Beispiel #1
    def test_build_song_footer_base_songbook(self):
        Test build songs footer with basic song and multiple songbooks
        # GIVEN: A Song and a Service Item
        song = Song()
        song.title = 'My Song'
        song.alternate_title = ''
        song.copyright = 'My copyright'
        song.authors_songs = []
        song.songbook_entries = []
        song.alternate_title = ''
        song.topics = []
        song.ccli_number = ''
        book1 = MagicMock() = 'My songbook'
        book2 = MagicMock() = 'Thy songbook'
        song.songbookentries = []
        song.add_songbook_entry(book1, '12')
        song.add_songbook_entry(book2, '502A')
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)

        # WHEN: I generate the Footer with default settings
        self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, song)

        # THEN: The songbook should be in the footer
        assert service_item.raw_footer == [
            'My Song', '© My copyright', 'My songbook #12, Thy songbook #502A'
Beispiel #2
    def test_build_song_footer_base_songbook(self):
        Test build songs footer with basic song and multiple songbooks
        # GIVEN: A Song and a Service Item
        song = Song()
        song.title = 'My Song'
        song.copyright = 'My copyright'
        song.authors_songs = []
        song.songbook_entries = []
        song.ccli_number = ''
        book1 = MagicMock() = "My songbook"
        book2 = MagicMock() = "Thy songbook"
        song.songbookentries = []
        song.add_songbook_entry(book1, '12')
        song.add_songbook_entry(book2, '502A')
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)

        # WHEN: I generate the Footer with default settings
        self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, song)

        # THEN: The songbook should not be in the footer
        self.assertEqual(service_item.raw_footer, ['My Song', 'My copyright'])

        # WHEN: I activate the "display songbook" option
        self.media_item.display_songbook = True
        self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, song)

        # THEN: The songbook should be in the footer
        self.assertEqual(service_item.raw_footer, ['My Song', 'My copyright', 'My songbook #12, Thy songbook #502A'])
Beispiel #3
    def test_build_song_footer_base_songbook(self):
        Test build songs footer with basic song and multiple songbooks
        # GIVEN: A Song and a Service Item
        song = Song()
        song.title = 'My Song'
        song.copyright = 'My copyright'
        song.authors_songs = []
        song.songbook_entries = []
        song.ccli_number = ''
        book1 = MagicMock() = "My songbook"
        book2 = MagicMock() = "Thy songbook"
        song.songbookentries = []
        song.add_songbook_entry(book1, '12')
        song.add_songbook_entry(book2, '502A')
        service_item = ServiceItem(None)

        # WHEN: I generate the Footer with default settings
        self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, song)

        # THEN: The songbook should not be in the footer
        self.assertEqual(service_item.raw_footer, ['My Song', 'My copyright'])

        # WHEN: I activate the "display songbook" option
        self.media_item.display_songbook = True
        self.media_item.generate_footer(service_item, song)

        # THEN: The songbook should be in the footer
        self.assertEqual(service_item.raw_footer, ['My Song', 'My copyright', 'My songbook #12, Thy songbook #502A'])
Beispiel #4
    def test_remove_author(self):
        Test removing an author from a song
        # GIVEN: A song with an author
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()

        # WHEN: We remove the author

        # THEN: It should have been removed
        self.assertEqual(0, len(song.authors_songs))
Beispiel #5
    def test_remove_author(self):
        Test removing an author from a song
        # GIVEN: A song with an author
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()

        # WHEN: We remove the author

        # THEN: It should have been removed
        self.assertEqual(0, len(song.authors_songs))
Beispiel #6
    def test_remove_author_with_type(self):
        Test removing an author with a type specified from a song
        # GIVEN: A song with two authors
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()
        song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)

        # WHEN: We remove the author with a certain type
        song.remove_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)

        # THEN: It should have been removed and the other author should still be there
        self.assertEqual(1, len(song.authors_songs))
        self.assertEqual(None, song.authors_songs[0].author_type)
Beispiel #7
    def test_remove_author_with_type(self):
        Test removing an author with a type specified from a song
        # GIVEN: A song with two authors
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()
        song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)

        # WHEN: We remove the author with a certain type
        song.remove_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)

        # THEN: It should have been removed and the other author should still be there
        self.assertEqual(1, len(song.authors_songs))
        self.assertEqual(None, song.authors_songs[0].author_type)
Beispiel #8
    def test_add_author_with_type(self):
        Test adding an author with a type specified to a song
        # GIVEN: A song and an author
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()
        author.first_name = "Max"
        author.last_name = "Mustermann"

        # WHEN: We add an author to the song
        song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Words)

        # THEN: The author should have been added with author_type=None
        self.assertEqual(1, len(song.authors_songs))
        self.assertEqual("Max", song.authors_songs[0].author.first_name)
        self.assertEqual("Mustermann", song.authors_songs[0].author.last_name)
        self.assertEqual(AuthorType.Words, song.authors_songs[0].author_type)
Beispiel #9
    def test_add_author_with_type(self):
        Test adding an author with a type specified to a song
        # GIVEN: A song and an author
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()
        author.first_name = "Max"
        author.last_name = "Mustermann"

        # WHEN: We add an author to the song
        song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Words)

        # THEN: The author should have been added with author_type=None
        self.assertEqual(1, len(song.authors_songs))
        self.assertEqual("Max", song.authors_songs[0].author.first_name)
        self.assertEqual("Mustermann", song.authors_songs[0].author.last_name)
        self.assertEqual(AuthorType.Words, song.authors_songs[0].author_type)
Beispiel #10
    def test_add_author(self):
        Test adding an author to a song
        # GIVEN: A song and an author
        song = Song()
        song.authors_songs = []
        author = Author()
        author.first_name = "Max"
        author.last_name = "Mustermann"

        # WHEN: We add an author to the song

        # THEN: The author should have been added with author_type=None
        assert 1 == len(song.authors_songs)
        assert "Max" == song.authors_songs[0].author.first_name
        assert "Mustermann" == song.authors_songs[0].author.last_name
        assert song.authors_songs[0].author_type is None