Beispiel #1
def construction_3_3(k,n,m,i):
    Return an `OA(k,nm+i)`.

    This is Wilson's construction with `i` truncated columns of size 1 and such
    that a block `B_0` of the incomplete OA intersects all truncated columns. As
    a consequence, all other blocks intersect only `0` or `1` of the last `i`
    columns. This allow to consider the block `B_0` only up to its first `k`
    coordinates and then use a `OA(k,i)` instead of a `OA(k,m+i) - i.OA(k,1)`.

    This is construction 3.3 from [AC07]_.


    - ``k,n,m,i`` (integers) such that the following designs are available :

    .. SEEALSO::



        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays_recursive import find_construction_3_3
        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays_recursive import construction_3_3
        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays import is_orthogonal_array
        sage: k=11;n=177
        sage: is_orthogonal_array(construction_3_3(*find_construction_3_3(k,n)[1]),k,n,2)
    from orthogonal_arrays import wilson_construction, OA_relabel, incomplete_orthogonal_array
    # Builds an OA(k+i,n) containing a block [0]*(k+i)
    OA = incomplete_orthogonal_array(k+i,n,(1,))
    OA = [[(x+1)%n for x in B] for B in OA]

    # Truncated version
    OA = [B[:k]+[0 if x == 0 else None for x in B[k:]] for B in OA]

    OA = wilson_construction(OA,k,n,m,i,[1]*i,check=False)[:-i]
    matrix = [range(m)+range(n*m,n*m+i)]*k
    assert is_orthogonal_array(OA,k,n*m+i)
    return OA
Beispiel #2
def construction_q_x(k,q,x,check=True):
    Return an `OA(k,(q-1)*(q-x)+x+2)` using the `q-x` construction.

    Let `v=(q-1)*(q-x)+x+2`. If there exists a projective plane of order `q`
    (e.g. when `q` is a prime power) and `0<x<q` then there exists a
    `(v-1,\{q-x-1,q-x+1\})`-GDD of type `(q-1)^{q-x}(x+1)^1` (see [Greig99]_ or
    Theorem 2.50, section IV.2.3 of [DesignHandbook]_). By adding to the ground
    set one point contained in all groups of the GDD, one obtains a
    `(v,\{q-x-1,q-x+1,q,x+2\})`-PBD with exactly one set of size `x+2`.

    Thus, assuming that we have the following:

    - `OA(k,q-x-1)-(q-x-1).OA(k,1)`
    - `OA(k,q-x+1)-(q-x+1).OA(k,1)`
    - `OA(k,q)-q.OA(k,1)`
    - `OA(k,x+2)`

    Then we can build from the PBD an `OA(k,v)`.

    Construction of the PBD (shared by Julian R. Abel):

        Start with a resolvable `(q^2,q,1)`-BIBD and put the points into a `q\times q`
        array so that rows form a parallel class and columns form another.

        Now delete:

        - All `x(q-1)` points from the first `x` columns and not in the first

        - All `q-x` points in the last `q-x` columns AND the first row.

        Then add a point `p_1` to the blocks that are rows. Add a second point
        `p_2` to the `q-x` blocks that are columns of size `q-1`, plus the first
        row of size `x+1`.


    - ``k,q,x`` -- integers such that `0<x<q` and such that Sage can build:

        - A projective plane of order `q`
        - `OA(k,q-x-1)-(q-x-1).OA(k,1)`
        - `OA(k,q-x+1)-(q-x+1).OA(k,1)`
        - `OA(k,q)-q.OA(k,1)`
        - `OA(k,x+2)`

    - ``check`` -- (boolean) Whether to check that output is correct before
      returning it. As this is expected to be useless (but we are cautious
      guys), you may want to disable it whenever you want speed. Set to
      ``True`` by default.

    .. SEEALSO::

        - :func:`find_q_x`
        - :func:`~sage.combinat.designs.block_design.projective_plane`
        - :func:`~sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays.orthogonal_array`
        - :func:`~sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays.OA_from_PBD`


        sage: from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays_recursive import construction_q_x
        sage: _ = construction_q_x(9,16,6)


    .. [Greig99] Designs from projective planes and PBD bases
      Malcolm Greig
      Journal of Combinatorial Designs
      vol. 7, num. 5, pp. 341--374
    from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays import OA_from_PBD
    from sage.combinat.designs.orthogonal_arrays import incomplete_orthogonal_array

    n = (q-1)*(q-x)+x+2

    # We obtain the qxq matrix from a OA(q,q)-q.OA(1,q). We will need to add
    # blocks corresponding to the rows/columns
    OA = incomplete_orthogonal_array(q,q,(1,)*q)
    TD = [[i*q+xx for i,xx in enumerate(B)] for B in OA]

    # Add rows, extended with p1 and p2
    p1 = q**2
    p2 = p1+1
    TD.extend([[ii*q+i for ii in range(q)]+[p1] for i in range(1,q)])
    TD.append( [ii*q   for ii in range(q)]+[p1,p2])

    # Add Columns. We do not add some columns which would have size 1 after we
    # delete points.
    # TD.extend([range(i*q,(i+1)*q) for i in range(x)])
    TD.extend([range(i*q,(i+1)*q)+[p2] for i in range(x,q)])

    points_to_delete = set([i*q+j for i in range(x) for j in range(1,q)]+[i*q for i in range(x,q)])
    points_to_keep = set(range(q**2+2))-points_to_delete
    relabel = {i:j for j,i in enumerate(points_to_keep)}

    # PBD is a (n,[q,q-x-1,q-x+1,x+2])-PBD
    PBD = [[relabel[xx] for xx in B if not xx in points_to_delete] for B in TD]

    # Taking the unique block of size x+2
    assert map(len,PBD).count(x+2)==1
    for B in PBD:
        if len(B) == x+2:

    # We call OA_from_PBD without the block of size x+2 as there may not exist a
    # OA(k,x+2)-(x+2).OA(k,1)
    OA = OA_from_PBD(k,(q-1)*(q-x)+x+2,PBD,check=False)

    # Filling the hole
    for xx in B:

    for BB in orthogonal_array(k,x+2):
        OA.append([B[x] for x in BB])

    if check:
        assert is_orthogonal_array(OA,k,n,2)

    return OA