Beispiel #1
def _find_obs_pkg(bs, pkg, src_project):
    # probably OBS package name is different from src rpm name
    # use obs search api to find the owner
    from osc import core
    # api call path
    path = 'published/binary/id'
    # search predicate
    predicate = "(@name = '%s') and path/@project='%s'" % (pkg, src_project)
    kwa = { path : predicate }
    print kwa
    # osc search function wants keyword args
    result =, **kwa )
    # obs search will return results from subprojects as well, so filter further
    filtered = result[path].findall("./binary[@project='%s']" % (src_project))
    if filtered:
        # extract the first package name
        pkg = filtered[0].attrib['package']
        return pkg

        predicate = "(contains(@name , '%s')) and path/@project='%s'" % (pkg, src_project)
        kwa = { path : predicate }
        print kwa
        # osc search function wants keyword args
        result =, **kwa )
        # obs search will return results from subprojects as well, so filter further
        filtered = result[path].findall("./binary[@project='%s']" % (src_project))
        if filtered:
            pkg = filtered[0].attrib['package']
            return pkg
            return None
Beispiel #2
def _find_obs_pkg(bs, pkg, src_project):
    # probably OBS package name is different from src rpm name
    # use obs search api to find the owner
    # api call path
    path = 'published/binary/id'
    # search predicate
    predicate = "(@name = '%s') and path/@project='%s'" % (pkg, src_project)
    kwa = {path: predicate}
    print kwa
    # osc search function wants keyword args
    result =, **kwa)
    # obs search will return results from subprojects as well,
    # so filter further
    filtered = result[path].findall("./binary[@project='%s']" % (src_project))
    if filtered:
        # extract the first package name
        pkg = filtered[0].attrib['package']
        return pkg

        predicate = "(contains(@name , '%s')) and path/@project='%s'" % (
            pkg, src_project)
        kwa = {path: predicate}
        print kwa
        # osc search function wants keyword args
        result =, **kwa)
        # obs search will return results from subprojects as well,
        # so filter further
        filtered = result[path].findall("./binary[@project='%s']" %
        if filtered:
            pkg = filtered[0].attrib['package']
            return pkg
            return None
 def remove_obsoleted_develtag(self, project, package):
     xpath = {
         'package': "@project='%s' and devel/@project=@project and devel/@package='%s'" % (project, package),
     collection = search(self.api.apiurl, **xpath)['package']
     for pkg in collection.findall('package'):
         set_devel_project(self.api.apiurl, project, pkg.attrib['name'], devprj=None)
Beispiel #4
def project_attribute_list(apiurl, attribute, value=None):
    xpath = 'attribute/@name="{}"'.format(attribute)
    if value is not None:
        xpath += '="{}"'.format(value)

    root = search(apiurl, project=xpath)['project']
    for project in root.findall('project'):
        yield project.get('name')
Beispiel #5
def project_attribute_list(apiurl, attribute, value=None):
    xpath = 'attribute/@name="{}"'.format(attribute)
    if value is not None:
        xpath += '="{}"'.format(value)

    root = search(apiurl, project=xpath)['project']
    for project in root.findall('project'):
        yield project.get('name')
Beispiel #6
def project_remote_list(apiurl):
    remotes = {}

    root = search(apiurl, project='starts-with(remoteurl, "http")')['project']
    for project in root.findall('project'):
        # Strip ending /public as the only use-cases for manually checking
        # remote projects is to query them directly to use an API that does not
        # work over the interconnect. As such /public will have same problem.
        remotes[project.get('name')] = re.sub('/public$', '', project.find('remoteurl').text)

    return remotes
Beispiel #7
def project_remote_list(apiurl):
    remotes = {}

    root = search(apiurl, project='starts-with(remoteurl, "http")')['project']
    for project in root.findall('project'):
        # Strip ending /public as the only use-cases for manually checking
        # remote projects is to query them directly to use an API that does not
        # work over the interconnect. As such /public will have same problem.
        remotes[project.get('name')] = re.sub('/public$', '',

    return remotes
Beispiel #8
def _get_submit_reqs(new_prjs, old_prjs):

    reqs = {
        "incoming": [],
        "in progress": [],
        "outgoing": [],
    for apiurl, prjs in new_prjs:
        bs = buildservice.BuildService(apiurl=str(apiurl))
        actions = ["(action/target/@project='%s'" % prj for prj in prjs]
        reqs["incoming"] =
            request="(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review') and %s)" %

    for apiurl, prjs in old_prjs:
        bs = buildservice.BuildService(apiurl=str(apiurl))
        actions = ["(action/source/@project='%s'" % prj for prj in prjs]
        reqs["outgoing"] =
            request="(state/@name='new' or state/@name='review') and %s)" %

    return reqs
Beispiel #9
def check(apiurl,
          threshold=2 * 3600,
    queries = {'request': {'limit': 1000, 'withfullhistory': 1}}
    xpath = 'state[@name="new"] or state[@name="review"]'

    if entity == 'staging-bot':
        xpath = xpath_join(
            'review[starts-with(@by_project, "openSUSE:") and @state="new"]',
        xpath = xpath_join(xpath, 'history/@who="{}"'.format(entity), op='and')

        requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']
        for request in requests:
            age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
            request_debug(request, age, threshold)

            if age <= threshold:
                return True

        return False

    xpath = xpath_join(xpath,
                       'review[@by_{}="{}" and @state="new"]'.format(
                           entity_type, entity),
    requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']

    print_debug('{:,} requests'.format(len(requests)))
    if not len(requests):
        # Could check to see that a review has been performed in the last week.
        return True

    all_comment = True
    for request in requests:
        kwargs = {}
        if comment == 'project':
            # Would be a lot easier with lxml, but short of reparsing or monkey.
            for review in request.findall('review[@by_project]'):
                if review.get('by_project').startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    kwargs['project_name'] = review.get('by_project')
            # TODO repo-checker will miss stagings where delete only problem so
            # comment on request, but should be fixed by #1084.
        elif comment:
            kwargs['request_id'] = request.get('id')

        age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
        request_debug(request, age, threshold)
        comment_age = check_comment(apiurl, bot, **kwargs)
        if comment_age:
            if comment_age <= threshold:
                print_debug('comment found below threshold')
                return True
        elif age > threshold:
            print_debug('no comment found and above threshold')
            all_comment = False
            if threshold_require:
                return False
            print_debug('no comment found, but below threshold')

    print_debug('all comments: {}'.format(all_comment))
    return all_comment
def check(apiurl, entity, entity_type='group', comment=False, bot=None,
          threshold=2 * 3600, threshold_require=True):
    queries = {'request': {'limit': 1000, 'withfullhistory': 1}}
    xpath = 'state[@name="new"] or state[@name="review"]'

    if entity == 'staging-bot':
        xpath = xpath_join(
            xpath, 'review[starts-with(@by_project, "openSUSE:") and @state="new"]', op='and')
        xpath = xpath_join(
            xpath, 'history/@who="{}"'.format(entity), op='and')

        requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']
        for request in requests:
            age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
            request_debug(request, age, threshold)

            if age <= threshold:
                return True

        return False

    xpath = xpath_join(
        xpath, 'review[@by_{}="{}" and @state="new"]'.format(entity_type, entity), op='and')
    requests = search(apiurl, queries, request=xpath)['request']

    print_debug('{:,} requests'.format(len(requests)))
    if not len(requests):
        # Could check to see that a review has been performed in the last week.
        return True

    all_comment = True
    for request in requests:
        kwargs = {}
        if comment == 'project':
            # Would be a lot easier with lxml, but short of reparsing or monkey.
            for review in request.findall('review[@by_project]'):
                if review.get('by_project').startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    kwargs['project_name'] = review.get('by_project')
            # TODO repo-checker will miss stagings where delete only problem so
            # comment on request, but should be fixed by #1084.
        elif comment:
            kwargs['request_id'] = request.get('id')

        age = request_age(request).total_seconds()
        request_debug(request, age, threshold)
        comment_age = check_comment(apiurl, bot, **kwargs)
        if comment_age:
            if comment_age <= threshold:
                print_debug('comment found below threshold')
                return True
        elif age > threshold:
            print_debug('no comment found and above threshold')
            all_comment = False
            if threshold_require:
                return False
            print_debug('no comment found, but below threshold')

    print_debug('all comments: {}'.format(all_comment))
    return all_comment