Beispiel #1
def simple_foldable():
    # Graph:
    # c = (a + b)
    # output = input + c
    # Should fold to:
    # output = input + c
    weights = np.ones(shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    graph = Graph()
    inp = Variable("input", shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    c = graph.add(weights, weights, name="c")
    out = graph.add(inp, c)

    graph.inputs = [inp]
    graph.outputs = [out]
    yield graph
Beispiel #2
    def test_shape_gather(self, shape, indices):
        indices = np.array(indices)

        inp = Variable("input", dtype=np.float32, shape=shape)
        graph = Graph(inputs=[inp])

        inp_shape = graph.shape(inp)
        shape_part = graph.gather(inp_shape, indices=indices)
        graph.outputs = [
            graph.add(shape_part, shape_part),
            graph.gather(inp_shape, indices=[0]),
            graph.gather(inp_shape, indices=np.array(0)),


        if shape is not None:
            assert isinstance(graph.outputs[0], Constant)
            expected_shape = np.array(shape)[indices].astype(np.int64) * 2
            assert np.all(graph.outputs[0].values == expected_shape)
            assert isinstance(graph.outputs[0], Variable)

        assert isinstance(graph.outputs[1], Variable)
        assert isinstance(graph.outputs[2], Variable)
Beispiel #3
def one_hop_foldable():
    # Graph:
    # c = (a + b)
    # e = (c + d)
    # output = input + e
    # Should fold to:
    # output = input + e
    weights = np.ones(shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    graph = Graph()
    inp = Variable("input", shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    c = graph.add(weights, weights, name="c")
    e = graph.add(c, weights, name="e")
    out = graph.add(inp, e)

    graph.inputs = [inp]
    graph.outputs = [out]
    yield graph
Beispiel #4
    def test_register(self):
        def add(self, a, b):
            return self.layer(op="Add", inputs=[a, b], outputs=["add_out"])

        graph = Graph()
        [output] = graph.add("a", "b")
        assert "add_out" in
        assert len(graph.nodes) == 1
        assert graph.nodes[-1].op == "Add"
Beispiel #5
    def test_register_opset(self):
        def add(self, a, b):
            return self.layer(op="Add", inputs=[a, b], outputs=["add_out"])

        def add(self, a, b):
            return self.layer(op="Add-10", inputs=[a, b], outputs=["add_out"])

        graph = Graph()
        [output] = graph.add("a", "b")
        assert "add_out" in
        assert len(graph.nodes) == 1
        assert graph.nodes[-1].op == "Add"

        graph_opset10 = Graph(opset=10)
        [output] = graph_opset10.add("a", "b")
        assert "add_out" in
        assert len(graph_opset10.nodes) == 1
        assert graph_opset10.nodes[-1].op == "Add-10"
Beispiel #6
def foldable_with_invalid_node():
    # Graph
    # c = (a + b)
    # e = fake(d)
    # f = (e + c)
    # out = inp + f
    # c should be folded even though e is the output of an
    # invalid node.
    weights = np.ones(shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)

    graph = Graph()
    inp = Variable("input", shape=(1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    c = graph.add(weights, weights, name="c")
    e = graph.fake(weights, name="e")
    f = graph.add(e, c, name="f")
    out = graph.add(inp, f, name="output")

    graph.inputs = [inp]
    graph.outputs = [out]
    yield graph
Beispiel #7
    def test_const_inp_but_non_foldable_nested_graph(self):
        cond = gs.Constant("cond", values=np.array(True))
        X = gs.Variable("X", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, ))

        graph = Graph(inputs=[X])

        then_graph = Graph(name="Then")
        then_graph.outputs = [then_graph.add(X, X)]

        else_graph = Graph(name="Else")
        else_graph.outputs = [else_graph.add(X, else_graph.add(X, X))]

        # Even though if_op looks foldable because it has all constant inputs,
        # it's not, since its subgraphs depend on variables in the outer scope.
        graph.outputs = [graph.if_op(cond, then_graph, else_graph)]

        # This should not raise because the `If` node should be excluded from
        # constant folding.

        assert graph.nodes[0].op == "If"
        assert len(then_graph.nodes) == 1
        assert len(else_graph.nodes) == 2
Beispiel #8
    def test_with_nested_graph(self):
        cond = gs.Variable("cond", dtype=np.bool, shape=(1, ))

        X = gs.Variable("X", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, ))
        Y = gs.Constant("Y", values=np.ones((1, ), dtype=np.float32))
        graph = Graph(inputs=[X, cond])

        then_graph = Graph(name="Then")
        then_graph.outputs = [then_graph.add(Y, Y)]

        else_graph = Graph(name="Else")
        else_graph.outputs = [else_graph.add(X, else_graph.add(Y, Y))]

        graph.outputs = [graph.if_op(cond, then_graph, else_graph)]


        assert len(then_graph.nodes) == 0
        assert np.all(then_graph.outputs[0].values == (Y.values * 2))

        assert len(else_graph.nodes) == 1
        assert isinstance(else_graph.nodes[0].inputs[1], Constant)
        assert np.all(else_graph.nodes[0].inputs[1].values == (Y.values * 2))
Beispiel #9
    def test_input_is_output(self):
        graph = Graph()

        A = Variable("A", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, 1))
        B = Variable("B", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, 1))

        C = graph.add(A, B)

        graph.inputs = [A, B]
        graph.outputs = [C, B, A]  # Out of order w/ respect to Add node inputs

        # Graph should remain unchanged after cleanup, including I/O tensors.

        assert graph.inputs == [A, B]
        assert graph.outputs == [C, B, A]
        assert len(graph.nodes) == 1
        assert graph.nodes[0].inputs == [A, B]
        assert graph.nodes[0].outputs == [C]
Beispiel #10
    def test_node_used_only_in_nested_graph(self):
        X = Variable("X", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, ))
        Y = Variable("Y", dtype=np.float32, shape=(1, ))
        graph = Graph(inputs=[X, Y])

        X_p = graph.identity(
            X)  # X_p is only used by the subgraph, not in the outer graph.

        subgraph_inp = Variable("subgraph_input",
                                shape=(1, ))
        subgraph = Graph(inputs=[subgraph_inp])
        subgraph.outputs = [subgraph.add(subgraph_inp, X_p)]

        graph.outputs = [graph.nested(Y, subgraph)]


        assert graph.nodes[0].op == "Identity"
        assert graph.nodes[0].inputs == [X]