Beispiel #1
def single_input(args, config=None):
    Single Input Mode works to convert a single input XML file into EPUB.

    This is probably the most typical use case and is the most highly
    configurable, see the argument parser and oaepub --help
    if config is None:
        config = get_config_module()
    #Determination of input type and processing
    #Fetch by URL
    if 'http:' in args.input:
        raw_name = u_input.url_input(args.input)
        abs_input_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_DIR, raw_name+'.xml')
        parsed_article = Article(abs_input_path, validation=args.no_dtd_validation)
    #Fetch by DOI
    elif args.input[:4] == 'doi:':
        raw_name = u_input.doi_input(args.input)
        abs_input_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_DIR, raw_name+'.xml')
        parsed_article = Article(abs_input_path, validation=args.no_dtd_validation)
    #Local XML input
        abs_input_path = utils.get_absolute_path(args.input)
        raw_name = u_input.local_input(abs_input_path)
        parsed_article = Article(abs_input_path, validation=args.no_dtd_validation)

    #Generate the output path name, this will be the directory name for the
    #output. This output directory will later be zipped into an EPUB
    output_name = os.path.join(utils.get_output_directory(args), raw_name)

    #Make the EPUB
              explicit_images=args.images,   # Explicit image path

    #Cleanup removes the produced output directory, keeps the ePub file
    if args.clean:  # Defaults to False, --clean or -c to toggle on

    #Running epubcheck on the output verifies the validity of the ePub,
    #requires a local installation of java and epubcheck.
    if args.no_epubcheck:
        epubcheck('{0}.epub'.format(output_name), config)
def get_output_directory(args):
    Determination of the directory for output placement involves possibilities
    for explicit user instruction (absolute path or relative to execution) and
    implicit default configuration (absolute path or relative to input) from
    the system global configuration file. This function is responsible for
    reliably returning the appropriate output directory which will contain any
    log(s), ePub(s), and unzipped output of OpenAccess_EPUB.

    It utilizes the parsed args, passed as an object, and is self-sufficient in
    accessing the config file.

    All paths returned by this function are absolute.
    #Import the global config file as a module
    import imp
    config_path = os.path.join(cache_location(), '')
        config = imp.load_source('config', config_path)
    except IOError:
        print('Could not find {0}, please run oae-quickstart'.format(config_path))
    #args.output is the explicit user instruction, None if unspecified
    if args.output:
        #args.output may be an absolute path
        if os.path.isabs(args.output):
            return args.output  # return as is
        #or args.output may be a relative path, relative to cwd
            return evaluate_relative_path(relative=args.output)
    #config.default_output for default behavior without explicit instruction
        #config.default_output may be an absolute_path
        if os.path.isabs(config.default_output):
            return config.default_output
        #or config.default_output may be a relative path, relative to input
            if args.input:  # The case of single input
                if 'http://www' in args.input:
                    #Fetched from internet by URL
                    raw_name = url_input(args.input, download=False)
                    abs_input_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), raw_name+'.xml')
                elif args.input[:4] == 'doi:':
                    #Fetched from internet by DOI
                    raw_name = doi_input(args.input, download=False)
                    abs_input_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), raw_name+'.xml')
                    #Local option, could be anywhere
                    abs_input_path = get_absolute_path(args.input)
                abs_input_parent = os.path.split(abs_input_path)[0]
                return evaluate_relative_path(abs_input_parent, config.default_output)
            elif args.batch:  # The case of Batch Mode
                #Batch should only work on a supplied directory
                abs_batch_path = get_absolute_path(args.batch)
                return abs_batch_path
            elif args.parallel_batch:
                #Batch should only work on a supplied directory
                abs_batch_path = get_absolute_path(args.parallel_batch)
                return abs_batch_path
            elif args.collection:
                return os.getcwd()
            else:  # Un-handled or currently unsupported options
                print('The output location could not be determined...')