def load_hashes(): ''' Loads icon hashes from ''' assert 'hashes' not in globals() # make sure only called once global hashes global cache_path hashes = {} # save icon hashes on exit wx.GetApp().PreShutdown.append(write_hashes) cache_path = pathjoin(stdpaths.userlocaldata, 'cache') if not pathexists(cache_path): os.makedirs(cache_path) elif pathexists(cache_path): hash_filename = pathjoin(cache_path, ICON_HASH_FILE) if not pathexists(hash_filename):'no icon hash file %r found', hash_filename) else: try: with file(hash_filename, 'rb') as f: hashes = cPickle.load(f) return except Exception: log.critical('error loading icon hashes from %r', hash_filename) print_exc()
def CREATE_DIR(OUTDIR): if not pathexists(pathjoin(OUTDIR)): osmkdir(pathjoin(OUTDIR)) for DIR in ["IdListDIR", "IdListDIR/disease", "IdListDIR/query"]: if not pathexists(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR)): osmkdir(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR))
def collect_batch(imgs,labs,batch_idx=[],imgs_out=[],labs_out=[], outf=None,verbose=0): # collect img_out,lab_out from collection imgs imgshape = imgs[0].shape nbatch = len(batch_idx) if nbatch==0: nbatch = len(labs) batch_idx = range(nbatch) if len(imgs_out)!=nbatch: imgs_out = np.zeros([nbatch]+list(imgshape),dtype=imgs[0].dtype) labs_out = np.zeros([nbatch,labs.shape[1]],dtype=labs[0].dtype) batch_iter = enumerate(batch_idx) if verbose: pmsg = 'Loading %d images into memory'%nbatch pbar = progressbar(pmsg,nbatch) batch_iter = pbar(batch_iter) for i,idx in batch_iter: imgs_out[i] = imgs[idx] labs_out[i] = labs[idx] if outf: outbase,outext = splitext(outf) if len(outext)==0: outext='.npy' outdatf = outbase+'_X'+outext if not pathexists(outdatf):, imgs_out, allow_pickle=False, fix_imports=True) print('saved',outdatf) outlabf = outbase+'_y'+outext if not pathexists(outlabf):, labs_out, allow_pickle=False, fix_imports=True) print('saved',outlabf) return imgs_out,labs_out
def placeArtifact(artifact_file, repo_dirname, org, module, revision, status="release", meta={}, deps=[], supplied_ivy_file=None, scala=None, override=None, override_dir_only=False): if scala is not None: module = module + "_%s" % scala jarmodule = module if override is not None: org, module = override if not override_dir_only: jarmodule = module repo_dir = realpath(repo_dirname) artifact_dir = pathjoin(*[repo_dir] + [org] + [module, revision]) ivyxml_path = pathjoin(artifact_dir, "ivy.xml") artifact_repo_path = pathjoin(artifact_dir, "%s-%s.jar" % (jarmodule, revision)) if not pathexists(artifact_dir): makedirs(artifact_dir) ivyxml_file = open(ivyxml_path, "w") if supplied_ivy_file is None: writeIvyXml(org, module, revision, status, ivyxml_file, meta=meta, deps=deps) else: copyfile(supplied_ivy_file, ivyxml_path) if pathexists(artifact_repo_path): rmfile(artifact_repo_path) symlink(artifact_file, artifact_repo_path)
def edit_file(filename): """Open the filename in the editor. Actually does the whole pattern of opening a temp file. """ _, extension = splitext(filename) from tempfile import mkstemp try: fd, tempfilename = mkstemp(suffix=".conf", text=True) data = CFG_TEMPLATE if pathexists(filename): with open(filename) as srcfd: data = print(os.write(fd, data)) os.close(fd) except Exception as e: print("problem making temp file: " + str(e), file=sys.stderr) else: editor = os.environ.get("VISUAL", os.environ.get("EDITOR", "editor")) try: p = Popen([editor, tempfilename]) p.wait() except Exception as e: print("problem running editor", file=sys.stderr) else: # Copy the temp file in if pathexists(filename): os.remove(filename) os.rename(tempfilename, filename)
def InitConfig(): # BACKUPFILES contains all files and folders to back up, for wildcard entries ALWAYS use eEnv_resolve_multi! BACKUPFILES = ['/etc/enigma2/', '/etc/CCcam.cfg', '/usr/keys/', '/etc/davfs2/', '/etc/tuxbox/config/', '/etc/', '/etc/feeds.xml', '/etc/machine-id', '/etc/rc.local', '/etc/openvpn/', '/etc/ipsec.conf', '/etc/ipsec.secrets', '/etc/ipsec.user', '/etc/strongswan.conf', '/etc/vtuner.conf', '/etc/default/crond', '/etc/dropbear/', '/etc/default/dropbear', '/home/', '/etc/samba/', '/etc/fstab', '/etc/inadyn.conf', '/etc/network/interfaces', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.ath0.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan0.conf', '/etc/wpa_supplicant.wlan1.conf', '/etc/resolv.conf', '/etc/enigma2/nameserversdns.conf', '/etc/default_gw', '/etc/hostname', '/etc/epgimport/', '/etc/exports', '/etc/enigmalight.conf', '/etc/volume.xml', '/etc/enigma2/ci_auth_slot_0.bin', '/etc/enigma2/ci_auth_slot_1.bin', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/VMC/DB/', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/VMC/youtv.pwd', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/VMC/vod.config', '/usr/share/enigma2/MetrixHD/skinparts/', '/usr/share/enigma2/display/skin_display_usr.xml', '/usr/share/enigma2/display/userskin.png', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/SpecialJump/keymap_user.xml', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MP3Browser/db', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/MovieBrowser/db', '/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/TVSpielfilm/db', '/etc/ConfFS', '/etc/rc3.d/', '/usr/bin/', eEnv.resolve("${datadir}/enigma2/keymap.usr"), eEnv.resolve("${datadir}/enigma2/keymap_usermod.xml")]\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${sysconfdir}/opkg/*-secret-feed.conf")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${datadir}/enigma2/*/mySkin_off")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${datadir}/enigma2/*/mySkin")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${datadir}/enigma2/*/skin_user_*.xml")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("/etc/*.emu")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${sysconfdir}/cron*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${sysconfdir}/init.d/softcam*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${sysconfdir}/init.d/cardserver*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("${sysconfdir}/sundtek.*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("/usr/sundtek/*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("/opt/bin/*")\ + eEnv_resolve_multi("/usr/script/*") # Drop non existant paths from list tmpfiles = [] for f in BACKUPFILES: if pathexists(f): tmpfiles.append(f) backupset = tmpfiles config.plugins.configurationbackup = ConfigSubsection() if boxtype in ('maram9', 'classm', 'axodin', 'axodinc', 'starsatlx', 'genius', 'evo', 'galaxym6') and not pathexists( "/media/hdd/backup_%s" % boxtype): config.plugins.configurationbackup.backuplocation = ConfigText( default='/media/backup/', visible_width=50, fixed_size=False) else: config.plugins.configurationbackup.backuplocation = ConfigText( default='/media/hdd/', visible_width=50, fixed_size=False) config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs_default = NoSave( ConfigLocations(default=backupset)) config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs = ConfigLocations( default=[] ) # 'backupdirs_addon' is called 'backupdirs' for backwards compatibility, holding the user's old selection, duplicates are removed during backup config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs_exclude = ConfigLocations( default=[]) return config.plugins.configurationbackup
def main(zipfile, source): '''(str, str) Accepts 2 file paths Returns nothing For each version of source, store code and output on disk in HTML format ''' zipfile = zipfile.replace('.zip', '') zipdir = pathjoin(ziproot, basename(zipfile)) savedir = pathjoin(saveroot, basename(zipfile)) if not isdir(zipdir): makedirs(zipdir) if not isdir(savedir): makedirs(savedir) run([unzip_cmd, '-u', '-o', '-q', '-d', zipdir, zipfile]) # unzip automatically adds extension # run(['chmod', '-R', '777', zipdir]) previous = None for version in sorted(listdir(zipdir)): original = pathjoin(zipdir, version) saves = pathjoin(savedir, version) # overwrite existing if isdir(saves): rmtree(saves) makedirs(saves) # not required compile_output = '' if pathexists(pathjoin(original, compile_snap)): try: compile_output = run([sh_cmd, compile_snap], stdout=PIPE, cwd=original).stdout.decode() except FileNotFoundError: pass # Shouldn't happen but just in case output = '' if pathexists(pathjoin(original, run_snap)): try: output = run([sh_cmd, run_snap], stdout=PIPE, cwd=original).stdout.decode() # output = '\n'.join(i.decode() for i in output) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Shouldn't happen but just in case except OSError as e: output = 'OSError in snap %s\n%s' % (version, e) pygments.highlight(output, BashLexer(), HtmlFormatter(), open(pathjoin(saves, 'output.html'), 'x')) code = ''.join(open(pathjoin(original, source)).readlines()) code = pygments.highlight(code, get_lexer_for_filename(source), HtmlFormatter(), open(pathjoin(saves, 'code.html'), 'x')) # add bolding if previous is not None: diff_result = file_diff(pathjoin(previous, source), pathjoin(original, source)) add_strongs(diff_result, pathjoin(saves, 'code.html')) previous = original
def checkPlugins(self): if pathexists("/tmp/installed-list.txt"): if pathexists("/media/hdd/images/config/noplugins") and config.misc.firstrun.value: self.userRestoreScript() else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.userRestoreScript, installedPlugins) else: self.userRestoreScript()
def fill_venv(repo, cfg=None): """Install packages into the venv. Makes the venv if it needs to. """ venvdir = _get_active_venv(repo) if not venvdir or not pathexists(venvdir): venvdir = make_venv(repo) if cfg is None: cfg = get_config(repo) installed_list = {} # Install each package in the venv venviron = venvdir packages = cfg.items("packages") for package in packages: package_name = package[1] or package[0] # Have you already got installed the version that is being requested if VIRTUALENV_VERSION_PEEKING: if not installed_list: installed_list = _pip_freeze(repo, venvdir) packagespec = PIP_VERSION_RE.match(package_name) if packagespec: if"version") == installed_list["packagename")]: continue # Check whether pip can't install it. if package[0] in FORCE_EASY_INSTALL or package_name in FORCE_EASY_INSTALL: ez_command = "easy_install %s" % package_name ez = _venvsh(repo, venvdir, ez_command) else: # Use pip to install into the venv cmd = "pip install -v" # Some things that you can specify about pip with veh config if (cfg.has_option('pip', 'always-upgrade') and cfg.getboolean('pip', 'always-upgrade')): ## FIXME we've turned this off now we're using pip inside the venv #cmd += ' --upgrade' pass if cfg.has_option("pip", "download-cache"): cachedir = expanduser(cfg.get("pip", "download-cache")) try: if not pathexists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) except: print >>sys.stderr, "%s does not exist but cannot be created" % cachedir else: cmd += " --download-cache=%s" % cachedir pip_command = cmd + " " + package_name pip = _venvsh(repo, venvdir, pip_command)
def fill_venv(repo, cfg=None): """Install packages into the venv. Makes the venv if it needs to. """ venvdir = _get_active_venv(repo) if not venvdir or not pathexists(venvdir): venvdir = make_venv(repo) if cfg is None: cfg = get_config(repo) installed_list = {} # Install each package in the venv venviron = venvdir packages = cfg.items("packages") for package in packages: package_name = package[1] or package[0] # Have you already got installed the version that is being requested if VIRTUALENV_VERSION_PEEKING: if not installed_list: installed_list = _pip_freeze(repo, venvdir) packagespec = PIP_VERSION_RE.match(package_name) if packagespec: if"version") == installed_list["packagename")]: continue # Check whether pip can't install it. if package[0] in FORCE_EASY_INSTALL or package_name in FORCE_EASY_INSTALL: ez_command = "easy_install %s" % package_name ez = _venvsh(repo, venvdir, ez_command) else: # Use pip to install into the venv cmd = "pip install -v" # Some things that you can specify about pip with veh config if (cfg.has_option('pip', 'always-upgrade') and cfg.getboolean('pip', 'always-upgrade')): ## FIXME we've turned this off now we're using pip inside the venv #cmd += ' --upgrade' pass if cfg.has_option("pip", "download-cache"): cachedir = expanduser(cfg.get("pip", "download-cache")) try: if not pathexists(cachedir): os.mkdir(cachedir) except: print("%s does not exist but cannot be created" % cachedir, file=sys.stderr) else: cmd += " --download-cache=%s" % cachedir pip_command = cmd + " " + package_name pip = _venvsh(repo, venvdir, pip_command)
def __copy_file(self, path): color_path = path + self.__path_color codestyle_path = path + self.__path_codestyle keymap_path = path + self.__path_keymap if pathexists(color_path): shcopy(self.__file_color, color_path + self.__file_color) if pathexists(codestyle_path): shcopy(self.__file_codestyle, codestyle_path + self.__file_codestyle) if pathexists(keymap_path): shcopy(self.__file_keymap, keymap_path + self.__file_keymap)
def doBackup(self): self.save_shutdownOK = config.usage.shutdownOK.value config.usage.shutdownOK.setValue(True) try: if config.plugins.softwaremanager.epgcache.value: eEPGCache.getInstance().save() except: pass try: if pathexists(self.backuppath) == False: makedirs(self.backuppath) InitConfig() self.backupdirs = " ".join(f.strip("/") for f in config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs_default.value) for f in config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs.value: if not f.strip("/") in self.backupdirs: self.backupdirs += " " + f.strip("/") if not "tmp/installed-list.txt" in self.backupdirs: self.backupdirs += " tmp/installed-list.txt" if not "tmp/changed-configfiles.txt" in self.backupdirs: self.backupdirs += " tmp/changed-configfiles.txt" if not "tmp/passwd.txt" in self.backupdirs: self.backupdirs += " tmp/passwd.txt" if not "tmp/groups.txt" in self.backupdirs: self.backupdirs += " tmp/groups.txt" ShellCompatibleFunctions.backupUserDB() pkgs = ShellCompatibleFunctions.listpkg(type="user") installed = open("/tmp/installed-list.txt", "w") installed.write('\n'.join(pkgs)) installed.close() cmd2 = "opkg list-changed-conffiles > /tmp/changed-configfiles.txt" cmd3 = "tar -C / -czvf " + self.fullbackupfilename for f in config.plugins.configurationbackup.backupdirs_exclude.value: cmd3 = cmd3 + " --exclude " + f.strip("/") for f in BLACKLISTED: cmd3 = cmd3 + " --exclude " + f.strip("/") cmd3 = cmd3 + " " + self.backupdirs cmd = [cmd2, cmd3] if pathexists(self.fullbackupfilename): dt = str(date.fromtimestamp(stat(self.fullbackupfilename).st_ctime)) self.newfilename = self.backuppath + "/" + dt + '-' + self.backupfile if pathexists(self.newfilename): remove(self.newfilename) rename(self.fullbackupfilename, self.newfilename) if self.finished_cb: self.session.openWithCallback(self.finished_cb, Console, title=_("Backup is running..."), cmdlist=cmd, finishedCallback=self.backupFinishedCB, closeOnSuccess=True) else:, title=_("Backup is running..."), cmdlist=cmd, finishedCallback=self.backupFinishedCB, closeOnSuccess=True) except OSError: if self.finished_cb: self.session.openWithCallback(self.finished_cb, MessageBox, _("Sorry, your backup destination is not writeable.\nPlease select a different one."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=10) else: self.session.openWithCallback(self.backupErrorCB, MessageBox, _("Sorry, your backup destination is not writeable.\nPlease select a different one."), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, timeout=10)
def main(): versions = get_versions() latest = versions[0] if pathexists(pathjoin("./patch", latest['ver'])): print("No updates!") return 0 else: workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() print("Work Directory:{0}".format(workdir)) latest_file, _ = download_apk(latest, workdir) lastest_d_path = pathjoin(workdir, latest["ver"]) for item in range(1, len(versions)): if pathexists(pathjoin("./patch", item['ver'])): break else: print("Nothing Comparable!") # clean up # 1. delete latest_file 2. delete workdir return 1 cmpver = item cmpver_file, _ = download_apk(cmpver, workdir) cmpver_d_path = pathjoin(workdir, cmpver["ver"]) apktool_file, _ = download_apktool(workdir) ret =[ "java", "-jar", apktool_file, "d", "-f", "-o", lastest_d_path, latest_file ]) if ret != 0: print("Decompiled Error!") # cleanup return 1 ret =[ "java", "-jar", apktool_file, "d", "-f", "-o", cmpver_d_path, cmpver_file ]) if ret != 0: print("Decompiled Error!") # cleanup return 1 cmp_smali_patch = pathjoin("./patch", cmpver["ver"], "smali.patch") noticing_smali = get_noticing_smali(cmp_smali_patch) if not check_stable(noticing_smali, lastest_d_path, cmpver_d_path): # cleanup return 1 latest_lib_path = pathjoin(lastest_d_path, "lib") latest_lib_kai_path = pathjoin(lastest_d_path, "lib_kai") copytree(latest_lib_path, latest_lib_kai_path) # for loop # make patch/latest dir and copy cmp_smali_patch & generate so patch pass
def check_stable(noticing_smali, lastest_d_path, cmpver_d_path): for smali in noticing_smali: dst = pathjoin(lastest_d_path, smali) src = pathjoin(cmpver_d_path, smali) if not pathexists(dst) or not pathexists(src): return False with open(dst, "r") as f1: content1 = with open(src, "r") as f2: content2 = if content2 != content1: return False return True
def on_match(m): url = if url: src = pathjoin(source_root, url.lstrip('/')) if pathexists(src): _, ext = os.path.splitext(src) hash = hashlib.md5(src).hexdigest() relpath = pathjoin(os.path.basename(source_root), hash) + ext dst = pathjoin(MEDIA_ROOT, relpath) if not pathexists(os.path.dirname(dst)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(dst)) shutil.copyfile(src, dst) url = pathjoin(MEDIA_URL, relpath) return url
def __init__(self, config_map=None, environ=None, default_config=None): if config_map is None: config_map = DEFAULT_CONFIG_MAP if environ is None: environ = os.environ if default_config is None: default_config = DEFAULT_CONFIG_MAP self.environ = environ config = ConfigParser() if isinstance(config_map, str): self.path = path = config_map with Pfx(path): read_ok = False if pathexists(path): try: except OSError as e: error("read error: %s", e) else: read_ok = True else: warning("missing config file") if not read_ok: warning("falling back to default configuration") config.read_dict(default_config) else: self.path = None config.read_dict(config_map) = config self._clause_stores = {} # clause_name => Result->Store self._lock = Lock()
def choose(basepath, preferred_indexclass=None): ''' Choose an indexclass from a `basepath` with optional preferred indexclass. This prefers an existing index if present. ''' global _CLASSES # pylint: disable=global-statement global _BY_NAME # pylint: disable=global-statement if preferred_indexclass is not None: if isinstance(preferred_indexclass, str): indexname = preferred_indexclass try: preferred_indexclass = _BY_NAME[indexname] except KeyError: warning("ignoring unknown indexclass name %r", indexname) preferred_indexclass = None indexclasses = list(_CLASSES) if preferred_indexclass: indexclasses.insert((preferred_indexclass.NAME, preferred_indexclass)) # look for a preexisting index for indexname, indexclass in indexclasses: if not indexclass.is_supported(): continue indexpath = indexclass.pathof(basepath) if pathexists(indexpath): return indexclass # otherwise choose the first supported index for indexname, indexclass in indexclasses: if not indexclass.is_supported(): continue return indexclass raise ValueError( "no supported index classes available: tried %r" % (indexclasses,) )
def get_config(repo, rev=None): """Get the config from the veh root. Using a specified rev only works on Mercurial repos right now.""" if not rev: repo_root = find_root_with_file(".veh.conf", repo) cfgfile = os.path.join(repo_root, '.veh.conf') if not pathexists(cfgfile): raise ConfigMissing(cfgfile) with open(cfgfile) as fd: cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.readfp(fd, '.veh.conf') return cfg else: # This obviously needs fixing to be DVCS agnostic from mercurial import hg, ui, error # NOTE: rev = None in the mercurial api will give you the working dir. u = ui.ui() try: repo = hg.repository(u, repo) except error.RepoError, e: # repo not found raise try: cfgdata = repo[rev]['.veh.conf'].data() except error.RepoLookupError, e: # revision not found raise
def test_reload(self): """Ensure reload command is run (instead of HUP) when provided.""" reload = '/bin/touch %s' % self.sig with ReloadConf(self.dir, self.file, '/bin/sleep 1', reload=reload) as rc: rc.poll() # Command should now be running. self.assertTrue(rc.check_command()) self.assertFalse(pathexists(self.sig)) # Write out "config" file. with open(pathjoin(self.dir, basename(self.file)), 'wb') as f: f.write(b'foo') # Reload command should be executed. rc.poll() time.sleep(0.1) self.assertTrue(pathexists(self.sig))
def _genSrt(self): with open(self.outPath, 'wt') as fp: idx = -1 for index, chunk in enumerate(self.chunks): text = chunk.text.strip().strip('。').strip() if not text: continue fpath = splitext(chunk.fpath)[0] + '-zh.txt' text_zh = '' if pathexists(fpath): with open(fpath, 'rt') as fp_zh: text_zh = idx += 1 hour, minute, sec, ms = self.parseHourMinuteSecondMs( chunk.start) hour_e, minute_e, sec_e, ms_e = self.parseHourMinuteSecondMs( chunk.end) fp.write('%s\n' % (idx + 1)) fp.write( '%02d:%02d:%02d,%03d --> %02d:%02d:%02d,%03d\n' % (hour, minute, sec, ms, hour_e, minute_e, sec_e, ms_e)) if text_zh: fp.write(text_zh) else: fp.write(text) fp.write('\n\n') print('gen srt: %s' % self.outPath)
def initialScript(self): ''' @return: QString ''' if not self._loaded: self.loadSettings() if not self._regenerateScript: return self._initialScript self._regenerateScript = False self._initialScript = '' pages = [] for page in self._pages: imgSource = self._genFileNameByUrl(page.url) if not pathexists(imgSource): imgSource = 'qrc:html/loading.gif' if not page.isValid(): imgSource = '' else: imgSource = gVar.appTools.pixmapToDataUrl(QPixmap(imgSource)).toString() map_ = {} map_['url'] = page.url map_['title'] = page.title map_['img'] = imgSource pages.append(map_) self._initialScript = jdumps(pages) return self._initialScript
def work(self): moduleHPaths = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.rootdir): for fname in files: if fname.startswith('Module') and fname.endswith('.h'): moduleHPaths.append(pathjoin(root, fname)) genMap = OrderedDict() for fpath in moduleHPaths: genMap[fpath] = self.parseHFileFuncInfos(fpath) allFuncInfos = [] chunks = [] for fpath, funcInfos in genMap.items(): outPath = pathjoin('gen', basename(fpath)) chunk = self.genFileChunk(fpath, funcInfos, outPath) chunks.append(chunk) allFuncInfos.extend(funcInfos) allFuncInfos.sort(key=lambda x: x['szName'].upper()) fileContent = self.genFile(chunks, allFuncInfos) if not pathexists('src/gen'): os.makedirs('src/gen') with open('src/gen/ModulesGen.h', 'wt') as fp: fp.write(fileContent)
def array2img(outf,img,mapinfostr=None,bandnames=None,**kwargs): outhdrf = outf+'.hdr' if pathexists(outf) and not kwargs.pop('overwrite',False): warn('unable to save array: file "%s" exists and overwrite=False'%outf) return img = np.atleast_3d(img) outmeta = dict(samples=img.shape[1], lines=img.shape[0], bands=img.shape[2], interleave='bip') outmeta['file type'] = 'ENVI' outmeta['byte order'] = 0 outmeta['header offset'] = 0 outmeta['data type'] = envitypecode(img.dtype) if mapinfostr: outmeta['map info'] = mapinfostr if bandnames: outmeta['band names'] = '{%s}'%", ".join(bandnames) outmeta['data ignore value'] = -9999 outimg = createimg(outhdrf,outmeta) outmm = openimgmm(outimg,writable=True) outmm[:] = img outmm = None # flush output to disk print('saved %s array to %s'%(str(img.shape),outf))
def download_from_url(url, dest_file): """ Attempt to download file specified by url to 'dest_file' Raises: WrongFileTypeException when content-type is not in the supported types or cannot be derived from the URL FileExceptionsException If the filename (derived from the URL) already exists in the destination directory. HTTPError ... """ # Don't download files multiple times! if pathexists(dest_file): raise FileExistsException('URL [%s] already downloaded.' % url) response = request(url) info = actual_url = response.url if actual_url == '': raise HTTPError(actual_url, 404, "Imgur suggests the image was removed", None, None) # Work out file type either from the response or the url. if 'content-type' in list(info.keys()): filetype = info['content-type'] elif url.endswith('.jpg') or url.endswith('.jpeg'): filetype = 'image/jpeg' elif url.endswith('.png'): filetype = 'image/png' elif url.endswith('.gif'): filetype = 'image/gif' elif url.endswith('.mp4'): filetype = 'video/mp4' elif url.endswith('.webm'): filetype = 'video/webm' else: filetype = 'unknown' # Only try to download acceptable image types if filetype not in ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'video/webm', 'video/mp4']: raise WrongFileTypeException('WRONG FILE TYPE: %s has type: %s!' % (url, filetype)) filedata = filehandle = open(dest_file, 'wb') filehandle.write(filedata) filehandle.close() #converting png to jpg so that images can be trained in CNN if filetype == 'image/png': im = im_jpg = im.convert('RGB')'.')[0] + '.jpg')
def guess(update, context): quest = propose_image_to_guess( if not quest: return, text=f"Sorry, no images for you to guess", reply_markup=config.keyboard.action) qid, _, img_code, association, user_name = quest tile_ids, gt = image.from_repr(img_code) imset_name = f"{len(gt)}/{len(tile_ids)}" imset = get_imset(imset_name) if imset.shape[0] * imset.shape[1] != len(tile_ids): return, text=f"Something went wrong", reply_markup=config.keyboard.action) fname = image.guess_imagename(tile_ids) if not pathexists(fname): fname = image.generate_image(tile_ids, imset.shape) context.chat_data['guess'] = { 'qid': qid, 'tile_ids': img_code, 'gt': gt, 'guess': [] } caption = f"{user_name} says “{association} {len(gt)}”" keyboard = config.keyboard.get(imset_name, config.keyboard.empty), photo=open(fname, 'rb'), caption=caption, reply_markup=keyboard)
def get_file_type(text): if not pathexists(text): # FIXME: Real test for URL here return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_URL if isdir(text): return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_FOLDER if not isfile(text) and not islink(text): return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_DOCUMENT filename = text # Sample file contents with open(filename, "r") as fd: sample = # Guess if it's executable can_execute = False content_type = None try: content_type = gio.content_type_guess( filename, sample, want_uncertain=False ) # IGNORE:E1101 @UndefinedVariable Keep PyLint and PyDev happy can_execute = gio.content_type_can_be_executable( content_type ) # IGNORE:E1101 @UndefinedVariable Keep PyLint and PyDev happy except Exception as e: logging.error("Error guessing file type: %s", e) if not can_execute: if os.access(filename, os.X_OK): return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_EXECUTABLE if can_execute and os.access(filename, os.X_OK): return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_EXECUTABLE return shortcuts.SHORTCUT_TYPE_DOCUMENT
def load_config(config_path, config={}): if not pathexists(config_path): sys.stderr.write('Can not get config file %s\n' % config_path) else: with open(config_path) as fp: item = jloads( config.update(item)
def get_imagemap(imgid,hdr_path,hdr_pattern,verbose=False): import os from glob import glob from os.path import join as pathjoin, exists as pathexists, splitext if not pathexists(hdr_path): warn('hdr_path "%s" not found'%hdr_path) return None # remove .hdr from suffix if it's there hdr_files = glob(pathjoin(hdr_path,hdr_pattern)) msgtup=(imgid,hdr_path,hdr_pattern) if len(hdr_files)==0: warn('No hdr for "%s" in "%s" matching pattern "%s"'%msgtup) return None hdrf = hdr_files[0] if len(hdr_files)>1: hdrf = None for hdr_file in hdr_files: if imgid in hdr_file: hdrf = hdr_file break if not hdrf: warn('No hdr for "%s" in "%s" matching pattern "%s"'%msgtup) return None msg = 'Multiple .hdr files for "%s" in "%s" matching pattern "%s"'%msgtup msg += ', using file "%s"'%hdrf warn(msg) imgf = hdrf.replace('.hdr','') imgmap = mapinfo(openimg(imgf,hdrf=hdrf),astype=dict) imgmap['rotation'] = -imgmap['rotation'] return imgmap
def do_cat(self, arg): """Cat the veh config file""" root = self._getroot() cfgfile = "%s/.veh.conf" % root if pathexists(cfgfile): with open(cfgfile) as fd: cfgcontent = sys.stdout.write(cfgcontent)
def startDelete(self, ret=False): if ret == True: self.exe = True print("removing:", self.val) if pathexists(self.val) == True: remove(self.val) self.exe = False self.fill_list()
def compute_mean(X_train,X_test,meanf): if pathexists(meanf): return loadmat(meanf)['mean_image'] mean_image = np.sum(X_train,axis=0)+np.sum(X_test,axis=0) mean_image /= X_train.shape[0]+X_test.shape[0] savemat({'mean_image':mean_image},meanf) return mean_image
def getFileName(self, path): if isfile(path): return basename(path) if isdir(path): return '' if pathexists(dirname(path)): return basename(path) return ''
def _parse_key(key): if not key: return if pathexists(key): key = open(key, 'rb').read() return key
def _updateCurrentProfile(self): ''' @brief: update profile by version ''' profileDir = DataPaths.currentProfilePath() if not pathexists(profileDir): makedirs(profileDir) versionFile = pathjoin(profileDir, 'version') if pathexists(versionFile): with open(versionFile, 'rt') as fp: profileVersion = self._updateProfile(const.VERSION, profileVersion.strip()) else: self._copyDataToProfile() with open(versionFile, 'wt') as fp: fp.write(const.VERSION)
def venv(repo, cfg=None): """Make the repos venv""" venvdir = _get_active_venv(repo) if not venvdir or not pathexists(venvdir): fill_venv(repo, cfg=cfg) venvdir = _get_active_venv(repo) return venvdir
def testUnpackZipCond(self): bctx = BuildContext("tests/pccts/pspec.xml") url = uri.URI(bctx.spec.source.archive.uri) targetDir = bctx.pkg_work_dir() filePath = join(ctx.config.archives_dir(), url.filename()) # check cached if util.sha1_file(filePath) != bctx.spec.source.archive.sha1sum: fetch = fetcher.Fetcher(bctx.spec.source.archive.uri, targetDir) fetch.fetch() assert bctx.spec.source.archive.type == "zip" achv = archive.Archive(filePath, bctx.spec.source.archive.type) achv.unpack_files(["pccts/history.txt"], targetDir) assert pathexists(targetDir + "/pccts") testfile = targetDir + "/pccts/history.txt" assert pathexists(testfile)
def get_object_api_doc(name_or_path): """returns the epydoc parse-only APIDoc object for the python file or object""" if pathexists(name_or_path): return parse_docs(filename=name_or_path) else: if valid_dotted_name(name_or_path): return parse_docs(name=name_or_path) raise IOError("No such file %s" % name_or_path)
def testUnpackZipCond(self): spec = SpecFile("tests/pccts/pspec.xml") targetDir = '/tmp' achv = sourcearchive.SourceArchive(spec, targetDir) url = uri.URI(spec.source.archive.uri) filePath = join(ctx.config.archives_dir(), url.filename()) # check cached if util.sha1_file(filePath) != spec.source.archive.sha1sum: fetch = fetcher.Fetcher(spec.source.archive.uri, targetDir) fetch.fetch() assert spec.source.archive.type == "zip" achv = archive.Archive(filePath, spec.source.archive.type) achv.unpack_files(["pccts/history.txt"], targetDir) assert pathexists(targetDir + "/pccts") testfile = targetDir + "/pccts/history.txt" assert pathexists(testfile)
def testUnpackZip(self): spec = SpecFile("tests/pccts/pspec.xml") targetDir = '/tmp/pisitest' assert spec.source.archive.type == "zip" achv = sourcearchive.SourceArchive(spec, targetDir) achv.fetch(interactive=False) achv.unpack(clean_dir=True) assert pathexists(targetDir + "/pccts") testfile = targetDir + "/pccts/history.txt" assert pathexists(testfile) # check file integrity self.assertEqual(util.sha1_file(testfile), "f2be0f9783e84e98fe4e2b8201a8f506fcc07a4d")
def edit(repo): """Edit the veh config file Opens VISUAL on the veh config file.""" cfgfile = "%s/.veh.conf" % repo if pathexists(cfgfile): edit_file(cfgfile) else: print >>sys.stderr, "%s does not exist" % cfgfile
def doesfileexist(_filename: str) -> bool: """Test that the specified file exists""" if not pathexists(_filename) or not isfile(_filename): return False if isdir(_filename): return False if not fileaccess(_filename, R_OK): return False return True
def testUnpackZip(self): bctx = BuildContext("tests/pccts/pspec.xml") assert bctx.spec.source.archive.type == "zip" achv = sourcearchive.SourceArchive(bctx) achv.fetch(interactive=False) achv.unpack(clean_dir=True) targetDir = bctx.pkg_work_dir() assert pathexists(targetDir + "/pccts") testfile = targetDir + "/pccts/history.txt" assert pathexists(testfile) # check file integrity self.assertEqual(util.sha1_file(testfile), "f2be0f9783e84e98fe4e2b8201a8f506fcc07a4d")
def do_check(self, arg): """Report whether the repository has an associated veh. """ root = self._getroot() vehenv = _get_active_venv(root) if vehenv and pathexists(vehenv): print root else: return 1
def _loadcookies(): """ Load cookies from COOKIE_FILE in to `session`. """ if not pathexists(COOKIE_FILE): return with file(COOKIE_FILE, 'r') as f: cookiedict = json.loads( session.cookies = requests.cookies.cookiejar_from_dict(cookiedict)
def get_app_data(path, ensure_root_exists=True): fpath = pathjoin(APPLICATION_DATA_ROOT, path) if ensure_root_exists: if fpath.endswith('/'): root = fpath else: root = dirname(fpath) if not pathexists(root): os.makedirs(root) return fpath
def get_config(repo, rev=None): """Get the config from the veh root. We try and work out what version control system is being used from the location of the veh config file. We currently only support Mercurial and GIT. The veh.conf MUST exist in the file system though we might read a completly different version of course.""" repo_root = find_root_with_file(".veh.conf", repo) cfgfile = os.path.join(repo_root, '.veh.conf') if not pathexists(cfgfile): raise ConfigMissing(cfgfile) if not rev: with open(cfgfile) as fd: cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.readfp(fd, '.veh.conf') return cfg else: # FIXME: Moar DVCS! Moar! repo_command = None if pathexists(os.path.join(repo_root, ".git")): repo_command = "git show %(rev)s:%(path)s" % { "rev": rev, "path": path } elif pathexists(os.path.join(repo_root, ".hg")): repo_command = "hg cat -r %(rev)s %(path)s" % { "rev": rev, "path": path } if repo_command: # FIXE we need to mark that this is a verion problem? raise ConfigMissing(cfgfile) cfgdata = subprocess.check_output(repo_command.split(" ")) cfg = ConfigParser() cfg.readfp(StringIO(cfgdata), '.veh.conf') return cfg
def init_clf(X_train,y_train,trainfn,clf_file,**kwargs): from os.path import exists as pathexists retrain = kwargs.pop('retrain',False) if not pathexists(clf_file) or retrain: clf = trainfn(X_train,y_train,**kwargs) _ = save_classifier(clf,clf_file) else: clf = load_classifier(clf_file) return clf
def load_file_cache(obj, user=False): cache_path = get_obj_cache_path(obj, user) # If this object has never been cached, return an empty dict if not pathexists(cache_path): return None # Read in, decompress, unpickle, and return. with file(cache_path, 'rb') as f: return
def download_from_url(url, dest_file): """ Attempt to download file specified by url to 'dest_file' Raises: WrongFileTypeException when content-type is not in the supported types or cannot be derived from the URL FileExceptionsException If the filename (derived from the URL) already exists in the destination directory. HTTPError ... """ # Don't download files multiple times! if pathexists(dest_file): raise FileExistsException('URL [%s] already downloaded.' % url) response = request(url) info = actual_url = response.url if actual_url == '': raise HTTPError(actual_url, 404, "Imgur suggests the image was removed", None, None) # Work out file type either from the response or the url. if 'content-type' in info.keys(): filetype = info['content-type'] elif url.endswith('.jpg') or url.endswith('.jpeg'): filetype = 'image/jpeg' elif url.endswith('.png'): filetype = 'image/png' elif url.endswith('.gif'): filetype = 'image/gif' elif url.endswith('.mp4'): filetype = 'video/mp4' elif url.endswith('.webm'): filetype = 'video/webm' else: filetype = 'unknown' # Only try to download acceptable image types if filetype not in ['image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'video/webm', 'video/mp4']: raise WrongFileTypeException('WRONG FILE TYPE: %s has type: %s!' % (url, filetype)) filedata = filehandle = open(dest_file, 'wb') filehandle.write(filedata) filehandle.close()
def install(repo): """Install a veh config file Opens VISUAL (and EDITOR if it can't find that) with a template. """ # TODO I think this should commit really. For now, it doesn't. # TODO we need to add the line to hgignore for the state file cfgfile = "%s/.veh.conf" % repo if pathexists(cfgfile): raise Exists(cfgfile) edit_file(cfgfile)
def ensurefileexists(_filename: str) -> None: """Ensure that the specified file exists; if not, then raise an exception""" if not pathexists(_filename) or not isfile(_filename): stderr.write(_filename + ': The specified file is non-readable or non-existent!\n') elif isdir(_filename): stderr.write(_filename + ': This "file" is actually a directory!\n') elif not fileaccess(_filename, R_OK): stderr.write(r'Permission Error: Unable to write to "' + _filename + '"!\n') else: return raise SystemExit(1)
def __copy_file(self): for base in self.__base__: for os_path in self.__apps__: __path = self.__home__ + base + os_path if pathexists(__path): for i in range(0, 3): file_path = __path + self.__paths__[i] + self.__files__[i] shcopy(self.__files__[i], file_path) print(file_path)
def convert(plistpath, dest=None): imagepath = re.sub(r'.plist$', '.png', plistpath) plist = readPlist(plistpath) image = if dest and not pathexists(dest): makedirs(dest) for filename, v in plist['frames'].items(): if dest: filename = pathjoin(dest, filename) print 'save', filename convert_each(image, filename, v) print 'done'
def parse_and_download(url): if "comico." not in url: print("url is not or") return titleNo, articleNo = parse_url_for_title_and_episode(url) target_dir = "%s-%s" % (titleNo, articleNo) print("creating directory: %s" % target_dir) if not pathexists(target_dir): mkdir(target_dir) assert isdir(target_dir) image_urls = parse_image_url(url) for img_url in image_urls: download_into(target_dir, img_url, url)
def save_file_cache(obj, data, user=False): if not getattr(obj, '_disk_cacheable', True): return cache_path = get_obj_cache_path(obj, user) # Ensure that the location for the cache file exists. cache_head = pathsplit(cache_path)[0] if not pathexists(cache_head): os.makedirs(cache_head) # Pickle, compress, and write out. with file(cache_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(data)
def run_extraction(conf, artifact2extraction, resdir): """ Runs the extraction process for the list of given parameters. :param conf: the Codeface configuration object :param artifact2extraction: a list of pairs (kind of artifact to extract, extraction-process name); e.g., [('Feature', 'author2feature')] :param resdir: the Codeface results dir, where output files are written """"%s: Extracting data" % conf["project"]) # initialize database manager with given configuration dbm = DBManager(conf) # get setting for current combination project = conf["project"] project_resdir = conf["repo"] revs = conf["revisions"] tagging = conf["tagging"] project_resdir = pathjoin(resdir, project_resdir, tagging) # for all revisions of this project for i in range(len(revs) - 1): start_rev = revs[i] end_rev = revs[i + 1] # print (project, tagging, kind, start_rev, end_rev) # results directory for current revision range_resdir = pathjoin(project_resdir, "{0}-{1}".format(start_rev, end_rev)) if not pathexists(range_resdir): makedirs(range_resdir) # get the list of authors in this project get_list_of_authors(dbm, project, range_resdir) # for all kinds of artifacts that have been analyzed for the current tagging for (artifact, extraction) in artifact2extraction:"%s: Extracting data: %s" % (conf["project"], extraction)) # extract the author--artifact list get_artifacts_per_author(dbm, project, tagging, extraction, end_rev, artifact, range_resdir) # get co-changed artifacts (= artifacts per commit) get_cochanged_artifacts(dbm, project, tagging, end_rev, artifact, range_resdir) # extract mailing-list analysis (associated with proximity/feature projects!) if tagging == 'proximity' or tagging == 'feature':"%s: Extracting mailing network for version '%s'" % (conf["project"], end_rev)) get_mailing_authors(dbm, project, tagging, end_rev, range_resdir)