place.

        index : int
            The index of the dimension before which ``grids`` are to
            be inserted. Negative indices count backwards from
        grid1, ..., gridN :  `RectGrid`
            The grids to be inserted into ``self``.

        newgrid : `RectGrid`
            The enlarged grid.

        >>> g1 = RectGrid([0, 1], [-1, 0, 2])
        >>> g2 = RectGrid([1], [-6, 15])
        >>> g1.insert(1, g2)
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 1.],
            [ -6.,  15.],
            [-1.,  0.,  2.]
        >>> g1.insert(1, g2, g2)
            [ 0.,  1.],
            [ 1.],
            [ -6.,  15.],
            [ 1.],
            [ -6.,  15.],
            [-1.,  0.,  2.]

        See Also
        index, index_in = safe_int_conv(index), index
        if not -self.ndim <= index <= self.ndim:
            raise IndexError('index {0} outside the valid range -{1} ... {1}'
                             ''.format(index_in, self.ndim))
        if index < 0:
            index += self.ndim

        if len(grids) == 0:
            # Copy of `self`
            return RectGrid(*self.coord_vectors)
        elif len(grids) == 1:
            # Insert single grid
            grid = grids[0]
            if not isinstance(grid, RectGrid):
                raise TypeError('{!r} is not a `RectGrid` instance'
            new_vecs = (self.coord_vectors[:index] + grid.coord_vectors +
            return RectGrid(*new_vecs)
            # Recursively insert first grid and the remaining into the result
            return self.insert(index, grids[0]).insert(
                index + grids[0].ndim, *(grids[1:]))
Beispiel #5
    def insert(self, index, *intvs):
        """Return a copy with ``intvs`` inserted before ``index``.

        The given interval products are inserted (as a block) into ``self``,
        yielding a new interval product whose number of dimensions is the
        sum of the numbers of dimensions of all involved interval products.
        Note that no changes are made in-place.

        index : int
            Index of the dimension before which ``other`` is to
            be inserted. Must fulfill ``-ndim <= index <= ndim``.
            Negative indices count backwards from ``self.ndim``.
        intv1, ..., intvN : `IntervalProd`
            Interval products to be inserted into ``self``.

        newintvp : `IntervalProd`
            The enlarged interval product.

        >>> intv = IntervalProd([-1, 2], [-0.5, 3])
        >>> intv2 = IntervalProd(0, 1)
        >>> intv.insert(0, intv2)
        IntervalProd([0.0, -1.0, 2.0], [1.0, -0.5, 3.0])
        >>> intv.insert(-1, intv2)
        IntervalProd([-1.0, 0.0, 2.0], [-0.5, 1.0, 3.0])
        >>> intv.insert(1, intv2, intv2)
        IntervalProd([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0], [-0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 3.0])
        index, index_in = safe_int_conv(index), index

        if not -self.ndim <= index <= self.ndim:
            raise IndexError('index {0} outside the valid range -{1} ... {1}'
                             ''.format(index_in, self.ndim))
        if index < 0:
            index += self.ndim

        if len(intvs) > 1:
            return self.insert(index, intvs[0]).insert(index + intvs[0].ndim,
            intv = intvs[0]
            if not isinstance(intv, IntervalProd):
                raise TypeError('{!r} is not a `IntervalProd` instance'
            new_min_pt = np.empty(self.ndim + intv.ndim)
            new_max_pt = np.empty(self.ndim + intv.ndim)

            new_min_pt[:index] = self.min_pt[:index]
            new_max_pt[:index] = self.max_pt[:index]
            new_min_pt[index:index + intv.ndim] = intv.min_pt
            new_max_pt[index:index + intv.ndim] = intv.max_pt
            if index < self.ndim:  # Avoid IndexError
                new_min_pt[index + intv.ndim:] = self.min_pt[index:]
                new_max_pt[index + intv.ndim:] = self.max_pt[index:]

            return IntervalProd(new_min_pt, new_max_pt)