Beispiel #1
def scales(g):
    """ Compute the scale of each vertex inside the graph.
    One solution: If we have several edges of decomposition, we follow the deeper.
    The root is a real node or a false one?
    TODO: specification

    edge_type = g.edge_property("edge_type").copy()

    root = g.root

    has_decomposition = [
        eid for eid in g.out_edges(root) if edge_type.get(eid) == '/'

    scale0 = 0
    _scale = {root: scale0}
    if not has_decomposition:
        empty_vertex = True
        for name in g.vertex_property_names():
            if g.root in g.vertex_property(name):
                empty_vertex = False
        if empty_vertex:
            root_edge = g.out_edges(root).next()
            edge_type[root_edge] = '/'

    for v in breadth_first_search(g, root):
        parents = list(g.in_neighbors(v))
        edges = list(g.in_edges(v))

        if not parents:

        decompositions = [eid for eid in edges if edge_type.get(eid) == '/']
        if decompositions:
            eid_max = None
            scale_max = 0
            for eid in decompositions:
                s = _scale[g.source(eid)]
                if s > scale_max:
                    scale_max = s
                    eid_max = eid

            scale = scale_max + 1
            scale = max(_scale.get(pid, 0) for pid in parents)
        _scale[v] = scale

    return _scale
Beispiel #2
def scales(g):
    """ Compute the scale of each vertex inside the graph.
    One solution: If we have several edges of decomposition, we follow the deeper.
    The root is a real node or a false one?
    TODO: specification

    edge_type = g.edge_property("edge_type").copy()

    root = g.root

    has_decomposition = [eid for eid in g.out_edges(root) if edge_type.get(eid) == '/']

    scale0 = 0
    _scale = {root : scale0}
    if not has_decomposition:
        empty_vertex = True
        for name in g.vertex_property_names():
            if g.root in g.vertex_property(name):
                empty_vertex = False
        if empty_vertex:
            root_edge = g.out_edges(root).next()
            edge_type[root_edge] = '/'

    for v in breadth_first_search(g, root):
        parents = list(g.in_neighbors(v))
        edges = list(g.in_edges(v))

        if not parents:

        decompositions = [eid for eid in edges if edge_type.get(eid) == '/']
        if decompositions:
            eid_max = None
            scale_max = 0
            for eid in decompositions:
                s = _scale[g.source(eid)]
                if s > scale_max:
                    scale_max = s
                    eid_max = eid

            scale = scale_max + 1
            scale = max(_scale.get(pid,0) for pid in parents)
        _scale[v] = scale

    return _scale
Beispiel #3
    def traverse2(self, vid):
        from openalea.container.traversal.graph import breadth_first_search

        g = self._graph

        edge_type = g.edge_property("edge_type")
        transform = g.vertex_property("transform")
        local_turtles = g.vertex_property("turtle_state")

        transfos = {g.root: pgl.Matrix4()}

        # CPL
        turtles = {g.root: TurtleState()}

        def parent(vid):
            for eid in g.in_edges(vid):
                if edge_type[eid] in ['<', '+', '/']:
                    return g.source(eid)
            return vid

        def update_turtle(v, ts):
            local_turtle = local_turtles.get(v, TurtleState())
            global_turtle = ts.combine(local_turtle)
            return global_turtle

        for v in breadth_first_search(g, vid):
            pid = parent(v)

            if pid == v and v != g.root:
                print "ERRRORRRR"
                print v
            # print "v",v
            # print "parent(v)", parent(v)
            # print "transfos", transfos
            #m = transfos[parent(v)]
            m = transfos.get(pid)

            # CPL
            ts = turtles.get(pid, TurtleState())
            gt = global_turtle = update_turtle(v, ts)
            local_t = transform.get(v)
            if local_t == self.FUNCTIONAL:
                # Get the functional shape to compute the transformation and geometry
                # with the turtle state
                local_t = self.f_shape(v, global_turtle)

            # print "every m : ", m
            # Transform the current shape with the stack of transfos m from the root.
            # Store the result in the graph.
            self._local2global(v, m, global_turtle.color)

            # print "local_t : ", local_t
            if local_t == -1:
                m = adjust_lu(m)
            elif local_t == -2:
                #RV and RG
                local_m = grotation(m, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -3:
                # RD
                local_m = directionalTropism(m, gt.tropism_direction, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -4:
                # RO
                local_m = orthogonalTropism(m, gt.tropism_direction, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -5:
                #RP and RN
                local_m = positionalTropism(m, gt.tropism_target, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t:
                if local_t.getColumn(3) != Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1):
                    m = m * local_t
                    m = m * local_t
                # print m

            transfos[v] = m
            turtles[v] = global_turtle
Beispiel #4
    def traverse2(self, vid):
        from openalea.container.traversal.graph import breadth_first_search

        g = self._graph

        edge_type = g.edge_property("edge_type")
        transform = g.vertex_property("transform")
        local_turtles = g.vertex_property("turtle_state")

        transfos = {g.root: pgl.Matrix4()}

        # CPL
        turtles = {g.root: TurtleState()}

        def parent(vid):
            for eid in g.in_edges(vid):
                if edge_type[eid] in ['<', '+', '/']:
                    return g.source(eid)
            return vid

        def update_turtle(v, ts):
            local_turtle = local_turtles.get(v, TurtleState())
            global_turtle = ts.combine(local_turtle)
            return global_turtle

        for v in breadth_first_search(g, vid):
            pid = parent(v)

            if pid == v and v != g.root:
                print "ERRRORRRR"
                print v
            # print "v",v
            # print "parent(v)", parent(v)
            # print "transfos", transfos
            #m = transfos[parent(v)]
            m = transfos.get(pid)

            # CPL
            ts = turtles.get(pid, TurtleState())
            gt = global_turtle = update_turtle(v, ts)
            local_t = transform.get(v)
            if local_t == self.FUNCTIONAL:
                # Get the functional shape to compute the transformation and geometry
                # with the turtle state
                local_t = self.f_shape(v, global_turtle)

            # print "every m : ", m
            # Transform the current shape with the stack of transfos m from the root.
            # Store the result in the graph.
            self._local2global(v, m, global_turtle.color)

            # print "local_t : ", local_t
            if local_t == -1:
                m = adjust_lu(m)
            elif local_t == -2:
                #RV and RG
                local_m = grotation(m, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -3:
                # RD
                local_m = directionalTropism(m, gt.tropism_direction, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -4:
                # RO
                local_m = orthogonalTropism(m, gt.tropism_direction, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t == -5:
                #RP and RN
                local_m = positionalTropism(m, gt.tropism_target, gt.tropism)
                m = m * local_m
            elif local_t:
                if local_t.getColumn(3) != Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1):
                    m = m * local_t
                    m = m * local_t
                # print m

            transfos[v] = m
            turtles[v] = global_turtle