Beispiel #1
def web_create_game():
    Called when the user wants to create a new game.

    Request Fields:
        name (str):
            The publicly displayed name of the `Game` we want to create.

        join_code (str):
            The password to join the `Game` we want to create.

        If successful, this function will return the URL to the lobby (and
        later, gameplay) of the new `Game`. If not, we return an error header
        with a message stating what went wrong in the body.

    # Declare global variables

    from interstellarage import current_user
    user = current_user()

    if user is None:
        return "Not logged in", 400

    # Get the given join code and name.
    join_code = request.form['join_code']
    name = request.form['name']
    assert len(join_code) in irange(MIN_JOINCODE_LENGTH, MAX_JOINCODE_LENGTH)
    assert len(name) in irange(MIN_NAME_LENGTH, MAX_NAME_LENGTH)

    # Ensure that the faction code looks good
    faction_code = int(request.form['faction'])
    # TODO

    # Create the game and add the player who made it.
    new_game = Game(name, join_code)
    new_game.add_user(user, faction_code, creator=True)

    # Return the URL
    return "/game/{0}".format(str(new_game.unique))
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, game, generate=False):
        Not only is this the constructor for the `Galaxy` class, this also will
        generate a random `Galaxy` if and only if the correct and precise
        keyword arguments are passed in (hint: to generate a `Galaxy`, set
        `generate` to `True`).

            game (Game):
                The `Game` which this `Galaxy` will be used for.

        Keyword Args:
            generate (boolean):
                Set to `True` if this `Galaxy` is to be generated at random.

            It is the responsibility of the caller of this constructor to save
            this galaxy to disk.

        # Assign attributes. = game

        # Escape gase.
        if not generate:

        # Declare global variables.
        global GALAXY_START_JSON

        global GALAXY_LENGTH
        global GALAXY_WIDTH
        global GALAXY_HEIGHT

        global STARS_PER_CUBIC_LY

        # Open the JSON
        import os
        current_directory = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        json_f = open(current_directory+GALAXY_START_JSON)
        json_contents =
        data = json.loads(json_contents)

        # Append default systems.
        for system in data:
            # Parse the system dict and assign the system object a unique ID.
            self._system_unique_counter += 1
            system_obj = system_lib.system_from_dict(system, game)
            system_obj.unique = self._system_unique_counter
            system_obj.galaxy = self

            # Assign the planets of this system unique identifiers
            system_planets = system_obj.flat_planets()
            for planet in system_planets:
                self._planet_unique_counter += 1
                planet.unique = self._planet_unique_counter


        # The dimensions of the galaxy.
        adj_dim = lambda x: (x - 1) / 2
        abs_sum = lambda x, y, z: abs(x) + abs(y) + abs(z)
        width = irange(-adj_dim(GALAXY_WIDTH), adj_dim(GALAXY_WIDTH))
        length = irange(-adj_dim(GALAXY_LENGTH), adj_dim(GALAXY_LENGTH))
        height = irange(-adj_dim(GALAXY_HEIGHT), adj_dim(GALAXY_HEIGHT))

        positions = [(x, y, z) for x in width for y in length for z in height]
        in_default_range = lambda x, y, z: (abs_sum(x, y, z) <= gdr)
        in_discover_range = lambda x, y, z: (abs_sum(x, y, z) <= gdr + 4)

        # Loop through the galatic grid. For the positions outside the range of
        # default systems, randomly create new ones.
        generated = 0
        for (x, y, z) in positions:
            if in_default_range(x, y, z):
            elif coinflip(STARS_PER_CUBIC_LY):
                generated += 1
                self._system_unique_counter += 1
                new_sys = self._create_system(x, y, z)
                new_sys.unique = self._system_unique_counter

                if in_discover_range(x, y, z):
                    new_sys.discovered_by = set(game.players)

                # Assign the new planets unique identifiers.
                new_sys_planets = new_sys.flat_planets()
                for planet in new_sys_planets:
                    self._planet_unique_counter += 1
                    planet.unique = self._planet_unique_counter


        # Save to disk
        print "Generated {0} systems".format(str(generated))