Beispiel #1
def check_linear_torsions(
    torsion: Tuple[int, int, int, int], molecule: off.Molecule
) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
    Check that the torsion supplied is not for a linear bond.

        torsion: The indices of the atoms in the selected torsion.
        molecule: The molecule which should be checked.

        LinearTorsionError: If the given torsion involves driving a linear bond.

    # this is based on the past submissions to QCarchive which have failed
    # highlight the central bond of a linear torsion
    linear_smarts = "[*!D1:1]~[$(*#*)&D2,$(C=*)&D2:2]"

    matches = molecule.chemical_environment_matches(linear_smarts)

    if torsion[1:3] in matches or torsion[2:0:-1] in matches:
        raise LinearTorsionError(
            f"The dihedral {torsion} in molecule {molecule} highlights a linear bond."

    return torsion
Beispiel #2
def improper_torsion_indices(offmol: Molecule) -> np.ndarray:
    """"[*:1]~[X3:2](~[*:3])~[*:4]" matches (_all_improper_torsion_indices returns "[*:1]~[*:2](~[*:3])~[*:4]" matches)

    Motivation: offmol.impropers returns a large number of impropers, and we may wish to restrict this number.
    May update this filter definition based on discussion in
    improper_smarts = "[*:1]~[X3:2](~[*:3])~[*:4]"
    return np.array(offmol.chemical_environment_matches(improper_smarts))
Beispiel #3
    def _detect_linear_torsions(self, molecule: off.Molecule) -> List:
        Try and find any linear bonds in the molecule with torsions that should not be driven.

            molecule: An openforcefield molecule instance

            A list of the central bond tuples in the molecule which should not be driven, this can then be compared
            against the torsions which have been selected.

        # this is based on the past submissions to QCarchive which have failed
        # highlight the central bond of a linear torsion
        linear_smarts = "[*!D1:1]~[$(*#*)&D2,$(C=*)&D2:2]"

        matches = molecule.chemical_environment_matches(linear_smarts)

        return matches